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True as an Arrow

Page 2

by Sean Michael

  Arrow: Tall. Broad. Blond. You?

  Sir T: JMT. I’m dressed in leather and it fits like a glove.

  JMT? What the hell did that mean? Hunter flipped over to Google, typed the term in. It gave him a variety of options.

  ‘Jedi Mind Tricks.’

  ‘John Muir Trail.’

  ‘Jamaican Mean Time.’

  ‘Just my type.’

  Just my type—that was it. Cool. He was glad he hadn’t made something up after all—it made it…hotter, that he really was like Sir T’s ‘JMT’.

  Arrow: Leather, huh? Hot. Literally.

  Sir T: U like that. Good. What else do u like?

  Like? Him? Shit. He hadn’t really thought about that when he’d signed on and started talking. The opening image had turned him on, and it was something new and different, so here he was.

  Arrow: Just exploring.

  Sir T: Newb? Cool.

  A new window popped up, Sir T private-messaging him, which meant that only he and Sir T could see this particular conversation. Hunter swallowed and felt heat spreading out from his belly.

  Sir T: U naked?

  Arrow: Just got out of the shower.

  Sir T: Good, Arrow. R u on ur knees?

  On his knees? Wait. What? No, he was not on his knees. His mind flashed back to the picture on the ForMen homepage.

  Arrow: No, I’m sitting on the edge of the bed.

  Sir T: U should be on ur knees.

  Oh, damn. Should that make his cock jump? Sure the picture had, but that was because there was something sexy about a big muscular guy on his knees, not because he’d pictured himself kneeling like that. Right? Right.

  Arrow: Why?

  Sir T: Because I said so. And because u want it.

  Arrow: Okay. Sure. All right.

  He didn’t move, though, because this was too fucking weird. In fact, he had half a mind to just log off and go find a proper porn site so he could get his rocks off and finally get some sleep.

  Sir T: LOL. Come on, Arrow. Do it.

  He grinned, sort of tickled that Sir T had somehow known he wasn’t doing it. Tickled, and maybe a little impressed—and yeah, turned on. More than a little.

  Okay. Okay, who was going to know? Hunter shifted, settled on his knees on the bed, laptop in front of him.

  Arrow: I feel silly.

  Sir T: This ur first time?

  Arrow: Yeah.

  Sir T: And u think it’s silly for a big guy like u to be on ur knees.

  He didn’t say anything about it being because he was big. Should that matter? The truth was, he would feel weird and out of his element even if he’d been short or skinny, or whatever.

  Arrow: Just feel weird.

  Sir T: Ignore that. It’ll be worth it. Arrow. Like ur handle.

  Arrow: Straight shooter, that’s me.

  Sir T: Oh, ur gonna shoot straight. If u do what I say.

  Hunter shivered, shook his head. This was— Was this cheating? Surely not, right? It was just…porn. Interactive porn. Right?

  Sir T: I know ur still there. Big, strong man on his knees. Touch yourself, Arrow. Pinch ur left nipple.

  He touched his nipple then jerked back, shaking his head. He was losing his fucking mind.

  Arrow: I’m still here. What are you doing?

  Sir T: I’m picturing u in my mind. I’m pretending I’m right there. That it’s me pinching that nipple. Do it again. Harder this time.

  Jesus. He actually grunted, fingers closing over his nipple. The sensation shot right through him and straight to his cock and balls.

  Sir T: The other one now.

  Arrow: Am I supposed to tell u I’ve done it or what?

  Sir T: I think ur going to be too busy to type. Pinch both now—I know ur being obedient, because u don’t want this to stop.

  Obedient? Him? No. Still, he pinched both nipples and arched, didn’t he? Oh yeah, he did it. Felt fucking good, too.

  Sir T: U look good like that, Arrow. It’s hot, seeing a big man on his knees, knowing he’s obeying my commands. Touch ur balls now, tug on them some.

