Satan's Devils MC Colorado Boxset 1 Books 1 - 3

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Satan's Devils MC Colorado Boxset 1 Books 1 - 3 Page 2

by Manda Mellett

  Jayden latches onto me. Although I’m almost five years older, I’m the closest to her age on the compound. It’s me she turns to, and I try to help heal her, showing I don’t give a damn what had happened. It hadn’t been her fault, she hadn’t done anything to attract the unwanted attention, been naïve perhaps, but that was because she was so young. She’d had sex, yes, but she had never been an active participant. Broken and shocked, she tries to find her own way to recover. Eventually I have to spell it out, letting her down gently when she tries to take our relationship further.

  I wouldn’t take advantage of a traumatised girl, even if Slick, Ella’s man or Drummer, my president, hadn’t read me the riot act. They’d seen where things were heading even then. I was to be hands off until she was of the age of consent which, in Arizona, is eighteen. I knew I’d wait for her. Watch over her, keep her safe, give my life for her if that’s what was needed.

  When I’d been patched in, she was the reason I was given my handle. Paladin. Jayden’s knight in black leather armour.

  Chapter One


  “I don’t like this, Slick.” I grab a couple of beers from Paige, one of our sweet butts who’s minding the bar. Luckily now I’ve turned twenty-one no one can make snarky comments about underage drinking any longer. Yeah, while I’ve indulged in alcohol since I was a prospect, being the youngest member made me the butt of many jokes, brothers enjoying yanking my chain. Now there’s one less thing to tease me about. But it’s all good. It’s what family does.

  Taking one of the bottles from my hand, Slick’s eyes narrow. “You and me both, Brother. Thought the Herreras were long in our rear view. Or at least, where Jayden is concerned, that is.”

  Looking across the clubroom I see Slick’s old lady, Ella, and her sister Jayden, heads bowed talking together. Reckon they’ll be discussing baby shit. Ella’s pregnant after a couple of years of trying, and Jayden couldn’t be more excited at the prospect of being an auntie—she adores kids. The promise of soon having one that’s truly blood family seems to have gone to her head. Having got to the end of that apparently risky first trimester, Ella’s glowing and excited, and it seems she and Jayden talk of nothing else.

  Slick must be able to read my mind. “Hate for Ella to lose Jayden now. They’re both excited as fuck about the kid.”

  “As you are,” I smirk at him. Slick’s a real softie where his old lady’s concerned.

  He takes no offence. “As I am,” he confirms with a grin. Then his face grows serious. “You know, as well as anyone, Brother, what a hard time those girls have had. Everything that happened to Jayden that led to us being in this mess, Ella’s fuckin’ run-in with the Rock Demons, then thinking she wasn’t going to be able to have a baby of her own. Those girls need each other.”

  I grit my teeth. We’ve been through this often enough. I know what he’s saying, but the time’s approaching when I want to be the one Jayden leans on, the one she looks to instead of running to her sister all the time. Trouble is, according to the rules I’d been given, I’ve still got eighteen months to wait. Too fucking long.

  I raise my bottle, taking a long swallow, thoughts of when I first met Jayden coming back into my mind. I hadn’t been the one going into the house to find her about to be raped by a group of much older men, or one of the brothers who’d stopped them. Unfortunately, it hadn’t been the first time it had happened to her, girl had got caught in a trap. The fuckers had carefully groomed her, sucked her in, then kept her from telling her mom or her sister with a barrage of threats. Only fourteen and already abused on many occasions.

  My involvement began when I’d been called in from my guard keeping duties outside. It had been me who’d carried her drugged-up, almost lifeless body out of the way of the carnage that would be wreaked once she was gone. I’d been that man, a boy really, just turned nineteen myself. She’d woken up, luckily all she remembered was me carrying her.

  That she wanted more from me than a girl her age should was clear, as were her reasons. To wipe away all that had happened to her, she wanted to replace her ordeal by making fresh memories with a man she had chosen herself, instead of living with those that haunted her.

