Rebel Without a Clue

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Rebel Without a Clue Page 23

by Cathy Gaitan

  I toss his hand back at him. “Yeah, yeah. You want to stay looking like that,” I wave my hand in his direction gulping hard when I feel saliva pool in my mouth. These hormones are not acceptable to me! “And get down to business.” I’m ashamed to say I had to drag my mind out of the gutter when it dropped to a different kind of business altogether.

  He stills for a moment then smiles. “Why don’t we get some wine and talk about it.” He settles his hand against my back and guides me to the kitchen. I don’t make an issue of it because I kind of like it. When we get to the kitchen he pulls out a chair for me before making his way to the wine refrigerator.

  “I think I have just the thing. It’s a special blend,” he informs me pulling out a bottle with a black label but no writing on it. He smiles. “I think you’re really going to like it.”

  The truth is I’m not much of a wine drinker. I’d prefer an apple martini over a bottle of wine any day. For some reason I don’t have the heart to tell him this though. I know. Weird right? It’s just he seems so excited. “I’m sure I will.”

  Oz slides a glass of the dark red wine in front of me. It looks a little like blood to be honest. Not too appealing. He’s watching me turn the glass between my cupped palms. He’s acting like he made the damn wine. He’s practically willing me to drink it.

  I smile at him and lift the glass to my mouth. “Bottoms up.” I tilt the glass and fake chug the stuff. It’s an old parlor trick. I told you I have mad skills. The plant on his windowsill is probably not going to make it. I’m pretty sure alcohol is not part of its regular diet.

  Oz laughs triumphantly. I guess he takes his wine seriously. “How do you feel,” he asks me, his eyes dancing.

  “Uh, good?” He looks a little disappointed. What kind of answer was he expecting? At the end of the day it’s only wine. Right?

  He takes a deep breath like he’s building up courage then reaches across the table and clasps his hand around mine. I’m starting to wish I’d actually downed the wine. It feels good. I know I need to set him straight but not yet. I’m kind of enjoying it. After Titus’ rejection it feels good to actually have someone want to be with me.

  Oz lowers his head and looks at me through hooded eyes. I want to laugh and make some kind of sarcastic comment but I can’t. My hands are starting to tremble and something is doing somersaults in my stomach. I’d blame it on the alcohol but, yeah, I’m dry. Damn it. My eyes swing back to that messed up nose in that oh so lovely face and decide what the hell? Nobody has to know. Right?

  When he drags me forward I don’t resist. I already made my decision and I have no intention of changing it. The best way to lose your mind is to change it frequently. I’m not going out like that.

  When Oz slides his hands into my hair I wrap my arms around his neck and dive into the kiss. By all that’s magic this Warlock can kiss! I always thought he’d be the type to kiss politely. You know, soft and sweet. Nope! He’s given this a lot of thought and he is not holding back. I like that. I like it a lot.

  He tries to pull back but I won’t let him. I made my decision damn it and there is no turning back. I grip his hair and hold on biting his lip to get the message across. When he lays me back on the table I figure we’re on the same page.

  I couldn’t be more wrong. He settles me in the center then turns and walks out of the room. What? “Where are you going,” I holler. Seriously, if he doesn’t come back soon I am going to zap him so hard he won’t just see stars he’ll see the whole damn constellation!

  When the jackass doesn’t return I climb off the table and go off in search of him. I find him in his bedroom. He’s seated on the edge of his bed with his head cradled between his hands. Okay, maybe his head is hurting. If that’s the case I might be willing to give him a pass. I can’t make any promises because I am more than a little peeved with him right now.

  “What’s going on, Oz?” I cannot stress enough how important it is for his well-being that he come up with a good answer. His magic bone just might depend on it.

  He sends a guilt ridden look my way. “I’m so sorry, Bea. What I did was wrong,” he tells me. “So wrong.”

  At least he’s owning up to it. “That’s okay,” I tell him. “The table wouldn’t have been that comfortable anyway.” I drop down onto my back on the bed beside him. “But this could do the trick nicely,” I sigh as I sink into the mattress.

