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Ancient Blood- Masters and Servants

Page 5

by Dora Esquivel

  Gabriel started backing away from Lucien as if the distance was something Lucien couldn’t overcome. His mate raised his hands in a pleading gesture. “I just can’t go with you. I did not sign up for this. You have stolen my life. You have murdered my mom. Don’t make me leave with you.”

  Snarling, he closed the distance between Gabriel and himself, his demon rose to the surface as massive horns erupted from his head, black leather wings emerged out from his back as he grew to his colossus size. He was surprised his wolf had not taken over, but his demon was quicker to anger and detested insubordination.

  Grabbing Gabriel by the throat, he lifted him up to his face. His mate kicked out and struggled to remove his gigantic hand from his throat.

  “I have had enough of your whining and disobedience. When we get home, I will make sure you are severely beaten for this; do you understand?”

  Gabriel’s body trembled with worry and indignation; his eyes wide with shock. This is not how Lucien had wanted to introduce this part of himself, but he was having a harder time controlling his incubus, especially after a sexual feeding.

  Gabe was glaring back at him with storming indecision and Lucien was mesmerized by those heavily-lashed light black-brown eyes. Dark shades of brown, oak, and bronzed covered leaves swirled in seductive hues of winter colors, reminding him of walking in soft mud while watching the Irish forest transfer lightness to total darkness. Home.

  “Kill me now if this is what I will become,” Gabriel challenged, his voice edged with bitterness.

  Exasperated, Lucien tasted the fear and anger in his mate’s voice. Fear of walking to the unknown, fear of harming others. Shame for wanting Lucien, shame for wanting to be taken by force, shame for wanting to be tied up and fucked. Gabriel had no choice in this matter, there would be no bargaining, begging, or crying that his mate could do to stop him from taking him tonight.

  Slowly, he changed back to his human form. He was naked now and didn’t appreciate this fact. He pushed Gabriel to the floor in disgust.

  “You fucking bastard!” Gabriel yelled out as he landed hard on the bar floor.

  Chapter Nine


  BEFORE HE COULD SPEAK again, Lucien gagged him with his hand. Lucien’s hard, naked body pressed against his. Memories assaulted him as he recalled his one night with Lucien exactly a year ago. Lucien’s strong, muscled chest pressed tighter against his. He had begged this man to fuck him. He had asked for all of this, spreading himself like a wanton whore, enjoying this … this … thing’s dominance. He had invited this hell into his life. Stark realization sunk in.

  Never losing his hold on him, Lucien snarled, “Next time you speak out of turn, I will break this jaw of yours or rip out your tongue. Do not test me any further.”

  His own salty blood filled his mouth. Those sharp nails dug into his face. Neck muscles bulged as he strained to make eye contact with Lucien. Seconds ticked by. His eyes twitched with apprehension as flickers of gold and green flared in Lucien’s eyes. He kept forgetting how dangerous Lucien was, and that he was not human. Whatever beast he had changed into had frightened Gabriel down to his bones. That demon was more terrifying than the werewolf he had encountered last year. He hoped to never see that creature again.

  “Nod if you understand this simple order,” Lucien hammered, his voice thick with displeasure.

  Rolling his eyes, Gabriel nodded. Numbing fear escalated in his mind; he had worked hard to be Gabriel Rivera, ex-marine, brother, good son, war survivor, PTSD survivor, and now this beast wanted to make him into something else, and it seemed like he had no choice in the matter.

  Lucien’s influence was fading as a more rational and logical presence entered his mind. Would he ever escape this madness? He didn’t want to become one of those things, but he was already halfway there. Everything he could think of wouldn’t work against a being like Lucien. He had a 9mm in his car— but would bullets even do anything to Lucien?

  He was in trouble and he had no one to help him. Galen wasn’t talking to him, not really. Bach was probably working or getting fucked by Galen. Thinking about his mother hurt too much.

  Lucien was restraining him painfully as more blood pooled in his mouth. In desperation, Gabriel reached out and fisted Lucien’s hair, tugging and pulling, trying to dislodge this beast of a man off him.

  Slowly, Lucien’s fingers let go of his mouth. Gabriel slid his jaw left and right as he spat out globs of blood.

