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Hired Hottie: A Hero Club Novel

Page 16

by Kelsie Rae

  His deep laugh is like music to my ears before he grabs my hand and twirls me around. Losing my footing, I fall into his arms before he drops a quick kiss to my forehead.

  “Come on, Charlie. Let’s take it easy and watch Netflix for a bit.”

  “But I thought—”

  “Yeah. I know what you thought. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Let’s just chill.”

  A snort escapes me before I cover my face in embarrassment.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Netflix…chill….” I laugh even harder while attempting to explain myself.

  Finally, he gets it and joins in. “Come on, horn dog. Let’s go.”

  Tugging me to the couch, he plops down onto the worn cushions then reaches for the remote. The television purrs quietly from characters talking, and the sound almost instantly calms my nerves enough for me to relax next to Levi. After a few minutes, my best friend grabs my legs and pulls them into his lap. We’ve been in this situation more times than I can count, but this time’s different. There’s a promise in his touch that’s never been present before. Unable to move, I silently watch him slip off my red Chucks before digging his thumb into the arch of my foot.

  “Mmm,” I moan, practically melting under his expert touch. “That feels amazing.”

  “Thought you might like that,” he murmurs with a teasing smile.

  He keeps massaging my feet before traveling up to my calves, squeezing the muscles then rubbing the tension away. After a few minutes, his hands graze my bare skin an inch above my knee before traveling back down to my calves. The innocent touch steals my attention from Ross and Rachel on Friends. But when I sneak a glance at Levi, he seems completely invested in whether or not the couple was on a break during one of the previous seasons in the show. My ramrod straight spine eases back into the cushions once I’ve deemed him oblivious, and I keep watching the television.

  About thirty seconds later, it happens again. Only this time, his hand is a few inches higher than before. Again, I look at Levi, but he’s still focused on the argument playing out on the screen. My lips form a thin line as my suspicion rises. But I ignore it.

  Minutes later, I’m almost a puddle of contentment under his ministrations when his hand grazes the hem of my dress, making me squirm. For the third time in five minutes, I glance at Levi, who’s still staring at the damn TV. Then his mouth quirks up in the corner.

  Game on, Levi.

  With my foot in his lap, I shift it closer to his stomach, gently brushing against the crotch of his jeans. His hands stall for a split second, and it takes everything inside of me to hide my smile. I keep my eyes glued to the television, but I can feel him staring a hole through the side of my head as he continues to rub my tired muscles. Once his attention goes back to the show, I shift again, brushing my foot against his erection a second time. In response, his hand grazes my upper thigh, toying with the hem of my dress. This time, he doesn’t retreat and keeps digging his expert fingers into my upper thigh. And it feels freaking amazing.

  Clearing my throat, I rub my foot against his jeans again. He’s hard as a rock. The realization that I’m doing this to him makes me clench my legs together. This is Levi freaking McCoy we’re talking about. And he’s turned on. By me. Seconds later, his knuckles brush against the elastic of my boyshorts. The touch seems to spark that elusive yet overwhelming electric current between us.

  “Want to know another secret?” he murmurs, continuing his massage and simultaneously turning me into a pile of goo.

  “And what’s that?” I breathe.

  “I lied when I said it was an NRB the last time you felt me like this. I went home and jerked off afterward, pretending I could finish what I wanted to start.”

  “And what did you want to start?” I know I’m playing with fire, but I feel like I’m about to combust regardless, so I’m not sure it really matters anymore.

  His hand grazes the apex of my thighs, making me gasp. I’m desperate for more friction. More pressure. More everything.

  “This,” he murmurs. His hand disappears from beneath my dress, and he shifts both of us until I’m laying with my back pressed to the cushions. I look over at the television and notice his arms are caging me in on each side of my head. Leaning closer and demanding my full attention, he kisses me until I’m a squirming mess beneath him, licking, biting, and tasting me like I’m the most delicious meal he’s ever had. And here I am, laid out before him like a damn buffet. My palms glide up his back beneath his shirt, his muscles bunching as I dig my nails into his bare skin.

