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The Dragon’s Surrogate: A Paranormal Romance (Shifter Surrogate Agency Book 5)

Page 7

by Layla Silver

  “When I said we should get books, I meant, like, three,” Maia teased as we carried our plates back to the kitchen. “A dozen might be overkill.”

  “It’s not,” I objected, pouring us more cider and handing her glass to her. “Nothing is too good for our babies, Mai. Or for you.” I may have to hide my attraction to protect our relationship, but protectiveness was allowed.

  “Will …”

  “I mean it,” I insisted, following her to the living room. “I want these babies, and I’m going to take good care of them and you.”

  Setting her cider down on a side table, Maia flopped onto my enormous, deeply cushioned couch. “You don’t have to take care of me.” She shook her head. “You’re not my mate.”

  The reminder was searing, like a hot blade slashing at my lungs. I made myself breathe through it and acknowledge its truth anyway, because she was right. As much as I wanted to be, I wasn’t her mate. She simply didn’t want me that way. Focus on what is, I told myself, fisting my control.

  “No,” I said, dropping onto the couch beside her and pulling her feet into my lap. I tried to apply some humor, hoping it helped hide my pain. “But I am your Baby Daddy, so I’ve got some rights.”

  Maia groaned. “Don’t use that phrase. Ever. Hmmm.” Her groan turned to a hum of pleasure as I started working my thumbs against the bottom of her bare feet.

  “What?” I teased, enjoying the feel of her skin under my fingers. “You don’t want everyone to know I knocked you up?”

  “Will, I’m turning 30.” She mock-glowered at me. “I’m pregnant with twins. I have a reputation to protect. I can’t be running around knocked up by a baby daddy!” She frowned. “It’ll be interesting enough having a kid by myself.” She settled a little deeper into the cushions, her expression pinching as I worked a tender spot on her foot, then going pensive. Her voice went soft and a little tentative. “This isn’t how I planned it, you know?”

  “You thought you’d have a mate.”

  “Yeah.” Maia picked at the fabric of her dress pants. “I thought I’d do it right. Find a mate, fall in love, move in together. Have pups.” She sighed. “I shouldn’t complain. I have a great job.” She smiled slightly. “I have you.” She waved at her stomach. “Now I’ve got them. Just … not quite how I expected it all to work.”

  “You’re showing ancient wisdom,” I consoled, digging my thumb into a knot of muscle. “Confucius said, ‘when you discover you can’t reach your goals, don’t change the goals, just the action steps to get there.’”

  Maia threw a pillow at me. I caught it, laughing, and tucked it behind me. “Not a fan?”

  “You and your ancient wisdom,” she chided, unable to hide her own smile. “It’s not like it’s helped you find your mate, either.”

  “Ah, but I don’t need a mate,” I corrected, injecting my voice with false cheerfulness. That was a blatant lie, but I tilted my head and pasted on a smile as if I completely believed it. “The world is full of lovely women to dance and drink with, and the loveliest of all is currently bearing my children. What more could I ask for?”

  Maia’s expression went tender, and I knew I hadn’t fooled her. Damn.

  “You thought you’d have your mate by now, too.”

  I shrugged, willing myself not to give away more than I already had. “I’d hoped.”

  “What did you think she’d be like?” Maia pressed, her eyes fixed on my face curiously. “Beautiful, obviously. Smart.”

  “Yes,” I agreed, leaning back with a sigh and letting my hands rest on her calf. “And fun. But everybody wants that in a mate.”

  “What else?” she prompted, deeply interested.

  This was not a conversation I wanted to have, but Maia looked so comfortable and happy, I couldn’t bring myself to do or say anything that would shut that down.

  “Clever,” I admitted reluctantly. “And kind. Like you.”

  “Like me?” She looked startled.

  How could she be surprised? Didn’t she know? Too far in to back out now, I said cautiously, “No one ever measures up to you, Maia. I keep looking, and no one ever does.”

  “I … didn’t realize,” she said softly.

  She tilted her head, her expression unexpectedly open and vulnerable. The fading rays of sunset streamed through the windows, painting her in diffuse, rosy light. She seemed to glow with ethereal energy, and my head was full of earthy scent shot through with the unmistakable touch of a dragon. She was like a fire opal, and the dragon in me decided in that instant that it would rather risk burning alive than keep its claws to himself.

