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Beastborne- Mark of the Founder

Page 16

by James T Callum

  When in a party of 3 or more members, the Ultimate Generation Gauge is unlocked. Several actions increase Ultimate Generation, those that require particular skill fill the gauge faster. Once the gauge is full, you have access to your Ultimate. If you have no Ultimate, one will be created.

  Together, Hal, Lootlox, and Buffrix crept down the ramp of natural stone down to a ramshackle bridge of rough boards that crossed over to the second level of cells.

  Seeing that Hal had his weapons back, Elora gave one of her curved daggers to Lootlox before they split up. Buffrix held onto his gnarled staff.

  Aside from Elora, each of the party members’ Levels were in the single digits. Hal was a Level 5 Novice, Buffrix a Level 6 Kobbiemage, Lootlox was a Level 4 Lootmage, and Elora was a Level 12 Ranger. No wonder she wanted to go off on her own.

  <“Buffrix, I need you to be my lookout, can you do that?”> Hal asked the koblin, trying out the party communication for the first time. <“Keep quiet and let me know if you see anybody. Are you able to heal anybody if we need to?”>

  Buffrix nodded, his one big green ear flopping about. <“Yes, airy-self low but Buffrix hand-lend Hal, never furrow-brow.”>

  <“Lootlox, you’re with me.”> The koblin smacked her mask askew by saluting too forcefully and scampered up alongside Hal. And then, without a pause, climbed Hal and latched onto his back like a tiny backpack.

  Hal was about to object when a prompt appeared.

  Lootlox uses Kobbiepack.

  +10 Insulation.

  +10 Defense | +10 Magic Defense.

  +30 Inventory.

  You are no longer afflicted with Exhaustion (Lv.1).

  Hal found that the koblin didn’t seem to affect his ability to move at all and with all those buffs, he hardly thought it wise to complain. Even Leveling Up hadn’t been enough to wipe away his exhaustion from the cold.

  He could finally feel his fingers and toes again.

  As they crossed the bridge, Hal leaned forward onto the balls of his feet and picked his footing carefully to avoid falling through one of the many weak spots. One wrong move and he’d pitch into the darkness.

  He doubted Buffrix could heal a broken neck.

  The first three cells Hal came across were empty. The fourth contained a young girl with dirty clothing and gaunt, bony features. Her blue eyes were dull and hopeless. She watched the pair without any thought that they might free her.

  It broke Hal’s heart.

  He immediately began to saw at the ropes holding two of the bamboo rods in place. They somehow leaped out at him as more important. Though Hal couldn’t have said why he felt that way.

  Your Perception has risen to Level 2.

  +2% Perception highlight chance (+4%).

  +5% Awareness of magical items (+10%).

  In less than a minute, the bamboo rods were pulled out and Buffrix bundled them to set aside quietly while Hal ducked into the cage.

  He held his left hand out to the little girl, the blade as far away from her as he could manage while keeping it in his right hand. “It’s okay,” he whispered. “We’re here to help. What’s your name?”

  It didn’t matter. The little girl’s eyes snapped to the glint of metal and saw nothing else. She looked like she was about to scream.

  Hal immediately stopped and backed up half a step. He put on his most reassuring smile. “My name is Hal, are your parents here? If they are, we’ll find them and bring you back to them.”

  The little girl’s eyes widened, horrified and she shook her head fiercely. “Please, don’t.”

  Hal’s brow crumpled. “You don’t want to go back to your parents?”

  There was another spasm of fear across her tiny features. She hugged her knees to her chest and shook her head vehemently.

  Hal’s heart sank.

  “Okay, you don’t have to go back to them. I know some very nice friends that would take good care of you. Would you like to meet them?” Hal tried reaching his free hand toward her again.

  She nodded timidly.

  “What’s your name, sweetie?”

  The little girl reached out a too-skinny arm toward him and Hal’s hand swallowed hers whole. He pulled her to her feet and she staggered after him like a newborn deer. “Tilda.”

  “Okay, Tilda. This here is Buffrix.” Hal shifted about so Tilda could see Lootlox hanging on his back. “And this is Lootlox, they’re going to help us get out of here and somewhere warm and safe.”

