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Cowboy Doms Collection

Page 78

by BJ Wane

  Drowsiness pulled her back under, the faint echo of their deep voices murmuring as they’d undressed her following her into sleep, her skin still warm and tingly from the light grazes of their rough fingers.

  “If you can’t find a connection by now, there isn’t one.” Kelsey vibrated with frustration as she held the phone to her ear, gazing out the bedroom window, her eyes glued to Greg and Devin.

  Jordan’s long pause on the other end of the line drew her suspicions, but, like always, he had a ready reply. “Not necessarily. It just means the man who assaulted you was good at hiding his tracks. We have found solid proof he was hired to do a job, just not what that job was.”

  “How about if I come back and stay with you?” she asked, hoping he didn’t hear the note of desperation in her voice.

  “What’s wrong, Kels? Has Greg or Devin done something to upset you?”

  Just stirred up my neglected libido and left me hanging with no relief in sight. She might be a grown woman pushing thirty, but she still thought of both McAllisters as parental elders and couldn’t imagine Jordan’s reaction if she were to answer that honestly. “No, they’ve been very… accommodating,” she replied for lack of a better word. “It’s this place, it’s just not my thing, you know?”

  “I’m sorry, but try to make the best of it, okay? I promise, Theresa and I are working hard to figure out why he was at Dominion. Given the seclusion of the club’s locale and his rap sheet, no one believes it was a random break-in. We’re unearthing more and more every day, so give us the full month, please.”

  He would have to go and utter that one word, wouldn’t he? Helpless against the plea and worry in Jordan’s voice, Kelsey sighed and leaned her forehead on the window. “Okay, I’ll hang out here a little longer. But, Jordan, hurry up and clear me, would you? I want to come home.”

  “And we want you back here. I’ll have Theresa give you a call this evening. Thank you, honey.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Talk to you soon. Bye.” She clicked off wondering how she would make it over two more weeks without going stir wacko or lust crazy.

  The quiet this morning got to her first upon awakening. With all the guests except the sweet older men, Otis and Silas, having checked out yesterday and the employees taking off, the ranch appeared more desolate and foreign to her than ever. Except for her two reluctant hosts. She watched Greg smile wide enough to reveal a row of white teeth as he slapped Devin on the back before the two strode into the stable. Her gaze slid to their tight butts showcased in snug, worn denim and she released another sigh that fogged the window. Hot didn’t begin to describe those two and lust was too mild a term for what they conjured up deep inside her every time she looked at them.

  Kelsey wasn’t sure how much of their conversation on the way home last night she heard, but a few words had filtered through her subconscious, ‘tutor’ being one. She didn’t know what all that entailed, or if they were discussing her, but given Devin’s reticence and how much she still craved them, it wasn’t wise to read anything promising into the tidbits she recalled. Their. Them. Just one night of seeing them together in that sex-charged atmosphere and it was already so easy to pair them together.

  She straightened and her heart set up a rapid tattoo as they strolled out of the stable leading their saddled horses and Cleo. When Devin tethered Thor to the rail, turned and strode toward the house with long, ground-eating strides and a determined set to his rugged jaw, her palms grew damp. Stepping away from the window, she quickly slid her feet into her sneakers, thankful she had put on jeans this morning instead of shorts despite the warmer temperature forecasted for today. The simple, light blue summer top was thin and tight enough to mold to the turgid outline of her nipples, and that was just from the thought of going riding with them.

  “Kelsey!” Devin called out as soon as she heard the front door open.

  Dashing out of the bedroom and down the hall, she tried and failed not to appear too eager for any amount of time either chose to spend with her. So she was a pathetic, desperate mess. They could deal with it.

  “I’m ready. We’re going riding, right?”

  For the first time since meeting him, his tough as leather face softened as he nodded. “Yes. We have a few hours before the tour bus arrives with guests, and Greg and I thought it a good time to show you around more of our property. Come on, let’s get going.”

