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Dragon Men do it Better

Page 6

by Mina Carter

  Her moan of pleasure made him pause. The need to turn around and see her face was almost overwhelming, yet he resisted.

  “Oh dear god, this is mmmmmmm.” Her words became just a jumbled mess of moans and Ranaar couldn’t help but chuckle. She really was a vocal little thing.

  A bolt of heat hit him broadside as the thought of her beneath him, making those sexy little noises for him as he drove her wild, filled his mind. The purr in the center of his chest started up again, his purnasis, and he blinked. It wouldn’t work between them. A human and a Draakon? He’d never heard of such a thing. She was too delicate and tiny to submit to his passion… surely?

  “Ranaar,” her voice called out, and he turned worried that she was hurt. Only she was smiling as she bobbed up to her neck in the water. She had piled her hair on top of her head, yet some strands had escaped and curled around her face.

  “Are you coming in?”

  He shouldn’t. He really shouldn’t. All his warrior’s training insisted that he should check their water supplies and get something for her to eat. But instead he found himself taking a couple of steps toward the water, the need to join her almost overwhelming, like she’d taken command of his limbs and bewitched him. Perhaps humans had some kind of magic like that? She’d already drawn forth his purnasis.

  The water rippled and he couldn’t help but try to look below the surface. The glimpses he had gotten from her wearing her “underwear” hadn’t been enough. His hands gripped the side of the pool, his mind torn.

  “Come on in. I won’t bite and we both need to get clean.” She grinned and splashed some of the water at him. “I can scrub your back.”

  Still he stayed rooted to the spot, sensing if he moved and followed through, it would change the course of his life.

  She didn’t say anything else. She didn’t need to. The deep purr in the center of his chest started up again and he swallowed, creating an odd, strangled sound. “You don’t want me to get in there.” His voice was flat. Blunt. Ruthless. “If I get in there with you, you’re mine.”

  He expected a declaration of denial, or at least her getting out and showing some of that Terran temper. Yet she didn’t. Instead she swept a hand over the surface of the pool and watched him. Her eyes gave little away, but a small smile on her lips worried him.

  Why was she smiling?

  His eyes widened as she stood a little more in the pool, only giving a hint to the swell of her breasts under the water, and turned giving him her back.

  “Get in the damn pool, Ranaar. I need you to scrub my back.”

  His purnasis grew louder, the sound no longer to be denied. Stalking to the edge of the water, he took his time unsnapping the fasteners on his pants and dropping them to the ground. He wasn’t shy about his body, never had been, but the small gasped intake of breath fed his male ego as he strode into the water.


  Dear god he was huge all over. That was Jenna’s first thought as she watched him undress from under her lashes. She had turned her back deliberately so she wouldn’t be caught staring.

  But as she turned her head a little to see what he was doing, she wasn’t ready for the full impact a naked Ranaar would have.

  The gasp had flown out of her mouth and there was little she could do to stop it.

  Sexy huge alien. Three simple words that said it all. Jenna was already aware of how ripped he was when all he did was walk around shirtless.

  Was she complaining? Oh hell no. Jenna was a purveyor of male muscle, a connoisseur of the male form. Simply put, she might be a perv.

  * * *

  Jenna felt the movement of water as he slid into the pool and almost instantly felt his cooler body temperature at her back. She shivered, not from the cold but from awareness. The rational side of her brain was actually slapping her upside the head, asking her what in the name that was all holy she was doing.

  She ignored it.

  Instead she was listening to her other side that said go with it, go with whatever was happening because life was too short. She knew that better than most, doing what she did.

  Ranaar had done nothing but protect her, feed her and in a way cherish her. For the first time since she could remember, she felt wanted. Not just a set of tits and ass for a good time.

  Yet if Jenna was brutally honest with herself, something in her heart told her to just feel, and boy was she feeling. As she felt his large hands grip her waist, she stopped fighting. Who knew what would happen. All that mattered was the here and now.

  He drew her back against him, the solid strength of his chest against her back, and she realized he was…

  “Are you… purring?” she asked, her hands sliding along his strong forearms as he wound them around her waist. The thick, hard bar pressed against her ass and small of her back hadn’t escaped her notice. Either all Draakon were gifted, or he was.

  “Yes. No. Kind of.” His lips whispered over the side of her neck. “It’s my purnasis. A… mating call?”

  “Oh,” Jenna answered, her head tilting to the side to give him better access. “Is that something that happens a lot?”

  She had found the purring enjoyable, the sound reaching something inside her and putting her at ease. She could easily imagine herself falling asleep to the sound.

  “No, not always.”

  She could tell he was hedging, but the feeling of his lips as they blazed a trail up her neck to nuzzle beneath her ear was too enjoyable. The heat that swept through her body stole her ability to think and it was all she could do to stay still in his arms.

  Jenna reached up, her hand finding his hair and delving into the strands as she arched her back. As he nibbled the sensitive flesh of her neck, his hands covered her breasts. The rough texture of his palms rubbed over her nipples creating a myriad of sensations that had her moaning.

  Jenna felt needy, the feeling only getting worse as his purr grew louder. What the hell was he doing to her?

