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Dark Secrets Unveiled (The Children Of The Gods Paranormal Romance Book 45)

Page 22

by I. T. Lucas

  “Steven told me to go easy on the porridge, so I thought that it would be best to skip it entirely.”

  “You need to eat, David. You lost a lot of weight.” Bridget moved to stand next to Sari.

  Standing on the other side of the bed, Steven reached for David’s offered hand. “I have to admit that I’m excited. You are the first adult that I’m welcoming into immortality.”

  “He’s your first period,” Sari said. “Be careful and don’t cut him too deep.”

  He cast her an affronted look. “I know what I’m doing.”

  “It’s okay,” David said. “Do your thing, Steven. I’m not afraid of a little blood.”

  What he was afraid of was facing Annani and telling her that he was Olek. She should be relieved that he wasn’t Gudbrand, but she might also blame him for killing her lover, the guy she’d wanted to father her child. Evidently, she’d only wanted Olek to defend her, not to kill his brother.

  Had Olek really wanted to end Gudbrand’s life?

  The dream hadn’t been clear on that. The killing blow might have been dealt in the heat of the battle.

  Olek had seemed shocked to see Gudbrand fall, and the guilt that had plagued him ever since added credence to David’s suspicion that Olek hadn’t intended to kill his brother.

  It was strange how the truth wasn’t clear even with all who had witnessed the events sharing their side of the story.

  They would probably never know, and even the goddess couldn’t go back in time and rewrite the story. It was what it was, and they would all need to live with the doubt.

  One thing was clear, though. Given what he knew, saving both Annani and Gudbrand had not been possible, and Annani’s life was monumentally more important than Gudbrand’s.

  The Fates must have guided Olek’s sword hand, and they had done the right thing for the greater good.

  Steven wiped David’s palm with a gauze dipped in antiseptic, and as he lifted the surgical knife, David braced for the pain that would follow.

  “I’ll be quick.” The doctor made the cut.

  The small incision hurt, but the pain wasn’t too bad.

  “What now?” He looked at the blood welling over the wound.

  “Now we watch and wait,” Bridget said.

  “It’s closing.” Steven wiped the blood with a clean piece of gauze.

  Sari leaned closer. “Look, David. It’s almost healed.”

  “I can see that.”

  For some reason, David wasn’t as excited as he’d thought he would be. Maybe it was because he already knew that he had transitioned and the test was only a formality, or maybe it was the heaviness of what he’d learned during his coma, or perhaps it was knowing that he wouldn’t see Jonah again as Jonah.

  Even if his brother reincarnated within the clan, it could take hundreds or thousands of years, and he might not even realize who he was.

  “Welcome to immortality, David.” Bridget put her hand on his shoulder. “I wish you and Sari a happy and long life together.”

  “Thank you.” Sari sounded choked up. “Can I take David home now?”

  “Yes, you can.” Steven collected the tray. “You can come back later for painkillers.” He smiled. “You will need them soon.”

  “I don’t feel anything yet.” David patted his gums with his fingers. “There is no swelling or tenderness.”

  “It will come.” Bridget patted his shoulder again.

  “Are you going back to the village?” Sari asked the doctor.

  “Tomorrow. I promised my mother to spend some time with her.”

  “Then you can join us for the celebratory dinner tonight.”

  “What are we celebrating?” David swung his legs over the side of the bed.

  “Your successful transition, of course.”

  “I’d rather celebrate privately with you.”

  Sari sighed. “Being mated to a public figure takes some adjustment. My life is rarely private.”

  After pushing his feet into the flip-flops Sari had brought him, David wrapped his arm around her waist and drew her closer to him. “That’s a very small sacrifice, which I’m more than willing to make. I’m just glad to be alive and have an eternity of celebrating with you to look forward to.”



  “I’ll order something for us to eat.” Sari led David to the couch. “Bridget said to keep it light, but I don’t know what that means. Do you have any preferences?”

  “Yes.” He took her hand and tugged on it. “I want you to sit right here and kiss me.” He pulled her onto his lap.

  “That’s an offer I can’t refuse.”

  She cupped his cheeks and kissed him gently, brushing her lips against his and slowly reacquainting herself with the velvety softness.

  It was sweet, it was loving, but it wasn’t what David wanted.

  With an impatient groan, his hand closed over the back of her head, the other over her thigh, and he claimed her lips.

  As his tongue swept into her mouth, sliding over hers, Sari let herself get lost in his taste, his warmth, the solidity of his chest, and the hard length prodding her from below.

  The hand on her thigh slid up, smoothing over her waist, her rib cage, and when it closed over her breast, Sari let out a breathless moan.

  His touch was gentle, almost reverent, but as she leaned into his hand, he deepened the kiss and thumbed her nipple through her blouse.

  As a sharp bolt of pleasure spiraled through her, she responded with the same intensity. Writhing on top of his hard length, she gripped David’s neck and plunged her tongue into his mouth.

  Even though it hadn’t been that long since the last time they’d made love, they were devouring each other as if they were starved.

  Perhaps they were, but maybe the real reason for the desperate need to reconnect had more to do with David’s close brush with death than the time they had missed together.