  God knows I was tempted. But I couldn’t go there. She pushed, tried to make me show my interest. Fuck, was I interested. But Drummer put a stop to that. He forbade me to touch her for three and a half years, until she was legal in the eyes of Arizona.

  Jayden had felt slighted, but even then, I knew Drummer was right. Let her have what remained of her childhood, a time to regroup, to recover from her ordeal before pushing her into becoming a woman too soon.

  You’re still a virgin, I’d told her. To me, you are. You’ve never had a first time the way it should have been.

  I’ve been waiting over two years, still more than a year to go. In all that time, I’ve thrown myself into being there as her friend, have dedicated myself to watching out for her.

  But things are changing. Word on the street is that the Herreras might be coming for her again. In their eyes, she was the one who got away, the one who caused multiple deaths in their family. When the rumours had been raised in church, Drummer went as far as to suggest I should take her some place safe, away from Tucson, away from her brother-in-law and sister. After we’d left the meeting, he said he’d give Hellfire, the prez of the Colorado chapter, a shout to see if he’d be on board with the idea of us relocating to their base in Pueblo. Hellfire being chosen because he was a family man.

  Drummer’s suggestion was a step too far for Slick and his old lady. Knowing the danger threatening Jayden, though, they’d left their home in Tucson, and had moved back to the compound, taking two adjacent suites that were made empty for them. It wasn’t an ideal situation, not with a baby coming along. But for now, living amongst the Satan’s Devils was the most we could do to ensure Jayden was kept out of danger.

  Breaking free from my reverie, I return to the conversation, reassuring the man seated opposite me. “Slick, both you and I have Jayden’s best interest at heart.”

  “I think there’s another part of you more involved than your heart, Brother.” Slick sneers. “I can read you like a fuckin’ book. Moving to Colorado would hold attraction for you. You’re thinking it brings the end of your waitin’ time forward a year. Not happy about that, Brother, not happy at all.”

  I can hardly remind him she lost her innocence a long time ago. Ella and Slick have never treated her as anything other than virgin and pure, as I’ve done myself. Fuck, I’ve not taken such liberty as to kiss her, not touched her except for a brotherly hug. Sometimes I wonder whether she still wants me that way, or if she’s changed her mind over the past couple of years. Once the boundaries had been established between us, they were never referred to again. I’ve acted as her friend. Nothing else.

  My feelings for her haven’t dulled in the interim. Like I told her that long-ago night, I’d wait for her. And I have. She’s filled out, looks like a young woman now. A woman I’d be proud to have on the back of my bike.

  As if our conversation has in some way summoned her, Jayden gets up, says something to her sister and then crosses the room. Reaching us, she plops herself down on the couch beside Slick, leaning in when he holds out his arm to place around her. If you didn’t know different, you’d think she was his daughter. Sometimes I get scared when she looks at me, she views me only as something akin to a brother.

  “What are you two old women gossiping about?” she asks cheekily, her brow raised toward me.

  “Just shootin’ the shit,” I tell her. Noticing the pool table’s free, I nod that way. “Want to play?”

  “You’ve been talking about me,” she says firmly. As I wonder whether she knew from her female intuition, she adds, “One or the other of you kept looking my way.”

  “Ella,” Slick says firmly. “We were talking about Ella and the baby. But there is something else I want to talk to Paladin about. Go get the balls set up, will you?” I tilt my head sl
ightly as she gets up and goes. Slick’s lips press together, then he nods. “Ella and I have been talkin’. You and Jayden? No idea where that’s going to go. Most girls her age by now would be going to the movies with a boyfriend, a walk in the park holding hands. Innocent stuff, but maybe the basis of a relationship in the future. If she had a normal life, she’d be playing the field.”

  I can’t suppress the growl that comes out of my throat at the thought of her with another boy.

  He barks a laugh; it sounds a bit strangled. “Reckon Drummer and I might have tied your hands too much. Perhaps we should cut you some slack. Start slow though, maybe we should allow you to take her on dates. Think we could trust you enough not to take advantage. Proved yourself, Brother.”

  I raise my chin at the compliment. My heart rate speeds up as I consider what he’s offering, but then I shake my head, pointing out the problem. “Now’s not a good time, not with the Herreras about.”

