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Satan's Devils MC Colorado Boxset 1 Books 1 - 3

Page 29

by Manda Mellett

  Rolling his head on his shoulders, he looks uncomfortable at my question. “I can’t tell you club business, Jay.”

  “Why not?”

  “If you don’t know anything, you can’t tell anyone what you don’t know.” He purses his lips, thinking. “If the police ever questioned you, all you need to say is the truth.”

  My brow creases at him mentioning the cops. “Are you doing things that are illegal?”

  “Don’t intend to,” he replies, looking serious. “Normally most things we do fall on the right side of the law. But this situation we’ve got now. We find the man who shot up the club? Won’t be handing him to the cops. And,” he taps my forehead, “that’s the most I’m going to say about that.”

  “Will you be finding out why we’re on lockdown and putting an end to it?”

  “Hopin’ to, Doll.”

  I watch the myriad of expressions crossing his face, trying to read them. Last night seems to have changed me, I no longer feel just the girl who needs protecting, I’m also a woman who needs to look after her man. And not just sexually. It’s like a dam has burst inside me; I’ve grown up overnight. My newfound awareness tells me he’s uneasy.

  As he walks around naked collecting fresh clothes, for a moment I’m distracted by the way the muscles in his ass flex. As for the Satan’s Devils tat on his back… The only way I can continue this conversation is to force my eyes to focus on something else.

  “Pal,” I start, staring at my fingernails. “I’m not asking for details, but something’s bothering you.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see him straighten. “You’re not wrong there, babe. Can’t tell you what they are, but I’ve got suspicions. Can’t put my finger on them, but something doesn’t seem right.”

  “Talk to Hellfire?”

  “Yeah. In Tucson, I would have gone to Wraith or Drummer. Problem is, here I’m the new boy. What I’m picking up might be wrong. Don’t want to make waves when I’ve only been here such a short time. And especially if I’m not even clear myself whether personal feelings might be influencing me.” He’s chosen a fresh tee and jeans, and is carrying them over his arm. “I don’t know the brothers in the way the rest of them do.”

  “You’re suspicious about a particular person?”

  “Yeah. But the reason I don’t trust him, could be the wrong one.”

  I can only think of one man. “Runt was just playing you last night, Pal. He was pressing your buttons and it worked.”

  “I didn’t say it was Runt, did I?” He swings around fast.

  I shrug, he didn’t have to. I want to help. “Is there anything Mouse could do? Look into him for you?”

  “Mouse? Jeez, Jay. You don’t understand this shit. I’ve transferred to another chapter. I can’t go running back to the Tucson brothers for help. It would be a betrayal.”

  I don’t get annoyed or angry, he’s clearly walking a tightrope. Instead, I explain my thoughts. “You said yourself you don’t know the brothers here.” Ignoring the fact I’m still naked, I pull myself onto my knees. “Look, the shit that’s happening is serious. Runt could have been killed. Anyone could have been in that shooting if we hadn’t all been around the back of the club at the barbeque. I don’t know what else has been happening, but lockdown means there’s danger out there. If you’ve got an idea, I say you run with it. Explain the situation to Mouse. If he turns up something of interest, then you can speak to the brothers here and get them to follow it up. If he clears the person you’re fingering, no one need to ever know.”

  He’s over beside me in a second, his lips smash down on mine. When our kiss finishes, my mouth feels bruised. I look at him in wonder, a cheeky grin on my face. “What on earth did I do to deserve that?”

  “You’re a fuckin’ little genius, that’s what.”

  My grin widens. “So I’m not just a pretty face?”

  Seriously, he replies. “No, you’re definitely not.” He caresses my cheek. “But now, Doll, I’ve got to head for that shower else I’m never going to get out of here.”

  I chuckle as he goes to the bathroom, understanding exactly what he means. Sex, it seems, is addictive.

  While he’s gone, I take the opportunity to grab some clothes from the bag the prospect had brought from the house. I’m going to run out of clean things soon. But I’ve one more clean tee I can use, and my jeans will do for another day. When Pal comes out, I take my turn in the bathroom, which unfortunately means, washing away the scent of him from my skin.