  I clench my legs together in search of relief before the feel of his hand squeezing my upper thigh pries them open. My legs cradle his hips as he slowly rolls into me, scratching the itch that I so desperately need to be scratched.

  “Feel good, Charlie?” He looks down at me with a triumphant grin.

  “If I say yes, will your head get any bigger?” I reply on a moan.


  My eyes roll back into my head, and I tell myself it’s because he’s a smartass and not because he’s way too good at this, though I don’t bother to argue anymore because I’m currently trying not to die from need.

  He continues his teasing before my underwear somehow disappears, and his jeans are pulled down to his knees.

  “I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you’ve never done this before,” he adds before cupping my face. “You sure you’re okay with this?”

  I nod, too nervous to do anything else.

  “Tell me, Charlie. Tell me you’re okay with giving this to me because if you’re not—”

  “I’m okay, Levi.” I swallow thickly. “Promise.”

  “I’ve never taken a girl’s….”

  Virginity. That’s what he’s thinking. I can read it clearly on his face.

  “You’re not taking anything,” I admit. “I’m giving it to you.”

  With a soft chuckle, he tips my head up. “I don’t deserve it.”

  “Probably not,” I tease before nipping at his bottom lip. “But I want you to have it, anyway.”

  Eyes softening, he nudges my legs farther apart then slowly lines us up until I can feel him teasing my entrance. “Then I promise I won’t take it for granted.”

  I feel his fingers dig into my upper thigh before his mouth takes the spotlight. Licking. Sucking. Biting—

  Holy freaking shit!

  My mouth opens on a gasp as every single inch of him presses into me.

  “Like a Band-Aid, Charlie. Just like a Band-Aid,” he soothes, pressing his forehead against mine.

  “Ouch,” I mumble, trying to catch my breath. He doesn’t move a muscle as he waits for me to adjust to the intrusion.

  And it’s a big one. The thought makes me laugh and somehow eases the tension in my muscles, helping me relax.

  Once I release all the air I’ve been holding, I feel his hand slowly tickle my bare thigh in a soothing rhythm.

  “You okay?” he whispers against the shell of my ear.

  I nod.

  “You sure?”

  With a light laugh, I nod again. “Yup. Golden.”

  “Then let’s get to the fun part.”

  With a gentleness I don’t expect, Levi rotates his hips before peppering open-mouthed kisses along my neck, igniting the fire that’s always sizzled between us. That same rush from earlier starts to resurface, and I catch myself meeting his thrusts with my own as my fingers scrape along his back, raising his shirt all over again in search of more skin.

  His deep chuckle reverberates through his chest, and I kind of love that it’s still my Levi who’s with me right now.

  “You like that, Charlie?” he asks, though I can hear the cocky undertone in his voice.

  With a laugh, I murmur, “I may or may not be finally understanding what the big deal is about sex.”

  “Is that right?” he teases against my neck as he continues pumping in and out of me.

  Squeezing my eyes shut, I let my in
stincts take over. “Yeah. Let’s see if you can push me over the edge, shall we?”

  “That a challenge, Charlie?”

  “Uh-huh,” I moan as he angles his hips to hit the perfect spot inside of me. I lock my ankles behind his lower back and hold on for dear life.

  Shit, that feels good.

  Then it’s game on.

  And it couldn’t be more perfect.

  I feel like I’m in pretty good shape, but as I roll onto my side in my bed, muscles that I didn’t even know I had scream at me in protest of their extra-curricular activities last night. A light groan escapes me, followed by a deep chuckle as an arm snakes around my hips and pulls me into a hard, warm chest.

  Awww, I’m the little spoon, my inner girl squeals.

  “Good morning,” he murmurs against my ear before planting an open-mouthed kiss against my neck.

  “Morning,” I croak.

  “Feeling sore?”

  “How could you tell?”