  She liked the impatience shimmering in his eyes as he raked her from head to toe with a look she couldn’t decipher. With a spring in her step and a beaming smile, she hurried forward to take his outstretched hand.

  “I should ask if you’re good to ride this morning. No lingering side effects after last night?”

  “Not enough to keep me sitting around all day twiddling my thumbs.” In fact, the vague soreness she awoke with was just enough to keep her stirred up, to remind her of that painful, but mind-opening experience.

  “From what I’ve noticed, you twiddle your thumbs out of habit, not boredom.” He brushed the pad of her thumb with his before releasing her hand. “Mount up and stay between us.”

  She was beginning to think that’s exactly where she wanted to be. Turning to Greg who already sat astride Cherokee, she looked up into his less intimidating face. “Good morning. Thanks for taking me out.”

  “You’re welcome, little bit. How are you this morning?”

  Shivery. Hot. Giddy. “Good, thanks.” She stroked Cleo’s shoulder before swinging up into the saddle, glad she was such a small horse. “And even better now that you’re luring me away from work.” A look passed between the two that drew a delicate ripple of awareness along her arms as they turned the horses, putting her in the middle before setting out.

  As soon as they entered the wide-open prairie, Devin said, “Tap her sides with your heels and we’ll trot over toward the tree line. Keep your grip tight on the reins but don’t pull unless you need to slow down. Move your body with the horse. Ready?”

  “As I’ll ever be.” She would rather be sitting with one of them for a faster ride but refused to let her unease show. If they thought she could handle this, then she would.

  “We’ll stay right with you, Kelsey.” Greg nodded, waiting for her to make the first move.

  It didn’t take much, a slight nudge against the little mare’s sides and she picked up the pace as if eager to get going. Bouncing on the saddle without a lap to cushion her butt and distract her was more jarring, but also offered an exhilarating sense of freedom she’d never experienced before. Eyeing her escorts, she tried to mimic the smooth up and down movements of their bodies and soon got into the rhythm that eased the discomfort. With a shake of her head that sent her long hair flying around her, she laughed in sheer pleasure.

  “You and Tom were right,” Devin called over to Greg. “She is a natural.”

  “See?” Greg sent Kelsey a wink. “You’re not all city girl.”

  Oh, yes, I am. But she could take this for a short time, especially if these two kept giving her such positive signs they were mellowing toward her. She didn’t expect much more than that from Devin, but a little went a long way toward easing her dispirit over being sent here.

  “One ride doesn’t make me a country hick, cowboy.” She sent him a taunting grin.

  He smiled, looking over her head. “Hear that, Dev? She thinks we’re hicks.”

  “You would think she’d be more careful with what she says around us after last night. Pull up, Kelsey.”

  She caught her breath as they slowed to a walk and then halted altogether. Following the point of Devin’s finger, she saw a huge moose standing near the trees. “Crap, those things are freaking big.” A thought came to her and she swung an accusing look toward Devin and then Greg. “I swear, if I see that animal’s head on any walls I’ll come after you with a hunting rifle.” She liked animals, especially dogs, even though she’d never owned one. Every so often something would trigger a vague memory clip of a small, black puppy, but with it always came a frisson of unea
se. Her unknown roots never bothered her unless that tidbit from her early childhood popped up.

  Greg lifted his hat and ran a hand through his sweat-dampened hair, saying, “I don’t hunt. That’s Devin’s thing.”

  Her mind quickly switched gears and slipped into the gutter because she thought that habit of his was sexy, but that didn’t stop her from turning an accusing gaze on Devin. Holding up a hand, he drawled, “I only hunt what can be put on the table. Mary is a whiz at coming up with wildlife recipes. Later this afternoon, we’ll be barbequing pheasant and venison along with beef and chicken for a cookout with the new guests coming in.”

  Devin shook his head as Kelsey wrinkled her nose. “Yuck.”

  Nudging Thor close enough their lower legs brushed, Devin pinned Kelsey with his dark blue gaze. “You don’t know what you’ll like until you try it.”

