Book Read Free


Page 7

by Fields, M. J.

  When everyone was in bed, at eight o’clock I made my escape at 8:45 giving me plenty of time to catch a cab to the airport and eat something. Barbie made sure the majority of the lovely meal was meat or something to do with red meat.

  I made it to the corner a few blocks from Barbie’s house, and sat on the bus bench. I dug my phone out and searched for cab companies, when an SUV drove by slowly. Someone yelled out the window, “You better stop or I’m going to jump out and grab that fine little piece of ass.”

  I looked up and saw Zandor hanging out of a window, “Carly!”

  I wiped my eyes quickly, embarrassed that I was sitting on a bench crying so late at night. I forced a smiled and waved. He opened the door and started to get out, someone pulled him back in, “Stop being an ass Zandor! She wouldn’t be out here.”

  It was Jase, I grabbed my bag and stood up and quickly walked in the other direction.

  “Who the fuck else would try to get away after looking at me?” Zandor laughed and I heard the door shut. He grabbed my bag and the SUV’s tires squealed and then reversed stopping right next to me.

  Jase leaned over, “Need a ride?”

  “No I don’t,” I grumbled and kept walking.

  Zandor caught up and threw his arm around my shoulder, “Where’s a pretty little thing like you going on Christmas?”

  Jase reversed further and parked. He got out and walked up to me, and pushed Zandor's arm off my shoulder and glared at him, Zandor laughed. “I’ll be in the vehicle waiting, but do take your time.”

  Jase reached up towards my face and I pulled away. He took the back of my head firmly and wiped the tears away, “It’s Christmas, Baby. Why are you crying?”

  “Take your hands off me-- and it’s none of your business,” I snapped at him and pulled away.

  “Well its twelve degrees out here and your fucking shaking, I’ll give you a ride home…”


  “No is not an option,” he smiled, stupid dimple winked and I stared too long. “You miss me, too. Come on, let me give you a ride.”

  I turned and walked the other way, “Leave me alone.”

  “Aw, for fuck’s sake,” I turned and saw Cyrus getting out of the vehicle and I kept walking.

  Cyrus grabbed me around the waist and marched towards the SUV, “Open the fucking door,” he snapped.

  Xavier laughed and opened the door, “Merry Christmas, Carly.”

  I scowled at him and Cyrus set me in the passenger side, buckled me, and glared at me. “Get your ass in Jase, she may try to run and if I have to go after her again she is going fucking swimming.”

  So what did I do? I smacked him in the back of the head. And what did he do?

  Cyrus growled and he looked me up and down and finally gave me what one might consider a sexy little smile, “Do that again, only harder.”

  Zandor and Xavier laughed as Jase got in.

  “We are going to drop them off at Mom’s and then you and I are going to…”

  “Fuck off Jase! I hate you, you and everyone in this fucking state!”

  Jase looked shocked and then started the SUV and grabbed my face, “You’ll get over it.”

  His brothers laughed.

  I wanted to cry.

  We pulled up to a very nice two story white house: nothing huge, but it was very nice, “Get out.”

  “Thanks for the ride Bro, see you soon, Carly,” Xavier winked as he got out.

  Jase threw the vehicle in park and turned and looked at me, “What the hell are you doing sitting in the freezing cold by yourself on Christmas night?”

  “None of your business,” I continued looking out the window.

  “Talk to me, damn it!”

  “Why? What the hell do you want from me? Why do you keep showing up every time I turn around?”

  “Well, maybe it’s divine intervention Carly. Maybe you need some fucking help. I’m trying to be a friend here okay? So stop being a bitch.”

  “A BITCH! Does that line work for you Jase?” I tried to open the door and he locked it.

  “Talk to me Carly, please,” he turned my face to him.

  “Take your hands off me,” I scowled at him.

  “Promise I can give you a ride to wherever it is you seem to be running away from and I will.”


  “Where to, baby?”

  “I am not your baby and I am going to the airport. Won’t Pam have a problem with this Jase? You left me to run to her. What happened to not being a cheater?”

  “What are you talking about?” He was irritated.

  “Wow, is your brain fried, jackass? You left me to come to your ex….”