  It was about reaffirming life.

  David's lips left hers only to trail down her jaw, her neck. And then he nipped the skin, igniting an intense hunger for his bite.

  Except, it would take months until his fangs were fully grown and his venom glands functional.

  “Sari,” he whispered against her skin, and then his tongue flicked over the spot he nicked. “I can’t wait to give you the pleasure of a venom bite.”

  “I can’t either,” she breathed. Cupping the back of his head, she pressed him to her neck. “Bite me.”

  He nipped her again, sending a volley of sparks straight to her core, then licked the spot, teasing her to distraction.

  “I want you in me.” She rocked against him.

  With a strangled groan, he lifted her a little and yanked her pants down along with her panties.

  She chuckled. “You’re getting stronger by the minute.”

  “I’m desperate.” He cupped her center, stealing her breath as his finger found its way between her wet folds.

  Startled by the loud knock at the door, Sari jerked.

  “Ignore it,” David murmured against her lips. “Whoever that is will go away.”

  If it was Ojidu, he would leave, but what if it was a member of her family?

  They would have sent her a text first.

  “I have no problem with that.” She reached for the elastic of his training pants and started pulling them down.

  Her phone started buzzing.

  “Damn. They won’t leave us alone.”

  David’s wicked finger did one more swipe over the most sensitive part of her and then withdrew. “You’d better check that. It might be an emergency.”

  “This is an emergency.” She waved a hand between the two of them and then reached down to retrieve her phone from her trouser pocket.

  “It’s a message from Alena.” Sari let out a frustrated groan. “She says that Syssi and Kian are on their way to our place, and that she and our mother are heading here as well.”

  David lifted her off his lap and seated her
next to him. “I love how you say ours. But you should open the door. That was probably your brother and his wife.”

  She glanced in the direction. “They didn’t knock again. Maybe they left.”

  “Even if they did, your mother and sister are on their way.” He looked down at the tent pole his nylon pants did nothing to hide. “I’d better change into a pair of jeans.”

  “Regrettably, you are right.”

  He kissed her quickly before getting up. “Don’t look so crestfallen. We have eternity to make love.”

  That brought a smile to her lips. “I can’t wait.”

  Sari pulled her panties and trousers up, smoothed a hand over her hair and headed for the door.

  Kian was going to smell her arousal and know what he and Syssi had interrupted, but Sari didn’t care. He should have known better than to come visiting so soon after David’s release from the clinic.



  “We should leave.” Syssi tugged on Kian’s hand. “Maybe they went to the dining room for breakfast.”

  He smiled down at her. “You know what they are doing in there.”

  Her eyes widened. “You can’t be serious. David just woke up from a coma. He’s too weak to do anything.”

  “Yeah, but Sari is not. Nevertheless, I would have gladly given them their privacy, but my mother is on the way with Alena, and Dalhu and Amanda are going to arrive a little later.”

  “We can intercept them and ask them to join us for breakfast.”

  They had been on their way to the dining room when Annani had called with the news about David waking up and asked them to join her at Sari’s apartment.

  “Apparently, you don’t know my mother as well as you think you do. She wants to welcome David into the family, and she wants to do it right away.”

  Syssi lifted her gaze to him. “Do you think it’s because she feels guilty about what supposedly happened between her and one of his previous incarnations?”

  “It’s possible. But she was also impatient to meet you right after your transition. You asked me to stall her, remember?”

  “I didn’t want my future mother-in-law to see me before I had a chance to shower and change. I looked like a zombie.”

  “No, you didn’t.” He hooked a finger under her chin and planted a soft kiss on her lips. “You always look beautiful to me.” He kissed her again.

  Smiling, Syssi wrapped her arms around his neck. “You’re such a sweet talker.” She kissed him back.

  As the door opened, and Sari offered them a tight smile, the scent reaching Kian’s nose confirmed his assumptions. “Good morning. I’m sorry for the ill-timed visit, but Mother is on her way with Alena, and Amanda and Dalhu are going to be here a little later. Annani wants to welcome David into the family.”

  “Good morning to you too.” She motioned for them to come in. “I just received a text from Alena informing me about the visit. David is changing into something more respectable.”

  Syssi stifled a chuckle. “I have to say that I’m impressed. David’s recovery is remarkably quick.”

  “Is it?” Sari waited for them to sit down before joining them on the couch. “How did the others do?”

  “Each transition is different. It took me a couple of days to regain some of my strength. Andrew was out for a long time, but he seemed fine when he woke up. Mey was as weak as a baby for a week. It’s not the kind of question I was comfortable asking people, so I don’t know about the others.”

  Kian wrapped his arms around Syssi’s shoulders. “The only reason I didn’t make love to you that night was that we left right away to rescue Amanda.”

  A beautiful pink hue crept up Syssi’s cheeks. “And I would have been perfectly fine with that, but it’s different for a man. He needs to be in a better shape to, you know…”

  “You mean to get it up?”

  Her cheeks reddened even further. “It’s physiological.”