  Okay, there was definitely a hint of double meaning to that remark, backed by another shared look between the two, and for the life of her, she couldn’t figure out what they were up to. “Meaning?” she asked point blank.

  “Meaning let’s take our ride through the woods. That path is just one of the ones we take on trail rides.” Greg nodded toward the wide break in the trees and then led the way toward it.

  “It’s so much cooler in here,” she commented as they walked the horses single file along the rugged trail. That was something she already knew from her walks but couldn’t think of anything else to say since she didn’t know what they were up to. “How far are we going? I’ve hiked to the creek and back, but that’s it.”

  “We plan to go swimming on horseback next week since the weather is predicted to be warmer than usual for September. We’ll follow the creek until it opens up into a small lake deep enough for the horses to swim. They love it.” Devin patted Thor’s neck. It wasn’t lost on Kelsey he didn’t answer her question but instead diverted her from it with that bit of information.

  “Am I good enough to go?”

  Greg twisted around and eyed her relaxed seat. “If not by then, you can ride with me. Turn here.”

  Kelsey pulled the reins to the right, following him down a narrower path for a short distance and then looked around in pleasant surprise as they came to a small copse. Sporting a bed of moss green ground cover and long logs squared off around a fire pit, she could see the gurgling stream just beyond the trees. “Oh, this is a great spot.”

  “We like it for the seclusion.” Devin dismounted and before she could follow suit, he came around and plucked her from the saddle, making no move to step back once her feet hit the ground.

  Whether by a silent command or on her own, Cleo deserted her for the company of the two larger males a few feet away, leaving Kelsey standing with Devin’s large hands still holding onto her waist as Greg came up behind her. Her breathing quickened as they both stepped close enough their warm breath wafted along her neck as they bent their heads. She slammed her eyes closed against the rapid rise of her senses their nearness evoked.

  “Uh, not that I’m complaining, but what’s going on?” she whispered, sucking in a gulp of air as two pairs of lips ghosted over the tender skin of her neck, the teasing kisses and nibbles bringing about a spate of goosebumps.

  “You’ve been very clear about wanting what we can give you. You saw enough last night to know what we’re into, and what we expect in return while satisfying more of your curiosity. All that’s left is for you to agree.” Greg nipped her earlobe hard enough for the pleasure-producing sting to pull her nipples into taut buds.

  Kelsey’s eyes flew open and she gazed in surprise up into Devin’s sun-weathered face and dark eyes. “But…” Her voice stuttered along with her heart. “You don’t even like me!”

  “You’re a pesky handful,” he stated, fisting one hand in her hair and pulling her head back. “But I like you just fine.”

  Not exactly a compliment, she thought as his hot mouth covered hers, but she’d take it if it meant putting an end to the rioting sensations plaguing her nonstop. He eased up on her mouth to sink his teeth into her lower lip, her gasp giving him an opening to delve inside with his tongue. Kelsey leaned against his hard frame with a moan of eager surrender, his hands tightening on her hair and hip as her insides heated with each stroke over her tongue. The leisurely exploration along with the smooth glide of their damp lips pressing together got her fired up on all cylinders until the press of Greg’s body against her back reminded her of the one word she hadn’t acknowledged or addressed. We.

  “Does this mean yes, little bit?” Greg whispered in her ear before dipping his tongue inside to tease the sensitive dips and canals.

  Shivers racked Kelsey’s body as she pulled her mouth from Devin’s to answer. “I can’t think. What do you mean by ‘we’?”

  Devin slid his hand from her hip to grip one butt cheek while Greg reached in front of her to palm her right breast and reply, “Just this, both of us most of the time, separate on occasion. Trust us, we know what we’re doing.”

  “Here’s a hint, cowboy.” She groaned, quivering inside as she imagined more of these heady feelings from being sandwiched between the two. “Mentioning your past experience is a mood killer.”

  “But if we didn’t have experience, we wouldn’t be good at our job as Doms.” Devin squeezed her buttock. “Yes or no, baby?”

