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Ancient Blood- Masters and Servants

Page 3

by Dora Esquivel

  Gabriel couldn’t help the little laugh that came out of his mouth. This was the first person in many months that wasn’t ripping off his clothes already. The sharp reply was a nice surprise. “Yeah, I was watching you, and as I said, you move like a ghost.”

  Lips curved up, dimpling in an arrogant half-smirk. “What if I said it was magic,” he responded, his devilish eyes glinting, completing his edgy appearance.

  Gabe grunted at the lame-ass response. ” Magic? Right.” Whatever.

  Voice rough and harsh, he said, “My name is Lucien Lutair,” as he stared directly into Gabriel’s eyes, challenging him— amber eyes focused and assessing.

  Eyes bright as the sun glowered back at him. Breathe hitching, Gabriel responded, “Gabriel Rivera.”

  Those eyes! He knew those eyes. They hunted him every time he slept— the violent acts of their lovemaking, how the man felt on him, how he smelled. Gabriel knew deep inside this was the guy of his dreams. A knot formed in his chest and he couldn’t breathe. Dreams don’t come true, do they?

  “So, Gabriel, do you believe in magic?”

  Memories of blood, fangs, and claws entered Gabriel’s mind. He jolted, and his chair chattered, clanked, and bellowed in the silent bar. Memories of getting fucked, blood, and rough gagging assailed his mind. His shaft was again rigid and throbbing. Feeling the intense scrutiny of the other man’s attention on him, he instinctively squirmed in his seat.

  Startled, Gabriel asked, “What?”

  Lucien’s bright eyes only seemed to be getting brighter and like a moth to a flame, Gabriel couldn’t stop staring. He couldn’t formulate words. This was the man of his dreams, his mystery lover, the eyes, his voice— all right here in front of him. Maybe there was some magic in this world.

  “Yes, I guess I do. I haven’t witnessed much of it, but maybe a little,” he answered back. What kind of answer was that?

  Lucien’s deep laugh sounded good to his ears. “Do I make you nervous, Gabriel?”

  Yes! “No. Do I look like the type of guy that gets nervous?”

  Lucien nodded. “I can feel your heart racing, and the way your skin flushes pink when you are trying to lie. Both are giveaways to you either lying or trying to bullshit.”

  This is why I suck at poker.

  “It’s just hot in here. So, are you going to tell me how you got over here so fast?” Gabriel was not ready to admit defeat, even though Lucien had figured him out quickly.

  Lucien smirked, and calmly leaned his body towards Gabriel and whispered, “You don’t lie too well either. I already answered, and yes, it was magic.”

  Gabriel’s body reacted like a bomb had been set off. The hot breath of Lucien’s mouth set off smoldering fires throughout his skin. Hot, unexpected passion entered his body as Lucien tenderly brushed his lips down his nape, leaving a trail of burning flesh. His hand ran through his hair as Lucien’s kisses become harder and more urgent. Another hand slid towards the back of his shirt, lightly skimming his lower back. Lucien pulled him closer to his musky-scented body. Gabriel leaned his neck out further, allowing Lucien to kiss his shoulders and hair.

  Gabriel didn’t want Lucien to stop. He needed more of Lucien, more of his fiery kisses and hot body. A small moan escaped his mouth, his dick now painfully throbbing behind his jeans. He was panting hard, and then it all stopped.

  Trying to gather himself, he opened his eyes towards Lucien, the smug ass was smiling. He looked like he knew what he had done was bad but didn’t care. His yellow eyes were ravenous, and Gabriel felt like prey.

  Smirking, Lucien suggested, “You are very expressive, Gabriel. You can’t hide anything from me. This is how I want to see you all the time.”

  Groaning, Gabriel smiled at Lucien’s confidence. “I think all that happened between us was one hot moment, nothing more, nothing less.” Lie! But he needed to get back some control because he was ready to get on his knees and suck Lucien’s cock in a minute.

  He was surprised Lucien had been able to stop himself. Usually, by now, he would be getting shafted in the corner or in the bathroom, but somehow, Lucien resisted him, and that intrigued Gabriel immensely.

  Gabriel stared back at Lucien’s dark-bearded face and noticed a multitude of scars that crisscrossed his skin. Weird that he hadn’t noticed that earlier. The man was perfect looking, and the scars made him more approachable, less threatening.

