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Beastborne- Mark of the Founder

Page 87

by James T Callum

  Not only that, but 5 new chapters are posted to Patreon every week. I have no plans on stopping there, and with your help, I would like to write stories like these for many, many years to come.

  About the Author

  My name is James T. Callum and I’m not going to talk to you in the third person or make it seem like I’ve got some publisher or editor who has a bio on me.

  This is just me, talking to you, the reader. I’m no different than you, I love reading and gaming just the same as everybody else.

  In fact, I’ve loved reading for as long as I could remember. From the very first fantasy book I read, Wizard of Earthsea, I was hooked.

  For just as long I’ve also been an avid gamer and DND player (as well as other tabletop RPGs). Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, Illusion of Gaia, and on through the years as stories and graphics became better and better.

  You’ll be able to find hints of inspiration from all sorts of RPGs and video games in my works. From the Final Fantasy series to Warcraft, Age of Empires to Anno, and games like Dark Souls and Bloodborne. Because who doesn’t love a little cosmic horror thrown in for fun?

  These games (and countless others) have inspired me ever since I was a kid, and they continue to serve as my muse now that I’m much older.

  Writing has always been my greatest aspiration and with your help, I hope to make it a full-time job. At the time of this writing, I still work a day job like most people. It is only thanks to Patreon that I was able to dedicate some of my spare time to writing.

  So, if you’d like to provide direct support and help me achieve my goal of writing full-time (so I can write even more stories for you awesome people!) you can hop on over to my Patreon page where you’ll find tons of content.

  Patrons get access to advanced chapters of upcoming books, special discord roles and discussion channels, early releases of books before anyone else, maps, cover reveals, voting, and a lot more.

  Become a Patron Today!

  You can always find the latest information on my website about new books coming up, sales, and more:

  And if you spot a typo or error, shoot me an email at:, and I will get it fixed and re-uploaded ASAP. I aim to provide the best possible reading experience and as soon as I find an error I fix it. Once it’s fixed and updated, your reading device should update automatically with the improved version.

  I'm always available to talk, connect with readers, fellow authors, and lovable book nerds:

  Beastborne’s Discord:


  First and foremost, I have to thank (once again) my wife. She has sat through my complaining, my brainstorming, my ups and downs, and everything in between with unfailing grace. Without her, I never would have started writing let alone began any of the stories I now have.

  Secondly, my Patrons. You guys rock. I love each and every one of you nerds! None of this would be possible without the help and support of the best Patrons around, first and foremost, Sevitar, and Mattirro.

  Additional special thanks to: Alex Rhone, Antonios Theodorakakis, Austin Gibbs, Chioke Nelson, Clayton Jones, Colin Ford, Da Uncle, Daniel, David Peers, Deamonicbob, Dominic Pernicone, Jessy Pierre-Louis, Joachim Janssen, Jørn Håvard Eikenes, Josh Torrey, Junior, Justin J. Sewell, Leaored, Matthew Davis, Matthew Parikka, ModernHART, Patrick C., Rintaun, Samuel Kelly, Steven McNeeley, Vladimir Sanches, and Wesley Fan.

  And of course, a loving THANK YOU to you, the reader. I would not be able to do this without you, and it is my most heartfelt wish to keep bringing you stories for many years to come!


  Want to get notifications when there’s a new book out? Are you interested in keeping abreast of the latest sales and new series I’ve got cooking? Then you’ll want to sign up for the mailing list! I’m no fan of spam myself, so you can expect to only get occasional updates once or twice a month unless there is a major event.

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  Hal’s Final Stats

  Hal Williams

  Level: 24

  Discordant Stone: 20,181/55,000

  Strain: 0/50

  BP: 10/10


  Beastborne: 13

  Novice: 10

  Oathforger: 1


  HP: 345/345

  SP: 305/305

  MP: 420/420


  STR: 10 (+4)

  VIT: 20

  DEX: 10 (+2)

  AGI: 10 (+2)

  INT: 27 (+7)

  MND: 30 (+5)

  CHR: 20 (+12)


  HP/hr: 51.1

  SP/hr: 49.3

  MP/hr: 102.7


  Fire: 25

  Ice: 0

  Wind: 0

  Earth: 0

  Lightning: 0

  Water: -25

  Light: 0

  Dark: 0

  Defensive Properties

  DEF: 51

  MDEF: 42

  Insulation: 35

  Monster Affinity


  Goblin: 300%


  Shadow: 325%

  Doll: 105%

  Mimic: 95%


  Aberration: 265%


  Treant: 285%

  Planttrap: 15%


  Eldritch: 300%

  Class Affinity

  Warrior: 95%

  Thief: 90%

  Survival Skills

  Stealth: 6

  Darkvision: 3

  Survival: 1

  Perception: 15

  Investigation: 10

  Manatree: 1

  Combat Skills

  Improvised Weaponry: 12

  Sword: 9

  Parry: 4

  Evasion: 11

  Magic Skills

  Enfeebling: 12

  Beast Magic: 13

  Crafting Skills

  Alchemy: 0

  Foraging: 0

  Social Skills

  Leadership: 18 (+5)

  Persuasion: 12

  Exploration: 2

  Deception: 5

  Mercantile: 1

  Intimidation: 2

  Dramatis Personae

  Abegielamanonalos "Giel" Blackspire

  Tavernkeeper of the “Gone Goose” and the son of a renowned rebel. He joins Hal’s group because of Hal’s striking resemblance to Thirty-seven and because his mother entrusted him with the Balesian Codex to give to a Thirty-seven’s protégé.


