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True as an Arrow

Page 10

by Sean Michael

  His cock jerked and began to fill. This was so much better now, knowing that Arrow was his lover.

  Sir T: R u naked?

  Arrow: No… R u?

  Sir T: Yes! Strip!

  Arrow: Bossy!

  Sir T: That’s Sir Bossy 2 u.

  He could almost hear Hunter’s laugh, and the request for webchat came up. He typed in, U better b naked, before he hit accept on webchat.

  Hunter’s face appeared, but that was it. “Hey, lover.”

  “Sir, lover.” It was different not having to type anymore, but he liked it.

  “Sir.” Hunter looked tired but happy.

  “That’s better. How come you’re not naked yet?”

  “I have the top stuff off.”

  “Like I said, how come you’re not naked yet?” Beautiful man. Kyle loved how Hunter’s cheeks pinked, body wiggling as he slid his briefs off. “Mmm…looking good, babe.” God, Kyle was in love.

  He could see Hunter’s grin, see the blush. Hot bastard.

  Kyle licked his lips. “Put the laptop at the end of the bed and then kneel up near the headboard. I should be able to see all of you that way, and the mic should pick up your noises.”

  “Kyle…” Hunter moaned, and it was so fucking hot.

  “Do what you’re told, babe.” His cock was getting so hard from Hunter’s sounds, his reactions.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. His beautiful man. Kyle moaned, knowing Hunter could hear the sound—he was more than willing to share how much this turned him on with his lover.

  Hunter got settled, filling cock bobbing between thick thighs. “Is this okay?”

  “Mmmhmm. You comfortable?” Not too comfortable, he hoped.

  “I’m okay. It’s a little weird.”

  “Was it weird when you didn’t know it was me?”

  And no matter how ‘weird’ Hunter thought it was, the man was hard, his cock kissing that amazing belly. “God, yes.”

  He giggled then cleared his throat. “It’s me, babe. Just like when we’re at home. Start stroking your cock, nice and easy.”

  Hunter did as he said, hand moving so slowly. “Miss you, lover.”

  “I know. This makes it easier, though, doesn’t it?” He loved watching Hunter stroke himself. It was so much better than just imagining it.

  “Yeah. Yeah, it does.” Hunter was humming softly now, rocking into his own hand.

  “No coming till I say so.” He knew he had to remind Hunter of that.


  He saw the tiny quirk of lips.

  “You heard me.” He put all his firmness into the words, loving the way he could see Hunter’s body respond. “Now, stop touching your cock. You’re going to work your nipples. You brought the clamps with you, right?” He should know—he’d packed them, though Hunter might not have found them yet.

  “What? No. No, of course not.”

  Kyle laughed softly. “When was the last time you packed your own bag, babe? Trust me, the clamps are in there. Check that little pouch in front.”

  “Tell me you didn’t pack any…other toys…” Hunter headed for the bag. Oh, man. That gave him a great ass shot.

  “Does that mean you won’t play with the vibrating plug?” he called out. Not that they actually owned such a thing. Yet.

  “The what?” Hunter’s hips jerked.

  He bit his lip to keep from laughing. “Vibrating plug. You know, the thing you shove up your ass that vibrates?”


  He giggled softly. “What?”

  “Listen to you.” Hunter’s whole body came into view, clamps in hand. “I can’t use these tonight, Kyle. I have to work tomorrow.”

  “That’s why you’re going to use them tonight. And tomorrow, every time you move and your shirt brushes your nipples, you’ll think of me.”

  Hunter’s lips parted, hips rocking forward.

  Oh, yeah, his lover was into it. “Back on your knees, Arrow.”

  “I…” Hunter’s hands ran over his body.

  “Knees. Now. Don’t make me repeat myself.”

  “Oh. Oh, fuck.”

  Having the webcam was fucking amazing. Kyle leaned back on his pillows, touching himself as he watched Hunter get back into kneeling position.

  “This is crazy.”

  “This is sexy.” He licked his lips. Very sexy. “Pinch your nipples.”

  “I…” Hunter’s fingers stroked the tiny, taut nipples.

  “I said pinch, Arrow.” Kyle snapped the words out.