  Once again, claws dug deeper into his thigh, pain flashed as more blood oozed from his skin, leaving crimson droplets on the floor below. Wincing, Lucien’s dark eyes swirled with green flecks of color, shining brighter with the bar lights. Lucien was daring Gabriel to challenge him. He hissed out as more unflinching pressure shot up his left thigh. Shit! The man’s grip felt like an anaconda had coiled around his upper leg.

  “Do not fight me anymore on this,” Lucien ordered as his thick fangs descended.

  Gabriel gritted out, “I understand,” as he eyed Lucien standing proudly, nude with gleaming muscles that highlighted his wide chest and back. Scars crisscrossed his torso and dark chest hair descended like an arrow pointing to his heavy balls and thick erection.

  His mind raced with questions. He didn’t really understand. He had felt different this past year, but he never thought his issues were supernatural. Gabriel had been in war up close; he had seen charred dead bodies, dismemberments, all manners of gunshot wounds, and the horrifying ease people killed each other, but to know that there was something out there, non-human-creatures who fed off humans like cattle and saw no real value in them was another level of inhumanity he’d rather not see or become.

  Processing the fact he was no longer human was the most difficult thing Gabriel had to face. He hadn’t been human for a year now. He had seen the effects on those around him, especially those closest to him. He himself didn’t understand the lust he felt and how those he affected felt when they saw him.

  Men wanted to bend him over and fuck him, while women rode him all day and night. He had felt their confusion and possessiveness wanting to own him. Eventually, those strong feelings would wane as many of them either fell asleep or passed out, giving him a chance to escape. He guessed he did have some Incubi power— the power of seduction or persuasion. He still didn’t understand any of it. His mind was full of questions.

  “Alpha, how can I control this? Will I sprout horns and wings like you? What about the werewolf part?” Gabriel yelled out as curiosity overwhelmed him. He needed to know the cold hard truth about himself.

  Memories of the last year flashed through his mind— his mother’s avoidance, his twin brother’s refusal to be near him, including their best friend, Bach; how Bach had tried avoiding him but eventually ended up becoming his lover. So many instances of crazy, one-night stands with males and females. The maddening hunger and the calmness he felt after having sex, yet it was never satisfying.

  He recalled the one night when his twin called out his name over and over. Gabriel had thought Galen was having a nightmare from their old marine missions. Worried, he went to wake him up. Galen woke up flustered and scared. The shock had overwhelmed him as Galen grabbed for him and kissed him roughly. He could still feel Galen’s hard, muscled body as it pressed him down onto the bed.

  The coarse caresses of Galen’s calloused hands had set his skin on fire, his cock had jerked as Galen pinched and teased his nipples. Gabriel had moved his hips desperately towards his twin’s body, wanting and needing to be filled. He remembered how Galen had squeezed his throat denying him air and how desperately he wanted Galen to keep compressing his throat harder.

  They were both wrapped around each other, seeking each other’s caresses. Gabriel recalled how Galen had torn his underwear off and pulled at his aching cock. Gabriel had wanted to explode then but couldn’t. Galen had been crude as he had spread Gabriel’s legs wide open, spitting down on his own aching member to lubricate it. Galen had pulled his legs up and sprea
d them wide, holding him open and then Gabriel felt the thick burn when Galen entered him.

  Galen was like a beast that night, choking and scratching him. Galen’s broad muscles tensed and rippled as he aimed directly at Gabriel’s prostate, driving Gabriel mad with need. The violence between them only grew as Galen got closer to coming, and Gabriel encouraged all of it. Galen roared and grunted as he came over and over into Gabriel. Even after coming, Galen wasn’t done as he twisted his twin over and penetrated him fully. This happened over and over.

  Once Galen had overcome Gabriel’s pull, anger and shame had filled them both. Galen responded with anger, grabbing Gabriel brutally by his hair, slamming his head against the wall, punching him. Gabriel didn’t fight back. His body was still humming with desire, and Galen eventually tossed him out of his room.