  “Because you made that same sound after I convinced you to run a marathon with me a year ago.”

  I groan. Again.

  “And this is worse,” I complain, making him laugh even harder.

  “But worth it?” he asks.

  “Definitely worth it.”

  “Good answer. I know we didn’t talk about this last night, but I need you to know that I’m all in. I know you know me, and that I’m not usually one for….” His voice trails off, piquing my curiosity enough to twist in his arms.

  “Not one for girlfriends?” I finish for him. The sun is shining in through the window, casting the room in a soft white glow. It makes the guy who just took my virginity look like a freaking angel, which is comical because, you know, he just deflowered me before marriage.

  “Yeah. That,” Levi mutters, grabbing my attention from the way his scruff in the morning is pretty much the most attractive thing I’ve ever seen.

  Note to self: Hide all the razors in our apartments.

  “Charlie?” he presses.

  I grin at how hesitant he looks. It makes me feel…powerful. Like I might own him just as much as he’s always owned me. After another pause where I can tell he’s close to snapping, I murmur, “I know, Levi.”

  “But you’re different,” he rushes to add. “You’ve always been different. I want to do this for real. With you. Are you okay with that?”

  Did Levi McCoy just ask if I would be his girlfriend? I feel like my middle school self is jumping up and down in excitement, and I can’t stop the smile from practically splitting my face in two.


  He plants a quick peck against my forehead. “Good. Will you go to the Jelani Arts Center grand opening with me?”

  There’s a hopefulness in his eyes that makes me want to laugh.

  “Uh…duh. Did you think I wouldn’t?”

  “I don’t know,” he hedges. “I didn’t want to assume—”

  “Dude. I would’ve gone with you before this”—I wag my fingers between us—“happened. You’re stuck with me, remember?”

  “No matter what?”

  “Hell, yes.”

  “Even if things don’t work out? Or I screw this up? Charlie, I’ve never done this before. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “Neither of us has done this before, but there isn’t anyone I’d rather do it with. And if you’re all in, then so am I.” I brush my lips against his, ignoring the panic that flares in my chest when I realize he might not be a fan of morning kisses. It’s quickly extinguished when he grips the back of my head and pries my mouth open with his tongue, deepening the kiss until I’m left gasping. Again.

  Apparently, Levi likes sex and isn’t afraid to show me how much he enjoys it. Over and over again.

  And I’m totally okay with it.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “Mom! I’m here!” I call out.

  “I’m in the kitchen!”

  Following her voice, I find my mom busy frying up some eggs and bacon with a light blue, tattered apron wrapped around her waist. It’s the same one from my childhood and reminds me of Christmas mornings and Sunday brunches. There’s a soft-ball sized stain on one side, and I make a mental note to order her a new one.

  Which reminds me….

  My eyes dart to the mail organizer to see a fresh stack of bills. The pressure in my chest tightens.

  “Grab a plate. It’s ready,” she orders before grabbing a spatula and flipping a perfectly cooked strip of bacon.

  I set two plates onto the counter. “Here you go.”

  “So, how’s your day going?” she asks, dishing me up a pair of eggs and some bacon.

  I fight my smile, but she catches me at the last second.

  “What was that?”


  “Bologna,” she argues. “What’s going on?”

  “How about you tell me why you asked me to come over?” I return, changing the subject as I sit down at the table and dig in.

  “I wanted to tell you the good news in person since you’ve been such a worrywart.”

  My eyes widen in surprise, but I try to keep my hope in check. “And?” I press.

  “And the doctor called yesterday with the results.”

  “Results?” Now I’m confused. “I thought you were going to say they could squeeze you in earlier than at the end of the month like they initially told you. What do you mean results?”

  I watch as she grabs her plate and sits down at the table across from me. “Don’t be angry, Levi.”

  “About what?” My suspicion rises––along with my blood pressure.

  “I had it removed last week.”

  “What?” I roar. Dropping the fork on my plate, I shove away from the table. “You’ve already had it removed?”