  Hunter’s eyes went wide, hips humping the air for a second. Then Hunter pinched those tiny little bits of flesh between his thick fingers.

  “That’s better.” It sure was. Kyle wanted to be there to pinch them himself. His cock throbbed.

  Hunter nodded but didn’t speak. Beautiful man.

  “Now, put the left clamp on.”

  “It’ll drive me crazy tomorrow.”

  “I know. Do it.”

  Hunter dropped the clamp twice before he got it on. Dear, sweet man.

  “There you go, babe. Well done.”

  Hunter was breathing hard now, and Kyle could see his lover’s abs rolling. Just last night, Hunter had fucked him hard, worked him through two orgasms, that muscled body driving into him.

  Kyle shifted his legs restlessly, taking his cock in hand and stroking. “The other one now. Put it on.”

  Hunter shook his head, but the big hand moved.

  “That’s it, Arrow.” He moaned softly. “You’re going to get a reward when you get home.” Maybe even that vibrating plug.

  “Am I?” Hunter whimpered softly.

  “Yes. Something wonderful for us to play with. You can touch your cock now.”

  “I want the clamps off…”

  “When I say so.” It made him hot.

  Hunter jacked the hard cock again, tugging from base to tip.

  “Slowly, slowly, babe. Make it last.”

  “I want you.”

  “I’m right here. In our bed. Naked. All yours.”

  Hunter’s cry was almost desperate. “Tease.”

  “Just something to hold onto when you flick the left nipple clamp.”

  Hunter shook his head, hand moving faster. “Fuck…”

  “Do it,” he demanded.

  “Going to make you pay when I get home…”


  “Arrow.” Kyle wasn’t going to let Hunter come if the man didn’t flick that nipple clamp.

  Hunter moved his fingers, groaning low, his hips rolling.

  “Now the other one.”

  His nipples were going to really make Hunter crazy tomorrow.

  Hunter did it, barely flicking them.

  “Harder, Arrow.”

  “Damn it… I have to work tomorrow…” Still, the touches were repeated.

  Kyle knew. That was the point. “Again,” he demanded.

  “Fuck…” Hunter moved back, his cock dark red and leaking.

  “Once more, Arrow. Then I’ll let you fuck your hand until you come.” He knew Hunter liked it when he talked dirty.

  “I wish you were here.”

  “I know. But whenever you feel your nipples after this, I kind of will be. So flick the clamps again. Hard this time.”

  “Asshole.” Hunter did it, hips bucking furiously.

  “Tsk, tsk. Language.” He stroked his own nipples with one hand, the other working his cock. He wanted to reach through the screen and jack Hunter off, be the one physically responsible for his lover’s orgasm.

  “Want to suck you.”

  “God, yes. I love your mouth around me.”

  Hunter nodded, moaning low, but loud enough that he could hear.

  “Yeah, lick your lips. Imagine my cock filling your mouth while you jack off.” Kyle was working his own cock pretty good now, imagining he was fucking his lover’s hot mouth.

  “Sir…” Hunter humped up, cock appearing and disappearing over and over.

  Kyle groaned, loving that word out of Hunter’s mouth. “Okay, Arrow. Come for me now.”

  “I…I… Fuck. Fuck, please… Yes.” Hunter arched violently, streams of spunk shooting from that fat cock.

  Moaning quietly, Kyle shot, too. His eyes closed for a second, but he popped them back open as soon as he could, immediately looking at Hunter’s face.

  Hunter panted, leaning back. “W-wow.”

  “Yeah.” Kyle laughed softly, rubbing cum into his belly as he watched his beautiful lover trying to catch his breath.

  “I… You willing to chat a little longer tonight, lover?”

  “As long as you want, babe.” Being with Hunter was the best thing in the world, and it just kept getting better.

  “I want.” Hunter reached out, touched the screen. “I so want.”

  “You’ll be home before we know it, babe. In the meantime, we have this, right?”

  “You know it. We’ve got it all.”

  Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:

  What’s his Passion?: Love Matters

  Sean Michael


  Chapter One

  Trey finished the edits on his latest novel and leaned back, head pounding. Lord, that one had been a bear. Nearly six months he’d been fighting this novel and he was finally going to send it off. Hallelujah.