  Slowly, he reached his hand out, his fingers lightly touching Lucien’s soft beard and then the deep scar that ran down Lucien’s left eye to his chin. Lucien didn’t seem embarrassed or ashamed of his scars; he seemed to welcome Gabriel’s touch.

  Pulling his hand back, Gabriel asked, “What happened to your face?”

  Lucien took a small sip of his drink and responded, “It happened a long time ago, my whole body is covered in scars. Let’s say, the assholes that did this did it for fun. They had fun at my expense, at my pain, at my begging, but they are dead now.”

  There was an eerie quietness to Lucien’s story, a man still haunted by long-ago nightmares. Gabriel couldn’t imagine such horrors, or who had done those things to Lucien. He was glad they were dead for Lucien’s sake.

  Puzzled, Gabriel asked, “Why would they carve you up?”

  Lucien hesitated for a second before answering him. “For a long time, the scars bothered me, especially around my face. The beard helps hide them, though I know they are part of who I am. They murdered my mother in front of me and tortured me for her indiscretions. I should be dead, but life has a way of turning things around, even when it’s shitting on you.”

  Gabriel nodded. He didn’t know what to say. Lucien’s story sounded unbelievable, but the scars were there, a permanent reminder of the hell Lucien had gone through. Some hells were better left in the dark recesses of the mind.

  Chapter Four


  HE HADN’T REALLY TOLD Gabriel the whole truth like he was a half-werewolf and half-Incubi supernatural or that he was over a thousand years old. Sometimes, he felt those pangs of terror and guilt from his past, but time had a funny way of lessening the sting of such horrors.

  Lucien didn’t mind his mate asking questions about his scars. He wanted Gabriel to be curious about him, to want to know him inside and out. They were going to share eternity together, after all.

  Lucien took a sip of his drink, admiring Gabriel’s full and well-defined pecs as they stretched the black shirt he was wearing to its cotton limit. Yearning and arousal blazed through his body, his canines were itching like they did when lust and violence consumed him. He could smell Gabriel’s semen, undeniably and unmistakably his.

  Reaching out, he wiped his thumb across Gabriel’s full bottom lip. A year he had waited to feel those lips on his dick. Gabriel’s dark-brown eyes were fully dilated. He may not remember what happened to him that night a year ago, but his body did. Lucien hadn’t forgotten his mate and how it felt to consume him. The taste of his blood.

  Lucien pressed his thumb into Gabriel’s mouth. Gabriel hesitated at his touch, but then his mate eagerly sucked in his thumb. Gabriel started moaning as he feverishly suckled. Lucien wanted more, he needed more of Gabriel’s touch. Lucien appreciated the way Gabriel looked as his pink tongue curled around his thumb, the way he kept his hands on his thick thighs, submitting and waiting for Lucien’s orders. He needed more than his fucking thumb to be sucked.

  Panting, Gabriel’s rough voice vibrated against his thumb. “Fucking touch me.” Lucien felt strung out and hot. For fuck’s sake, he couldn’t take much more of this.

  Unable to resist, Lucien’s mannerisms were roguish, confident, and purposeful as he caressed Gabriel’s chest. His mate’s breath hitched as he pulled and pinched on Gabriel’s pert nipples. He remembered those beautiful fawn-colored nipples. He craved to lick and nip at them until Gabriel begged him to stop or continue.

  He wanted to see his mate’s beautiful, tattooed torso unclothed. Frenzied, he palmed Gabriel’s tight jeans, feeling the hard
outline of Gabriel’s thick cock that had not come in a year. He smiled, knowing Gabriel was his; he alone owned Gabriel’s pleasure. Soon, he would own his heart and soul too.

  Jealousy roared through him as he smelled the menthol and the woman’s bodily fluids on his mate. Lucien didn’t want to think about what his mate had been doing for the past year. By ingesting his blood last year, Lucien would be able to find his mate anywhere, no realm or hell could stop him from knowing where Gabriel was. The man was his.

  Gabriel rubbed himself harder on Lucien’s hand. “Fuck me, please, fuck me.” Lucien smiled and looked down at his mate’s desperate face. He would bet, he could throw Gabriel across the bar, yank his jeans down, and fuck him right here and now. Gabriel would love the rough treatment and wouldn’t care who watched them.

