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Nine, the Tale of Kevin Clearwater

Page 25

by T. M. Frazier

There’s a bag placed over my head, and I’m shoved onto the leather couch. I’m reaching for the chains on my wrists when I realize that no one has attacked me or bound my hands. The light clicks on, and I can see figures through the bag. I reach up and slowly pull it from my head.

  “Man, you didn’t even piss yourself!” Preppy whines, stomping his foot and snagging the sac from my lap. He folds it in his hands and places it back into a drawer as if it were a family heirloom.

  “I told you not to fucking bag ‘em,” Bear growls. “We were in the apartment for two fucking seconds and come back to you lookin’ like you’re recruiting the newest member of your satanic fuckin’ cult,” Bear says, slapping Preppy in the chest. “We agreed no bags on the head.”

  “Ouch, Care Bear. I don’t know what hurts worse. Your words, or the fact that you don’t think I’m going to use what you just said as innuendo against you. Bags on the head? Really? You can do better than that.”

  Bear pulls over a chair and turns it around so it’s backwards. He straddles it and rolls his eyes. “Fuck me.”

  “No thanks,” Preppy replies, laying down on the tattoo chair and crossing his arms over his chest. He looks at the ceiling. “I’ve got a wife for that.”

  “Oh, trust me. I know,” Bear says. “Because I’ve fucked yo—”

  “Are you really going there right now?” Preppy says, shooting up to a sitting position. “We agreed you would never go there.”

  “And you agreed you wouldn’t bag your brother like a hostage in one of those cheesy action movies!”

  King walks over to his tattoo chair and takes a seat. He rubs his face like he’s annoyed with the scene playing out in front of him, but in truth, I see the smile he’s trying to hide.

  “Kids,” he muttered. “Can’t take ‘em anywhere.” He looks to me. “Not my kids. My kids are great.” He lights a joint and inhales. He jerks his chin over to Bear and Preppy, who are griping at each other like an old married couple, then runs his hands over his short hair. “It’s them two I gotta fuckin’ worry about.”

  “Why, exactly, am I here?” I ask.

  Preppy and Bear stop the bickering and look to me. A slow smile spreads across Preppy’s face.

  Bear raises his eyebrows. “Because we’re having a goddamn meetin’ that’s why.” He says, like it should be obvious to me.

  I lean forward and take the joint from King, taking a long drag and keeping it held in for as long as I can before exhaling because there’s no way I’m going to be able to get through the next few minutes without being high, especially if Preppy doesn’t get to the fuckin’ point.

  I stand to pass the joint to Bear. “Okay, but like I asked before—” I sit back down. “Why am I here?”

  King stands and moves to the wall where he removes one of Ray’s framed drawings, revealing a safe. He turns it left and right a few times before it pops open.

  Preppy rubs his hands together eagerly.

  Bear’s face is expressionless, except for a knowing glint in his eyes.

  King retrieves something and shuts the safe. He sits back down and holds up a key, the end in the same symbol as the neon logo hanging above his head. He tosses the key to me and sits back. “What’s this for?” I inspect the key and quickly notice that although it’s the same logo as the sign, it’s also a little different.

  This one has the number nine in the center of the bow tie.

  I look up and meet three pairs of approving eyes.

  “Those,” King says, “are the keys to the motherfuckin’ kingdom.”

  “Welcome aboard, kid,” Bear chimes in.

  “My baby boy. All fuckin’ grown up,” Preppy says in a high-pitched voice, fanning his fake tears.

  King leans forward. His elbows on his knees. “That key unlocks this room, all three of our houses, the arsenal on the island, several safe houses, and a few stashes of shit here and there around town.”

  “And for some reason, it also opens the vending machine at the bus stop,” Preppy says with a shrug. “Free Fritos for fucking dayyyysss.”

  “You showed us that you’re willing to take a bullet for us. To die for us,” Bear says.

  King finishes, “This is us showing you that we’re willing to do the same. We need some younger blood in Logan’s Beach. Someone willing to take charge when we can’t. Someone else to watch our backs. We all got our own shit going on, but this here in this room? This shit comes first.”

  Bear nods in agreement. “I’ve got The Lawless, my MC, my brotherhood.” He looks around the room. “But these two are my actual brothers. And now, so are you.”

  The key feels heavy with the trust it comes with. “I won’t let you down.”

  Preppy pulls out a long sharp knife. There’s a glint in his eye as he holds it up in the air. “Now, it’s time for the blood oath.”

  A few moments of silence pass before all three of them start laughing.

  “I’m just kidding. The blood oath was a no-go the first time I brought it up.”

  “Yet you kept fucking asking,” King says, slapping Preppy playfully on the back.

  I’ve gone without having any sort of family in my life, and now, these men are taking me in as one of their own. “I don’t even know what I’m supposed to say.”