  “Brian, are you out there?” He waited for the sound of his assistant’s steps on the tile.

  “Right here, boss. What do you need?”

  “The edits are done. They’ll go to Andrea. I need to make sure that the new headset I ordered will be here Monday. I need my phone and a cup of coffee with cream and then you can have the rest of the week off.”

  “Oh. Oh, wow. Trey. Thanks. Five day weekend!” Brian was clearly pleased at the prospect.

  Trey nodded, smiled. “Oh, can you please make sure that Dodger’s food is on the counter where I can get it, too?” It wouldn’t do to let his guide dog and best friend on four legs go hungry because he couldn’t find the kibble.

  “Sure, boss. Do you need me to get you some supper?”

  “No, I’m going to call a friend.” He’d finished another book. He and Lucien had a standing appointment and this time, he not only wanted what the man offered, he needed it. He’d wait for Brian to leave, though. This was not a conversation to be had where he could be overheard.

  Relaxing, he asked his computer to turn on his music. Bach poured over him, rich and heavy, and he nodded along, humming. He couldn’t wait to make that call, to hear Lucien’s gruff voice. To feel… His cock filled, swelled and he wiggled on his chair. Keep it together, man.

  The sound of Brian’s footsteps on the tile coming closer helped him get his erection under control. The last thing he wanted to do was embarrass his assistant—or himself, for that matter.

  “I have your coffee and your phone.”

  He heard Brian set them on his desk.

  “The coffee is at two o’clock, half a foot from the edge of the desk. The phone is at nine o’clock. And your headset will be here Monday before noon. Are you sure there isn’t anything else you want me to do?”

  “No. No, I’m good. I’m planning on staying in this weekend. I have enough dog food, yeah?” Not that Lucien wouldn’t go get him some if he didn’t, but he’d rather spend his time with Lucien doing other things. Any shopping they did would not be for dog food or anything else as mundane as that.

  “You do, yes. And he’s out in the yard, playing. Do you want me to call him in?”

  “No. No, he’ll use the doggie door. We’ve got this down. I’ll see you Monday at ten, hmm?” It was all he could do not to shoo Brian out of the door.

  “I’ll be here, boss. Have a great weekend!”

  “You too, man.” Trey sat back, waiting for the sound of the front door locking, followed by the odd high-pitched whine of Brian’s moped motor.

  As soon as the buzz from the moped disappeared, he grabbed his phone. “Call Lucien.”

  The phone rang only once before it was answered. “Trey.”

  “I need you. It’s in—Darkness. I have until Monday morning.” Five days. No working, no words fighting him, just him and Lucien. For five days. It bore repetition.

  “I’ll be there in twenty. And boy, you’d better have a plug in when I get there.”

  The phone went dead, and Trey groaned, rubbing the placket of his slacks. Oh, fuck. Fuck yes. Twenty minutes.

  The only question was, did he put in the plug or not, and if he did, which one? Whatever he decided would set the tone for the next five days. If he didn’t, it would be punishments and torture. If he used the large one then he would get pampered. If he used a small plug…

  That was it. A sweet, little plug. Obedience, but not enough. Lucien would spend the entire weekend pushing him, putting in dildo after dildo, plug after plug, each one larger than the last. Perfect.

  Trey headed out of his office, down the hall and into the kitchen. He knew his home by heart and could walk around without worrying about trying to orient himself or figure out where he was—or bumping into anything. Brian knew full well to keep everything exactly where it was.

  In the kitchen, he poured himself a glass of water and fed Dodger, the sound of those click-clack claws on the tile as Dodger came in, responding to the sound of the kibble hitting the bowl, making him laugh. “Hey, boy. Your favorite person is coming over.”

  Dodger barked twice for Trey, as if he understood. He had no doubt that Dodger did.

  “I know! We haven’t seen him in months.” They had an arrangement. Trey needed peace to write, needed complete order and control of his life, and Lucien… Well, Lucien stole that from him. So every time a novel was done, Trey indulged. It wasn’t perfect, but it worked for them.