  “I didn’t want you to worry—”

  “Bullshit, Mom!” I curse, trying to reel in my anger. And failing miserably. “You found a lump in your breast, and then you had it removed without even telling me? What if there was a complication? What if there was an allergic reaction or something? What if I’d lost you? What if––”

  “Stop.” Her tone is absolute. “It was an outpatient procedure, and they were able to fit me in earlier than expected. I was going to tell you, but you’re right. I didn’t want you to worry. I knew that if you were in the loop on the surgery, you’d be sitting on pins and needles waiting for the results just like I was. You needed to focus on your internship instead of your mom.”

  “That’s no excuse,” I argue, frustrated with my mom for the first time in years. We’ve always been a team. Always. Hell, I feel like I’ve been demoted to a need-to-know basis, and it pisses me off.

  “You’re right,” she admits. “What I did was selfish. But it’s a moot point. They called with the results yesterday, which is why I invited you over in the first place.”

  “And?” I bite out, crossing my arms.

  “And the results came back negative. I don’t have cancer. It was just a lump.”

  My heart rate spikes, but I keep myself in check.

  “Did you ask the doctor if the probability of you having cancer in the future is higher because you’ve already had a lump even though this particular one wasn’t an issue?”

  “He said there’s a slight increase, but it’s nothing to worry about. We’ll move to bi-annual check-ups. I’m okay, Levi. Now, breathe,” she laughs. “You’re scaring me.”

  With a sigh, I sit back down and pick up my fork, though my appetite has yet to return. Pushing the cold bits of egg around my plate, I grumble, “I’m really happy you’re okay, Mom. But you can’t keep something like that from me ever again.”

  “I won’t. I promise. It was selfish of me. Even though I had your best interest at heart, it still hurts to be lied to.”

  An image of Charlie comes to mind. It’s quickly followed by Conner’s face, red with anger when I called off our little arrangement. My mouth floods with bile. I might’ve ended it,
but I was still stupid enough to agree to Conner’s proposition in the first place, and I’m too much of a coward to tell Charlie the truth.

  The feel of my mom’s little hand covering mine on the tabletop grabs my attention.

  “Speaking of secrets…ready to tell me what that smile was about from a few minutes ago?”

  “I haven’t decided yet,” I grumble, making her laugh.

  “Oh, come on. Throw your mama a bone, will ya?”

  Clearing my throat, I tell her the truth while praying I’m not jinxing myself. “I took Charlie on a date last night.”

  “Like a date date?” she clarifies, her enthusiasm bubbling just below the surface. When I nod, she rounds the table and pulls me into a giant hug that a linebacker would be jealous of. Hell, I didn’t know my mom was still this strong. When she releases me, she smacks the side of my head.

  “Why the heck didn’t you bring her with you, you big oaf? Then we could’ve made a toast or something!”

  Chuckling, I argue, “You said you wanted to talk. I figured you meant in private.”

  “Well, yeah, but Charlie’s family. You know that.”

  “Good point,” I concede before picking up a piece of bacon and shoving it into my mouth.

  “So how did it go? Did you guys both reveal your true feelings? Am I gonna get any grandbabies anytime soon?”

  Snorting, I try to let her down easy. “It was one date, Mom.”

  “Yeah. One date with the love of your life. Although you should probably get married first. I know, I know. I’m old school but—”

  “Mom!” I cut her off, though I’m still grinning from ear to ear. “You’re ridiculous. You know that?”

  “I do. But I’m also really happy for you, Levi. You two are the real deal.”

  “You think?” I murmur, glancing over at her as she sits back down and begins eating her breakfast.

  “I know so. Now eat up and give me all the details. Well, the PG ones. I still look at her like a daughter, ya know.”

  With a bark of laughter, I tell her everything she wants to know, making good ol’ Walt Disney proud with my kid’s-movie filter.

  If only she knew the likelihood of her being a grandma is higher than it’s ever been.


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