  After he fucked Gabriel, he would get this man down on his knees and make him clean his cock with his mouth. He would violate this man all over the casino until he was satisfied. Some kind of malady seemed to be controlling him. He needed Gabriel’s essence and blood like he needed to breathe. Hunger gnawed at him. Lucien was no longer able to tell if his wolf or demon were controlling his dark lusts.

  “Beg me again and use my name.” The command in Lucien’s voice was unmistakable. Lucien could tell by Gabriel’s dark brown eyes that he would beg for anything, even death.

  “Take me here, across this bar, Lucien.” Gabriel mashed himself passionately against Lucien’s palm.

  Lucien smiled at how beautifully his boy begged. Ogling Gabriel’s body again, slowly, methodically, inch by inch, admiring the masculine beauty created for him by the fates. He continued canvassing Gabriel’s body, admiring his fighter’s physique. In the human world, a man of Gabriel’s size and power was respected by the other humans.

  In his world, Gabriel would be his mate— a young, unproven werewolf, a servant with no true power, his only protection would be from Lucien. He craved the man’s tanned skin; his tongue itched to scrape against Gabe’s warm skin and to rake his sharp fangs across tender flesh, slicing and biting as he sucked up his mate’s warm blood. He noticed Gabriel’s cheeks tint with hot blood as he rubbed himself harder against Lucien’s palm.

  Laughing, he squeezed and whispered against Gabriel’s earlobe, “Not yet, but I will fuck you, and I will claim you soon. You belong to me, forever.”

  Delirious with lust, Gabriel nodded and shuddered against his shoulder. All the other noises in the gloomy casino were muffled as blood rushed through his ears. He couldn’t take much more of this.

  “Say your mine, boy, and I will fuck you,” Lucien teased as he stopped rubbing Gabriel’s trapped cock.

  Sensing Gabriel’s shock at losing his hand, Gabriel’s responses seemed genuine, but he wasn’t sure how much of it was due to the werewolf or demon bite. Lucien himself didn’t quite understand how mates worked. He had heard the stories and had only met a few in the clans and packs that had survived after his family’s massacre.

  Say the words, he repeated in his mind, like a mantra, say the damn words and this nightmare of blue balls will end for you. Lucien knew Gabriel was desperate for release. He liked his mate needy like this, eagerly trying to hump Lucien’s hand like some desperate dog.

  A small hesitation ghosted across Gabriel’s face before pleading out the words Lucien had ordered. “I’m yours.” Gabe pressed himself against Lucien’s hand, seeking out the friction he had lost.

  Lucien had every intention of disciplining Gabriel for that small hesitation, and his heartbeat accelerated thinking of all the punishments he wanted to inflict on his servant. He wanted Gabriel to respond to his commands without pause. A year of not touching, of not looking, of only having Roman report to him about all of Gabriel’s indiscretions wasn’t enough.

  Chapter Five


  EXCITEMENT AND WEARINESS battled in his mind; something fogging his senses. There was something familiar about all of this, reminding him about an underground MMA fight, a year ago that had gone ballistic. Somehow, he had woken up naked in his car with rope burns around his whole body and several bite marks.

  He knew someone had fucked him because his asshole was leaking and sticky. His mouth was also sticky with cum. He had blood and pieces of grey matter in his hair and on other parts of his body. Later that night, he had his first nightmare of many. He had dreamed of a big black beast hunting him down and biting his neck. Other nights, he dreamed of two men dominating him and having him beg like a cheap, two-dollar whore to fuck him.

  Fuck this, he thought, as he lowered his hand, trying to readjust himself and move away from Lucien. He didn’t get far. Lucien slammed his hand on the bar table in a cruel vise. Gabriel thought he was strong and fast, but he was nothing compared to Lucien. His hand throbbed as Lucien squeezed harder. Those yellow eyes narrowed in on him. “Where do you think you’re going? I have not given you permission to leave or to touch yourself.”

  “Fuck you!” Gabriel gritted out.

  A devilish smile spread across Lucien’s face. Gabriel’s eyes widened as a glint of fang appeared. Did Lucien have fangs?

  “There’s that cocky mouth of yours. I knew you were not submissive, Gabriel, but you will learn.”