  The silent protector of the Fallwreath Founder. Little else is known aside from his taciturn nature compared to his sister. Member of the rarely seen Drow race.


  Tiefling bard that Hal initial rescues from a slow death of starvation while being utterly ignored in a dark hole. Seeing his fate reversed by Hal has given Altres a new lease on life. Rather than turn it around and go straight, he has chosen to double-down on being an agent of subterfuge and subversion except now he works to lift Hal up while he tears down Rinbast.

  Angram Masaeil

  An elven Ranger of no small skill, Angram describes himself as the “black sheep” of the Masaeil family. Despite this, he has proven time and time again to be a stalwart ally and friend to both Hal and his fellow Rangers.


  One of the elven Rangers, only seen in passing.


  Quiet and reserved, Ashera was “enslaved” until being freed by Hal. Her motivations seem clearly driven to assist Hal in his endeavors, to be a confidant and friend, and to repay the debt for freeing her from her old life.

  Buffrix Eargone

  A koblin healer (Kobbiemage) and de facto leader of the koblin clan that Hal and Elora rescue. Buffrix, as his surname suggests, is missing an ear. He is, however, unfailingly loyal to Hal and will do everything in his power to h
elp the man who he sees as a savior of his people.

  Durvin Bouldergut

  Dwarven patron of Clan Bouldergut. Durvin is loud, brash, and outspoken. Three qualities dwarves love best. He has no fondness of skulking about in the shadows or underhanded deals, both of which he was forced to do in order to survive thanks to the Loyalist’s influence in Murkmire. Despite his boisterous attitude, he has become quite fond of Hal and his band of misfits. Going so far as to throw his clan’s lot in with them.


  Another Ranger, soft-spoken and kind but rarely seen.

  Elora Othoril

  Half-elven Ranger who first finds and rescues Hal. Owing to her capability and skill Hal survived when he should have died. It is thanks to her that Hal makes it to Murkmire at all and though she is loathe to show it, she is immensely proud of Hal’s progress and will stand by him through thick and thin.

  Ferras Bouldergut

  Clan Bouldergut’s treasurer, an older dwarf that has seen the Clan through many hardships.

  Gibberox Heftyhand

  Skilled crafter of the much larger koblin clan now residing in Murkmire’s Coffin District.


  Elora’s human mother, minor alchemist and herbalist. She and Elora have never seen eye-to-eye and since the death of Elora’s beloved father, their animosity has only grown until Gretilda violates Elora’s trust.

  Hal Williams

  Mid-twenties man from Earth that has the misfortune of being pulled through a portal to another world at the behest of a tyrannical Founder. Though he originally carries much of the baggage of his past with him, over time and with the help of his new allies, he overcomes his limitations to strive for something greater.

  His hope for creating a Sanctum is a lofty one but with his newfound powers and increasing allies he is more capable of achieving his goals than he realizes.

  (Hal Entry #2) Besal “The Beast”

  As a result of becoming a Beastborne, the Beast was formed. Hal considers him the darkness of his soul, though whether that is true or not is debatable. Clearly, Besal sees himself as something apart from Hal, yet there is no mistaking their shared lineage. After his defeat by Hal, they have struck an uneasy balance. Though it is clear Besal still yearns to be free.


  Archmage of Fallmark, the hawkish man is exceptionally skilled in the magical arts. His loyalty to Rinbast is second only to his own arrogance in his magical prowess.

  Jabkix Pigeonpecs

  Fisticuffs koblin that enjoys - and is surprisingly skilled in - brawling. One of Hal’s original supporters.


  Leader of the Windstrom refugees. Pledges her aid to Hal in whatever way they can. In recognition of their plight, Hal offers the Windstrom refugees a home within the Coffin District.

  Lootlox Bangpots

  Lootmage koblin of staggeringly small stature. She has a fondness for Hal that borders on fangirlish. Her Cling skill is nearly 20, despite her single-digit Level.


  An Oracle with unknown powers. She seeks out Hal in order to request asylum. The weight of her position sits uncomfortably on her small shoulders. She has a preternatural ability to sneak up on Hal and startle him, among many others.