  “Wrong ex Carly,” Jase seemed to be getting uncomfortable.

  “Well whatever, Pam or whoever would probably not like…”

  “There isn’t…”

  “Save it, Jase. Either drop my ass off at the airport, or take me back to catch a cab,” I looked out the window and he let out a deep breath.

  “When does your flight leave?” Jase pulled out onto the street.


  “Could you just answer the question without being…”

  “Jase, I don’t need you to save me. I am capable…”

  “Of falling on your sweet little ass every time I’m around.” That pissed me off, I was ready to let him have it and I turned and saw him smile, “Can’t deny it Carly, it happens every time.”

  “Why, would that make you happy? Does it make you feel good, more bad-ass Jase that you are, well you think you are, capable of doing that to me? Why don’t you want me to be happy? Why don’t you just leave me the hell alone?”

  “I tried that. Didn’t work. What time does your flight leave Carly?” I started to say something, “Just answer the damn question.”

  “Midnight,” I felt tears fill my eyes and I hated that I felt like this. “Look, I’ve had a really bad couple days. I’m angry, and hurt, and I just want to go home. So either take me to the airport or let me get out.”

  He reached over and grabbed my hand, “Talk to me, tell me what has you running away from home at twenty years old.” I tried to pull my hand away and he held it firmly, “Talk to me, Baby.”

  “It’s none of your business…”

  “You’re wrong,” he rubbed his thumb across my knuckles.

  “You’re wrong, you can’t just take off and not even talk to me or…”

  “Your boyfriend answered the fucking phone, Carly. Then you didn’t answer my texts…”

  “You didn’t answer mine, and Brad wasn’t my boyfriend then.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Wasn’t then, is he now?” Jase gripped the steering wheel tighter.

  “No. Yes… I don’t know,” I really didn’t.

  “Did you fuck him?”


  “Need clarification?” Jase pulled over and turned towards me, “Has he been inside of you Carly?”Oh shit here we go, I closed my eyes. “I can still see you baby, and I know he hasn’t. I bet he hasn’t even had his hands or mouth around those perfect little tits of yours, caressing or sucking those hard red… fuck,” he groaned and closed his eyes.

  His words were more heated when he continued “I bet he hasn’t gone down on you either. Tasted you, licked you, and ate you, like it was his fucking job baby. And there is no way in hell you have gone down on him. If that had happened… he would never be able to leave your side.” He leaned forward and grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me towards him and kissed my lips gently, “Has he kissed these sweet lips, Baby?” He did not give me time to respond when I felt his tongue piercing against my lips and I opened my mouth and met his tongue. He groaned and reached between us and lifted the console that was separating us. He reached to the side of the seat and his seat reclined all the way back. He pulled me onto him as he continued kissing me.

  Finally I pulled back, needing to breathe ne
eding space, and wanting nothing but more of what he was giving me. “I can’t.”

  “Can’t what,” he sat up and kissed my neck and my head rolled to the side giving him more room to roam. His hand rubbed lightly over my chest. Even with a sweater and a coat on I could feel him and my back arched on its own, pushing into his hand further, “That’s it, Baby.”

  He continued kissing me as he started unzipping my coat. The zipper stuck and he let out a sound, something between a growl and a deep frustrated chuckle. I pulled back until I was against the steering wheel and then he closed his eyes, “Talk to me.”

  “You…GOD Jase! This is so wrong,” I climbed off him and sat in the passenger seat and he sat up and banged his head on the steering wheel which made me laugh.

  “It’s not funny, Baby,” he shook his head and reached down making the seat go back up. “Let me ask you a question-- you said this was wrong, what part of that felt wrong to you? Because nothing has ever felt so fucking right to me.”

  I looked out the window unable to respond because if I was truthful the only part that felt wrong was when it stopped.

  “You feel it too. You know I’ve not had sex in almost five months,” he smiled and looked at me.

