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Her Vampire Temptation (Midnight Doms Book 8)

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by Alexis Alvarez

  Her Vampire Temptation

  Alexis Alvarez

  Midnight Romance

  Copyright © May 2020 by Alexis Alvarez and Midnight Romance

  Editor: Simone Elise

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writers’ imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction of this work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  All rights reserved. With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the authors.

  This book contains descriptions of many BDSM and sexual practices, but this is a work of fiction and, as such, should not be used in any way as a guide. The author and publisher will not be responsible for any loss, harm, injury, or death resulting from use of the information contained within. In other words, don’t try this at home, folks!

  Created with Vellum



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26


  Want More?

  About the Author

  Also by Alexis Alvarez

  Read the Bad Boy Alpha Series that launched Midnight Doms



  “On your knees, beautiful. Now. Spread those thighs for me.”

  I obey with hesitation, my naked body aching with desire for the man in front of me. His voice, so deep and powerful, is an erotic drawl. The glint in his dark eyes is at once wicked and sexy.

  His bare chest, rippling with muscles that lead down to the sexy V, makes me want to undo his jeans this second.

  “You know what I want, don’t you?” He steps closer to me. Teasing me with his proximity. He laughs. “And I know what you want, too. You’ll get it…eventually.”

  He leans over and grabs a handful of my hair, pulling as he speaks into my neck. “As long as you’re a good girl. Do what I say.”

  I gasp in arousal and moan a little, my eyelids fluttering shut. He smells like rain and forest and mystery. I part my lips and lean forward, hoping for a kiss.

  He obliges. Touches his lips to mine. Electrified, I melt into the contact, opening my mouth for his tongue.

  But he pulls back too soon. “Just a taste. You’ll earn more.” He chuckles. “’We’ll start with this, hmmm?”

  My eyes fly open as I hear him unbuckle his belt. The swish of the leather through the loops of his jeans makes me wet between the thighs.

  “You know what position I like,” he murmurs.

  I look up. I just want to see his expression, and then I’ll do every dirty, depraved thing we both crave —

  But a screaming alarm splits the air, and he dissolves into a mist of colors.

  My bedroom swims into focus, my alarm clock blaring into my eardrums, reminding me:

  I’m alone.

  My sexy mystery man doesn’t exist.

  It’s time for work.

  I close my eyes and try to resummon him, even as I shut off the irritating alarm, but he’s gone.

  “Damn.” I rub my eyes with one hand and sit up, then push my red curls out of my face.

  At 7 am on Monday morning, it’s dark as midnight because of my black-out shades, which makes it even more tempting to fall back into slumber. But I have a busy day ahead of me, so I’ll have to leave mystery man for another night.

  I unwind the sheet from my arm and wince as I accidentally poke one of my most recent scars. It’s puffy, all sealed up, but still sensitive on the edges.

  My stomach flips with anxiety, and I push back the feelings as hard as I can. Dr. Su said worrying doesn’t help, and I know she’s right.

  Easier said than done, though.

  I rub my skin softly in silent apology as I flip on the lights and blink against the onslaught of incandescent brilliance.

  “It’s you and me again, babe,” I say to myself. “Us against the world.” I take a deep breath and try to speak with conviction. “We can do this.”

  I’m used to being alone, and really, I prefer it. No lie.

  But at times like this, it sure would be nice if my dream man were real… just for a single night.

  Chapter 1


  I take a deep breath of the fresh desert air. It’s evening; I’ve made it past the last poisonous ray of sun, and now I’m free. Driving down a long desert road in Oro Valley, I have the car window down to enjoy the cool October on the way to my web design client.

  Too bad my car won’t cooperate. Check fluid level flashes again—crap. Good thing I have a spare jug of coolant in the trunk.

  I pull over down a short drive and park in an empty lot by a newly constructed building. I hate expansion into the desert, but this structure is well designed, with beautiful waves of steel and glass.

  One orange cone and a trailing piece of construction tape are the only remnants of what work must have gone into it. No signs, though.

  I fetch my coolant and prop the hood to pour. Suddenly, I know I’m not alone. My skin prickles and my body electrifies—there’s someone behind me.

  “You can’t park here. Private property.”

  It’s a man. He has a hint of a European accent. I can’t see his face, but his tone is velvet and steel, full of confidence. Sexy.

  “This is car trouble.” I speak into the engine of my old Honda Civic, not looking up as I pour coolant. “As soon as I finish my champagne, we’ll be out of here.”

  There was no one here when I pulled in. Did he materialize out of thin air?