  He still remembered Galen’s anguished screams for him not to touch him as he walked back to his room. Gabriel had tried to make sense of what they had done, but he couldn’t. He wanted more of Galen. He still remembered Galen’s throbbing penis as it lay under the white linen sheets; how it felt as Galen entered him. He had done many things he had felt embarrassment about, but having Galen fuck him was not one of them. Next time, he would return the favor.

  Later that night, he tried jacking off to his brother’s naked form, recalling how Galen’s sweaty, tattooed, muscled form gleamed in the moonlight; how good Galen had felt on top of him, the hard kisses, and how good his brother’s seed had smelled. A small part of him was ashamed to admit it, but Galen had been one of his favorite memories from the last year.

  “You still need more of my blood for your werewolf to come out. In two nights’ time, there will be a full moon. I will claim you again to complete your werewolf transformation. It is a painful process, and you will be consumed by hunger and overwhelming feelings of power. Your control will be zero. You will need to obey me for your own safety. Vampires do not like young wolves and if one loses control, they will put it down. You belong to me, but also to Sargon and Sumuel. You will hunt and kill your first human then. You will enjoy the taste of human flesh.”

  More questions bombarded Gabriel’s mind. Vampires! How many supernaturals were there? The thought of hunting an innocent person made Gabriel’s stomach clench in apprehension. He would be drinking blood and eating human flesh. In two nights, he would be living out another nightmare.

  “I can see the revulsion on your face, but you will learn to enjoy it. The thrill of the chase, the smell of their fear, the taste of their warm blood will all be aphrodisiacs to your wolf.”

  Lucien put on a shirt and some pants. Part of him was upset that Lucien was no longer naked. Fuck! They had been talking about hunting and killing people, and here he was upset that Lucien was no longer naked.

  “I find it hard to believe I will enjoy killing another person.”

  Slamming into Gabriel with blinding speed, Lucien pushed him up against the railing of the bar. Blood flowed down his leg as Lucien’s claws ripped away his skin and muscle. Lucien’s dark eyes swirled with flecks of amber, anger apparent as he stared back him. Gabriel knew those eyes intimately; they had hunted him every fucking night for the past year.

  “I am tired of your constant whining. You are mine, my mate, and you will come to enjoy being mine. You will come to crave the discipline and dominance only I can give you. Your free will is no longer yours; nothing is yours. I can sense your attraction, and I can feel your hard cock. Your petty denials are empty. Your body knows who you belong to.”

  “Fuck you!” Even to his own ears, it sounded weak. He had no clever comebacks and no way out.

  Narrowing his eyes, Lucien countered, “Your words fail you because your body knows the truth. You can’t resist my touch and what it does to you.” Lucien palmed his hard cock again, proving his point.

  Anger and fear dissipated as Lucien’s hand unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick, roughly fisting it. Gabriel couldn’t resist and started bucking wildly into Lucien’s heated hand. He couldn’t fight against it. At that moment, he didn’t care about his bleeding leg or how he was no longer human. His desire had compressed down to Lucien’s hand and how good it felt. Nothing else mattered at that moment.

  In a flash, Gabriel was pressed face down against the bar. Lucien had a brutal hold of his hair, twisting his head up and bending him at an odd angle. Nostrils flaring, he could smell Lucien’s essence, a dark combination of black licorice and earth filled the bar and gambling tables. Once again, Lucien’s scent was overriding Gabriel’s senses, surrounding him in a cocoon of swarthy cravings and carnal needs.

  Lucien growled out, “I missed this firm ass,” as his massive cock settled between Gabriel’s ass cheeks.

  Gabriel involuntarily let out a whimper. He remembered everything about Lucien’s body at this moment. He hungered for Lucien, recalling all the nights he dreamed about him, the way Lucien treated him in his dreams. Every detail of their sexual encounters flashed in his mind. He had no free will there and none in reality. He was controlled by Lucien. Every aspect of his body belonged to this man.

  Unable to control his desire, Gabriel reached down and grabbed his cock. It felt good and he wanted to continue until Lucien grabbed his hands and placed them behind his back, crossing them.

  “You don’t touch what is mine, and your cock is definitely mine. You owe me a year of your ass, and I intend to make sure you feel three hundred and sixty-five days of my dick pounding this luscious ass of yours.”

