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Ranger Protection (Texas Ranger Heroes Book 1)

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by Lynn Shannon

  Ranger Protection

  Texas Ranger Heroes

  Lynn Shannon


  Copyright © 2018 by Lynn Balabanos

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used factitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover design by Maria Spada.

  Scripture appearing in this novel in whole or in part from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

  When Dr. Tara Sims is robbed, she fights back to protect her daughter and nearly pays with her life. She’s rescued by Texas Ranger Grady West. Her childhood friend is now a handsome lawman, but Tara refuses to acknowledge the chemistry sparking between them. With a little girl to raise and a growing medical practice, she has no room in her life for romance.

  Grady suspects the vicious assault wasn’t a random act. What he can’t figure out is why anyone would attack the single mother. He vows to protect Tara and her little girl while keeping his growing feelings for them out of the equation. Getting romantically involved with his sister’s best friend is more hazardous than hunting criminals.

  As the threats escalate and evidence links the robbery to a homicide, Tara and Grady realize nothing is quite as it seems. Untangling a web of secrets makes them the target of a madman, and it’s only a matter of time before the killer strikes again…

  Also by Lynn Shannon

  Coming 2018


  Coming 2019

  Ranger Redemption

  Ranger Duty

  Would you like to know when my next book is released? Or when my novels go on sale? It’s easy. Subscribe to my newsletter and all of the info will come straight to your inbox!

  This novel is dedicated to my husband and children. You believed in my dream as much as I did. My success is our success. I couldn’t have done it without you.

  I sought the Lord, and he answered me;

  he delivered me from all my fears.

  Psalm 34:4


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  About the Author



  A high-pitched wail reverberated through the grocery store, loud enough to shatter glass.

  Tara winced. She tried rocking the shopping cart, but seven-month-old Maddy had no patience when she was hungry and tired. The baby’s body was rigid in the car seat carrier hooked to the front of the shopping cart. Her puckered hands formed into fists and her eyes were squeezed shut, tears leaking from the corners. She resembled a furious boxer giving up a war cry.

  “Sixty-nine fifty, ma’am.” The clerk’s brow furrowed. Tara fumbled with her wallet while fishing for the pacifier buried somewhere underneath Maddy. Why hadn’t she hooked it to the baby’s outfit using the string? Her fingers brushed against the plastic. She yanked it out and wiggled it between Maddy’s lips. The baby latched on, her wail replaced with furious sucking.

  Tara took the few seconds of reprieve to swipe her credit card across the machine, then shoved her wallet back inside her purse. It rustled against the slew of dry cleaning slips from the last couple of weeks. Another errand left undone. A last-minute patient had arrived at the clinic, setting her entire schedule off-kilter. She’d barely made it in time to pick up Maddy at daycare. The grocery store had been a necessary stop. They’d scraped the bottom of the formula can this morning and she had only three diapers left.

  Maddy spit out the pacifier and her chin trembled. Oh, no. Tara wiggled the cart and willed the receipt to print faster. The baby sucked in a deep breath and let loose. Flustered, Tara hastily grabbed the receipt and scooped up the last of the bags from the end of the counter, dumping them into her cart. She rushed out the sliding doors into the cool October night.

  Shoot, where was her car? She scanned the parking lot. She’d come in on the right-hand side. Weak spotlights illuminated hulking vehicles. The enticing scent of french fries from the fast-food restaurant across the street tickled her nose, and Tara’s stomach rumbled. It was way past dinner time for both of them. She tucked Maddy’s blanket around her as she moved to the far side of the parking lot. The loose wheel on the cart wobbled.

  “It’s going to be fine, honey. Promise. Two minutes and we’ll be home.”

  Her little sedan was hidden in the dark between two SUVs. The overhead light next to her parking spot was out. No wonder she hadn’t been able to find her car. Tara dug her keys out of her purse and hit the fob. The trunk swung open.

  A piece of paper fluttered across the space between two vehicles. Tara shivered in the chilly wind. She considered putting Maddy in the car, but the baby would only scream, and for the moment she was quiet. Better to load the car first.

  Tara grabbed the diapers from the cart and tossed them into the trunk. Her purse strap slid down, and she threw it in as well before turning back to scoop up a couple of canvas sacks. Formula and baby food knocked together. Maddy fussed.

  “Sweetheart, please, give me just a minute—”

  Glass crunched. The hair on the back of her neck stood up and she spun. A man dressed in black with a ski mask over his face materialized out of the shadows. He lifted his arm, and she was looking down the barrel of a gun.

  She froze.

  What did he want? Money? Her car? Or—she swallowed hard—did he want something else? From her seat on the cart, Maddy whimpered. The masked man’s attention slid to the left. It lingered on the baby and Tara’s heart galloped. Her gaze darted around the parking lot, but it was empty.