  Buffrix performed a perfunctory bow. “Buffrix Eargone at your helpy-hand.”

  Tilda covered her mouth to stifle a giggle at the silly sight of a half-naked man and two koblins. He was glad she didn’t scream and flail at seeing them. No doubt she saw the way the goblins treated them.

  Hal did his best to hide his wince at the sound, hoping no goblins patrolling nearby heard. He smiled at Tilda, trying to be encouraging. He doubted she had much reason to make that sound lately.

  “Right, Buffrix here is my very good friend.” Lootlox gave a little cough. “And so is Lootlox,” Hal added. He slipped out of the cage and offered Tilda’s hand to Buffrix. I need you to stay very quiet and keep Buffrix safe, can you do that?”

  Tilda bobbed her head. Her clothes hung off her like she was made out of twigs. Even holding her hand felt like he might break it at the slightest pressure.

  “We’re going to free more friends who will help us get out,” he told Tilda, keeping his voice low. To Buffrix he said, <“Keep her safe. She is frightened and might run off if she gets too scared, so stay with her okay?”>

  Buffrix reached out a mitt toward Tilda. He was around a similar height and though the girl gave him her free hand, she didn’t let go of Hal.

  When Hal tried to pull his hand away she gripped it harder. It was only once he looked at the gawking expression and dazzled look in her eyes that he realized what held her attention so completely.

  She was staring at the mark on his forearm.

  He waited a few seconds and gave her a reassuring smile. He had never been very good with kids but he found it easy to have patience with Tilda. Her eyes traveled up to meet his, Hal could see fear and uncertainty warring there.

  “I’m not like the rest of the Founders,” he whispered, dropping to one knee. “But I need you to keep this a secret, okay? Most people aren’t as smart as you. They wouldn’t understand.”

  Tilda’s eyes widened and brightened considerably at the offer to hold such a valuable secret. She nodded emphatically and shifted her clinging grasp to Buffrix.

  The koblin wrapped a small arm around her thin shoulders and pet her gently.

  Hal went to the nearest cage. Using Mana Investiture to shape a piece of bamboo, he created a crude bracer to cover his forearm and the mark.

  He would have preferred to drop Tilda off with Elora, but he doubted he could find her. And even then, there were many more cages. There was not enough time to go back and forth with each captive.

  I’ll clear and secure each floor, make sure there’s only one way up or down and set a few koblins to secure that level until I can reach the back of the cave where Elora wants to meet.

  Together, they crept over to the next cage. Another koblin languished inside but when he saw Buffrix he hopped to his feet and scrambled over to the bars.

  “You came to free Jabkix!” he squealed.

  “You hear tongue-flaps?” a raspy goblin called from below.

  “Go eye-peek,” another replied.

  Hal put a finger to his lips. Both koblins quieted but it was already too late. He left the koblins there while Hal crept around the cages away from the noise of the rattling ladder far behind them.

  Hal peeked around the edge of one cage in the tight corridor, its sleeping occupant unaware of his presence. The leather-clad goblin was nearly to Tilda’s cage.

  He hoped he would notice the girl missing. It would be the chance he needed.

  The goblin looked at it once, did a double-take, and then sprouted two arrows fr
om its neck before it could fully turn to investigate.

  Hal hurried around the cage to make sure the goblin was dead. But before he got there, another arrow streaked through the gloom, lodging itself in the goblin.

  Through several rows of cages, Hal caught the swish of Elora’s green cloak as she disappeared into the gloom. The goblin’s corpse puffed into a cloud of purple smoke and swirled into Hal.

  Instead of pain, Hal felt a sense of euphoria. A hunger for more.

  Elora defeats the [Goblin Skirmisher].

  You gain 100 Experience Points.

  You absorb 10 Goblin Essence.

  You obtain:

  [Goblin Mask]


  [Suit of Goblin Leathers]

  [Bronze Kukri]

  32 [Silver Gobbiecoins]

  [Koblin Mask]

  Lootlox was fast at work grabbing the items that seemed to appear out of nowhere and stuffing them onto Hal. The [Gobbiebag] went first. Lootlox attached it to his hip and it just… stuck there.