  “You ain’t supposed to say anything,” Bear says. He stands and makes his way over to a cabinet, but it’s just a door front that opens to a mini fridge and liquor cabinet. He pulls out a bottle of whiskey. “You’re supposed to fucking drink.”

  “Oh, I’ll get my shit,” Preppy takes off to the adjoining apartment and comes back with an armful of baggies, filled to the brim with all sorts of powders and pills. “Sorry, guys. This is all I could get on such short notice.”

  King laughs as Preppy spreads his shit out on the coffee table.

  “I thought this was a meeting?” I ask as Bear snorts a line off his wrist.

  He looks up at me, wiping at his nose, and licks the rest of the blow from his skin. “What the fuck is it you think we do in meetings?”

  Preppy passes me the bottle. He sits down on the floor in front of the leather couch and tugs on my leg until I do the same. Bear and King join us on the floor across the low table. “I’m proud of you, brother.”

  Not wanting the surge of emotions I’m feeling to spill into my words, I take a deep pull from the bottle.

  “Now, stop being a pussy, and shove some blow up your nose, brother. You ain’t gonna morph those two nostrils into one if you’re a pussy about it,” Preppy says, dumping out a huge bag of blow into a bowl.

  “Nobody wants one nostril,” King tells Preppy.

  “Yes, they do. Everyone knows that one nostril is halfway to unicorn.” He uses a small straw to snort a line and hands it to me, locking eyes with mine. “Be a unicorn.”

  “What time did you start on the hard shit?” I ask Preppy.

  He shrugs. “Eight.”

  “No, you didn’t. We were here at eight,” Bear argues.

  Preppy dismisses him with a wave of his hand. “Eight this morning.” He explains. “Dre and her Dad took the kids to New York for the weekend, and Daddy has an itch that needs scratchin’.”

  Bear’s gaze drops to the bowl of blow. King’s follows.

  “Does that bowl have…” King leans in and takes a closer look. “Mini Mouse on it?”

  “It wasn’t my first choice,” Preppy replies with a one shouldered shrug. “Daisy Duck was in the dishwasher.”

  I realize I’m still holding the key. I tuck it into my wallet for safekeeping.

  “That thing comes with a lot of responsibility,” King says, his tone turning serious. “You ready for what comes with it?”

  “I’ve never been readier.” It’s the truth. I came to Logan’s Beach to find my brother. I’ve found more than a brother. I found Lenny. My family. And there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for each and every one of them.

  “You may have lost a lot of our money, but you’ve gained our respect,” Bear sa
ys. “Money can be made again. This shit here? Is fucking priceless.”

  I frown. “Wait, Preppy didn’t give you…” I glance at Preppy who looks away whistling, finally our eyes meet.

  “Oh, yeah,” Preppy snaps his fingers as if he’s just remembering. “I totally forgot to tell you guys. Nine paid us back, with interest.” He snorts a line, using a metal straw shaped like a tiny vacuum cleaner.

  “I’m going to fucking kill you,” Bear warns, cracking his knuckles.

  Preppy rolls his eyes. “Don’t be stupid, Bear. Wait until I’m not high anymore because honestly, if you kick my ass now, I’m not gonna feel a thing, and then, where would the pleasure be in that?”

  Bear narrows his eyes at Preppy, then nods. “Good point.”

  “A toast,” King announces, pouring whiskey into four solo cups. Passing one to each of us. We hold up our cups as I look around the table at each of my new brothers.

  King’s eyes meet mine. His toast is a loud yell from the depths of his chest.

  “To the Prince of Logan’s Beach!”

  * * *

  If you enjoyed Nine’s story you’ll love Grim’s! Click here to download Perversion, FREE with Kindle Unlimited subscription


  King of The Causeway

  A Preview


  King steps out onto the porch dressed in his usual all black with a plain black baseball cap on his head. “Hey, Pup.” His voice is a deep bravado that tugs on every nerve ending in my body. I thought it would fade over time, but it hasn’t. Every day with him only amplifies my feelings.

  Heart and body.

  He sits on the step above me and looks out into the front yard where our kids are playing.

  Nicole Grace is toddling around chasing her brother and sister. Sammy and Max are shooting each other with massive water guns, gifts from Bear. I’m rocking the newest addition to our family in her bouncy seat next to me as I take in the laughs and squeals of delight coming from my crazy brood.

  “I’ve got to go meet with Nine. He’s got some shit that needs to be sorted out at Preppy’s house. You good here for a while?” King asks.

  I nod. “You know, the kids are kind of pissed at us for getting married at the courthouse. They wanted to be there.”

  King gently places his hand on my throat. A possessive hold that I’ve come to love. “Couldn’t wait any longer.”

  “Me either,” I admit.

  He leans in and presses a soft kiss to my lips.

  “Ewwwwwww!” Sammy cries.

  We break apart and look to Sammy, who is pointing at us, wrinkling his little nose. “That’s gross.”