  He’s waiting for me when I come out, tapping his phone against his chin. I nod at it. “You ring Mouse?”

  He stares at me for a second, then his mouth widens. “Club business, babe.”

  I dry my hair quickly, tying it back into a ponytail to keep it out of my face. When I finish, he’s standing behind me.

  “You alright, Jay?”

  “I’m worried about facing Moira,” I admit. “She really went off on one last night.” I’m certain she’ll be able to read that we’ve taken the step she’d warned me against taking. I’m sure it will be written all over my face. Our new easiness together, our new relationship, is going to be difficult to hide.

  “She says anything to you? Leave her to me,” he replies, gritting his teeth. “Not lettin’ anyone spoil this for us, babe.”

  I am feeling nervous as we descend the stairs. It doesn’t help when Mace shouts out. “Hey, the lovebirds have decided to put in an appearance. Heard you had a good night.” He waggles his eyebrows and I know my face has gone bright red.

  Pal shows him his middle finger, then with his hand on the small of my back, encourages me into the kitchen. When I smell bacon, I realise how hungry I am. Hmm, guess I worked up an appetite. My face flushes again as I remember just how, and that from the enforcer’s comment, probably everyone else knows as well.

  The kitchen is normally a hubbub of conversation, but today, while it’s still crowded, the atmosphere is subdued. Hellfire’s sitting at the big table, Moira by his side. Both seem to have finished eating, just have coffees in front of them now. Hell’s hand is on the table, covering that of his wife. At least there appears to be no awkwardness between them.

  As soon as I walk in, Mo catches my eye. She leans over and says something to Hellfire and then stands. Hellfire gets to his feet alongside her. I’m hoping they’ll just walk past us, but they don’t.

  “Jay, Pal, can I have a word?” I’ve never known Moira to sound so timid.

  Pal looks at me, concern in his eyes. He’s leaving it up to me to decide whether we’ll hear her out or not. “Sure.” I reply for the both of us.

  “Hey, take these with you.” Jeannie has hastily assembled a couple of plates. I can’t refuse, but right now, my appetite has left me. I walk out into the clubroom with my plate and utensils in hand and then follow the prez and his old lady into his office.

  Uncomfortably, Pal and I place our plates on the worn wood of his desk.

  “Eat, before it gets cold,” Moira suggests. “I’ll do the talking.”

  Pal’s not so affected as me, and he’s soon taking a loaded fork to his mouth.

  Moira nods in satisfaction. “I have to apologise for last night. I was out of order.” She glances at Hell who nods encouragingly. “Haven’t got an excuse, except, there are things that happened to me in my past that’s been affecting how I look at things. Jay, I only wanted to stop you from making a mistake.”

  Pal chews, swallows, then looks her in the eye. “We’re not making a mistake, Moira. And you didn’t stop anything.”

  For the third time this morning, I blush.

  Moira resumes. “I don’t regret having my first son, but I do regret having him so young. I saw myself in you, Jayden, and wanted you to have the life I couldn’t.”

  Pal swallows again, then lays down his fork. “Jay can have any life she wants, Moira. Just I’ll be there to support her. Agree with you, kids are a long way in our future. We’ll be taking care they don’t come along be
fore time,” he breaks off to wink at me, a reference to our lack of condoms. “Whatever Jay wants, she’ll have.”

  “I spoke out of turn,” she repeats. “I’m sorry.”

  “Moira, I’m just happy you care.” My eyes soften as I smile at her. Her reasons might be fucked up, her way of going about it wrong, but she is someone in my corner. I reckon I can live with that.

  Hellfire? Well he just looks relieved as I pick up my fork and proceed to demonstrate that my appetite has returned.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  I don’t like doing this. The feeling that I’m going behind my new brothers’ backs is an uncomfortable one, but the Jay had made a good suggestion. I’m certain there’s something I’m missing, worried I’m letting personal feelings influence my suspicions. But Jay was right. This lockdown is serious, if the actions against the club escalate, then someone could be killed. When it could be a matter of life or death, if there are actions I can take which might potentially help, I’ve got to do what I can.