  You have attained your first piece of magical storage. Expanded space allows for the accumulation of vast amounts of items in a single easy-to-carry item. Your [Gobbiebag] affords you 30 Inventory slots that can be used.

  Most items received from defeating enemies will be deposited directly into your inventory. You can choose to bind the [Gobbiebag] to yourself, preventing its theft or damage. But doing so will make it impossible to trade the item afterward.

  Would you like to bind the [Gobbiebag] to yourself?

  After agreeing, the [Gobbiebag] vanished from his hip. He could still feel it as if it were a part of himself and with a thought, he could bring up his inventory to peruse the items within.

  That’s handy.

  [Inventory | 5/30 (+30)]

  [Goblin Mask]

  [Suit of Goblin Leathers]

  [Bronze Kukri]

  32 [Silver Gobbiecoins]

  [Koblin Mask]

  <“Thanks, Lootlox.”>

  The koblin patted him on the shoulder. <“Only good gobbie, is dead gobbie,”> she intoned.


  “What see?” a goblin from below called up.

  Lootlox panicked and gripped Hal tightly, her voice came out at a much lower register, “Nothing eye-peeking here!”

  The goblin below grumbled loudly but didn’t say anything more. His creaking footsteps trailed off.

  Hal breathed a sigh of relief. <“Good job, Lootlox!”>

  The tiny koblin patted him on the shoulder. <“Me do good fake tongue-flaps of goblin.”>

  You mean you sound exactly like a goblin. Not that he’d ever say that aloud. It seemed better to let Lootlox go on believing she had a great skill at mimicking goblin voices.

  <“Can you use any of the stuff I got, Lootlox?”>

  <“Give to Buffrix,”> she said softly. <“Kobbie-leader could use. Lootlox safe on Hal’s back.”>

  Making sure no other goblin was coming, Hal slipped back toward Buffrix and Tilda. He noticed that his SP was slowly draining. But if he stood still, it stopped.

  <“Here, Buffrix, why don’t you take this stuff?”> Hal opened his inventory. When he mentally reached for the items they appeared in his hand. He gave the [Suit of Goblin Leathers] to Buffrix.

  Buffrix took one look at them then shook his head. “No fit, wrong class.” But Hal noticed he didn’t hand the leathers back.

  <“What about this?”> Hal asked, pulling out the [Koblin Mask]. Unlike its goblin counterpart, the glass lenses in the mask were an iridescent green instead of black.

  The koblin gasped and snatched it out of Hal’s hands. <“This kobbie mask!”> He turned away from Hal, pulled the crude wooden mask off, and slipped on the leather [Koblin Mask].

  Once they got back to Jabkix’s cage, Hal sawed through the ropes again and let him out. Jabkix leaped for freedom almost before Hal had made enough room. The koblin was surprisingly flexible though and slipped out without issue.

  Quest Updated: Repay Buffrix!

  You have managed to release Jabkix, now you must find Sparkspox and release her.


  Break Buffrix’s clan out of the goblin prison.

  Destroy the goblin cave.

  Additional objectives available.

  Rescue Sparkspox.

  Rescue Jabkix (Complete).



  2,000 Experience Points.

  Koblin Reputation (Variable).

  Item: [Goblinbane].

  Additional rewards available.

  Buffrix handed Jabkix – Hal still couldn’t get over the slightly adorable, slightly ridiculous names – the goblin leathers. The latter koblin made a sound of disgust but unlike Buffrix he wasn’t wearing much beyond a dirty blanket draped over himself and a wooden mask similar to what Buffrix had worn.

  Hal offered the [Goblin Mask] as well. Fully outfitted, Jabkix looked a lot like any other goblin. The mask had what looked like a feedbag at first, attached to the end with a dozen small holes he guessed was for air filtration.

  The whole thing looked like a low-tech gas mask, though surprisingly well-made. The eyes were covered in an obsidian glass as dark as pitch. Hal had no idea how the koblin could see out of it.

  Side by side, Hal could tell the difference between them immediately. The [Koblin Mask] that Buffrix wore had colorful lenses for the eyes and there was embellishment to the leather, swirling stitched designs that the simple [Goblin Mask] lacked.