  Time seemed to slow as I leaned over. Distantly, I was aware of Maia’s eyes widening, her heartbeat picking up, but she didn’t move. Her lips parted slightly as she sucked in a breath, and then I was pressing my lips gently to hers.

  She tasted like earthen spices, deep and rich, and I wanted to burrow into her, to lose myself in her depths. She made a small sound and shifted, pressing in closer. Shock detonated as I realized she wanted this. How—why now? Questions bubbled up, but I shunted them aside. They would matter later. Right now, nothing mattered but Maia and the questing need in her kiss as she pressed up into me.

  Elation washed through me as I deepened the kiss, teasing her mouth open with my tongue. Shifting my weight, I slid one hand up her side, feeling the silky texture of her clothing against my palm. My mind was already racing. I knew how to make a woman feel good.

  I never thought I’d have the chance with Maia, but if she was open to letting me, I would make tonight an experience she’d never forget. Experimentally, I brushed the backs of my fingers against the underside of Maia’s breast. Her hands fisted in my shirt, and she made a sound of wanton lust so pure that it reverberated in my bones. Everything else ceased to exist, my mind and body syncing and laser-focused on one thing: I was going to make Maia mine.

  Chapter 9 – Maia

  Will’s body pressed into mine, all hard muscle and controlled power. His mouth was hot on my skin when he finally relinquished my lips to press kisses along my jaw. I gasped for air, feeling lightheaded and dizzy.

  Objectively, I’d known Will was a good kisser—I’d seen him kiss enough other women to know that he knew what he was doing. I’d dreamed of him kissing me for years. But knowing and dreaming were nothing compared to experiencing it firsthand. How had I never taken into account how starkly arousing the brush of his soft hair against my temple would be? How could I have failed to guess that he’d taste like a fine, ancient wine, smooth and heady enough to make the world spin?

  Will nuzzled at my throat, and I shivered with desire, a knot of need forming low in my gut. All this time, all these years of pining, and now he was kissing me. This couldn’t be happening. What if he stopped? Changed his mind? Goddess, I might die.

  But he didn’t stop. Instead, his fingers brushed beneath my breast again, setting my nerves freshly alight. Then his hand skimmed around the swell of my breast and over my shoulder, trailing heat in its wake. He cupped my face, tilting it just a little, and then his mouth was on mine again. I opened for him greedily. He took the hint, his tongue lapping against mine, teasing and full of promise.

  My mind completely short-circuited into a warm, bright static. Will tasted like liquid gold, shimmering and fiery. I wanted that heat inside me, everywhere.

  Unclenching my hands from Will’s shirt, I started fumbling with the buttons, tugging them open and shoving the fabric aside, searching for skin. Will rumbled low and pleased when I found it, my palms flattening against the defined muscles of his chest. He trailed kisses down my throat, this time finding a spot just beneath my ear that made me arch and moan.

  “Will.” I traced my hands over his body, unable to keep my hands off him.

  “My beautiful Maia,” he murmured, his lips moving against my skin. “Let me have you.”

  “Yes. Goddess, yes.” How could he even think he needed to ask?

  “Hmmm.” He rumbled again, deep and satisfied
, and then I whined as he leaned back. In an instant, he was straddling me, his hands expertly yanking my blouse open. Pushing the fabric back, he dragged it down my arms to my wrists. Then, grinning wickedly, he folded back over me.

  His hands framed my breasts, his thumbs stroking over the tips through the thin fabric of my bra as he mouthed scorching kisses along the sensitive skin just above the garment’s lacy edge. I squirmed, wanting to dig my hands into his hair and pull him closer. My hands caught in my sleeves, trapped at my sides. Will gave a devious chuckle and squeezed my breasts lightly, and I realized he’d left me just as I was on purpose—unable to touch more than his thighs where they pressed around me. I was on display, my body his for the taking. Searing lust shot through me.