  “Well, I can beat that,” I whispered and looked down. “Maybe that’s it Jase. Maybe we should just fuck and get it over with. Then maybe when I have to come back here and visit, you won’t be around every corner or sitting next to me on the rock at the beach when you really aren’t even there. Or when I look at the stupid tree in the front yard it won’t remind me of sneaking out my damn window to come see you. And maybe I will stop looking for the lavender panties I have been missing since you left!” Jase smirked and looked away. “And speaking of, how the hell does Xavier know about my fucking panties?!”

  Jase looked up and smiled, dimple winked and he laughed, “If I tell you, do you promise you won’t be pissed at me?” I scowled and he smiled, “Oh that’s right you are already pissed at me. Open the glove box,” he pointed, “Go ahead.”

  I opened the glove box and sitting inside folded up were my missing lavender panties, “You stole my underwear!”

  “Was either that or take you virginity and leave you. I chose the panties,” Jase laughed at himself.

  “That doesn’t explain how he knew!”

  “Let’s just say you have been on all three of their faces at one point since then,” he winked and started the SUV.

  “That’s disgusting!”

  “As I told them when I walked out and found them passing the panties, you’re mine. They sniffed once and if they do it again I’ll cut them when they are asleep,” Jase looked at me.

  “I am not yours,” I looked away.

  “Keep lying to yourself. I tried that, and it didn’t work out for me.”

  “You haven’t …never mind. I need to get the hell out of this freaking state,” I sat back.

  “Besides me, what are you running from,” Jase reached over and grabbed my hand.

  “Don’t flatter yourself, you arrogant ass,” I rolled my eyes but made no attempt to pull my hand away.

  “I really want to know, Baby. Tell me.”

  “Why? You don’t tell me anything.”

  “If I do promise you’ll spill it, can I get the whole story?”

  “Sure,” I sat back.

  “My ex died when I was seventeen. And that’s why we’ll never get back together. Now your turn,” Jase looked at me for a second.

  “How did she…”

  “No way,” he smirked

  “Seriously you can’t just lay that on me and…”

  “A deal is a deal. Spill it,” he slowed down.

  “Fine, she made my bedroom into the dog’s, a boy dog at that and it’s pink. If I were that dog I would bite her. She put up a tree and decorated it with crystal ornaments and nothing of ours. My Dad is going to marry a woman who hates me and who I now hate. I tried to make breakfast and she literally stood in front of the cupboard and refused to move. She made my Dad cut up my tree before her family came and I can’t even begin to tell you how fucked up they are. She drags him around by the balls and he allows it. You know it’s not like she didn’t know he had kids, and I know we are not technically kids but grow the fuck up, Barbie. If you love him you accept all of him not just his wallet and whatever else he has got going on and I really don’t want to know any of that. So I’m going home, to be with my Mom because she loves me and accepts me. And none of that seems to matter, all pretty petty compared to the bombshell you just dropped. Let’s talk about you,” I finally breathed and he smiled.

  “Let’s talk about you. I like that subject much better,” Jase turned left.

  “No that’s it, that’s all I could take,” I watched his face and he started to laugh, “Not funny, Jase.”

  “I would stay-- it’ll drive her crazy and make me very happy,” Jase smiled, “How about it?”

  “No, I need to focus on school.”

  “You’re on break.”

  “So, I can stay here and be miserable or I can go home and…”

  “Miss me?”

  “Okay I’ve had it, does it feel good to know I missed you?”

  “A little bit good,” he smirked.

  He pissed me off. Freaking smug bastard. I looked out the window again, “Seriously Jase? We have passed the same freaking building four times, I’m not stupid.”

  “No you’re not stupid Carly. Fine I’m not going to win this one am I?” Jase pulled onto a main road.

  I didn’t answer.

  His phone rang and he looked at the dash, and answered, “What the hell do you want?”

  “Did you nail that yet?” Zandor’s voice came through the speaker.

  “Goodbye,” Jase snapped.

  “Wait ask her if she has ever heard the song Mary Moon,” Xavier laughed and so did the others.

  “Jealous?” Jase tried not to laugh.

  “Hell yeah!” Xavier laughed loudly.

  Jase pressed the button ending the call, “Sorry about that.”

  “What song are they talking about?”

  “I really don’t want to talk about my brothers I want to talk about you,” Jase looked at me, “I have an hour to change your mind right?”