  The pale blue fluid gurgles and chugs into the opening. “But thank you for the helpful lecture on road rules, Professor.” It might not be wise to talk this way to a stranger. But sometimes I feel like words are my way to feel truly free, limited as I am in other ways.

  “I do like to teach the uninitiated.” His voice is lower and closer. “If I find it worth my while.” He’s stepped nearer to me, and damned if I can’t sense his presence. It’s like a magnet, pulling me.

  From the sound of his voice, I imagine he’s handsome or powerful. You only speak with that kind of effortless confidence if you offer exactly what society thinks it wants.

  I finish pouring and stand up, wiping my left hand on the thigh of my jeans and check to see if his voice matches his face. And…he’s hot. He makes handsome look old and worn out. He’s simply phenomenal.

  And I swear to God, he’s the man from my dream last night.

  Tall and built, lean. Dangerous. Dark brown hair, nearly black, tousled and thick. Green eyes. Thick lashes and lips that look sensuous and cruel at the same time. Mid-thirties, maybe, about ten years older than I am?

  My neck tingles. I’ve never f
elt such instant attraction to anyone before. And from the look in his eyes, he knows. And he knows I know.

  And he likes it.

  He smiles, then his expression changes from mocking to something more serious.

  We stare at each other for a few seconds, and I can’t fight the oddest feelings—that one of us is predator, one prey. But who is who? Because I want to hunt him hard, even as I want him to chase me and catch.

  Then he smiles. My bloodstream has turned to fire, to ice, to liquid sunshine. I don’t understand his effect on me—the bottle drops from my fingers as I flush, nervous and a little embarrassed at my reaction.

  I bend down to pick up the bottle, breathing a little hard. “Fuck.” I only mouth it, head down, and there’s no way he can possibly know what I said.

  But somehow, he does. “Mm. That does pair nicely with a good champagne.”

  “Excuse me?” Did he really just say that?

  My entire body begins a slow burn as images flash in my mind, X-rated, beautiful images of this man. Naked.

  “Champagne goes with anything, doesn’t it? But at the risk of being repetitious, you are on private property. This isn’t open to the public for leisure picnics.”

  There’s something about the ferocity of his gaze, the tilt of his mouth, that makes me realize at once that this is a man you don’t cross. He’s smiling, and there’s the powerful attraction, but there’s something else in his eyes that isn’t about humor at all.

  But nobody is going to make me back down.

  “At my own risk of repetition, and no offense intended, but as any human with any modicum of basic logical reasoning skills could probably comprehend,” I wave my hand at the popped hood, “This is no snack in the park. Engine issues trump no trespassing signs.”

  “I think you do.”


  He quirks a brow. “I think you do like to offend.” His smile is back. “And see what happens. Throw caution to the winds and let the words fly. Am I right?”

  I put my free hand on my hip, heart racing at how astute he is. “What does that even mean?” I shrug a shoulder at the car. “Your judgement about me is off. And by the way? A gentleman would ask if I needed help.”

  “Oh, I’m no gentleman.” He crosses his arms and tilts his head at me. “Did you make a mistake in judging me, as well?” He looks me up and down, bold. “I think you need to be careful with that mouth. Someday you’ll push too far and end up provoking just the wrong person.”

  “Are you implying that you’re that wrong person?” I narrow my eyes and act scornful. Although my heart pounds, sparring with him is exhilarating.

  This is one inappropriate conversation. If there was a master list of “things not to say to a strange man in an empty parking lot,” my sentences would be at the top of the page.

  But I haven’t actually met someone this attractive in a long time. Too long. Is it wrong to seize the moment, especially if I don’t know how many more will come my way? Anyway, I don’t get the feeling that he’s dangerous—to me.

  “Rest assured, I’m absolutely wrong for you,” he says. A beat goes by. “But I’d take the time to demonstrate just what happens when you offend me.” His eyes drill into mine. “If you asked. Quite nicely.”

  A thrill of desire shoots through me, so hard and immediate that I catch my breath. I’m wet between the thighs, just like that.

  Fuck. Is it written on my face that I like a good dominant man? Can he tell that I’m aching for a scene? “I can be nice when it suits me.” I give him a smirk. The engine makes a single ping!—and I glance back at my car. “Too bad my car isn’t being nice.”

  “Too bad you waited until it was too late to get it repaired.” His tone is dry. “And here you are, stranded at night, in an empty parking lot with a stranger.”

  “Car troubles can strike at a moment’s notice.” I cross my arms. Act like I didn’t know there was a slow leak and that I was putting off taking it to the shop. It’s just hard, when you can’t go out during the day —

  “A lot of things happen in the blink of any eye,” he agrees. “Both for good or not.” He sounds exasperated and–to my surprise–slightly tense. He glances around him as if checking for something, then relaxes nearly imperceptibly. Like his whole body is a bit lighter.