  This is how it feels, I thought drunkenly. This is how it feels to be the treasure a dragon covets. It was the most insanely erotic thing I’d ever experienced. I stopped squirming and dug my heels into the thick cushions, trying to push myself up into his body—to offer myself up for his pleasure. Whatever he wanted, I wanted it, too. Desperately.

  Will hooked his fingers in my bra and tugged the cups down. They wedged beneath my full breasts, and then I was writhing and keening as his mouth closed over one rosy nipple. His fingers caught the other, tugging, pinching, and rolling with expert ease. Pleasure shot through me like sweet fire, singing down my nerves until I could barely breathe with it. I tipped my head back and closed my eyes, gulping for air.

  Will took his time, his touch almost leisurely, as if he couldn’t think of anywhere he wanted to be for the next decade or two except right here tasting me. He went back and forth between my breasts, kneading, stroking, and suckling until every inch of my body felt exquisitely turned on.

  Only then did I feel his fingers at the fastener of my pants. I had a fleeting second to wonder if he’d be scandalized at how sopping wet my panties were. Then his hand slipped inside my pants and cupped between my legs, and the delicious pressure drove out any semblance of coherent thought. His talented fingers stroked me through the sodden cloth as his mouth drifted across my ribs. I shifted my hips restlessly, eager for more.

  Will hummed in approval. Then he pulled away again. This time, he helped me shake the entangling sleeves off my wrists. I lifted my hips gladly when he hooked his fingers through the waistband of my pants and panties. He peeled both off of me and tossed them aside.

  Then, as I watched, he stripped off his own clothes. Goddess, he was gorgeous. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on him, just chiseled muscle. When he shoved his boxers off, I nearly swallowed my tongue. His cock was long and thick, its tip already glistening with his own arousal.

  Grinning at my no doubt goggling expression, Will crawled back onto the couch. He leaned over me, kissing me again until my head spun anew. Then he kissed his way down my body, his teeth grazing my hipbone just enough to make me gasp. Kissing lightly where his teeth had nipped, he pushed my left thigh against the back of the couch and eased my right leg open so my foot slid off the cushion to the plush carpet. Part of me still didn’t believe this was happening, but then the tip of his tongue touched my clit.

  Lightning shot through me, and I fisted my hands in his hair, thrusting myself against his face. By all rights, I should have been mortified with myself—I was never demanding during sex. But Will just cupped his hands under my bottom and lifted me for a better angle. Then he buried his mouth between my legs like a starving man at a feast.

  Oh, goddess, the man was good with his tongue. I gave up on thinking and control and anything except riding the waves of pleasure that crashed over me as Will found every spot that made me yelp and shudder and clench. Then his tongue slid over my clit at just the right angle, and I came apart into a million sparkling bursts of light.

  I was still shivering with the aftershocks when Will scooped me up against his chest. Looping my arms around his neck, I pressed feverish kisses to his chest and shoulder. He carried me upstairs as easily as if I weighed nothing, twisting with lithe grace around the corner at the top of the stairwell. He pushed open the double doors to the master suite with one foot and stalked across the room. The sun had set at some point, and moonlight poured in through the French doors that led to the balcony, illuminating his huge bed. Instead of putting me on it, though, he set me down beside it, steadying me when I wobbled a little on my feet. I could feel his cock hard against my thigh and started to sink to my knees, happy to return the favor.

  Will’s hands caught under my arms, refusing to let me. “Oh no,” he said, dark amusement making his eyes glitter in a way that took my breath away. “I’ve wanted this far too long. Turn around.” Nudging gently, he turned me toward the bed. I went willingly, letting him position me standing up and folded forward with my palms flat on the bed.

  “Okay?” he asked, stroking his palm down my spine.

  Okay? I was better than okay. I’d never been this turned on in my life. “Yes,” I rasped, unable to come up with anything more coherent.

  “You’re so beautiful, Maia.” Will dipped a hand between my legs.

  I thought my knees would give out. He touched me like he owned me, like I was the prized possession in his dragon hoard. His fingertips caressed my slit and then circled feather-light around my clit. My gut clenched, reminding me that I was empty, that I needed him to fill me. To claim me. I needed him so badly.

  “Will—Will, please. I need you.” His fingers slipped inside me, and I clamped down on them hard, pulling a groan from him.