  She backed up half a step, putting herself between the man and Maddy. The shopping cart handle bumped against her back. Tara’s breath came in shallow spurts.

  “Here.” She lifted her car keys. Her hand shook. “Take it. My purse is in the trunk.”

  His mouth, visible through a cut in the mask, twisted into a sinister smile. It iced her blood.

  He stepped closer. The canvas grocery bags were wrapped around her wrist. The weight of the baby formula pulled them down. She gripped the handles.

  “Please.” Her voice trembled. “Just take the car and go.”

  She threw the keys at him. He instinctively reacted by trying to catch them. In one quick flash, she swung the canvas bags. The combined force of the baby formula cans knocked the gun from his hand. It clattered against the pavement. She swung again, aiming for his head. He stumbled and fell back.

  Tara spun on her heel, gripped the shopping cart, and took off. The loose wheel vibrated violently. The sacks she’d stupidly hung on to banged between the metal grate of the cart and her knees. She opened her mouth to scream.

  Something tackled her. She released the cart, and it skittered across the parking lot. Maddy’s wails turned frantic.

hit the asphalt and pain exploded across her hip and shoulder. The attacker slid across her. The air fled her lungs and tears pricked her eyes as she struggled to breathe. Maddy’s cries echoed across the lot.


  She struggled to her feet, but he grabbed her ankle. His gloved hand gripped hard enough to bruise bone. She twisted and kicked out with the other foot. The defensive move was meant for his nose but caught him on the shoulder instead. He yanked.

  She scrambled to find purchase as the ground rushed her. Her palms scraped against the asphalt and her head wacked against the side of a car’s bumper. A red-hot flash of pain exploded across her vision.

  The attacker loomed over her.

  No! Maddy!

  He grabbed her by the hair and slammed her head against the pavement.

  Everything went black.

  Grady joined the back of the checkout line and scanned the grocery store. Two people waited in front of him, and a lady and her five-year-old were in the next aisle over. No threats. Not that there would be many in Sweetgrass, Texas. A fact he’d reminded himself of over and over again. Still, years of working undercover had made him hyper-aware and extra vigilant. Becoming a Texas Ranger had intensified those habits.

  He rubbed his palm against the ache in his bum leg. It hurt more today, probably due to all the driving. He’d spent the last two weeks working a murder case several counties over. At the end of the counter, the employee bagging groceries paused.

  Tommy lifted a canvas sack. “Doctor Sims forgot her bag.”

  Tara? His heart skipped a beat. He hadn’t seen her since Maddy’s adoption proceeding.

  “She must have been distracted by the baby’s crying. I’ll run it out to her,” Tommy said to the cashier.

  “And leave me without someone to bag my groceries?” The woman in line frowned. “She’ll come back in and get it when she sees it’s missing.”

  Grady stepped out of line and placed his items on the next register. “I’ll take it to her, Tommy.”

  He grabbed the bag, his long strides eating up the distance between the register and the sliding doors. The moment they opened, Grady tensed.

  The baby’s scream carried on the wind. It was frantic. There was no way Tara would leave Maddy crying like that. He lowered the bag, silently dropping it on the sidewalk. His heart pounded as he ran toward the sound in a crouched position. A shopping cart sat against an unfamiliar vehicle at an odd angle. The baby’s hands and feet waved from the carrier still resting on top.

  Tara was nowhere in sight.

  His heart broke for the baby and he wanted to comfort her, but first he had to find her mom. He pulled his gun and kept moving, keeping to the shadows. Canvas bags were spread around, a dented can of formula under a car's wheel. A few vehicles down, Tara came into view, lying on the ground. A man in a ski mask crouched over her.

  “Police!” He pointed his gun at the attacker. “Freeze!”

  The man raised his head. Their eyes met across the distance. It was too far to see clearly, but Grady sensed the attacker was weighing his options. Tara didn’t move. He didn’t know if she was breathing, and it killed him.

  The attacker bolted. He scurried between two cars and grabbed something from an open trunk.

  “Freeze!” Grady ordered. He could shoot him, but there was no way to know if anyone else was in the parking lot. He didn’t want to run the risk of accidentally hitting an innocent bystander. The man disappeared into the shadows, his footsteps fading fast.

  Grady’s instincts were to take off after the attacker, but he couldn’t leave Tara and the baby. He dropped to his knees next to her prone form. Holding his breath, he checked for a pulse on her delicate wrist.

  She had a heartbeat. “Thank you, Lord.”

  There was so much blood on her face. He pulled out his phone. He rattled off his identification, requested an ambulance and additional units. He also gave them a description of the attacker—what little there was—and the direction he’d fled. They had to get him off the streets. If he was willing to attack a woman and child, who knew what else he would do?