  “Yeah, been doing some thinking. You take her anywhere, she needs to have brothers around her.” Rolling my eyes, I glare at him. Sure. Sounds like a great date. “Nah,” there’s a twinkle in his eye as he continues, “also thought about that. Why not take her to the Wheel Inn? Treat her to a decent meal?”

  It’s a thought. More than I’ve been allowed up to now. It’s a decent restaurant in Tucson, and one which is owned and run by the club. Sufficient culinary reputation that any young girl would be excited to go there for a dinner date, and with the benefit that a couple of members are normally there in the background. If they’re loosening the reins a little, who am I to object?

  “If I do, would a goodnight kiss be out of the question?” I ask eagerly, already anticipating the touch of her lips, while thinking I may have pushed my luck.

  Slick looks around, shrugs, smirks then leans forward, puckering his lips. “If you insist, Brother.”

  I stand abruptly, waving him back, grinning like a loon. He may have deliberately misunderstood me, but he hadn’t shot me down.

  As she sees me walking over, Jayden’s got the balls set up, and at my nod, takes the first shot. She’s learned quickly, it’s fifty-fifty whether I’ll beat her or not. Me? I just enjoy watching her stretched out over the pool table, her breasts, small but perfectly adequate, hanging low over her cue. My cock twitches as I think on the benefits of Colorado. If we ended up there, in a few months I could make her mine. Yeah, that’s a definite plus.

  At last I get a turn. As I line up the cue, I ask casually, “Wanna go on a date, Jay?”

  Her squeal makes me miss my shot. Chuckling, I look back over my shoulder. “Is that a yes?”

  She pouts. “Slick wouldn’t allow it.”

  Moving away from the table, I stand, leaning on my cue, indicating that she should take her turn, then explain. “He actually suggested it. Thing is, Jay, you, me. We made promises for the future. I like you, you seem to like spending time with me, but we need space to explore if there could be anything between us.”

  She seems to have forgotten the game. For a second her face is unreadable. I feel my heart skip a beat. Having expected her to leap at the chance, her non-reaction is worrying. But then, she lights up with a smile. “I thought Slick was going to make us wait the full time before you were allowed to take me anywhere.” Now she’s beginning to get excited. “Can we go on your bike, Pal? Always wanted to ride on the back.”

  “Whoa, slow down.” I’m laughing at her enthusiasm. “Nah, I know what you girls are like. You’ll want to get dressed up all fancy. Don’t think the bike goes with that.” And while I want her, I’ll need to know a relationship will be for keeps before I have her on the back of my bike. I’m nowhere prepared for that level of commitment, and there’s practicalities to consider first. I’ll need to get a pillion pad.

  Whether Ella’s so content with her life at the moment, she wants everybody to be as happy as her; not only does she agree to Slick’s suggestion, but she helps Jayden to get organised with clothes and makeup. On the following Saturday evening when Jayden appears, she completely blows me away. I have never seen anything so fucking gorgeous in my life. That includes my Harley.

  I think my mouth drops open. For a moment, I stand and stare. That’s until the smile she’s wearing starts to slip from her face. That’s when I step up. “Doll,” I can barely get the words out. “You’re fuckin’ beautiful.” She also looks at least five years older, definitely not jailbait.

  I want to reach out, to hold her, hug her close. But Ella’s standing behind her with her arms crossed, a brow raised as though in challenge. It’s probably one of the most stupid fucking things I’ve ever done, but I reach for her hand, bring it to my lips and kiss it.

  I hadn’t noticed Slick coming up behind me. He barks a loud laugh. “Chivalry’s not dead, eh? Knew there was a reason we named you after a knight.”

  Jayden seems as confused as myself. She giggles awkwardly at my gesture and Slick’s words and takes her hand away quickly. I notice she’s softly caressing the place my lips touched with her fingers.

  How do we do this? How do we go from friends forbidden to be anything else, to a couple who are courting? I don’t want to fuck this up. Apart from how Jayden feels, I’ve got to do right in front of Slick and Ella.