  He moaned, fingers on his cock, not his balls. He wanted to get off and this was working big time. He reached his free hand out to hit the keyboard.

  Arrow: K.

  Sir T: I said ur balls, Arrow.

  Hunter blinked then slammed the laptop shut. Fuck. Fuck, how had the guy known? What if the damned webcam had been on and he hadn’t known it? His heart was slamming in his chest and he put the computer in the drawer in the nightstand, turned off the light.


  And also, fuck.

  He’d lost his mind.

  He spent the next hour staring up at the ceiling, willing his swollen cock to go down.

  Chapter Three

  Sir T logged off and shut down his computer, chuckling. He’d bet his best leather pants that Arrow was not just a newbie to online sex, but a D/s newbie as well. Delicious.

  He leaned back in his chair, hand on his cock, and let his eyes drift closed. He could see Arrow there, the man on his knees, all strong thighs and ribbed abdomen, broad shoulders, muscled back. On his knees for Sir T. Doing everything he ordered.


  Having a man like that at your command was intoxicating.

  In the scene unfolding in his mind, T told Arrow to cup the heavy balls, the thick erection wanting attention but not getting it. He told Arrow to finger himself, the big body all twisted as Arrow strove to do what he was told.

  The Arrow T pictured didn’t bottom often, maybe not ever, but he would for T. One finger became two, the man’s thick, hard cock leaking at the tip, drop after drop of pre-cum proving just how much Arrow was getting off on what T was making him do.

  Sir T’s own cock was leaking as he jacked himself, but all his focus was on the stud dancing on his own fingers in T’s mind.

  Arrow would beg Sir T to let him touch the needy cock, but Sir T would just shake his head. “No.” The single word was the only sound in the room aside from the slap of his hand on his flesh.

  “Three fingers.” He got the words out and palmed his balls. He was close. So was Arrow. “Deep,” he added.

  Arrow arched, pushing those fingers in as far as he could, and spunk fountained out of the big man’s cock, his shocked cry all Sir T needed to achieve his own climax.

  He came, grunting and jerking in his chair.

  Fuck, yeah.

  Arrow would be back. T was sure of it.

  He couldn’t wait.

  * * * *

  Three days later, it was midnight and Hunter couldn’t sleep.


  He’d taken his laptop in to a tech shop, made sure the webcam was disabled, then he’d put a piece of tape over the lens, just in case. Now he was looking at the splash page of the ForMen site, mouse hovering over the link.

  This was stupid. Ridiculous. Silly. Awful. But…he’d been jacking off to the memory for three days. Maybe it was a fluke. Maybe he should go in and just see if it was.

  The names on the bar next to the link for the chat room had most of the same names he remembered from last time but no— Wait. There it was. Sir T.

  He didn’t message the man—he just slipped in the chat.

  Arrow: Waves.

  Sir T didn’t say anything for a minute or two.

  Sir T: Arrow…

  Arrow: Hey, Sir T.

  Hunter’s cock jerked, started swelling—just from being noticed. That didn’t bode well for his ‘just a fluke’ theory.

  Sir T: U ducked out on me.

  Arrow: Bad connection.

  Sir T: Right.

  Sir T: So ull try again.

  Arrow: Yeah.

  Yeah, he would. He’d try. He kind of felt like he had to at this point. Why else would he have come back?

  Sir T: Good.

  A private message window popped up and Hunter took a breath. Okay, here went nothing.

  Sir T: Are u naked?

  Arrow: No.

sp; He wasn’t ready for naked, yet. Not on purpose, anyway. Last time he’d been just out of the shower and ready for bed. It hadn’t been on purpose.

  Sir T: Are u kneeling?

  Arrow: No. I’m just sitting on the edge of the bed.

  Wait, should he have said yes? He was supposed to be playing along. That’s why he’d come back, right?

  Sir T: So ur not serious about this.

  Hunter’s cheeks heated and he growled a little. Fuck this. He didn’t need some guy he didn’t know making him feel stupid for going to a goddamned chat room.

