The Grateful Boys
Page 33
In unison they sipped from their chalices. They placed the cups onto the table and took a seat.
“Thank you, brothers, for being here, as you take and drink,” Alobard said graciously. “The Chancellor, away on business, could not attend. As eldest brother I will remain vanguard in the absence of the Chancellor. Now, I am not here to chastise anyone’s preferences, all of my brethren are free to do as they place. For we are vampire-kind. But it has come to my attention that Percivell may have attained something truly fascinating. Tell us, Percivell… about the girl.”
“Hailey. Her name is Hailey,” Percy corrected him. “And I believe she may be the reincarnation.”
Chatter commenced upon the other vampires.
“That is near blasphemous!” Gabriel shouted.
“No, it is not,” Alobard shot him a stare. “It is only a suggestion. Isn’t that right, Percy?”
“Have you not seen her? And have you not seen Lilith?” Percy asked them.
“Only in interpretative paintings,” Gregorious added.
“So, we are making our considerations for queen resurrection based on a vague similarity to a painting?” Gabriel scoffed. “I’m hardly convinced.”
“It is not you who I need to convince,” Percy responded.
“We do not renounce the musings of our brothers. We are not humans,” Alobard said to each of them. “You see, we actually value one another.”
“Not tonight apparently,” Percy sneered.
“It is merely apprehension, Percivell,” Gregorious told him. “The Queen Mother of Vampires has been dead for 2000 years. Longer than any vampire except, perhaps, the Chancellor. Many think her third coming is merely the stuff of myth and fables.”
“Lilith was the only one to ever return after facing a vampire’s death. There are a few vampires old enough to have met her during the second coming. But none during the first,” Alobard told them.
“I was merely presenting their point of view,” Gregorious added. “I fully believe the third coming is inevitable. I, however, did not think the Queen Mother would return in a human form.”
“How else would it be possible?” Percy asked. “Vampires may only be formed from humans.”
“That is sensible,” Alobard nodded. “If the Queen Mother of Vampires returns, I assume it will first be in human form. Then she shall inevitably be turned into her truest form.”
“Let’s say all of that is true,” Gabriel spoke up. “That a human must first serve as the embryo, so to speak. Still, that doesn’t mean your little human girlfriend is the one we’ve been waiting an eon for, Percivell.”
“I never stated this as any sort of measure of undeniable fact,” Percy shot back. “But I believe the possibility is there.”
“Possibility? Sure,” Gregorious responded.
Jacobus spoke up for the first time. “And if your little Hailey is the one… why should you have all the fun, Percy? I’m just saying I would love to have a taste.”
Jacobus placed his elbows on the table and reached in closer to Percy. He licked his lips and winked.
“Have you not caused enough problems for us lately?” Percy sneered at him.
“I promise I’ll be gentle with her,” Jacobus sneered.
“If you so much as touch her in a manner that I don’t like, I swear you will regret it,” Percy raised his voice in a commanding tone.
“What are you going to do? Kill me just for wanting to try her?” Jacobus spat.
“You will do no such thing,” Percy told him and protracted his fangs. “Recall that I am far older than you. I’ve napped for longer than you’ve been a vampire. Just remember that I have 300 years on you.”
“It ain’t the age that matters,” Jacobus hawed and protracted his own fangs.
“She belongs to me,” Percy squinted.
“And least you all remember that I am over 600 years old. So why don’t both of you put your fangs away,” Alobard reminded them. “Jacobus, you will not have any involvement with this girl. She is Percy’s to claim. Any potential of her clam to queendom can be handled elsewhere. The Order would decide that. Not us.”
“Thank you, Alobard,” Percy said to him as he retracted his fingers.
“You love to ruin all the fun. Just because you sit at the head of the table,” Jacobus said to Alobard. “One day I’ll be there.”
“Not with your clueless and reckless abandon, you won’t,” Alobard told him.
“I think I’ve heard enough of your mouth today,” Jacobus hissed, his fangs more pronounced than ever. He jumped from the table.