  King laughs. “Mind your business, boy. You won’t always think it’s gross.”

  Sammy shakes his head. “No way. It’s gross, and I’m not changing my mind.”

  Max pops out from behind the thick trunk of the oak tree in the center of the yard and squirts Sammy from behind. He lets out a shriek of surprise then takes off after her.

  “Maybe they need to see us get married,” King laments.

  My head snaps to him. “What?”

  He watches the kids for a moment longer before turning to look at me. “I want them to see that what’s between for what it is. Something good. Something strong.” He stands and grabs my hand, pulling me up with him. His hand goes back to my throat. “Go pick out a white dress, Pup. ‘Cause you and I are having a wedding.” He kisses me slowly, but it’s not tender, it’s a slow possession of my mouth and body. He pulls away. “Now that you’re mine in every way, I think that’s something worth celebrating. Don’t you?”

  All I can do is nod because just like every time he kisses me, he’s stolen my breath away.

  “See you in a bit,” he chuckles. “Don’t let them kill each other. At least not until I get back.” He kisses our little one then heads down the porch steps and runs up behind Sammy, holding him up into the air so that Max can get a good shot at him. He puts down Sammy, and the kids take off running yet again.

  King places a kiss on top of Nicole Grace’s head then walks over to his bike. Each stride he takes makes my breath quicken. He straddles the big black bike and the engine roars to life. He flips his baseball cap around then takes off down the driveway.

  I’m left gaping at him like a school kid with a crush because damn that man is still the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

  I pick up the baby and hold her on one hip. I go down into the yard and scoop up Nicole Grace, setting her on my other hip. I yell to the other two kids that I’m going to put the younger ones down for a nap.

  When I emerge from the house a few moments later, Max and Sammy are sitting in the grass, watching ladybugs crawl over dandelions.

  A car pulls up on the driveway that I don’t recognize. My shoulders stiffen.

  “Sammy, Max! Get inside, now!” I order.

  Sammy and Max do exactly as I ask. Standing up and running past me into the house because they know my serious voice. They also know that mama doesn’t play around when there’s even a small possibility of a threat, especially when it comes to my kids.

  They slam the screen door. I watch as a woman steps out from the shiny black BMW. She’s beautiful and blonde. Thin with not a hair out of place. She’s tall wearing trendy large sunglasses and sky-high heels not meant for a gravel driveway, but somehow she tackles the walk with ease.

  “Is King around?” she asks, with a sweet southern drawl that makes my arm hairs stand on end.

  “Around here we introduce ourselves before we ask questions,” I tell her, crossing my arms over my chest.

  She doesn’t answer. Because she’s distracted by something. She takes off her glasses and stares up into the front window where Max and Sammy are peering out over the top of the couch.

  No, she’s not looking at both kids. She’s staring at Max.

  Dread pools in my stomach.

  “As a matter of fact, there is something you can help me with,” she says. “I’m Tricia. I’m Max’s—”

  “No, you’re fucking not,” I finish for her.

  She looks to me with determined brown eyes. “Oh, but I am.”

  “Why are you here?” I ask, clenching my fists at my sides. I thought this bitch was dead.

  She touches the tip of her sunglasses to the corner of her mouth. “Why, I’m here to see Max, my baby girl.”

  Inside I’m shaking with rage. Outside I stay cool and calm as I make my way slowly to bottom step. I’m eye to eye with the bitch when I say, “Over YOUR dead body.”

  * * *

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  * * *

  Jake & Abby’s Story (Standalone)

  The Dark Light of Day (Prequel)

  * * *

  King & Doe’s Story (Duet)

  KING (Book 1)

  TYRANT (Book 2)

  * * *

  Bear & Thia’s Story (Duet)

  LAWLESS (Book 3)

  SOULLESS (Book 4)

  * * *

  Rage & Nolan’s Story (Standalone)

  ALL THE RAGE (Spinoff)

  * * *

  Preppy & Dre’s Story (Triplet)




  * * *

  Smoke & Frankie’s Story (Standalone)

  UP IN SMOKE (Spinoff)

  * * *

  Nine & L
enny’s Story



  T.M. Frazier

  T.M. Frazier never imagined that a single person would ever read a word she wrote when she published her first book. Now, she’s a USA Today bestselling author. Her books have been translated into numerous languages and published all around the world.

  T.M. enjoys writing what she calls ‘wrong side of the tracks’ romance with sexy, morally corrupt anti-heroes and ballsy heroines.

  Her books have been described as raw, dark and gritty. Basically, what that means, is while some authors are great at describing a flower as it blooms, T.M. is better at describing it in the final stages of decay.

  She loves meeting her readers, but if you see her at an event please don’t pinch her because she's not ready to wake up from this amazing dream.

  For more information please visit her website

  Join her Facebook Group, Frazierland!




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