  I’m in on all the church meetings, but no one else has hinted that they are thinking along anything close to the same line as myself. I’ve considered discussing my thoughts with Prez or the VP, but they might dismiss them out of hand. I may well be looking in completely the wrong direction, but owe it to everyone here to check things out.

  While Jay was showering, I had indeed placed a call to Mouse.

  “Mouse, it’s Paladin.”

  “Well I didn’t expect to hear from you so soon. Missing us already? How’s it going in Colorado?”

  “Good, Brother. Mainly good. I need to talk to you in confidence, Mouse. I might be completely wrong here, would rather it was kept away from Drummer’s ears for now as technically I’m going behind Hellfire’s back. But it could be important.”

  There’s a sound which suggests Mouse is lighting a joint. “Depends what you want. I don’t like keeping Prez out of the loop. But talk to me and I’ll hear you out.”

  That’s rich from him, considering how long he kept the club in the dark about Mariana, but I let it pass. I suppose his was a personal matter, what I’m asking could set chapters against each other. “There’s trouble here. Someone gunnin’ for the club. I’ve got an idea where fingers should be pointing, but because I’m new here…”

  “You don’t know who to trust.” Mouse isn’t slow on the uptake.

  “Got it in one. Need to delve into someone’s background.” I break off, wondering how to put this delicately. “I’ve not taken to him, Mouse. That could be influencin’ me.”

  “Paladin, always thought you had a good head on your shoulders. Trust your gut. Give me the name and I’ll look into it for you. I turn anything up? Just promise you’ll take it to Hellfire and take any flack for keeping him in the dark.”

  “That’s what I intend to do, Brother.” Christ, I miss him and my other brothers so much. I give him the name; he promises to get onto it. “Any news on the Herreras, and how are Mariana and Drew?”

  “Heard nothing new from the Herreras. Mariana’s recovering slowly, but getting there. Drew’s missing Jayden.”

  After last night, I recognise Drew was never any competition. He might have had a teenage crush, what’s between Jay and me is the real thing.

  Before I end the call, I again stress the need for confidentiality.

  “Never spoke to you, Brother. Now go do your shit. I’ll start lookin’ into it for you.”

  I’ve just finished the call when Jay comes out of the bathroom. She looks so fucking beautiful. I’m damn proud to be her man.

  Sitting through Mo’s apology was awkward, but at least it seems to have cleared the air. Jay’s not one to bear a grudge against anyone, and if she can let it drop, I’m happy to take my cue from her. It also means, when the VP crooks his finger and beckons me over, I can leave the clubhouse without worrying.

  “Mo certainly went off on you and Jay last night, didn’t she?” Demon and I are checking the positioning of the new camera’s behind the auto-shop.

  Reaching up, I slightly alter the angle of one, squinting my eyes to make sure the area’s going to be totally covered. “She’s apologised. Time to move on.”

  “From what I heard, what she said didn’t make any difference at all.” He nudges me in the side hard and winks suggestively. Damn. Those walls in the clubhouse really are paper thin.

  I feel myself flush. “Truth be told, Moira escalated matters. Well, her and that fucker Runt.”

  “Yeah,” Demon frowns. “He was well out of fuckin’ line.” He pauses, and looks around, then leans in and speaks quietly. “What do you make of him, Pal?”

  “Runt? After that display last night you could say I’m biased,” I reply carefully.

  “Can understand that. Hey, is that camera working?”

  “Should be. Why?”

  “Can’t remember seeing this view earlier.” Demon gets out his phone. “Ah, my mistake. It’s there. Back to Runt. Apart from last night, what are your feelings?”

  “He’s a prospect. I’ve not been here long enough to form a view, VP.”

  “Well, think on it. If there’s anything you come up with that’s made you look at him twice, let me know.”

  He’s got Runt in his sights? Interesting. But I say nothing more, just nod. “I will. Right now, apart from makin’ an unwanted move on my woman, nothing stands out. If he hadn’t been injured, I’d have taken him on last night.”

  “No one would have blamed you, Brother. Hey, you makin’ Jay your ol’ lady?”

  “That’s the way I’m thinkin’. Need to ask her first. She’s still young.” Moira’s words had got me considering. Jay deserves to have the best in her life. I just hope I can be that for her.

