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Hired Hottie: A Hero Club Novel

Page 20

by Kelsie Rae

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  “So…about that job offer,” Charlie quips beside me. The sun is shining, and the air is warm as we take a walk down the street to her place. There’s no way I could’ve invited her back into my apartment when Conner was inside. Things have been tense, to say the least, which is why it seemed like the perfect opportunity to move in with my mom for a few months until I could find a new place.

  “What about it?” I ask before reaching for her hand and tangling our fingers together. Part of me is still afraid she’ll evaporate into thin air, and I’ll wake up in my bed. Alone. And riddled with guilt.

  Although the guilt is still there. I have so much to make up for.

  “You turned it down,” she says matter-of-factly.

  “We already talked about this—”

  She cuts me off. “Yeah, but I didn’t get a chance to tell you what a terrible idea that it was.”

  I glance over at her. “Is that right?”

  “Sure is.”

  “Well, unfortunately, I think it’s a little too late for shoulda, woulda, coulda, Charlie.”

  “Debatable, my friend. Very debatable.”

  Curious, I cock my head to the side. “And how is that debatable? I already turned it down, remember?”

  “Yeah. And you’ve also been ignoring their calls.”

  I tug her to a halt. When she turns to me with a mischievous smile, my gaze narrows. “How do you know I’ve been ignoring their calls?”

  “I already told you. I ran into Alexandra on one of my runs.”

  “And?” I press.

  “And she asked if I would do her a favor.” Her mouth quirks up on one side, and her eyes are shining like she knows a secret. One that I’m dying to find out.

  “Come on, Charlie. Throw me a bone here. What did she ask?”

  “She asked if I would convince you to accept Montague’s offer.”

  “What?” I practically shout, gaining attention from a few random strangers near Charlie’s building. “But, I already turned it down.” I feel like I’m on a merry-go-round.

  Haven’t we already discussed this?

  “You said that already,” she teases, reading my mind. “And they’re hoping you might reconsider.”

  “They haven’t already found someone?”

  “Nope. They could’ve. Obviously. But they want you.”

  “You mean, I’m not too late?” My mind can’t grasp the concept. When I turned down the position, I knew what it would mean, but I couldn’t even consider accepting it after coming to terms with all the screwed up decisions I’d made that led to it.

  “You’re not too late.”

  “And how ‘bout you?” I ask. “Am I too late for a shot with you?”

  With a face-splitting grin, she presses onto her tiptoes and whispers, “You’re not too late for that, either.”

  My arms wrap around her tiny waist before spinning her around as soon as the words slip past her lips. I shout, “Yes!” then squeeze her tighter and slam my mouth against hers. The hustle and bustle of the city fades away, leaving nothing but the feel of her lips and her lithe body as it slides down mine. When her feet touch the ground, my mouth devours her whole. I shove every ounce of passion I can at her, knowing she can take all of it.

  Her hands tangle into my hair as she presses her front against me. With her tits plastered against my chest, Charlie pants into my mouth like she’s in the middle of one of our long-ass runs. When I pull away, her eyes are shining with lust as she murmurs, “So I heard make-up sex—”

  I cut her off by diving back in for another kiss. She opens up to me, letting me take whatever I want before tangling our fingers together and tugging us into her building. As we reach her floor, I grab the back of her thighs and lift her up before carrying her down the hall. Pressing her back into the wall, I dig my fingers into her ass then slide my mouth away from hers to nibble on the long column of her throat. Her head rolls from side to side as her hips slowly grind into mine. And the hottest part? She has no fucking clue how sexy she is.

  “Better open this door before your neighbors get a show,” I growl, biting the tender flesh where her neck meets her shoulder.

  With a light laugh, she fumbles for her keys. After handing them to me, I unlock the door while still balancing her on my waist; then, we stumble inside her place like a couple of lovesick fools.

  Setting her down, I unbutton her jeans then tug them away from her toned thighs, not caring that we’ve only made it to her damn entryway. I need her. Now. My fingers dig into her ass as I press our fronts together to let her feel what she does to me. Not anyone else. Her.

  Resting my forehead against hers, I make sure I have her full attention. As her crystal blue eyes connect with mine, I tell her, “I love the shit out of you, Charlie.”

  She smiles. “I love you too.” Then she reaches for the belt buckle on my jeans.

  I grasp her wrists. “I mean it. I love you, Charlie Bannon.”

  “I know!” she says, twisting out of my grip and diving back for my buckle.

  With a deep laugh, I shove her up against the wall, grapple for her wrists a second time, tug them above her head, and grind into her. The result is like music to my ears––staggered breathing and a soft moan.

  “Is this all you want from me?”

  “Well no—”

  “Then let me finish,” I tease.

  With a huff, she rips her wrists out of my hold, crosses her arms, and looks up at me with that same stubborn expression I’ve grown to crave. “Fine. Finish.”

  “I love you. I’m here with you. And it’ll always be you. You’re it for me. We clear?”

  “We’ve already discussed this,” she starts, though I can see her insecurities shining back at me.

  “I know. But I also know you let me off the hook too easily today. Like you always do.”

  Her haughty exterior slowly vanishes to reveal Charlie. My Charlie.

