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Beautifully Shattered: Shadowcrest Pack Series Book One

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by B. Livingstone

  Gods, help me.


  He wants to fight it; I can see it written as plain and clear as I can see the moon and stars in the sky tonight. I have never seen Enzo become protective and possessive over a woman before. When we came out of the club, he was wrapped around her so tight I thought he might break her. As Cree got close, he shot a look so full of daggers that even Cree immediately backed off. Enzo was on the edge, barely containing his wolf. The body of the man who attacked Riley was unrecognizable as a human. He was bits and pieces ripped apart, his insides thrown across the alley, each limb detached at each joint. Holy fucking Gods ... his dick was hanging from his mouth, mangled, pulled from his body while still alive. He wanted this man to suffer.

  As a healer I don’t particularly enjoy violence. I will fight for my pack, my family, my mate, self-defense, and justice, but what happened in that alley was not justice, that was revenge for his mate.

  We drive to Reed’s place a few blocks from the bar. Enzo carries Riley up to the penthouse apartment, me following close behind with my medical kit. I instruct him to place her gently on her stomach on the bed, while also instructing the others to bring me clean towels and bowls of warm water. Her hand still fists his shirt as he gently pulls back, stopping him from getting too far. His wolf whines as he starts to pry her fingers from his shirt, we can all see the torment in his eyes. He is warring with himself, stay or run.

  I move in closer to inspect the damage done to Riley’s back and limbs. Thankfully, none of the lacerations are so deep they would require stitches, so I set to work cleaning and bandaging the wounds. I give her a shot for the pain; however, I am not sure how effective it will be considering her recreational habits. When I am done Enzo helps me to carefully slide one of Reed’s shirts onto Riley and settle her into the bed still on her stomach. He pulls a chair over to the side of the bed and settles himself in, keeping watch over her while she sleeps.

  I exit the room, quietly pulling the door closed behind me. I can hear the sigh of relief that escapes Enzo when he is finally alone with her. All we can do now is wait and pray. Pray to the Gods that she’ll pull through this next part in one piece. Pray that she has the strength to fight and push through the pain. Pray she’ll accept the comfort that we can offer as her mates. She’s strong on her own but being mates we can ease some of her suffering and lend her strength to help her through this.

  Chapter Eight


  Everything fucking hurts, from my toes to the tips of my hair. I feel like I’m on fucking fire, skin melting, bone charring, burning from the inside out. I want to scream but the smallest movement sends scorching flames and pain rippling through my body.

  Fuck ... someone make it fucking stop!

  I can feel a track of wetness traveling down my cheek. Oddly, it feels good, leaving a cooling sensation in its wake. More tears flow from my eyes and a warm hand cups my cheek as a finger wipes away the mercy provided by my tears. No, please. Leave it. Gods, I want to open my mouth. I want to voice the pain, the heat building inside me, the panic I feel. I want to open my eyes and see where the fuck I am. I want to know what the fuck is happening to me.

  A swimming sensation fills my mind and a heaviness pulls me down into oblivion. I’m gone, into the darkness to find sweet, merciful relief.

  Coming back from the darkness is an agonizing and tortuous process. The fire burning under my skin is still present but dulled slightly. There is a warmth under my cheek that I nuzzle my nose into, breathing in the fresh scent of sandalwood and oranges. The scent relaxes the burning and restlessness crawling under my skin, giving me some relief from the torment my body is causing me.

  The deeper I nuzzle into the object beneath me, the further the burn presses back and makes it easier to breathe. My hands fist the material and a growl vibrates under my cheek. My eyes snap open and I am met by a pair of sable brown eyes flecked with gold. I should feel fear in this moment, being held in the arms of a stranger. But there is a warmth behind his eyes that tells me he doesn’t want me to be afraid and he won’t harm me. He’ll protect and comfort me. My wolf reaches out as I look deeper into his eyes, they start to glow with the light of an inner animal. I gasp in shock with recognition. I’ve seen those eyes. My wolf becomes excited at the recognition of his wolf.