  His wrists got tighter as Lucien tied them with what felt like a leather belt. He tested his bonds and knew he wouldn’t be able to get out of them unless Lucien freed him. His stomach was nauseated, though he wasn’t sure from what— fear, lust, desire. Everything felt heavy. He should be trying to escape, he should resist harder, but again, he had given his free will to Lucien with no hesitation. The skin on his body was hot and unyielding. He arched his back, his ass seeking out Lucien’s presence.

  “As I told you, you have no free will. Now, do as I say.”

  Gabriel nodded. He felt like he was in some sort of suspended dream, about to fall off a cliff, sensations of true horror and freedom. Lucien’s scent commanded every molecule in his body, and he was buzzing with pure, unfiltered sexual energy.

  “You smell tempting, Gabriel. You are feeding me so well. You are a powerhouse of vitality I have been missing my whole life. Fuck, Gabriel, I am tingling all over.”

  Lucien tore off his pants completely. Gabriel spread his legs, wanting more attention anywhere. He needed Lucien to touch him now.

  “Touch me anywhere, Lucien. I’m begging you, touch me, please.” Gabriel didn’t recognize this needy soul, but this was him. Begging a monster to feel him in any way.

  A stinging slap of pain hit his ass. His mind was so foggy with sensations he had not recognized the powerful spanking for what it was. He had fucked up somewhere.

  Before he could question Lucien, his head was yanked back savagely. From this angle, he could only see Lucien through his peripherals. Turning was impossible.

  “I am not Lucien to you, am I? I’m Master or Alpha.”

  Unaware, there was a deep pressure on his neck as thick fangs penetrated into his skin. Lucien pulled at his carotid artery with such zeal, blinding pain filled his mind. The sound of another being treating him like a meal was strange and humbling.

  Slowly, the pain of the bite faded away to a warm sensation. Once again, his body was getting overloaded with what was Lucien. Would there be a day when Gabriel would know the end of these potent feelings, not react to the scent of Lucien’s dark nature … how it called to his blood, a stamp of Lucien’s ownership. The domination of their twisted bond, its consuming blaze, all-consuming desires. Gabriel couldn’t think of a way this would end or how.

  “You don’t need this shirt.” Once again, Lucien was tearing off his clothing. He was completely naked inside his mother’s casino. He had forgotten about all the other people in the building. Gabriel p
ulled at his bonds desperately. He hadn’t meant to lose himself again to his basest desires. This was disturbing. He had to find a way to control himself.

  He tried to turn around but was pushed down on the bar— his exposure was humiliating. Doing anything in public, especially sexual, was one of his hard no’s. His body was shaking with urgency and he wanted to disappear into the floor.

  “Don’t do this. Please,” he begged, trying hard to free himself from Lucien’s grasp and scent.

  “Tsk … Tsk … Gabriel, the whole club has already watched you suck my cock and jerked off to your sucking skills, men and women screaming in desperation as you devoured their life essence. You can’t control this part of your power. They are suffering. I will be ending their anguish soon. And, Gabriel, you forgot your status and mine: I am your master or alpha; get this into your Neanderthal head.”

  His head was planted firmly against the cool wooden bar, the first slap against his naked ass harsh as his legs buckled. He couldn’t get out of his bonds. Once again, he was spanked and this time the smack was even harder. He almost dropped to the floor, but Lucien held his head firmly against the bar, and his legs scrambled to get traction.

  “Listen to what you are doing to the humans with your unchecked lust,” Lucien whispered harshly into his ear. “You are a dirty boy, no matter how hard I hit you, your pheromone spikes are driving these pathetic humans crazy.”

  Another smack, and another. Lucien was not holding back, and his ass was heating up. Lucien leaned down over him and licked his face. “You taste so good.” With that, Lucien went back to spanking to him.

  At first, Gabriel couldn’t hear the wails and screams behind him, but now he could. The worst part of it all was that he couldn’t see what was happening; he could only listen, which seemed to heighten the shrieking. He shut his eyes hoping that would stop him from hearing the terror of the people dying in the next room.

  “You are strong, Gabriel, but you will never be as strong as me. This is my lesson to you for your disobedience and disrespect; your punishment will be these people’s deaths.”


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