  She’d always hated it when other guys called her baby, but every time she heard the generic pet name resonating in Devin’s deep, slow drawl, she wanted to melt in a puddle at his feet. “Yes,” she agreed in a breathless rush. She might be unsure about taking on both at the same time, but she was also glad she didn’t have to choose one. “But don’t blame me if you’re disappointed. Unlike you, this is new to me and I was pushing to enlist just one of you to entertain me while I’m here, not both.” She felt it only fair to warn them of her inexperience in this area, but damn, it was hard to think with them so close and touching her.

  “We haven’t disappointed anyone or been disappointed by a newbie before, but why don’t we give you an example of what we can do together?” Greg released her breast to pinch her chin and turn her face up to his descending mouth. Devin tugged on her hair again, angling her head just right and holding her there. Between their dual grips, Kelsey had no choice but to open to Greg, and bask in that loss of control.

  With a low moan of surrender, she welcomed the invasion of his tongue as she clung to his lips. Lost in their dual possession, she didn’t notice their free hands were on the move until a rough palm slid under her top, up her bare abdomen and quick, deft fingers flicked open her bra. She whimpered, a needy whine as Greg released her mouth, stroked over her still throbbing lower lip and cupped one naked breast.

  “Soft, and the perfect handful.” He released her chin to slip that hand under her shirt and cover her other breast.

  “Oh, God.” Kelsey couldn’t think of anything else to say as the slight breeze wafted over her exposed lower half when Devin shoved down her jeans and panties to rest at mid-thigh. Her buttocks clenched and her pussy swelled, slickened and grew heavy with need.

  For the first time, his lips spread in a full-fledged grin as he pressed his hand between her legs, the scratchy callouses scraping over the tender, delicate skin of her labia. “And just think, this is only a prelude to what we can, and will do to you.” Keeping his eyes on her face, he released her hair and gripped one buttock while slowly working two fingers inside her.

  Kelsey shuddered, leaned her head back against Greg’s chest and clutched his thick forearms in a panicked attempt to stay upright. The intoxicating experience of being semi-naked outdoors for the first time, of standing sandwiched between two men for the first time and of enjoying the touch of four hands on her for the first time drove her to the cusp of orgasm within moments. Heat consumed her body as fingers gripped her nipples and tightened while more fingers continued to press deeper and deeper inside her pussy, slowly stretching muscles too tight from neglect. She squeezed her inner walls as he star
ted to pull back, desperate to keep those digits right where they were.

  “Loosen up, baby,” Devin growled, the sharp pinch to her butt distracting her from holding the grip. “There you go.”

  Basking in Devin’s warm approval, Kelsey arched her neck to give Greg easy access for his nibbling mouth. “That’s a girl,” he murmured in a deep rumble she felt clear to her toes. “Give yourself to us and we’ll take you places you’ve never been before.”

  A sharp cry spilled from her throat as Devin pinched her aching clit the same moment Greg added pressure to her already throbbing tips. The tight squeezes switched to light plucks on the three most responsive parts of every woman’s body, that sole focus sending her on an upward spiral of consuming lust that exploded in a mind-numbing orgasm. She tried arching her hips forward, into Devin’s now plunging hand and Greg’s kneading grips, but Devin’s hold on her buttock tightened, shackling her in place for their dual assault. Colors exploded behind her eyes as her body quaked and broke out in a light sheen of perspiration.

  Before the smaller contractions ending her climax had abated, Greg released her breasts and Devin pulled his fingers from her still clutching pussy. Moving so fast she couldn’t quite take it in, they formed a bar by clasping each other’s forearms and then pushed her over it. With a squeal, she latched onto their thighs to anchor herself as they began smacking her cheeks in a simultaneous, steady rhythm. The resonating echo of repetitive, bare-flesh slapping bounced around the copse as heat blossomed across her backside, aided and abetted by the brush of warm air and their deep murmurs.


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