  Oz is on his feet as quick as a flash. He’s shaking his head like a bobble-head doll. “This can’t happen tonight.”

  “Are you kidding me right now? You’ve been sending me signals right and left. I finally give you the go-ahead and you’re going to give me the brush off? I’m beginning to think you have zero magic in your bone,” I screech. I sound crazy even to my own ears.

  “I want you. I do. Just not tonight,” he tells me waving his hands in agitation.

  I jump off the bed. “You should have fixed your face!” For some reason I am so hung up on that detail. “Right now you look like the kind of guy that does dirty things in the dark but that is such a lie. You are perfect! Inside and out. From the top of your head to your, I’m sure, perfectly pedicured toe-nails. You are the Warlock’s version of a boy-scout! So not for me!!”

  Oz throws back his head and laughs. Not the reaction I was expecting. “You think I’m a boy-scout? Oh, honey you have no idea what I’m capable of,” his voice is a deep rumble that scrapes along my spine in the most delicious way. He grabs me by the arms and pushes his body up against me. His breath is hot on my face. Close enough to kiss but he won’t let me. Argh!

  “That wine was a love potion.” When I frown at him he grins gleefully and nods. “I spiked your drink. I had you right where I wanted you.” He shakes his head sadly. “But the thing is it turns out I want more. I want this,” he taps on my temple. “And I want this,” he slides his finger over my heart. He snorts out a laugh. “Maybe I am a boy-scout after all.”

  When he lets go of me I grab hold of him. “I didn’t actually drink the wine.”

  “Yes you did,” he argues. Of course. “I saw you.”

  “You saw what I wanted you to see,” I tell him. “I don’t like wine. The plant on your windowsill is probably a little disoriented right now.”

  He searches my expression. “Are you telling me the truth?”

  I don’t take offense. Let’s be honest. Lying is not beneath me. “Yes. Your plant is as good as dead.”

  He grins at me and the lights go out. What the hell? I feel his hands on the hem of my skirt. “Oh, Bea. Have I got some dirty things to do with you in the dark,” he chuckles and I forget my own name.

  “Promises, promises,” I tell him as I shove his shirt over his head. “I’ve got to warn you my expectations are high. Don’t let me down.”

  “How many times do I have to tell you? I’ve got magic in my bones,” he murmurs and I feel the scrape of his teeth against my neck.

  “Prove it.”


  Zephyr Ozgood

  Bibidee Bea is sleeping in my bed. I can’t freaking believe it finally happened! I stare at my reflection in the bathroom mirror inspecting the damage Titus did to my face. My nose looks like a mess but for some reason Bea loves it. I grin at myself. My gamble paid off.

  Mercy told me I needed to be less perfect if I wanted a chance with Bea and she was right. I owe her a giant box of Nerds.

  When Titus broke my nose I was so close to using magic to set it back the way it was. I’m so grateful I didn’t. I thought of Mercy and Julia’s words and decided to test out their theory. And it paid off.

  Brawler over boy-scout. Bea was into it. I mean really into it. It turns out I’m not the only one with magic in my bones. And I’m also not the only one who does dirty things in the dark. Such dirty, dirty things.

  I shove my hands into my hair and give it a good toss. It falls perfectly back into place. I sigh and try again. After the
third try it settles in mussed disarray around my head. Good. Perfectly imperfect. Just the way Bea likes it. I decide to forgo the razor. I’m not looking to role play as Titus but something tells me she’ll like the bristles.

  When I’m satisfied I’m at the right level of disheveled I go back into the bedroom and settle back into bed next to Bea. When I pull her into me she settles with a soft sigh into my arms. If only she would be this compliant when she’s awake.

  I wrap my arms around her warm body and nuzzle my face against her cheek. Bea smiles contentedly and rubs her palm against my jaw. “I like this,” she whispers.

  I grin and kiss her fingers. “Oh, yeah.? Well, I have something else you might like.”

  “Hmm, I wonder what that could be,” she muses. She opens her eyes and unfortunately comes face to face with the clock. “Oh, hell. I’ve gotta go.”

  I grab hold of her. “No!” We have business to take care of.”