  Lurklox Dhalmelneck

  Thief koblin with a penchant for “lock-tricking.”

  Matron Madrasil

  Matron of the Adventurer’s Guild. She seems to have a connection to Thirty-seven, and Giel’s parents. Bears a striking resemblance to her supposed daughter, Ashera.


  One of the young boys Hal and Elora rescued from the goblin cave. Missing child of the Windstrom refugees.


  Unknown man(?) that wields considerable power and magic. Newly minted God-slayer and somewhat of a supporter of Hal. Known as a World Traveler and also for meddling in affairs of world-ending proportions. Not much is known about him other than many people in power fear his interference. And he enjoys having tea-time with a magical otter.

  Millie Blackspire

  Giel’s mother. Not much is known about her other than her rebellious activities and support of Thirty-seven against the Founder.

  Mira Lavilieur

  A willowy gold elf that has an unquenchable zest for life and a keen love of pushing people’s buttons. Like Hal, she doesn’t natively come from Aldim and it is one of her chief joys to constantly drop Earth-specific phrases and memes in order to goad him. Originally pursuing her own agenda, she was eventually won over to Hal’s side and has since become a staunch ally and supporter of Hal’s vision for a new Sanctum.


  Another elven Ranger rarely seen.


  Once a Reaper, now turned mortal, Noth once seemed to desire nothing but an end to her mortal existence and a return to her previous station. However, something changed and she has become quite enamored with mortal emotions, food, and the people around her. Despite no longer being tethered to Hal, she tends to stay even closer to him for other reasons.

  Prowlox Bandylegs

  Considered a skilled crafter, Prowlox is one of the few koblins Hal left in charge of the koblins in Murkmire.


  Captain of the Murkmire Watch. Somewhat strict, but honorable considering his profession and how easily a person can be swayed by moneyed interests. He comes to have a grudging respect for Hal, going so far as to “forget” their meeting despite orders to detain a man of his bearing.


  Pink slime pet of Vorax. He missed Vorax so much he traveled through miles of rock and squeezed through the tiniest crevices all in search of his master.


  A drow assassin with the uncanny ability to move through shadows. As the sister of Alnafein, she is quite the polar opposite of her brother and abhors boredom or quiet. She has earned the name “Creeping Death” for herself.


  The Founder of Fallmark and Hal’s primary adversary. It was through his request that Hal was pulled from his world to Aldim.


  Gnomish shopkeep and retired adventurer. Despite being knocked out and kidnapped, he stows away with Hal and his caravan along with some koblins.

  Slyrix Quickfingers

  Koblin weaver. Really good at making shadow puppets.

  Sparkspox Sweatbrow

  One of the leaders left in charge of the Koblins in Hal’s absence. She has taken over as the main orchestrater.


  A deformed Wortling that had its vestigial head pushed into its chest. Hal had an odd fondness for the thing despite the fact that it was an unthinking and unaware creature.


  A version of Hal from another timeline that Rinbast pulled over to Aldim long ago. He once held faith in Rinbast until something changed. Has unknown ties to Matron Madrasil, whom Hal assumes is Ashera’s mother, and Giel’s parents.


  Waifish girl that Hal rescued from the goblin cave. She is one of the few people who have seen Hal’s Founder mark.

  Tormand Blackspire

  Giel’s father, died during the defense of Murkmire when the Sanctuary was cut off from the outside world due to ravaging Manastorms.


  Omnigorger mimic that is saved by Hal and quickly bonds with him. Though he is smarter than Hal realizes, he has a deep love for the man even though he isn’t a monster. Vorax’s appetite is unyielding but he thankfully prefers treasure. The more expensive and rare, the better. Having recently reacquired his pet, Quibbles, Vorax is happier than he’s ever been.


  Elven Ranger who helps Hal see Aldim as a potential home.



  Plantoid creature with poisonous vine-like whip appendages.


  The men and women who live outside the law and protection of the Founders. They hold to no faith, no known laws, and are often belligerent to outsider


  Magical creations that are a facsimile of Golems though dramatically weaker. Cannot be made of heavy material such as metal or stone, often constructed of clay, wood, or hollowed-out material.


  Knotty, gnarled tree-like creatures that stand roughly 6 to 7 feet tall with long claw-like branch appendages. As ambush predators, they prefer to cluster up and hide until they find prey.


  A many-mouthed creature that is capable of driving many people mad with its multitudinous mouths and cackling.


  Not to be confused with a koblin, goblins are diminutive creatures that are often unpredictable but will choose trade over warfare most of the time. One of the few beastmen races that has regular dealings with non-monsters. Maskless goblins have no tribe and are considered excommunicated from goblin society as a whole. Viewing a goblin without its mask is a grave taboo.


  Hyena-men, gnolls are typically dumb and overtly aggressive. They live in small packs and are often too disorganized to form larger more effective clans like other beastmen.


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