“Do not jump up to me,” Alobard said in a quiet but commanding tone as he remained seated. “I could kill you in a mere microsecond. Now I told you to put your fangs away.”
“I renounce you… each of you… and the Order!” Jacobus yelled, still standing with fangs still displayed. He rushed out of the dining room and fled the house. Like lightning, he was gone in a flash.
“Well that was dramatic,” Gregorious laughed.
“Always so impulsive,” Gabriel added.
“If he has truly renounced the order,” Alobard said, “then the Chancellor shall find a replacement. Surely one less impetuous and less prone to… that.”
“Can we continue a more fair-minded discussion now?” Percy asked.
“Of course,” Alobard nodded. “Let us now persist in the consumption.”
They picked up their chalices, moving the cups in circular motions around their noses before sipping.
“To be non-human,” Gregorious said with another sip from his chalice, “this blood is truly miraculous in flavor.”
“That brings me to the good news. With permission of the Chancellor, we will soon procure fresh blood of the human variety in a bold new approach,” Alobard told them.
“Cheers,” Gregorious said as he raised his cup.
“Cheers,” the others chanted as they raised their cups in unison.
“As for Jacobus,” Alobard laughed, “I’ve always said if you want to know who a man truly is – give him a little power, turn him into a vampire.”
Under the moonlight, Mason, Alex, Ben, and Matthew rode their bikes side by side along the deserted roads. Mason was still wearing his backpack containing four wooden makeshift stakes, one for each of them and each personally sharpened to varying degrees.
The canister of gasoline was in a small rack atop Ben’s bike.
“Sure feels like a long ride to the school from here,” Ben said. “I’m getting tired.”
“Almost there!” Mason shouted across to him.
“Yes! Yes we are,” Matthew assured them. “I know the ride’s a lot shorter from where we each live.”
“You can say that again,” Alex guffawed.
Finally they were there, after pedaling for what felt like an eternity.
“Matthew, you need to get a car and fast,” Ben laughed and coughed.
“Help me buy one and I’ll ride all of you around!” Matthew joked as they approached the front door of the school.
Alex dropped his bike as the others looked on. He grabbed the door handle. Nothing. It was locked.
“How do we get in?” Alex asked.
“Easy,” Mason said. “We gotta go around to the gym.”
Alex got back on his bike and the four boys rode around the school, pedaling to the back of the gymnasium near the volleyball court. They stopped at the double door exit doors leading into the gym.
“Now what?” Ben asked. “Those doors are probably locked too.”
“Nope,” Mason said. “Well one of ’em is locked. The other is loose and doesn’t work. Coach said he was gonna get it fixed next week.”
Mason leaped off his bike as it crashed to the ground. As he rushed to the door, the others could hear the sound of the stakes rumbling around in his barely zipped backpack.
Click! He pushed the left door in and it opened right up. It was loose and sounded unwieldy.
Alex, Matth
ew, and Ben all hopped off of their bikes and followed Mason from the chilled night air into the gymnasium. Unfortunately, it was just as cold inside the gym as it was outside the gym. Neither air nor heating were ever turned on during the weekends.
“Wow it’s cold in here,” Mason said.
“Let’s get this over with,” Matthew nodded as he slowly shut the exit door behind them.
“First thing’s first,” Mason said as he took off his backpack, unzipped it, and emptied the four wooden stakes onto the floor. “One for each of us.”
“Now we just need the vampire,” Alex said, picking up a stake.
“Oh, damn, I forgot the gasoline,” Ben said. He rushed through the loose exit door and hurried back when the canister in his hand.
“I just realized we could burn down the entire gym doing this. Or maybe even the school,” Alex said.
“No,” Mason told him. “There’s not much in the canister. Not enough to set the whole school ablaze.”
“And the school has sprinklers,” Ben added.
“Nope,” Matthew told him, looking up toward the gym roof. “Well every part of the school but the gym. Go figure. You know Corpus is cheap. We don’t even have school buses.”