  “You’re perfect,” I continue, taking in her makeup-free face and mussed up hair.


  “You are, Charlie. You’re absolutely perfect for me. I want you to know that you’re worth fighting for. That you’re worth fighting over, and that I didn’t regret turning down the job even though I didn’t know if it would get me another chance with you. Yeah, it all worked out, but even if it hadn’t, if I got another chance with you, the sacrifice would’ve been worth it because you’re worth it. You’re worth the world, Charlie Bannon. I’m going to spend the rest of my life proving it to you.”

  And I start now. By worshipping every inch of her skin the way she deserves.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Looking around my apartment, I notice how empty it seems now that most of my stuff has been packed away.

  I dig my fingers into the back of my neck then venture farther into the apartment.

  “Hey, Conner?” I call out. We’ve been avoiding each other like the plague ever since our confrontation, but I need to say something before I hand over my keys.

  After a few seconds, I hear him reply, “Yeah?” The sound comes from behind the closed door of his bedroom.

  Raising my fist, I knock. “Can I come in?”

  Another few seconds tick by.


  I open the door to see a few fresh boxes scattered on his floor. Sensing the question on the tip of my tongue, Conner explains, “I’m going home for a while too.”

  “New Hampshire?”

  “Yeah. Seems like there isn’t much of a reason for me to stick around anymore.”

  Sucking my lips between my teeth, I breathe a sigh. “I screwed up.”

  “Ya think?”

  “I’m sorry, man.” My fists clench at my sides as I register how pathetic that sounds. A simple apology isn’t going to fix shit, but I still need to try. “I was an ass, and it was completely my fault. You didn’t deserve the shit I put you through, and you definitely
didn’t deserve a fist to the face.”

  With a sarcastic laugh, he shakes his head. “I may have kind of deserved that one.”

  His admission threatens to make me smile, but I keep it at bay. I have too much I need to say right now. Clearing my throat, I press on. “I swear I didn’t have some master plan to steal Charlie away from you after you botched your presentation. I had no idea things were going to play out the way they did, but it’s no excuse. You got the short end of the stick, and that sure as hell wasn’t fair to you.”

  The surprise on his face is clear as his eyes bulge. “You’re right. But you’re not the only one to blame. If I wanted the job, I should’ve fought harder for it. And if I wanted Charlie, I should’ve probably fought harder for her too.”

  My mouth quirks. “Is it wrong to say I’m glad you didn’t?”

  With a dark chuckle, he replies, “Ass.”

  I join in, throwing my head back as I let out a laugh that seems to ease the tension in my chest. “I know, but at least I’m finally being honest now, right?”

  “Do you need a gold star?” he asks, sarcastically.

  I shrug. “Are you offering one?”

  “No, but I do have a question.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Why’d you turn down the job?” he probes.

  I have no idea how he knows I turned it down, but I don’t bother to ask. Hell, part of me feels like I deserve to be left in the dark for all the shit I pulled.

  “I didn’t deserve it,” I answer simply.

  “Yeah, you did.”

  “I didn’t feel like it,” I admit. “Hell, I still don’t feel like it.”

  “Levi, take the job. And take the girl.”

  I don’t know how to tell him that I’ve already accepted both with my greedy hands. I’m a selfish bastard and couldn’t let either of them slip through my fingers a second time.

  Sensing my hesitancy, he says, “You already have, haven’t you?”

  “I’m sorry—”

  “It’s all good,” he counters. “I mean it, Levi. You really do deserve them, and I don’t mean that in an asshole way. Hell, part of me feels like I was trying to step into your shoes. It wasn’t right, and I don’t think it was what I really wanted, either.”

  “Still,” I argue. “I feel like shit.”

  “Don’t. You deserve this,” he reiterates. “The whole package. And maybe one day, I’ll figure out what I really want too.”

  “You sure? Even after everything I’ve done to you?”

  “It wasn’t just you, man. I needed to learn how to take responsibility for my actions too.”

  Slipping my hands into my front pockets, I let out a dry laugh. “Trust me. I know how that feels. So…are we good?”

  “Yeah. We’re good. I’m happy for you guys.”

  “Thanks, man. That means a lot to me. Especially after everything you did for me, it just…,” I clear my throat. “It means a lot.”

  “Stop thinking I gave you a handout, Levi. You earned this shit.”

  I’m not sure if I’ll ever feel like I earned anything, no matter how many hours I put into landing the final position or how many hours I spend groveling at Charlie’s feet. Regardless, I appreciate Conner’s compliment and wish I could repay him somehow.

  “Would you wanna go grab drinks or something before you head back?” I ask.

  “Nah. I got a lot of shit to do. But maybe we can get together the next time I’m in the city.”

  I nod before grabbing my keys and setting them on top of his dresser. “If the landlord has any issues with his inspection, let me know.”

  “I will.”

  “Don’t be a stranger, okay?”

  “I won’t. Tell Charlie hi for me.”

  There isn’t any underlying meaning in his comment, and I appreciate the olive branch.

  “I will. See ya around.”

  “You too.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  “Dude. I’m nervous,” I admit as Levi and I zoom beneath the surface of New York on the subway.