  One of them seemed almost mass-produced while the other had individuality. Somebody had cared for the [Koblin Mask] and made it with a purpose suited to its owner.

  The next three cages were much the same. Cut the ropes, slip out the bamboo, and rescue the prisoner.

  Elora defeats the [Goblin Skirmisher].

  You gain 0 Experience Points (-100% Contribution).

  Elora defeats the [Goblin Wanderer].

  You gain 0 Experience Points (-100% Contribution).

  Your Stealth has risen to Level 2.

  +1% Stealth success (+2%).

  +1% Stealth speed (+2%).

  -1% SP drain (-2%).

  Elora’s really churning through those goblins. <“Elora, could you invite…”>

  Hal looked at the tiny koblin wearing the goblin mask. “Jabkix… what’s your full name?”

  Even braced for another ridiculous name, he wasn’t ready for the koblin’s reply. “Jabkix Pigeonpecs.”

  Trying hard not to let a childish laugh of his own slip out - Tilda’s giggle was bad enough - Hal gave Elora Jabkix’s full name. His party information appeared a second later.

  Together, Jabkix and Hal headed around the corner moving as quickly and quietly as they could. Though Sneaking forced them both to move at around a quarter of their usual speed.

  Hal noticed when Jabkix crouched and entered Sneak, he seemed cloaked in shadows and was harder to see. He wondered if he looked like that to others.

  Turning the corner, they ran straight into the back of a patrolling goblin. Purely on instinct, Hal whipped out with his chain and lunged forward with his falchion.

  The chains wrapped around the goblin’s throat and pulled him back onto the thrusting blade. He met a slight resistance before the goblin fell limp and disappeared into a puff of purple smoke that he quickly absorbed.

  Sneak Attack!

  The [Goblin Watchman] takes 77 points of damage.

  Additional Effect: Bleed, Suffocation.

  The [Goblin Watchman] takes 22 points of bleed damage.

  The [Goblin Watchman] takes 10 points of suffocation damage.

  You defeat the [Goblin Watchman].

  You gain 100 Experience Points.

  You absorb 10 Goblin Essence.

  You obtain:

  [Goblin Mask]

  [Suit of Goblin Leathers]

  [Koblin Mask]

  [Ash Crossbow]

  12 [Gold Gobbiecoins]

  You have
learned Sneak Attack.

  While Sneaking, attacking an unaware enemy will incur triple damage, heavily influenced by Stealth skill and DEX.

  Your Stealth has risen to Level 3.

  +1% Stealth success (+3%).

  +1% Stealth speed (+3%).

  -1% SP drain (-3%).

  Hal couldn’t help but grin. That would come in quite handy, especially considering how weak he was. He needed all the help he could get. If he had to constantly strike from the shadows, that’s what he’d do if it meant surviving.

  Lootlox received the [Koblin Mask] much to her joy and excitement. The lenses were tinted a rosy hue and there were several designs of thorny roses across the white leather.

  <“Lootlox never eye-peek such kindness from uplanders before! Hal makes Lootlox blush!”>

  The third level of cages took them nearly an hour to free. It was even harder keeping the dozen or so prisoners quiet. Consisting mostly of children and koblins, neither of which truly seemed to grasp the notion of “quiet.”

  Four goblins guarded that level, and four goblins met their end. As their group expanded, it became quite unfair. Hal would lash out with his chain, snaring an unsuspecting goblin and drawing it in.

  The koblins and few dirtied villagers strong enough to wield a reclaimed weapon vented their frustrations on their former captors.

  He turned to address the dozen or so dirtied or masked faces. “Buffrix, myself, Lootlox, and Jabkix are going to the second level. I want everybody to buddy up in pairs and stay here until we give the all-clear.”

  One by one the kids grouped up, not with each other, but each with a koblin. Even though Hal wasn’t fond of kids, he had to admit it was pretty adorable. “Stay with your buddy,” he said seriously.

  Hal crept to the ladder, peeked over the edge, and spotted a patrolling goblin. He was tempted to leap over the side and perform a diving attack, impaling the goblin silently below in one fell swoop.


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