  Positioning himself behind me, Will stroked his shaft along my slit, coating himself in my copious slick. Then he grasped my hips, and I felt the swollen tip of his cock press at my entrance. Need twisted tight inside of me, and I pushed back as much as I could, wild with it. Slowly, Will pushed inside of me, one decadent inch at a time.

  I dropped my head and howled, overcome as he filled me, stretching me and sinking all the way in until I swore I could feel him in my throat.

  “Gods, Mai.” Will’s voice sounded strained. “You feel so good.”

  He slid out of me and then thrust back in. I’d never been so full. Will fell into a rhythm, steady and relentless. His cock was velvet and steel inside me, every thrust hitting just the right spot to make my vision go starry. Pleasure throbbed through me, and only Will’s hands on my hips kept me upright. I pushed back into his thrusts, distantly aware that a string of mindless, lust-drunk babble was pouring out of my mouth. Then one of his arms looped around my waist, and his other hand curved around my hip and ducked between my legs. I shrieked when his talented fingers found my clit, convulsing as I climaxed. Will held me up, his body folded over mine as his thrusts got sloppier.

  “Maia.” He gasped my name and snapped his hips one last time. Then my body was flooded with intoxicating heat as he emptied himself inside me.


  The sound of my phone penetrated my awareness slowly. I was warm and immensely comfortable, my body as loose and relaxed as if I’d just spent an entire afternoon on a massage table. Will’s body was a solid block of heat beside me, and his heart beat slowly and steadily under my ear. His arms were wrapped around me, and I couldn’t remember ever feeling so safe or wanted.

  Then the phone sounded again, and Will grumbled. He shifted, like a mountain moving beneath me, and I whined in protest. He gave a sleepy laugh and then rolled away, leaving me alone in the cloud-like softness of his bed. Rubbing my eyes with one hand, I blinked them open to find my phone in front of my face. I accepted it reluctantly, and Will climbed back into bed, his naked body distracting until he slid under the covers, hiding it from view.

  Hitting the button to stop the noise, I squinted at the screen, disgruntled. “Shit.”

  “Problem?” Will’s hand skimmed up my side.

  My eyes fell half shut, and I only barely managed to swallow a moan at the sensual feel of his fingers on my bare skin. “I have to go to work,” I managed, forcing my eyes fully open again. “That’s my time-to-leave-the-house reminder.”

  “Hmmm.” Will stretched, and I couldn’t decide if I missed his hand or appreciated the view more. “Good thing my place is closer than yours,” he commented. “If you don’t spend too long in the shower, you should still be able to make it on time.”

  “I’m not a dragon,” I teased, fumbling my way out from under the puffy duvet with a sigh. Will’s epically long showers were legendary.

  “Give it another 70 years,” he joked. “You might learn to appreciate showers properly, too.” He jerked his chin toward the master bathroom attached to his bedroom. “You know where everything is. I’ll go start coffee.”

  “Can’t.” I made a face. “Pregnant now, remember?” The look that crossed his face made my knees weak again.

  Will swung his long legs out of bed and paced toward me with a feral grace that viscerally reminded me that he wasn’t of scrappy scavenger stock. The blood of a primal predator ran in his veins. When he reached me, his fingers cupped my chin and tilted my head up. His gaze bore into mine. “You’re pregnant with my babies, Maia. I assure you I won’t be forgetting.”

  The kiss he gave me seared straight down to my bones. I must have looked like a love-struck idiot, because he grinned when he pulled away. “Get in the shower,” he ordered, turning away and fishing in a drawer for pants. “Before I take you back to bed and make you really late for work.”

  With my brain completely scrambled, first by the kiss and then by the threat—or was it a promise?—I complied on autopilot.

  This wasn’t the first time I’d stayed over at Will’s house, and I had no trouble remembering where towels and other necessities were. I even remembered how to use his ridiculously fancy shower, with all its innumerable jets and sprays and settings. As the steaming water pounded away the remnants of sleep, uncertainty began to set in.

  Would he really take me back to bed? Or was he just teasing? Did he genuinely want more between us? Did last night irreversibly change things, or was it just a one-off thing? A one-off impulsive celebration of life? That was a thing, right?


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