  “Shall we go?” I want to take her hand, put my arm around her shoulders, but what does she expect? And is that too far for her brother-in-law and sister?

  “I’m ready.” Her eyes sparkle, letting me know she has expectations of this evening. I just hope I don’t disappoint.

  We walk down to where the club’s SUV is parked behind the garage. Gentleman like, I open the passenger door, and help her in. Then, leaning over her body, I fasten the seat belt. Doing so, my hand brushes against her breast. At her sharply inhaled breath, I apologise. “Sorry.” Smartly I step around to the driver’s side and get in.

  “Have you ever been to the Wheel Inn before?” I ask her as we wait for the gate to be opened.

  “No.” Her response is stilted.

  “It’s got quite a good menu.” Why the fuck did I say that? Conversation that usually flows easily between us feels awkward.

  “Ella’s excited about the baby.”

  I already know that, you couldn’t be in the clubhouse and not see for yourself. Seems Jayden’s struggling for things to say as well.

  I’m relieved when we draw up to the restaurant that the Satan’s Devils own, driving into the rear parking lot. She reaches for the door, I tell her to wait, and again, acting the gentleman, go around and help her out.

  As I start for the entrance, she gently rests her fingers on my arm. I turn around to see her lips curving.

  “If I don’t tell you later, I had a good time tonight.”

  My fist softly makes contact with her bicep. “You watch that darn film too much.” And I’ve watched it with her, many times. Sometimes worried she’s reading some of her situation into Pretty Woman, how a whore can find redemption. She isn’t a whore. Far from it. Not for the first time, I’d love to know what’s going on inside her head.

  I’ve booked a table, and I’m glad I did. The restaurant is full, in the bar area it’s standing room only. With my hand gently resting on her back, I lead her over to the table. There’s only one other table empty, and that’s the one closest. My eyes are focused on seeking out the location I’d reserved, and nodding to the bartender who knows me. When I go to pull out her chair, I freeze. The prez and his old lady are seated behind us. Coincidence? It’s unlikely. I can’t do anything except acknowledge Drummer’s raised chin lift, though I don’t fail to notice the way his lips quirk.

  Martha, the assistant manager, comes over and hands us menus. “Can I get you a drink?”

  I look at Jayden. She smiles. “A coke, please.”

  “I’ll have a beer.”

  I want to say something that shows my brain’s not tied up in knots, but all I can stammer out is, “See anything you’d like to try?” The menu’s got a number of gourmet dishes on
it, things she might not have come across before. As well as a good variety of simpler fare.

  Her brow creases a little as she reads. “I think I’ll just have the fried chicken. What are you having?”

  I’m not here for the food. “The T-Bone steak.” It’s a quick decision with no thought behind it.

  “Good evening.” The familiar voice startles me. Looking up I see Sandy, Viper’s old lady, and the manager of the restaurant delivering our drinks. I didn’t think she worked in the evenings. Just when I’m about to ask her, I hear the chair being pulled out at what was the empty table next to us. Oh fuck no. I feel like putting my head in my hands. This can’t be happening to me. Slick and Ella are taking their seats.

  A laugh from behind me gets me turning, in time to see a glass being raised as if in toast toward me. It’s fucking Bullet and Carmen. That’s not all. Blade’s standing at the bar, half paying attention to something Beef is telling him. Just behind are Joker and fucking Lady.

  Now I do place my elbows on the table and sink my head down into my hands. Every word we speak will be overheard. Any hopes I’d had of covering her hand romantically with mine, playing footsie under the table, have been dashed. I don’t have a chance.

  “Pal? What’s up?”

  I look up to see Jayden’s concerned eyes watching me.

  “Did you know about this?” I hiss softly.

  Her focus has been on the menu. As I jerk my head to one side, her eyes widen when she spies Slick and Ella. I then nod to something over her shoulder. She turns, when she looks back having seen Prez and Sam, she’s shaking her head, her eyes wide with disappointment. “Of course I didn’t know.”

  My first inclination is to get up, throw enough cash on the table to cover the drinks and get out of here. But Jayden deserves a night out, I’ll just have to be on my best behaviour.


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