  Perplexed, he kept staring at Lucien. Those were definitely pointed canines Lucien was sporting. What kind of messed up dream is this? Part of Gabriel wanted to run— a voice in his head screamed at him to run. This man was dangerous, he could sense it. Chaos and disorder followed this man as did death. Gabriel found those dangerous elements thrilling, but no one ever said he had the best judgment when it came to sexual partners if this year was anything to go by.

  Lucien was too powerful. He had an unnatural aura cloaking him. Parts of his face were systematically too perfect, except for those long and jagged scars around his jaw, cheeks, and eyebrows. His thick black beard covered some of the damage, but even with those deep cuts, he was unnaturally striking.

  Finding a nugget of courage or stupidity, Gabriel snarled, “Permission? I don’t need to ask you for permission,” as Lucien pulverized his hand.

  His world went white-hot with pain. He screamed out and his stomach twisted in knots. He felt nauseated from the excruciating anguish his hand was in.

  “How quickly you forget what you just said to me, Gabriel. Do you remember? I do. You said you were mine. And since I own you, you do not get to do as you please. Your mouth just sucked my thumb, but I need you to suck my cock. And I will fuck you here on this bar, in front of all these people, as you begged me to. You’ve been giving your ass and mouth away freely for a year. You will not deny your master any part of your body or mind; do you understand me?”

  He slowly nodded, upon hearing Lucien’s words. Another part of his brain wanted to spit at the man, but the pain radiating up his shoulder as Lucien continued grinding his hand was becoming intolerable. He had broken bones before, but he had never had a crushed hand, and Lucien had done it so easily.

  “Can you stop crushing my hand, asshole.”

  Something flickered under Lucien’s rigid expression. It happened so fast Gabriel was unable to decipher the emotion. Was it sympathy? Amusement? Sadism?

  “You are forgetting your place again, Gabriel, but you will learn. First lesson, Gabriel— I hate to repeat myself. Listen to me very carefully, since you have forgotten who you belong to. I need you to repeat these words again. Say it. I belong to you, Master. I am your mate.”

  Head spinning in torment and shock, he tried listening, but nothing of what Lucien was saying sounded sane. He had said those words earlier to him. Had he been drugged?

  Shaking Gabriel’s hand again, Lucien continued taunting him. “I am losing patience with you, Gabriel.”

  Gabriel tried pulling away, but it was no use, his hand was trapped. Lucien’s grip was unmovable. He looked around to see if he could get any help, but it looked like no one was paying attention to them, even the bartender seemed unaware that something was horribly wrong.

nbsp; “No one can help you. I can make humans do or say anything I want, or even forget. You will soon realize what I am and who you will become. It has already begun for you. A year ago, my blood tainted your human body and soul. You are no longer human, but something of a preternatural, a state above natural but not yet supernatural.”

  He didn’t want to hear any more. This year had been his lowest. Not only had he fucked all manner of strangers with no relief for his aching balls, but he had betrayed his brother with his longtime off-and-on-again lover, Bach. He had even tried to mess around with his own twin, who had responded back to him.

  A year full of shame and questionable desires. Gabriel had even tried to lock himself away, only to have Bach find him. What they did that weekend was beyond hot, and yet he was never satisfied, never found relief.

  “You did this me? You infected me with some sort of illness. You fucked up my life, my family, my friends.”

  “I have elevated you, Gabriel, beyond your pathetic human existence, and this is how you show gratitude?”

  For a moment, Gabriel thought he had gone cross-eyed, unsure if it was from the pain or from Lucien’s words. None of this made sense; he had to be in some sort of delirium.

  “For fuck’s sake, let go of my hand.”

  “Tell me you belong to me. Say it now, Gabriel.”

  Gabriel’s spine tingled with alarm, his brain frazzled and disordered, his arm in agony, and his cock still aching and hurting. How could his body be humming with desire? This whole situation was fucked up. He knew this was wrong. A tiny hollow screamed inside his soul, whispered at him in alarm, but he was too far gone to care about his internal alarm bells. “I belong to you. I am your mate. You are my master.”

  Lucien let go and instinctively, he cradled his damaged hand. The words he had uttered to Lucien felt like a brand on his soul. Tilting his head away, Lucien roughly grabbed his chin and squeezed, giving him no choice but to look at him. Paralyzing fear froze him as he stared up at the luminous eyes that were now feral, pupils dilated wide, as colors of jade hemorrhaged into the corners of custard-looking irises.


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