  And if he didn’t want a long weekend of punishments, he’d better get that plug in. The thought gave him a jolt of excitement. Lucien was magical, making him feel so much, getting him out of his head and fulfilling all his needs. He wasn’t sure anymore how he’d managed before Lucien had come into his life.

  Trey checked the time, pressing the button on his watch and listening to the readout. He still had ten minutes before Lucien would be here—and he knew Lucien well enough to know that the door would open at precisely twenty minutes from the end of their call. That gave him enough time to brush his teeth, maybe even get himself off.

  He headed to the bathroom, stopping to turn the music to low. He washed his face, ran the electric shaver over his cheeks, brushed his teeth, then he searched in the bottom drawer of the vanity. There were three plugs there—one that was the size of a cock, one the size of a finger and the third… That was the one Lucien called the punishment plug. That was for emergencies—like when Lucien couldn’t come over because he was out of town on business. Then there was the phone and that thick plug and tears and his own hand. Though to be fair, that had only happened once. Still, it had been one time too many.

  Tonight Lucien would bring his own treats.

  Trey took out the thin plug and headed toward the bedroom. Lucien had his own key and would be expecting Trey to be in the bedroom, naked, plugged and waiting. It made him feel naughty in the best possible way.

  He undressed, before folding his clothes neatly and setting them on the dresser, then he slid under the covers, tracing the smooth plastic of the plug, testing the give. He slipped it into himself with the barest minimum of lube—hell, he barely felt it, but the act of sliding it in his needy hole gave him goosebumps. It was a promise of things to come.

  Trey had barely seated the plug when Dodger barked, his claws noisy on the tile as he raced to the front door.

  Trey curled up under the covers, focusing on the sound of Lucien’s heavy steps on the floor. He heard Lucien giving Dodger his due first, loving on his mutt. Oh, go, Lucien —he had found the kick spot and it sounded as if Dodger was trying to dig a hole to China.

  Lucien laughed. “Okay, boy. I need to find your Master. See
what kind of weekend we’re going to have.”

  God, Trey loved that sound. Lucien’s laugh was full-bodied, rich, happy—like the deep voice that made his cock jerk, filling.

  There was a last bark from Dodger, then Lucien’s footsteps heading to the bathroom. The tap ran for a few moments, and he knew that Lucien would be washing his hands. Then, finally, the footsteps headed straight for him.

  Trey smiled, inhaling the delicious scent of wood smoke and spice and wind.

  “Someone is hiding under the covers. Would you like the room warmed?” Lucien’s rich voice poured over him like honey.

  “Good evening, Sir. I felt odd, spread out and naked.”

  “That’s how I like you, though. A feast, just waiting for me.”

  Trey could hear the subtle sound of buttons sliding through their holes, and he sat up, desperate to see, to touch.

  “When I’m naked, Trey.”

  Lucien always had had the ability to seem to be able to read his mind—or read him, at least. Was it easier if you could see? He thought it probably was.

  Trey explored the blanket’s edge, the puckering where the stitches were—anything to keep himself busy, to keep his hands from running over his own body, wrapping around his cock. God, the waiting was torture.

  He could hear each step as Lucien undressed—Lucien’s shirt shushing as it slithered from Lucien’s shoulders, the zipper of Lucien’s pants slowly being drawn down.

  The scent of his lover grew stronger, too, like the best kind of perfume on the air. He swore he could tell when Lucien’s boxers were pushed down, too, the thick cock springing out.

  “You’re naked now.” And he wanted to touch.

  “I am.” Lucien tugged on his covers, and Trey let them go, felt the air brush across his body as Lucien pulled the sheets away. “And now, so are you.”

  His nipples tightened, the flesh sliding on the metal piercing them and he reached out, searching for contact.

  Lucien’s hand met his, warm and solid, bringing it to Lucien’s shoulder as he straddled Trey. “Look.”

  Oh, he’d missed this. Broad and muscled, skin smooth as glass, with a broad nose and a square jaw—Lucien was beautiful. The heat of Lucien’s body was tremendous, sexy. When Trey’s fingers arrived a second time at Lucien’s mouth, Lucien kissed them.


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