  “The ticket has been exchanged. My mind is not changing. If anything I need to leave now more than I did before,” out loud voice again yep go figure. “You know what pisses me off Jase?”

  “Well most of the time it’s me,” he shook his head, “But…”

  “No it’s still you. I scheduled two days for moping around, one day a month that I spent thinking I meant something to you. Going through all the motions… you know, girl crap. Now I have to start all over because you just so happen to enjoy fucking with me. Could you at least go the speed limit, I don’t want to be in this vehicle with you,” I felt my hands start to shake and I knew he did too.

  Jase pulled of the road and into a parking lot. I tried to open the door and he yanked my arm back towards him, “I didn’t leave you because I wanted to Carly. I left because I had to.”

  “I really don’t care,” I looked away.

  “I have one hour Carly before you need to go stand in line at the fucking airport running away from me.”

  “You did…”

  “You need to shut up and listen for ten fucking minutes Carly, just ten fucking minutes. I will start by saying, you promised your Mom you would finish school. I need you to promise me the same,” he looked at me.

  “Are you kidding me?” I was sickened, “Do you think you have that much pull over me Jase? If you do… you’re crazy!”

  “Carly, just listen for ten minutes please,” Jase scowled and looked down. “I should’ve told you this then. I thought I could walk away, I fucking did this for you.”

  Okay he had me, “Ten minutes.”

  “My ex’s father died. The fucker hated me. He has made my life hell for almost six years now. He blames her death on me, fuck so did I.”
I watched as he took a deep breath. “He was my father’s commanding officer. If you’re not familiar with what that is, it means my father was his bitch even though he worked his way up and was a non-commissioned officer, he was still his bitch. Charlee, my ex, and I snuck around playing grab ass for two years. She was a year older than me, and she got pregnant. He forbid her to see me. Made threats about having fucking charges pressed because I was a minor. She went into labor way too fucking early and she died way too fucking young.” I immediately felt tears falling down the side of my face. “We had lawyers, my parents re-mortgaged the restaurant, twice. We sold the house and moved into a smaller one so we had more money for more lawyers. The furthest I ever got was supervised visits at a fucking shit hole place and then my father died. I couldn’t put my mother through anymore. I gave up hope. I begged her to leave it alone, not wanting that little girl to be raised without a mother and whose father was a fuck up,” he looked over at me and wiped tears off my face, “You okay?”

  “Please tell me there is a happy ending.”

  “Bitter sweet ending. I found this girl who made me want to stop being a fuck up. Stop running around with girls that I knew I would never love. I followed her ass to California and I left her, in a hotel. I pushed her away because I could not take being the one to ruin her dreams. This little brown haired blue eyed beauty took away the hurt like that,” he snapped his fingers and I smiled. “I thought that would be enough but there is this one hole in here,” he held his hand to his chest, “something still missing.”

  “What’s her name,” he smiled, “Your daughter, what’s her name?”

  “Bella, which means beautiful. We had picked it together. Apparently her father didn’t know that or he would probably have named her something else.”

  “Where is she?”

  “My house, her grandmothers are both there. She fell asleep in my arms at seven thirty. I put her in her little bed. Her eyes opened and she said, I love you Daddy,” Jase’s eyes widened, “Crazy shit, huh?”

  “Does she live with you?”

  “She and her Nana are both here now, both living with me as of today. Best Christmas ever,” Jase looked happy, truly happy.

  “A happy ending,” I whispered.

  “Yeah,” Jase looked up and smiled quickly, “My new place is pretty nice. Charlotte took the money I sent every week for the past five and a half years and put it into an account. When Lee died, she called Mom. She and I met, first discussed six years’ worth of pain. She told me she was sorry. I get it you know, they lost Charlee. He blamed me, she stuck by her husband,” he looked up. “Bella knew about me through stories Charlotte told her that Lee didn’t know about. The money I sent, well… Lee didn’t know about that either. So I was gifted the money back. Enough to put a very big down payment down on a house in a very good school district. As we speak, I am suing for custody, without her contesting. She’ll live with me for as long as she wants to, for Bella and her. So I have almost everything I have ever wanted.”


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