“Alright, forget all that,” Mason said. “This is a means to an end. We’re not gonna burn the whole gym down. We’re just gonna light one vampire on fire to slow him down. Slow enough for us to stake him after we burn him.”
“Now just to get him here,” Ben shrugged.
“I kinda miss Seb,” Alex said.
“Forget about him,” Mason said. “He didn’t believe in the cause. He had to go. We’ve got other things to worry about, Alex. We’ve got a vampire to lure.”
“Go for it,” Alex said, throwing his hands in the air.
Mason pulled his phone from his pocket. He scrolled through his contacts and dialed the name ‘Hailey’.
A few miles away, Hailey and Madison were leaving the diner. They’d just paid for their meal after splitting the bill and were getting back inside Madison’s silver Cadillac.
“I might be getting a new car soon,” Hailey smiled.
“Oooh,” Madison whistled as she got into her car. “Then you’ll get to drive me around for a chance. You know what kind?”
“Eh, not sure,” Hailey lied as she buckled her seatbelt. “I think it’ll be a nice one though. You know, I have my license but I’ve never had a car of my own before.”
“Well it’s about time, right?” Madison said as she put the car in reverse, backed up, placed the gear in drive, and drove off.
“I’ve been wanting a car since I got my learner’s permit like two years ago. It’s going to be great.”
Hailey’s phone began ringing. She had a catchy ‘be bop’ tune as her ringtone.
“Phone for you, Hailey!” Madison said as she drove.
“Oh, I hear it,” Hailey told her as she dug into her pocket and pulled it out. She saw her brother’s name on the screen. “It’s Mason,” she said, rolling her eyes. “What on earth could he want from me tonight?”
“Who knows? Maybe it’s something serious,” Madison shrugged as Hailey’s phone continued ringing.
Hailey sighed and decided to answer it on what must have been the final ring.
“What do you want, Mason?” she groaned.
“He’s here! Your vampire boyfriend!” Mason shouted.
“Wait, what?” Hailey asked, contorting her face. “What are you talking about?”
“The one named Percy! Hailey he’s got me here in the gym! He’s gone berserk and he’s demanding to see you!”
“Mason, what are you talking about? The gym?”
“Yeah, the gym here at school! You gotta get here, Hailey! Now!”
She heard the sounds of someone banging loudly on the gym doors.
“What’s going on, Hailey?” Madison asked her. “Is everything okay?”
“No,” Hailey told her nervously. “Can you drive to the school? Head to the back toward the gym. My little brother is back there. He says he’s in trouble.”
“You gotta get here as fast as you can, Hailey! I don’t want him to hurt me. He keeps demanding you get here!”
“Try to stay calm, Mason,” Hailey said. “Just stay out of his way. I’ll be there soon. Madison is driving me.”
She ended the call as Madison stomped on the brakes and turned her car around. “I’ll get us there in a few minutes!” Madison assured her.
A barrage of thoughts ran through Hailey’s mind, each worse than the last. Why would Percy be at the school with Mason? What would have enraged him? Did Mason do something stupid in an attempt to hurt him? Percy’s a vampire! He should have known better.
“Alright,” Mason said a few minutes later at he peered through the exit doors of the gym. “She should be here any minute.”
“You’re a genius, Mason,” Ben told him.
“Not yet,” Mason admitted. “We’re still in phase one. Much more to do.”
Alex was standing at the top of the bleachers, looking out the tallest window on the side of the gym. “Alright, here they come! I see the car,” he said as he rushed down the bleachers and toward the door to join the others.
“Okay, guys,” Mason addressed them. “As soon as they come in, me and Ben will take Madison. Matthew… you and Alex grab my sister.”
“Got it,” Matthew nodded. “Sounds like a plan.”
The headlights peered from around the corner, alerting them that Madison’s silver Cadillac had just arrived. The car rode over the volleyball court, avoiding the net, and stopped right near the door double exit.
Hailey jumped out of the car and Madison followed right after her. Mason opened the half-broken door and smiled as Hailey dashed toward him and into the gym.