  Arrow: I think I’ve made a mistake, man.

  Sir T: That’s ur fear talking.

  Arrow: I’m not fucking scared.

  Nervous, maybe. Wigged out, for sure, but he wasn’t scared. Nobody could see him. Nobody knew who he was. There was nothing to be afraid of.

  Sir T: Then man-up, Arrow. Strip and kneel.

  He shook his head and palmed his cock. He might not want to admit it, but this was hot as hell and his cock was definitely interested.

  Arrow: You’ve got a hard-on for kneeling.

  Sir T: For u kneeling, tough guy. No touching until ur naked and kneeling and I tell u to.

  Arrow: Okay, yeah.

  He slipped off his pants, but he didn’t kneel. He wasn’t going to, damn it. He just wanted to get off. There was no way for this guy to know if he really was or not.

  Sir T: Do it, Arrow. Now. Or we’re done.

  Arrow: How the fuck do you know what I’ve done or not? I had the fucking webcam disabled!

  Sir T: I just know, Arrow. That’s why I’m the Master.

  Arrow: I don’t think I can fucking handle this.

  Sir T: Not strong enough, Arrow? I thought u were.

  Arrow: Stop it!

  He surprised himself at his words—both typed and said out loud. What the fuck was wrong with him?

  Sir T: Do u want this, or not?

  Arrow: I…

  Did he? Did he really? That was the million dollar question. That was, in the end, why he’d come back.

  Arrow: Yes.

  Sir T: Then u know how it works, Arrow. On ur knees, no touching.

  He struggled up on his knees, growling low. He might want this, but that didn’t mean he had to like it or be fucking grateful for it. He knelt in the middle of the bed, just panting, for several minutes.

  Sir T: U there, Arrow? U ready to begin?

  Arrow: Yeah.

  Sir T: Good. Start with ur nipples again. One pinch each.

  Arrow: K

  He hated this guy a little. He hated that even as it kind of pissed him off, he was doing it—doing everything Sir T told him to.

  Sir T: Do it again.

  He did, but he didn’t answer. He wasn’t going to. Just because he was obeying didn’t mean he had to let Sir T know. Let the guy think he was balking.

  Sir T: Pretending that u aren’t doing it, that it’s not turning u on, doesn’t make it true.

  Arrow: You don’t know me.

  Sir T: And yet ur on your knees for me, Arrow.

  He didn’t have anything to say to that because here he fucking was, on his knees because Sir T had asked… No, scratch that—Sir T had told him to. He was pretty sure he wouldn’t have come back to the chat room, that he wouldn’t have been as intrigued, if Sir T had only been asking.

  Sir T: Cup ur balls now.

  He cupped his balls, rolled them gently. It felt good and his cock responded happily.

  Sir T: I bet ur pretty like that. Sexy.

  Hunter shrugged. He didn’t know about that. Hell, he didn’t care about that. Looked like he was going to have a hard time convincing anyone, let alone himself, that it was the visual of the big man on his knees that had drawn him in. No, he’d been more interested in him being that big man on his knees.

  Arrow: Feels good.

  Sir T: Pretend I’m there, watching u, smelling u.

  He shook his head. No. No way. No way. He didn’t cheat. This wasn’t cheating. It was just like watching porn and Kyle was telling him to do that all the damn time.

  Sir T: U can touch yourself now, Arrow.

  Arrow: K.

  He wrapped his fingers around his cock, jacking himself with strong, sure strokes. He’d get off and go to bed, get to sleep and put the whole thing behind him.

  Sir T: Slowly, Arrow. This isn’t a race.

  This wigged him out. Really. He knew the webcam was disabled, that Sir T couldn’t see him, but it sure felt like the guy could.

  Arrow: I’m cool.

  Sir T: Yeah? Cool? Because I’m hot. Doing this makes me hot.

  Arrow: Yeah?

  He needed to know that. Needed to. It wasn’t that he was so vain that he thought everyone who saw him ought to get all hot and bothered, but the thought of Sir T doing this coldly, not being at all invested put his back up.