  “Julia called a meeting. I have to go home and change,” she insists extracting herself from my arms.

  “Just conjure something up,” I tell her. She’s a Witch. A top notch one at that. She could conjure in her sleep.

  “Boom Hildie and the Aussie will want to go together,” she argues.

  “I’m pretty sure they can find the training facility without your help. If they can’t then they deserve to get lost.” I mean every word. Frankly, I’ve been wishing for Boom Hildie would get lost for a long time now. She continues to disappoint me.

  Bibidee Bea looks uncomfortable. “Look, last night was fun.” I don’t like the sound of that. When I frown at her she hurries to correct herself. “Okay, better than fun. In fact, better than just about anything.”

  “But,” I ask because I can feel the word hanging in the air between us.

  She sighs in relief at the out I gave her. “But nobody can know about it.”

  “Oh? Like a dirty secret.” It comes out sounding bitter which is appropriate since that’s exactly how it feels. “Are you saying this was a one night stand?”

  Bea pauses with her shirt halfway over her head. “It can be anything we want it to be. I’m just not ready to share it with anybody yet,” she explains.

  I lean against the headboard and watch as she quietly gets dressed. When she’s finished she turns to look at me. “Do you want to see me again,” she asks. She looks nervous which is not at all like her.

  “What do you think,” I answer her question with a question of my own.

  Bea walks around the bed and settles herself on my lap, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. “I think I hurt your feelings and I’m sorry about that,” she whispers. She lowers her forehead to mine. “I don’t want this to end.”

  I smile and kiss her lips softly. I reach up and tuck her hair behind her ear then grab her arm and shove her bangles gently back and place a kiss on her wrist right over her pulse point. “Come back tonight,” I suggest.

  She rubs her nose against my broken one and says, “Okay.” After agreeing she slides out of my lap and slips out the door.

  I bang my head against the headboard in frustration and let out a curse. She’s not mine yet but she’s close. So very close.

  I get up and head to the shower. I should have known she’d make it difficult for me. That Witch never does anything easy.

  I arrive at the training facility before Bea and her Witches. Mercy does a double take when she sees me.

  “Wow, you look different,” she says, inspecting my face. “Did Titus do that to you?”

  “Yep.” I’m not ashamed of it. I’m wearing it like a badge. This crooked nose is responsible for the best night of my life. When it heals I might just ask him to hit me again.

  Mercy tilts her head and says, “Somethings different about you and it’s not just your nose.”

  I swallow nervously. The last thing I need is the nosy nerd outing my relationship with Bea. “Yeah, I’ve also got a couple of black eyes.”

  “No,” she shakes her head. “It’s more than that. You actually look happy.” Bea picks that moment to walk in the room. I feel her before I see her. My gaze swings in her direction against my volition. Every single thing we did last night flashes through my mind making me sweat.

  Mercy follows my gaze and gasps loudly. “Oh, my gosh. You and Bibidee Bea hooked up,” her eyes are wide and excited. “You did it Oz! You bagged Bea.”

  I grab her by the collar of her Dr. Seuss t-shirt and pull her close. “Shut up or you are going to blow this for me.”

  “Hey! Get your hands off her,” growls Pink. “Get your own woman,” he rumbles as he pulls Mercy to his side.

  I start to laugh because seriously? “You think ’m interested in that,” I point at Mercy. “No offense, Mercy, but you are definitely an acquired taste.” Or contract. Like the bubonic plague.

  Mercy shoots me a disgruntled frown. “Yeah, well you’re not my type either.” Good to know ‘unwilling’ is off her list. “Although, I gotta admit, you look kind of hot with that broken nose.”

  Pink glares at her. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t just say that.”

  Mercy smiles and pats his face. “Good. Can you also pretend you didn’t see me eat Titus’ danish?”

  Mercy turns and winks, “Secrets are what bind us.”

  Pink pauses, then turns to stare at me. “What secret?”

  Great. That’s all I need. There is nothing Pink loves more than information. He deals in secrets and collects favors like some people collect shoes.

  “No secret,” I deny.

  He’s looking at me like a specimen on a petri dish. Finally, he nods and says, “So you and Bea finally did the dirty.”