“PERCY!” she yelled. “Where are you?”
Madison joined her in the gym. They saw only Mason and his three friends.
“What?” Hailey said with a deep anger in his tone. “Where’s Percy?”
“GRAB HER!” Mason yelled.
Immediately Matthew latched on to her right arm while Alex grabbed her left arm. Mason and Ben simultaneously grabbed Madison.
“This way,” Mason gestured as he and Ben pulled Madison toward the side of the gym.
“What the hell!” Madison screamed. “Let go of me!”
“What are you doing, Mason!” Hailey screamed as she attempted to pull away. But she was no match for two boys.
“You’ll understand eventually!” Mason yelled back as he and Ben approached the gym closet. Madison kicked and screamed, attempting but unable to flee as they tossed her into the closet. Ben shut the door and Mason quickly placed a plastic chair up to the handle of the closet door, locking Madison in. She banged against the door, begging to be let out.
“We’ll let you out soon!” Ben yelled to her.
“One down,” Mason said, brushing his hands together.
Along with Ben, he rushed over to Hailey.
“Why do you have your crazy friends holding me? What the hell is wrong with you, Mason!” Hailey yelled, still trying to pull away.
“We got her,” Ben said. “She’s not going anywhere.”
“I want you to get him here,” Mason told her.
“What!?” Hailey shot back. “Who?!”
“The one I lured you here for! I want you to summon your vampire!”
“You’re insane, Mason,” she screamed. “You’ve lost whatever mind you had left! And I know it wasn’t much to begin with.”
“No, Hailey,” he retorted, clenching his fist. “I see the truth.”
“Maybe this was a mistake,” Alex said nervously as he held onto Hailey’s arm.
“NO!” Mason yelled. “This was no mistake! Summon him, Hailey! Do it! Do it now!”
“I’m sorry you’re this crazy, Mason! Percy never did anything to you that you didn’t start. And you couldn’t hurt him even if you wanted to!” Hailey g
runted and yelled, still trying to pull away from their grip.
“So be it, Hailey. We’ll do this the hard way,” Mason said. He walked over to where his backpack lay. He picked up a stake and carried it over to Hailey. “Pick up the canister, Ben. And step aside.” Ben grabbed the canister as Mason ordered and unscrewed the top.
“What?” Hailey said nervously. “What are you doing?”
“It’s not for you,” Matthew assured her. “Just the vampire.”
“It’s going to be for someone tonight,” Mason told her, gritting his teeth. “So you’d better summon him. And fast.”
“PERCY!” Hailey screamed. “PERCY!”
Nothing happened. She placed her head down and remembered how to really summon him. Quietly she thought. She envisioned him in the center of her head. Him, and nothing else. I need you, she said quietly to herself.
“I’m waiting!” Mason said after a minute passed. Just as he finished speaking, the exit doors of the gymnasium flew up. In the doorway, silhouetted against the moonlight stood Percivell Bartholomew Clementwell III.
“You’re here,” Hailey said with relief.
Moving near the speed of light, Percy dashed in front of Hailey, staring with disdain at Matthew and Alex.
“Get your hands off of her,” Percy commanded them.
The two boys didn’t flinch.
“So you really are a vampire,” Matthew said in disbelief.
Percy protracted his fangs, making them clearly visible.
“No,” Mason said, grabbing his attention. “This is all my doing, Percy. I lured her here. So I could lure you here.”
“What?” Percy asked as he turned his attention to Mason. “Did our last meeting not go as well as you’d hoped, boy?”
“I promise this one is gonna go a little differently,” Mason said curtly.
Mason jumped out of the way, barrel rolling onto the floor. He yelled, “NOW, BEN!”
Percy turned around and was doused with a gallon of gasoline. Percy shook his head and wiped the gasoline from his jacket. “You’re going to pay for that,” he said, looking at Ben and wiping his eyes.
Just as quickly, Matthew let go of Hailey – who was still being held by Alex. Matthew took a zippo lighter from his pocket, flicked it on, and tossed it onto Percy.