  “Why the hell are you nervous?” he asks, clearly amused.

  “Because….” I wring my hands in my lap. “Because she’s gonna know.”

  A laugh bursts out of him before he pulls me into his side. “My mom is gonna know what, Charlie?”

  “That we’re…”––Kill me now––“dating.”

  “You mean that we’re shagging, fornicating, bumping uglies.” He bounces his eyebrows up and down then adds, “That we’re having…relations?”

  Shoving him in his chest, I sit back up and give him my best glare before it turns into a fit of giggles.

  “Bumping uglies? I think that’s the most disgusting term I’ve ever heard.”

  “Trust me. I’ve heard worse,” he jokes. “Seriously, though. You know my mom better than anyone. Hell, I’m pretty sure you know her better than I do, and she already knows we’re seeing each other.”

  “She knows, but she doesn’t know-know, ya know?” I ramble, my cheeks heating all over again.

  “She knows that I’m the luckiest guy on the planet. If anything, I’m the one who should be worried. I have to tell your dad we’re moving in together.” Gulping at the prospect, his eyes go wide. “Wait, he doesn’t own a shotgun or anything, right?”

  “If he did, you’d deserve it for all the shit you put me through,” I tease, though my tone is laced with sarcasm. “I can’t believe I actually offered for you to move in with me instead of your mom.”

  When I’d initially asked why he was moving in with her, he said it was because he knew he’d never be able to afford the lease he shared with Conner after he turned down the job at Montague Enterprises. That, and he figured she could use the company after the breast cancer scare.

  “Heeey.” He drags out the word, reminding me of a toddler before dropping a quick kiss to the top of my head. “Be nice. I already apologized for the shit I put you through and promised to make it up to you for the rest of my life, remember? And I plan to do exactly that as soon as we make it out of brunch with my balls still intact.”

  “Meh. You shouldn’t be too worried. Despite my dad’s gruff personality, he’s a total softie and wants me to be happy.” I nudge him softly. “You make me happy.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Mmmhmmm,” I hum.

  Leaning down, he presses a soft kiss to my lips before murmuring, “You make me pretty happy too, Charlie. And hard. Especially when you moan like that.”

  With a gasp, the moment completely ruined, I shove him a second time then stand up and make my way toward the exit. His laughter follows my retreat before his arms wrap around my waist, and he rests his chin on the top of my head. Together, we wait for the train to pull up to our stop while my head tries to grasp how I got here. After all the tears. All the uncertainty. All the heartache. I finally wound up where I was supposed to. In his arms.

  Once we exit, Levi and I head up to the busy New York streets with our hands laced together like a real-life couple.


  Resting my head on his shoulder, we walk toward our childhood homes.

  “It’s weird, isn’t it?” I ask as memories from all the moments we’ve shared together come to the surface.

  “What’s weird?” he rumbles beside me.

  “How they’re the same homes, and we’re the same us. This is the same street we’ve walked down a thousand times. And it’s still your mom and my dad behind those doors. Yet at the same time, everything and nothing has really changed. We’ve just….” My voice trails off as I try to find the perfect way to describe what I’m feeling and thinking.

  “Started bumping uglies?” he offers with a grin.


  “I’m joking, Charlie.” The laugh lines around his eyes soften as he looks down at me. Hands tugging me to a stop, he presses them into my waist then rests his forehead against mine.

  “I get it,” he explain
s. “We’ve always been right there. Within reach of each other. And even though our feelings haven’t changed, and our relationship hasn’t really shifted much––”

  “Other than bumping uglies,” I tease.

  “Other than bumping uglies,” he returns with a chuckle. “I still feel more at home in my own skin than I’ve ever felt in my entire life. Like the final puzzle piece just clicked into place even though it’s been staring at me for years. And now I get to appreciate it for what it’s always been.”


  “Yeah, Charlie. Perfect.”

  The End



  “Ya know, for a dude, you’ve got a shitton of boxes all over my living room,” I note. Dropping my keys into a teal and yellow bowl next to my front door, I take in my little one-bedroom apartment that currently looks like a storage facility for a frat house.

  “Sorry, babe,” Levi replies as he slips a blade along the packing tape holding a cardboard box closed. “I’ll try to get it cleaned up by Monday.”

  “Montague Enterprises was nice to give you the week to get settled before starting.”

  “Yeah. I think it’s going to be a great place to work. I’m starving, though,” he adds, changing the subject. “Did you bring me anything from work?” Sitting cross-legged––and without a shirt, while his skin glistens with sweat––he looks pretty damn appetizing himself.

  “No, but you look pretty yummy right now,” I taunt. Sensing my eyes on him, he meets my gaze with his own then pushes himself up from the floor and swaggers toward me.

  All muscles and tan skin like a freaking surfer.

  “Is that right?” he returns. “I like the hat, by the way.”

  My pink Get Baked hat covers my crazy hair like a champ, leaving only a loose braid hanging down my right shoulder.

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Mmmhmmm,” he hums. “There’s just one problem with it.”

  “And what’s that?” I ask curiously, taking in his stubbled cheeks and cocky smirk.


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