  “Ah, insightful.” I roll my eyes. “Next, please tell me that sometimes you can go left or right. Things are hot or cold.”

  He steps in an inch. “Pleasure or pain.”

  My face gets hotter than before. “Sure, if you’re into that.”

  By the little smile that hovers on his lips, I’m sure he’s read me loud and clear. He knows what I like.

  Then he tilts his head, as if he hears something I can’t. “Your work is done, I assume?” But it’s an order. He’s demanding that I leave, even though it was masked as a question.

  He steps over and runs a hand over the side of my car, the way one might stroke a racehorse. He frowns, closes his eyes, then smiles. “You’ll be okay.”

  I roll my eyes. “Thanks for your exquisite assistance.” I smirk at him.

  “If you had any idea.”

  “I was being facetious. In case you didn’t notice, you were absolutely no help at all.” I give him a look.

  “Did you really need my help, though?”

  I put the bottle down and cross my arms.

  My left arm tingles at the spot where the needle went in this morning, not once, but three times. It was a new phlebotomist, a trainee. But I’m so focused on this man that I don’t even feel the usual anxiety about waiting for the results.

  “I don’t need anything from you.” What I want from him is another story entirely.

  He laughs but looks around him again. He seems very alert, on edge.

  I wonder if he’s waiting for someone important. Is it a woman? Jealousy flows through me, completely unwarranted, yet powerful. I roll my eyes at my own reaction.

  I step back to the front of the car, remove the metal holder and drop the hood into place.

  “Drive safely.” He’s right next to me, holding the bottle.

  “Or else?” I shake my hand out and dart him a little look. I can’t help but smile, a little cat grin, and then bite my bottom lip. Why do I want to provoke him so badly? Push him until he…

  He narrows his gaze. “You only think you want to find out.”

  A thrill of arousal shoots directly to my clit at his tone, warm honey and sex, but his eyes–they’re fierce. I step back and blink.

  His voice softens, and he taps the bottle. “I’ll throw this out for you. Get that leak checked tomorrow, so you don’t need to pull over again.”

  “Yes, sir.” My tone is insolent. For a split second, when his eyes darken, I envision images of the two of us, naked. Him ordering me to do dirty, wicked things. Me, obeying. With pleasure.

  My face is hot. I swear he’s reading my mind, the way he smiles.

  He locks eyes with me. “All right, then.”

  I nod. “All right.”

  There’s something unsaid between us, something hot and bright and powerful, growing by the second. If he asks for my number, I’ll give it. Or if he gives me one more smoldering look, I’ll just fucking toss my phone at his head along with my panties.

  But he doesn’t ask me for anything.

  And I’m not going to beg for his attention.

  He raises a hand, then turns and walks to the building.

  He was larger than life, and I feel it even more so in his absence. It’s the way the air around me seems to deflate slightly, the very molecules drooping as they silently file back in to fill the area he just occupied with his presence.

  I glance over. The bottle’s disappeared although I don’t see any trash can. He’s lounging against the brick wall like he just fucked someone good and hard.

  It’s in his smug little smirk. The way he looks me up and down and lets a smile light his lips up for a split second before he shakes his head, still smiling,
and bends his head down to a lighter.

  I imagine the click but don’t miss the flare of fire against the black night before he cups it with his hand and turns his profile to me. For a second the heat in his hands is brighter than the sun. Then it’s gone.

  He’s a smoker? Usually that’s an immediate turn-off, but at this moment in time, I don’t care one fuck. I bet his lips would taste delicious with whiskey and smoke on them.

  He blows out smoke–a deliberate puff, and I imagine it curling toward me through the cool October night air, tendrils tenderly winding around my body, teasing, touching. My nipples tingle.

  He smiles. Laughs a little.

  Fuck, he can’t possibly know what I’m imagining! I suck in a breath as my face gets hot. It’s just smoke.

  Okay, I can’t just stay here staring. Plus, I have a meeting with a client.

  So I get back into my car and pull out of the empty lot in the middle of nowhere in the wilderness outside Oro Valley, leaving him behind at the—what is this place, anyway? I don’t even know what this building is for.

  Well, it’s not worth obsessing about since I’ll never see him again.

  But later in the evening, even as I show the boutique manager her new website on my laptop and as I show her how to set up the customized order tracking system, I think of that man. How the thrilling, dangerous banter with him made me feel more alive than I have in—years.

  And I dream about what I want him to do to me.

  Chapter 2



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