  “I should be terrified right now.” Being like this, in the arms of a stranger after what just happened. Like he’s reading my thoughts his strong, muscular arms tighten around me, as if he’s afraid. Afraid I’ll become fearful and bolt from him. However, lying in his arms like this all I feel is safety and belonging; therefore I’m not going anywhere except maybe a bit closer.

  As his wolf calls out to my wolf, she responds in kind. The contentment she feels right now is peaceful and welcomed. She’s been on edge since that alley, the last thing I want is to deny her this feeling. I nuzzle a little closer into him, almost like I’m marking him as mine. His pupils dilate as I lean in closer. So close I can feel the warmth of his breath caress my face. Bracing my hands on his chest I sit up slightly, sliding one leg across his lap, till I'm straddling him. I may have caressed his cock just a tad as I was positioning myself on his lap. Oops. His heart begins to race under my palm as his body responds to my move.

  I don’t feel any fear with this man. In fact, I feel this undeniable kinship toward him. I know he would never hurt me. He understands my pain, he’s felt it as his own. That pull of trust from in the alley is there again, strong, and complete. I trust him, and I don’t trust anyone anymore.

  "You saved my life," I whisper to him. "Why? You don't even know me."

  He raises an eyebrow at that last part, "Why not?" His voice is deep and rich. A soothing balm to my frayed nerves.

  "Well, I'm nobody. People just don't go around fucking saving people for the hell of it." I narrow my eyes at him. "What's your angle?"

  He chuckles at my interrogation, apparently amused by my logic. "My angle, huh? Well first off, we’re not your run of the mill humans, sweetheart, we’re shifters. Secondly, I guess you could say my motives were completely selfish. I have a personal stake in keeping you safe." He angles his hip slightly, allowing me to feel his motives. Oh my Gods, he is fucking thick and large.

  His hands slide up my thighs, landing on my ass, all the while being mindful of my broken and battered body. He pulls my body closer to his as he breathes, "And just so you know. I do know you. You are Riley Wright. However, I have a lot to learn about who you are. Which I am overly excited to learn." His cock twitches under me, expressing just how excited he is.

  My wolf jumps to the forefront, eager to meet his excitement and her mate. Her push and his wolf’s pull to connect is strong and overwhelming. I try to push it down, denying the urge to give into her claim. That is until he makes his next move and all protests fly out the window.

  His lips meet my ear creating a shiver that runs down my spine. My reaction spurring him on, he peppers kisses from my ear along my jaw landing on my neck, causing me to squirm under his lips. "To learn what makes you shiver and squirm." His lips trail down to the crook where my shoulder and neck meet. He nips the skin there drawing a gasp from my lips. "To learn what makes you gasp and moan." His tongue licks from his bite down my collarbone.

  Oh, my fucking Gods! I bite my tongue trying to hold back the moan attempting to escape. My back arches slightly of its own volition to give him better access. His left hand caresses my ass while his right slides up into my hair, twisting my locks in his fist with a bit of force causing an erotic tingling sensations to take root. Gently tugging my head back he exposes my neck to his nips and kisses. Running his tongue up my throat, from my clavicle over my chin before pulling my head forward and sealing his lip to mine. His tongue licks along my bottom lip, seeking entrance to my mouth to deepen our connection. My lips part slightly but my teeth stay clamped together. I grin at the sound of frustration that escapes him.

  Pushing against his chest I put a little space betwee
n us. We are both breathing heavily at this point. "I don't even know your name." Gods, that sounds so slutty of me. What the fuck is wrong with you, Riley? Dry humping a perfect stranger.

  My wolf growls at me. My mate. No stranger. Mine!

  His hips push up slightly against my core as he readjusts my position on his lap and oh ... my … Gods, he is as hard as a fucking rock and I can't help the moan that escapes this time. My head falls to his shoulder and I grind myself down on him.

  “Fuck.” I draw in a harsh breath. “Name?” I breathlessly ask.

  He chuckles and grinds his dick up into me. “Enzo,” he whispers in my ear before biting my earlobe.

  “Oh Gods.” My body begins to heat up again, the flames licking from under my skin. “What is happening to me?”