  My eyes go wide. “What makes you think it was dirty,” asks Mercy curiously.

  Pinkerton chortles. “Please, that Witch has kink written all over her.”

  Mercy looks over at Bea, “Really?” She whispers as though afraid Bea would hear. “How can you tell.”

  Pink shakes his head. “Sometimes I worry about you Ninja nerd.”

  I groan to myself. I’m pretty sure my relationship with Bea is dead in the water. When she finds out mercy and Pink are onto us she’s going to kick be to the curb.

  When I glance back at Bea I see she’s looking at me too. Does she know?

  In the next moment Boom Hildie demands her attention and she breaks eye contact with me.

  “Who ate my danish,” howls Titus.

  Mercy turns her back to the scene and covertly wipes her mouth. “Just act cool,” she tells me. If Bea bails on me I am ratting out that nosy nerd!

  “There are other danishes. Pick one,” Carmony tells Titus.

  “It was the only cherry one,” he sulks grumpily.

  Mercy grins flashing a chunk of cherry stuck between her teeth. Pink laughs and turns her back around. “Better get rid of the evidence in your teeth,” he warns her. Wow. It must be true love.

  “Just eat a cheese danish and shut up already,” Carmony yells bad temperedly.

  “Eat the raspberry one and let it go,” says Julia. He does as she asks because it’s her. He’s so whipped.

  My eyes swing back to Bea. Please don’t let her ditch me. I am not done with her yet. Not by a long shot.

  Julia pounds the gavel calling the meeting to order.

  “We have an important announcement to make,” she tells the room at large.

  “You’re telling me,” agrees Boom Hildie. When all eyes swing in her direction Bibidee Bea and I look at each other and yell, “NO,” in unison.

  Hildie smiles and says, “I ate the cherry danish.”

  Carmony turns beet red and sinks into her chair.

  “Say what,” Mercy exclaims loudly.

  Titus sucks in an outraged breath. “You have crossed the line hag!”

  “Damn, Hildie! We can’t take you anywhere,” mutters Australian Witch.

  Pink is laughing so hard he can barely breath. “it looks like Bea wasn’t the only Witch getting down last night.

  Everyone turns to stare at Bea. “Last I heard you were propositioning Titus,” Julia says. “Who’s your hook-up?” She looks way too happy about this. I think she might be relieved to have Bea’s attention distracted by someone else.

  “Are you serious? Anyone can see it’s Oz,” Titus mumbles around a bite of the raspberry danish he settled on. “The kicker is Hildie and Carmony. I gotta say, I never saw that one coming.” He grins. “No pun intended.”

  Carmony covers her face. “Can we just get on with the meeting.”

  When Bibidee Bea smiles at me I breathe huge sigh of relief. I’m still in the game.

  Chapter Seventeen

  When life gives you lemons

  Grab a bat and serve Lemonade.

  - from the mouth of Pinkerton Floyd

  Carmony Grimshaw

  To kill a cowboy

  So, my sex life got outed in the middle of a team meeting. The Dragon Lady is apparently hijacking bodies now. Oh, and a new development, Abel Woodley apparently now finds me attractive. My life just gets better and better.

  Titus won’t shut up about my walk on the wild side. He’s too stupid to even realize the danger he’s in. I am one smart-ass remark away from setting his beard on fire. Don’t, for a minute, think I’m joking. I think that pile of fur on his face is overrated anyway. Julia might be upset with me but I’m pretty sure everyone else would cheer. Even Bibidee Bea. She only has eyes for Oz these days.

  I’m not sure what to do with Boom Hildie. I mean we had a thing. It happened but I don’t know if I’m looking to make it a relationship. I was just curious and lonely. Okay, and yeah, more than a little drunk. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t regret it. It was actually a lot of fun and not at all what I thought it would be. Hildie is kind of crazy and I like that. It’s just I never pictured myself with a woman and definitely not with a Witch.

  I really need to think about this. On the one hand I wouldn’t mind a repeat performance but I don’t want to lead her on. This probably won’t go beyond friends with benefits. Probably.


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