  The image she’d painted in his head had his fangs tingle, and his venom glands swell, as did the rest of his male anatomy. “Trust me, sweet girl, I could have been half-dead and still pleasured you thoroughly.”

  Syssi shook her head. “You are so bad. Those are not the kinds of things you should say in front of your sister.”

  “Why not? We just embarrassed her by interrupting her private time with David. I’m only being fair. True?” He looked at Sari.

  Smiling, she shook her head. “I’m staying out of it.” She pulled out her phone. “I’ll have Ojidu bring refreshments.”

  “Good, we didn’t have breakfast yet and only grabbed coffees on the way.” He glanced at his wife and winked. “Syssi and I lingered in bed until late, and then Mother called with the news about David waking up, and we had to rush.”

  “Speaking of Annani, what’s taking her and Alena so long?” Syssi asked.

  The answer came a second later when a knock sounded at the door.

  Sari rose to her feet. “That must be them.” She walked over and opened the way.

  “Good morning, Mother.”

  “Good morning indeed.” Annani swept into the room. “Where is David?”

  “He’ll be right out.” Sari glanced at the bedroom door and frowned. “He should have been done changing by now.”

  “Maybe he’s taking a shower?” Syssi suggested.

  Holding a huge bouquet of flowers, Alena followed their mother inside. “Do you have a vase for these?”

  “Just put them on the counter and Ojidu will take care of them when he comes with the refreshments. I need to check on David.”



  Suddenly worried, Sari forced her legs to walk at a measured speed. What if David had overexerted himself before when he’d lifted her onto his lap and was now passed out on the floor?

  As she opened the door to the bedroom and stepped inside, a muffled curse coming from the direction of the walk-in closet led her to where David was.

  Standing in front of the mirror, barefoot and bare-chested, he looked perfectly fine and good enough to eat in a pair of dark blue jeans.

  “I was worried about you. What’s going on?”

  He turned around and pointed at his jeans. “Look. How am I supposed to go out there like this?”

  They were a little baggy on him, but it was nothing a belt couldn’t solve. “You lost some weight, but you’ll regain it in no time. That’s not a reason to be upset.”

  “That’s not what’s bothering me. They are too short. They must have shrunk in the wash.” He motioned at the shelf, where his other pairs were neatly folded. “I tried them all, and they are all the same. Ojidu must have laundered them in hot water.”

  “He wouldn’t do that.” She glanced at his feet.

  The jeans were indeed slightly on the short side, but not by much. If he dropped them down a little, it wouldn’t be noticeable. “Maybe you’ve grown. I heard that it sometimes happens to adult Dormants during their transition.”

  “That’s right.” He tapped his temple. “I forgot about that. Steven took my measurements when he did the physical, and he told me that I might grow a little taller and a lot bulkier.” He grimaced at his reflection. “I hope it happens sooner rather than later because right now I look like a scarecrow.”

  “No, you don’t.” Sari hugged him from behind and smoothed her hand over his chest. It was still well-defined, just a little less so. “You are very handsome, and I can’t wait for my overbearing family to leave so I can have you all to myself.” She kissed his shoulder.

  “Are they here already?”

  She let go of him and reached for one of his button-down shirts. “Kian, Syssi, my mother, and Alena are here, and Dalhu and Amanda will join a little later.” Chuckling, she handed him the shirt. “I hope that they are not running around looking for a gift for you.”

  “Why not? I could use another pair of boots. A tapestry or a painting would be appreciated as well.”

  He was teasing, but she wondered whe
ther he was thinking of her apartment or his home in California when he envisioned hanging up the tapestry or the artwork.

  There were so many things that they still needed to discuss, but it would have to wait for later.

  David shrugged the shirt on. “Who is going to tell her about the Olek and Gudbrand confusion? You or I?”

  “It’s your story, so you should be the one to tell it. But if you want, I’ll start, and you can just fill in the missing details.”

  He stepped into a pair of shoes and pushed his pants a little lower so there was no gap between the hem and the shoes. “It’s okay, I’ll do it. I only hope that she doesn’t get too upset.”

  “She won’t. Annani is eager to welcome you into the family, and she even brought a huge flower arrangement.”

  “Maybe she does that to welcome every transitioned Dormant.”

  “I doubt it.” Sari threaded her arm through David’s. “I think she’s going to be as relieved as we are that you were not Gudbrand.”

  “I hope that you’re right.”



  When David entered the living room together with Sari, they were welcomed with a round of applause.

  Amanda and Dalhu had already arrived as well, and he wondered whether Kalugal had been informed about his successful transition.

  Annani rose to her feet and opened her arms. “Welcome to the family, David.”

  He didn’t want to embrace her, but to refuse was out of the question.

  “Thank you. I’m just glad to be alive. The immortality is a bonus.”

  Kian clapped him on the back. “Wait until all the good stuff kicks in. Then you will really be grateful for the gift you’ve been given.”

  “Speaking of gifts. Has Kalugal been told? I owe him a big thank you for everything.”

  “He and Jacki are coming.” Kian sat back next to Syssi. “I don’t know if Sari told you the other good news. Jacki and Kalugal are expecting.”


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