  I nuzzle my nose against his neck breathing in his scent again. The flames die back while a feral rumble comes from my chest. Mine.

  “Oh fuck,” I mutter as I jump off his lap. My wolf is getting stronger the closer I get to him, not just physically but emotionally as well.

  “Riley, what’s wrong?” The concern in his voice jolts me back to reality. We don’t know each other well enough to be showing that level of concern. I don’t want to be on that level. Not now, not ever, not with anyone.

  “Nothing. I just need to go,” I reply, looking around for my shoes and other belongings. That’s when I look down and for the first time, I notice I’m wearing someone else's clothes and everything that happened comes flooding back. Every touch, every movement, every emotion, and every thought.

  I can feel the panic rising from deep within me. My lungs start to burn as I inhale rapid shallow breaths, unable to get enough oxygen. My mind floods with the feeling of being knocked to the ground in that alley and my ass hits the floor. I can feel the smoothness of the wood floor under me, but my mind sees the gravel and dirt alley behind the bar. Enzo is trying to soothe me but every touch sends my panic higher. I can hear his muffled voice in the back of my mind as he tries to use calming words, but he sounds so far away. My mind has me locked in that alley and won’t let me come back.

  Big calloused hands grab my shoulders, causing my panic to spike as I scream and lash out. Unrelenting, they slide up and cup my face, turning me to face Reed’s wide blue eyes.

  “Riley, I need you to hear me. You are having a panic attack. I need you to focus on me.” He turns my face side to side trying to get my eyes to focus only on him. “Focus on my eyes, Riley. There are three shades of blue in them. Can you find them?”

  Gods, these eyes are intense, so much emotion is flashing through them. Concern, understanding, determination, and I think that last one is fear. I try to focus on the colors of his eyes, picking through each shade to separate them in my mind. Slowly I nod my head when I can see the shades of blue.

  “Good girl, now take a deep breath with me and then we’re going to let it out.” He takes one of my hands, places it on his chest and then takes a big exaggerated breath in and holds it. I follow his lead and take a deep breath. As he exhales his, so do I. We do this a few more times, in out, in out, in and then out. Continuing until the alley fades and I find myself in a dark modern style bedroom with a king size bed front and center. Modern abstract art decorating the walls and a concerned giant staring at me. Reed sits on his knees, one hand on my cheek and the other holding my hand on his chest over his heart. His hair is in a state of distress, which is almost comical considering he’s usually so well put together, slick hair and a tailored business suit that shows off his broad shoulders and muscular frame. He thought I never noticed him in the bar every night, watching me, studying my every move, but I did. I just didn’t want the attention I knew his wolf was trying to give me.

  “Reed?” My voice comes out as a breathy harsh whisper, as though someone rubbed sandpaper along my vocal cords. “What happened?”

  Blood trickles from Reed’s nose and there are four angry red scratches along his right cheek. “Let’s just say you’ve got a mean right hook and claws for nails.” There is no anger or pity in his voice, only understanding, acceptance mixed with a bit of humor and pride.

  I look away, unable to maintain his eye contact knowing he just saw me in my most vulnerable state, and he’s accepting that part of me instead of pitying me.

  “Do not do that. Do not hide from me.” The sternness in his voice has my eyes shooting back to his, my wolf wanting to challenge him for dominance. If the grin on his face is any indication that is exactly what he wanted.

  “Point taken,” I state matter-of-factly. “How did you do that? I’ve never been able to come out of a panic attack like that.”

  Reed falls the rest of the way to sit fully on the floor with me. Gently wiping the blood from under his nose on a handkerchief causing me to wince. He shrugs a shoulder at my reaction as if to say, no big deal, before continuing on, “PTSD is nothing new to me, Riley. After years spent serving in the military, I have seen many soldiers come back so messed up they can’t function on the most basic levels. I’ve learned how to help them in dealing with their emotional baggage, not to mention my own struggle with PTSD.” That caught my attention. My face must have shown my shock. “PTSD is nothing to be ashamed of, Riley. We all have our breaking points. From the scars on your wrists and the bottle of pills that were in your bag, I’m not surprised you’ve hit yours. I’m just grateful I’m here in time to maybe help you get through it, safely. That is if you’ll let me.”