  His thumbs rubbed over the increasingly hard peaks of her nipples, and he nipped her earlobe lightly, sending an arrow of arousal and need shivering right through her. She moaned, the soft sound joining the gentle slap of the water against the rock sides of the pool. It was too much, yet not enough all at the same time. Twisting in his arms, she pressed herself up against every inch of his big, hard body.

  Taking the lead, Jenna pulled his face down to hers, their lips meeting with a groan from them both. He tightened his arms around her waist and lifted so she was pressed hard against his chest, her body flush against his as he then took control. Jenna could only hold on and ride the wave of arousal that took over. She felt small in his arms as he carried her gently over to the side of the pool.

  When they finally came up for air from a kiss that had stolen all coherent thought, Jenna could do little more than mumble.


  “Shhh, I got you, little one,” he rumbled, his voice more a deep raspy purr than anything else. For some reason it suited him as much as his normal voice. He laid her down on a flatter rock half in and half out of the water. She whimpered as he used a big hand to part her thighs and wedged his hips between them. His expression was tight and filled with heat as he looked down at her.

  * * *

  “Make sure you want this,” he warned her. “I’m not your species. Once I start, I will not be able to stop.”

  Jenna arched her back, her own hands lifting to cup her breasts as another wave of heat flushed through her body.

  “Don’t stop,” she whimpered and pushed against his hand where it gently rested on her mound.

  “Please don’t stop.”

  The growl-like purr increased as he slid big hands up the sides of her thighs, grabbing hold of her hips and yanking her gently toward him. She gasped as he pressed against her, right where she needed him the most. Though he was usually cool to the touch, a blessed relief on this devil planet, the hard bar of his cock was hot against her.

  Her hips had a mind of their own
and started to rock against him, his size sending a flutter of both worry and excitement through her.

  Ranaar was not just huge in the muscle department. Her scaled lover was packing down there too, and from what she could feel he was not just a shower, but boy he was a grower too.

  Would he fit? There was only one way to find out. Sitting up and resting on one hand, Jenna reached between them, palming his hard cock in her tiny hand. Gently she slid her palm down to the base before she brought it up with a twist, all the while her eyes watching his reaction.

  He bit his lip, his head dropping back and his eyes fluttering half closed. He let her play, but each stroke of her hand made his nostrils flare and the heat in his eyes darken. She knew she was playing with fire and soon she would have to pay the piper.

  Jenna kept up the pace, a slow slide down with a twist coming back up. She watched as steam from the pool formed droplets on his skin, each one snaking their way down his naked body. For this single moment, this huge male was at her mercy, letting her lead. And didn’t that empower a girl like nothing else. Scooting closer she pressed an open mouthed kiss to his chest, directly over one of his many scars that she found sexy as hell. By pressing closer, she not only continued her little play session but pressed his arousal directly against her sweet spot, pleasuring them both.

  “Oh god,” she whimpered against his skin. Nothing had ever felt this good.

  He swore in his own language. The sound was low and guttural, hitting something deep within. Then something happened. She paused in her movement, her eyes widening as she registered tiny scales in a line along his length.

  “What the…” Jenna’s eyes flew up to Ranaar’s. He now watched her through slitted eyes, his chest heaving, and she suddenly felt like prey. Her fingers feathered over the new scales and ridges as her body responded. Her core tightened on reflex. Her mind zeroed in on how those would feel deep inside her.

  “Fuck me,” she stated on a whimper as she pushed against him again letting the scales press as before. The sensation was nothing like she had ever felt or known was possible, and her body barreled its way to a release.

  “That’s the idea.” He pressed her back against the rock, hands batting hers away and easily capturing them to haul them over her head. Instantly, she knew playtime was over. The edge of a growl in his grunt, he reached down to readjust himself and then pressed into her.

  “Holy shit,” Jenna drawled on a moan as she felt his girth stretch her. Her body was so on edge she fought the impending orgasm but to no avail. The flex of his hips and the ripple of scale even only an inch inside her set her off. Her body arched off the rock as her center clamped down on his tip.

  His own growl caused an answering flutter and he continued to push. Her body gave way to his larger one, even as her release continued to make her see stars, until he was finally seated to the hilt. The scales and ridges hit every erogenous zone she had and then even some she had never known existed.

  Jenna felt his breath on her skin as she opened her eyes and looked into his heat-filled gaze. His hands still pinning hers above her head, he rubbed a thumb over her wrist in a caress as he waited for her to adjust. The first initial burn of entry was now long gone, replaced only by a need—one she knew only he could satisfy.

  She nodded, and relief washed over his face for a split second. In that instant, her heart melted. Her big, growly alien had been worried he’d hurt her. But then he started to move, and those scales and ridges felt just as amazing sliding out as they had sliding in. She whimpered and then cried out as he surged back into her. Hip to hip. Pelvis to pelvis. Then the scales pressed against her clit rustled and she cried out again.

  “Oh god,” was all she could say. Thought, speech, hell even the ability to breathe seemed to have vanished with every thrust. Jenna’s experience with men, although plentiful, was limited to her fellow humans—one orgasm each and a quick cuddle at the end.