  “Jay’s mentally older than a lot of women her age. She’s been through a lot.”

  He’s got that right. My phone rings. Looking down at the screen, I see it’s a call I’m expecting. I wave the device in the VP’s direction, he nods and concentrates on what he’s doing as I go around the corner to answer.

  “Mouse. Whatcha got?” I’m hoping I’m wrong and he’ll say nothing.

  I’m to be disappointed. “Fuck,” I exclaim, half to myself, half to him. Wondering what I’m going to do now. In fact, that’s the next question Mouse asks me.

  “Even with this, I haven’t got enough.” I’m thinking out loud.

  “Thought you’d have a problem.” Mouse clears his throat, “Look, Brother, I know you didn’t want him involved, but I’m fuckin’ worried about you. I’ve spoken to Drummer. He agrees you shouldn’t tackle this by yourself.”

  “I don’t know who to trust…”

  “Taken that into account. You’re going to have a visitor.”


  “Uh huh.” When he tells me the name, my face splits into a grin. Be good to have backup from someone I can trust.

  I must still be beaming as Demon stops what he’s doing. “Good news?”

  I haven’t thought this part through. “Uh, well. Yeah. I know we’re on lockdown, but one of my Tucson brothers is passing this way and wanted to come for a visit. You okay with that?”

  “He handy with a gun?” Demon seems interested.

  “Very,” I smirk remembering how he got his handle. “His name’s Shooter.”

  “He know we’ve got trouble?”

  “That’s hardly likely to put a Tucson brother off,” I scoff.

  “True that.” The VP gives a quick grin, then he looks thoughtful. “We don’t know what we’re up against. Not going to turn away an extra pair of hands that could help. Only problem, space is tight, as you know. He’ll have to be on the couch or in your room.”

  I’ll sort out the logistics later. After the info Mouse had dug up, it will be good having someone at my back as I dig deeper. Someone I definitely can trust.

  After Demon and I meet up with Cad and Pyro to discuss the fine tuning of the new security system, the VP goes to his bike.

>   There’s an important stop I need to make before returning to the compound. “VP, I’ve got to make a slight detour. I’ll meet you back at the club.”

  His eyes narrow. “You’re not riding alone, Brother. You know the rules.”

  My face starts burning. “Er, I need to visit a pharmacy. There’s some shit I need to pick up.”

  “Some shit, eh?” Instead of mounting up, he leans against his bike with his arms folded. My reddening cheeks must betray me. “This have anything to do with last night? Need the morning-after pill?”

  “No.” I reply fast, not wanting that rumour to get about. “I need fuckin’ condoms, satisfied?”

  He chuckles. “Why didn’t you just come straight out and say so?” Now he does throw his leg over the bike. “I know just the place. Follow me.”

  When he pulls up, it’s not the type of store I was expecting. It’s a place with the windows blacked out. I park alongside him, raising my eyebrows. “Really?”

  An unrepentant shrug. “Thought they’d have the best selection.”

  It’s a fucking adult store. Knowing he’ll just jerk my chain even more if I protest, I kick down the stand, get off, and straighten my shoulders before stepping inside. Demon, to my relief, stays with the bikes.

  The array of merchandise is astounding. With the VP waiting outside, I try not to get distracted of the thought of Jay in handcuffs, and instead go straight to the display stand I’m after. Quickly, I realise, I’ve no idea of what I’m buying, especially when the store has such a bewildering array. I’ve never previously had reason to purchase condoms, and I’m certainly not going to be asking the advice of the female assistant.

  Instead, I nonchalantly peruse them, as if I’ve done this a hundred times before. Flavoured? Hmm. Would that mean I get to come in her mouth knowing she doesn’t like to swallow? Great idea. Now, what would she prefer? Strawberry? Bacon, for fuck’s sake? Chocolate? All girls like chocolate, don’t they? I grab a pack of those.

  Glow in the dark? Now that would be decidedly creepy. Who wants to look down and see their cock glowing green? I put those back on the shelf. Studded? Inside or out? Nah, maybe some time in the future we’ll experiment.


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