  Sir T: Yes.

  Arrow: Good.

  Sir T: I wouldn’t be doing this with u if it didn’t turn me on.

  Arrow: Are you touching yourself?

  Sir T: I am.

  Hunter moaned, pulling his cock harder, thumb working the tip. He could imagine someone imagining him. His mind skittered away from that thought.

  Sir T: Can u feel my shadow as I stand over u?

  Oh, fuck. Hunter shivered, shook his head. No, he wasn’t going there. He wasn’t.

  Sir T: When ur done jacking off. If ur very good, I might let u suck me.

  Arrow: I like sucking.

  Sir T: Good. I like getting sucked by a big, strong man on his knees.

  Hunter chuckled softly. What man didn’t? Like getting sucked, that is. He was pretty sure size didn’t matter at that point.

  Sir T: Keep stroking, Arrow. Think of sucking me while u do it.

  Arrow: Are u cut? Long?

  Sir T: Long and thin. It’ll feel so good sliding deep into u.

  Arrow: I’m thick.

  Sir T: A real handful, huh?

  Arrow: I’m not embarrassed in the locker room.

  Sir T: Good. Don’t come yet. Not until I say it’s okay.

  Arrow: K.

  Sir T: Rub the head and make it sting a little.

  He shook his head. He only did that when he was desperate. And he wasn’t the least bit desperate now—he was all revved up and ready to pop.

  Arrow: K.

  Sir T: I mean it, Arrow. Do it.

  Arrow: Fuck.

  How the fuck did Sir T always know? He did it, shaking his head at himself. The man was just really good at reading people, even ones he only knew from a few keystrokes. He pinched again, body jerking at his own touch.

  Sir T: Nice. You look hot when u jerk from that.

  Sir T: Do it again.

  Arrow: K.

  Sir T: Good man. U can come now.

  It took a little bit, a couple of strokes, then he shot, shuddering, seed spilling over his hand. Groaning, he kept stroking, making the orgasm last.

  Sir T: I can smell u. It’s good.

  Arrow: Did u get off?

  Sir T: I did. Imagined ur mouth on me.

  Arrow: U do this a lot?

  Sir T: More than u.

  Arrow: Well duh.

  Sir T: LOL. I like u, A. Come back.

  Arrow: Thanx.

  He didn’t know. Maybe. Maybe not. He’d have to think about it.

  A lot.

  Chapter Four

  Kyle checked on the baked potatoes and made sure the rolls were covered in their bowl at the back of the stove, staying warm.

  The roast was tented, resting. And the carrots, butternut squash and rutabaga medley was keeping warm in microwave. The table was set with the good dishes, candles dancing brightly. All he needed was Hunter back home.

  He always made a nice welcome home dinner for his lover when Hunter got back from a business trip, although he had to admit it was happening often enough and they’d been together long enough that it was almost humdrum now.

  He opened the bottle of r
ed to breathe and sat at his computer, checking his client emails as he waited.

  He heard the front door open, heard a soft, husky moan. “Home. Man, it’s good to be home.”

  Chuckling, Kyle made his way to the front door. “There’s my man.”

  “Lover!” Hunter grinned at him, gathered him up and kissed him hard.

  Surprised at the eagerness of his lover, Kyle opened up, letting Hunter in.

  “Mmm. Hello.” One kiss after another burned his lips.

  Wow. Hunter was so hot like this.

  “Missed you.” Hunter’s hands landed on his ass, squeezed a little.

  “I missed you, too.” Kyle always missed his lover, but this was… Well, he wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. This was a great hello, and he wasn’t going to question it by comparing it to how things usually went.

  Hunter grinned, eyes dancing. “Have I mentioned I hate traveling sometimes?”

  “Maybe once or twice.” Kyle pressed his lips to the corner of Hunter’s mouth. “I’m enjoying you coming home just at the moment, though.” Very much.


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