  Ranaar blew all of that out of the water. Her body tightened again with each hit to her clit. With each ripple of scale, she was on the edge again. She knew her alien had stamina. She had seen him run through the plant life with her in his arms, which was no simple feat.

  She didn’t doubt he was any different in the love-making arena. What worried Jenna the most though was her own ability to keep up.

  Thought vanished again as he pressed harder into her, setting off bursts of light behind her eyes. His whispered voice caressed her ear as he kept up the pace.

  “I want your pleasure, Jenna, all of it.”

  It was as though her body now obeyed him, not her, as the water slapped against them in pace to the powerful way he took her. She whimpered as she shattered apart again—a high she didn’t think she would come down from as his scales rippled against her. The ridges pressed inside her in ways that made her squirm and stretch out the pleasure that crashed over her.

  Her breath caught. Jenna was lost to Ranaar’s touch, lost to the pleasure he created within her.

  It sounded almost cliché, but she had never felt this way with anyone before. She’d never felt like the world had gone blank, a pitch darkness, only to explode into life in a detonation of colors and feelings. And at the center of it all was him.

  Her dragon.

  He growled, his lips against the side of her throat as he sped up. Her world narrowed down to the two of them, his body against hers as pleasure kept her prisoner beneath him. She whimpered and clung to him, her nails raking over his back.

  Jenna wasn’t sure how much more she could take. Was it possible to die from too much pleasure? Only a part of her never wanted it to end.

  Digging her nails into him, Jenna arched her back as Ranaar hit that special spot, the one no one had been able to reach. She had been convinced it was a myth.

  Each hit sent her higher until finally she let go. Her scream filled the cave and echoed from the walls. For a moment Jenna’s mind went black.

  His growled pants broke through the blackness along with the feel of him gathering her up against him. One arm snaked up the center of her back, cupping the nape of her neck as his other hand spread over the back of her hips.

  He hauled her against him, held in the cage of his arms as he powered into her. But his thrusts, while powerful, were jerky. He managed three before stiffening, his cock buried so deeply she wasn’t sure where he ended and she began, and threw his head back to bellow his release to the stone walls as he came hard and fast.

  Jenna felt every single pulse, every jerk, yet was surprised when he did not automatically pull out. Instead he pressed against her harder as if he wanted to stay fused together. Jenna had never been a cuddler, but right now she had never felt anything more perfect than being in Ranaar’s arms.

  He was still purring, holding her close as he nuzzled the side of her neck. Water moved around them as he turned and leaned back against the rock she’d been lying against. He just held her close, the two of them locked in a close embrace as their heart rates returned to normal.

  “Jesus Christ on a cracker,” Jenna whispered when she was able to get her breath back, her voice hoarse from her screaming. She felt her cheeks heat at the thought. Had she really been that loud?

  So what if she had? It wasn’t as if there were many people around to witness her being ravished. She grinned as she laid her head upon his shoulder. Ravished, she repeated in her mind…she had always wanted to use that word. That was something she could tick of her bucket list.

  Ravished by a sexy alien warrior…tick.

  He gave a sexy purr-growl and kissed her neck. “We need to get you out of the water and dry,” he murmured in her ear. She pouted as he moved and pulled out of her, feeling an instant sense of loss. But in the next heartbeat he’d lifted her up, cradling her against his chest as he walked from the water.

  Jenna wrapped her arms around his neck and kept quiet, not wanting to ruin the moment. Her body started to shiver as they moved away from the heat of the water. Ranaar’s own skin drew the heat
away as well.

  Settling down on the furs, he pulled her into the protective lea of his body. She smiled, cuddling closer.

  “Big spoon, little spoon.”

  He chuckled and dropped a kiss on the top of her head.

  “You humans are so weird.”


  Jenna stretched on the makeshift bed that Ranaar had produced. The guy was not only big, muscly and…she grinned, proportionate, but he was handy when roughing it too. Her body ached in the most delicious of ways. The pleasure of her night with Ranaar still tingled through her body. Unable to help herself, she chuckled as she rolled onto her back and arched, feeling her muscles pull.

  Dragon men did do it better… They really did. Jenna groaned. Ranaar had ruined her for other men. There was no way she would be able to go back to human men now. They would never compare.

  Jenna was alone in the bed. She had realized that the moment she had woken up. The bed felt too large and lonely without him in it. Sitting up, she looked around the cave, but the only sound was that of the slow movement of water from the pool.

  Where was he?

  The sound of footsteps a second later announced his arrival as his large frame filled the rock entrance to the cave. Her heart warmed as his gaze went instantly to where she was in the bed. He walked over to her, leaves cupped in large hands.

  “Breakfast,” he announced, settling the leaves into her lap and sitting next to her.

  Yup, definitely ruined her for human men, but what would happen if and when they left the planet? They would no doubt go their separate ways and Jenna would be left with only memories.

  “Eat.” His gruff voice pulled her gaze to his and she smiled. She reached out to squeeze his hand before she looked down at the leaf in her lap. Fruits, none she recognized, filled her makeshift plate and her stomach growled in response.


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