  “And what’s your price, Reed? Because nothing comes free, there is always a price to be paid.” With that I stand up and smooth down the borrowed shirt I’m dressed in which falls to knee length and smells of Reed.

  “Riley, look…”

  “Where’s Enzo?” I cut him off, not wanting to talk about me and my shit-show of a past.

  “In the living room, with the rest of the guys I think,” he replies with a puzzled look.

  I head toward what I hope is the door to get out of this room and not the bathroom or closet. Just as I’m about to open the door I hear the chuckle. Fuck me, wrong door. I glare over my shoulder at Reed, promises of pain radiating from my eyes. He covers his mouth with his hand and nods towards the door on his right.

  I storm out the door and halfway down the hall when I collide with a rock wall. Okay well not a rock wall per se but fuck me, it feels like it to my nose. I stumble back a step holding my nose as tears well up in my eyes.

  “Oh fuck, I am so sorry. Are you okay?”

  Chapter Nine


  So not the way I wanted to meet the woman of my dreams, my mate. Literally running her over and almost breaking her fucking nose. Shit. Shit. Shit. “Gods, Riley, I am so sorry.”

  She takes a step back from me holding her nose as tears well up in her eyes. One glides down her cheek and I cringe from the impact of sorrow and pain I feel from her. Emotions kindled from more than just a beat-up nose. These are almost as strong as the ones I felt from dream walking with her during her recovery after her attack.

  She was in so much pain and distress that her wolf tore me from my dream and pulled me into hers to help ease Riley. The connection I felt to her then is gone now. My wolf still feels his with her wolf but Riley doesn’t seem to recognize who I am.

  My eyes open to a void of complete blackness, utter nothingness. Spinning around I continue to find nothing, that is until the smallest spark flickers in the distance. Following that spark I find a slim figure curled in a ball, a wolf, trembling in terror in the dark. Her light, a faint glimmer under her fur.

  Kneeling down by her side I reach out slowly, palm up. If she wants to she can easily take off my fingers. She shifts ever so slightly and I catch a glimpse of her eye, shinning silver in the darkness. “Riley?” That’s when it all clicks. The darkness is her fear and terror manifesting in her subconscious. “Ahh, I understand now. You’re a dream walker. It’s okay, darling, you’re not alone here. I’ve got you.” Riley places her snout in my palm. Gently I glid
e my hand up the side of her head, slowly running my fingers through her fur as I inch closer until we are sitting thigh to side. Riley rests her head on my thigh, soaking up the comfort I can provide. “It’s going to be okay, Riley. I know what you went through was horrible and something you never should have had to endure but know you’re safe with us. No one will ever hurt you like that again.”

  I continue to soothe her nerves with my words of comfort and encouragement as I run my fingers along her back. The spark glimmering under her fur begins to glow stronger and brighter, until it becomes blinding and I am forced to look away. Suddenly, all the air is knock from my lungs when I’m knocked back by a stream of light. It hits home in the center of my chest and my wolf forceable shifts my form. My mate, he informs me with a growl as he lies down by her side, wrapping his neck around hers protectively and in comfort.

  That stream of light now showing as a physical link between our wolves.

  “Fucking hell, Wild. What did you do to her?” Reed bellows from down the hall. Charging toward us like a raging bull rather than the alpha wolf he is, causing Riley to shrink back.

  “I didn’t mean to, honest. I was coming out of the bathroom and we just sort of collided with each other.” Looking down at Riley I wince and ask, “Are you okay? Can I see your nose?” I reach out to touch her cheek, but she jolts away from me like I’m about to hit her. A rush of anger, guilt, and sadness flood my system from my wolf. He doesn’t like that someone put that kind of instinctual response in her. On this I agree with him. “Hey, it’s okay, I’m not gonna hurt you. Or at least not any more than I already have. Which I am really fucking sorry about.”


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