  Voices filtered across the parking lot. Tommy came around the corner. He was pushing a cart, the woman from earlier by his side. They spotted Grady and Tara at the same time and both stopped in their tracks, mouths dropping open.

  “Tommy, check the baby.”

  The young man raced to the shopping cart.

  “Is she hurt?” Grady barked out.

  “She looks okay.” He steered the entire cart over. Grady got up from his crouch, his leg screaming in protest. Maddy’s wails had quieted. Her face was red from her efforts, and she’d shoved a tiny fist in her mouth. As Tommy had said, she appeared unharmed.

  “Go inside and get me your first aid kit.”

  Sweetgrass was a small town with limited resources and the grocery store was on the outskirts. The police or ambulance might take fifteen minutes to get there. He needed to tend to Tara now.

  The diaper bag was still inside the cart. He pulled out a burp cloth, and bent down to examine Tara. Other than the wound on her face, she seemed unharmed. Of course, it was impossible to know for sure until she was conscious or checked out by a doctor.

  So much blood. Where was it coming from? Careful not to jostle her, he brushed his fingers along her skull. There was a wound hidden in her hair. He pressed the cloth to the gash.

  Her eyes fluttered but didn’t open.

  “Tara, can you hear me?”

  She didn’t move and his tension racketed up. Head wounds could be deadly. The baby whimpered in her carrier.

  “Stay with me, Tara. Maddy needs you. She can’t lose you too.”


  Tara signed the discharge paperwork, scooped up her jacket, and winced. Her scraped palms stung, and her body ached with already sore muscles. Yet, she thanked God the injuries were minor. Things could have been so much worse.

  In the parking lot, she’d regained consciousness with Grady hovering over her. The first thing he’d done was reassure her that Maddy was okay. The ER doctor had also thoroughly checked the baby over. Only then had Tara allowed treatment of her own injuries.

  She bolted toward the waiting room. Although she knew Maddy was safe with Grady, she longed to hold her in her arms. She breathed a sigh of relief when they came into view through the glass doors.

  Grady was leaning against the wall. His light brown hair was hidden underneath his white cowboy hat, and a five o’clock shadow darkened his square jaw. Blood—hers?—stained the sleeve of his sports jacket. In his arms, he cradled a sleeping Maddy.

  He closed the distance between them. “Are you okay?”

  “Fine. A few stitches but that’s all.”

  She held out her hands, and he carefully shifted Maddy to her arms. Tara cuddled her close and kissed the riot of curls at the top of her head. To think of what could have happened….

  “Grady, I don’t know how to thank you. I can’t—”

  A lump formed in Tara’s throat and hot tears burned the back of her eyelids. She hadn’t cried once. Not in the ambulance, not in the ER, not even when she’d given her statement to the detective. But now, with Maddy in her arms and the danger behind her, the emotions were overwhelming.

  His warm hand grasped her upper arm and squeezed it gently. “There’s no need to thank me. God put me in the right place at the right time. I’m glad you and Maddy weren’t seriously hurt.”

  “Me too.”

  “Come on.” Grady picked up the diaper bag and the carrier from a nearby chair. “Let’s get the two of you home.”

  “That sounds like a good idea.” She paused. “Wait, how are we going to get home? You rode in the ambulance with me.”

  “A couple of officers were nice enough to drop off my truck.”

  He hustled them outside. The temperature had dropped and Tara’s hands were icy by the time they got Maddy’s car seat situated. She climbed into the cab. “I’m exhausted.”

t’s normal after the night you’ve had.” He pulled out of the hospital parking lot. “Seriously, are you okay? Any pain? I was worried you would have a concussion.”

  She was lucky she didn’t after taking two knocks to the head. One when she hit the car’s bumper and another when the attacker slammed her head against the ground.

  “I’m okay.” Ice had helped, as had the numbing medication, but she knew aspirin was in her future. “It’s a good thing I’m hard-headed. It would’ve been difficult to spend the night in the hospital. I hate them.”

  His mouth twitched. “You’re a doctor.”

  “Who doesn’t work in a hospital. Besides, it’s entirely different to be a patient.”

  “Ain’t that the truth.”

  The street lights played with the edges of his strong profile. Her stomach fluttered. No matter how much she wished otherwise, he had an effect on her she couldn’t shake. She’d never once thought of him romantically—not even when they were teenagers. But since her move back to town last year, whenever Grady walked into a room, her heart beat a touch faster. It was new and unfamiliar and horrifyingly similar to attraction. She didn’t know what to do with it except pretend it wasn’t happening.

  “Do you want me to call Janet?” he asked. “I could have her meet us at your house.”

  Her best friend, Janet, was also Grady’s younger sister.

  “No, it’s late. There’s no need to bother her.”

  Silence descended. Despite the late hour, Grady’s attention was laser sharp. His hands were firmly on the steering wheel and he kept checking the mirrors.


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