Rebel Without a Clue

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Rebel Without a Clue Page 24

by Cathy Gaitan

  During the meeting when Julia was discussing the Dragon Lady’s temporary possession of Mercy and herself I wondered if that had happened to me. No, not with Hildie but before that. When I all but held Mercy hostage in my house. I don’t think so, though. It didn’t feel foreign to me. It just felt like a previously hidden competitive streak. A huge streak as it turns out. I wanted to win and I was ready and willing to do whatever it took to make it happen.

  “Hey, Carmony. What can I get for you,” Molly asks when I take a seat at one of the booths in the diner. It just after noon so there are a lot of customers. Wendell and Devon are sitting at the counter.

  “Actually, I’m meeting Mercy and Julia for lunch. Can you just bring me a cup of coffee for now?” The weather in Happyville is usually pretty mild but It’s a little cold today.

  “Sure thing,” she smiles but she doesn’t leave. “I’ve been meaning to ask. How are things going with you and Boom Hildie?”

  I feel the blush coming on and want to curse. With anyone else I would have but Molly is kind of sensitive. I don’t want to make her cry. I just need her to get the hell away from me with her questions.

  “I’m fine. You’ll need to ask Hildie how she’s doing,” I answer. That was diplomatic. Right?

  “Oh,” she gets so flustered she drops her pencil. “I’m sorry. That’s not my business I guess,” she apologizes.

  I pick up the pencil and hand it to her. I grab her hand. “It’s okay. It’s just Hildie and I are not an item,” I tell her. “A moment doesn’t always equal a lifetime.”

  Molly pats my shoulder sympathetically. “Don’t worry, hon. You’ll find someone.”

  Why does everybody think every single woman needs a partner? I drop her hand. “Can I get that coffee now?” I’m single. So what? It’s not something to pity. It’s also not anything to cheer about. It just is.

  Mercy slides into the booth across from me. “What’s up buttercup?”

  She’s wearing Pink’s Metallica t-shirt. “Does Pink know you swiped his shirt,” I ask.

  “Yep. He doesn’t mind,” she assures me. I have my doubts. Pinkerton is stingy with his shirts but whatever. Since he and Mercy became a couple he’s done a lot of things contrary to his character.

  “Where is Julia?” I figured they’d arrive together.

  She shrugs. “She said she and Titus had something to do.” She smiles. “Three guesses what that is.”

  I gag. “No guesses, please.”

  Right at that moment Julia arrives and scoots in next to Mercy. “What did I miss?”

  “Nothing,” I answer before Mercy can. The last thing I want is a conversation about Julia and Titus’ sex life. “Are you ready to order,” I raise my hand to wave Molly over just as the Witches walk in the door. Hildie smiles widely and waves back. Awesome. Now they’re coming over to join us.

  Hildie moves to slide in beside me but I refuse to budge. Until Mercy kicks me under the table. Fine! But these people need to understand. I choose my relationships. They do not choose me.

  The Aussie takes a seat on Hildie’s other side and Bea next to Julia. “Well, isn’t this cozy,” coos Bea. She’s looking at Hildie and me like we’re star crossed lovers which is so not the case. We are one time lovers. As in one- night stand. You know, one and done. Probably.

  “Yeah, cozy,” I agree because I want to move on. “How is Oz,” I ask without the least bit of interest. I saw Oz yesterday. He was fine. Strangely, still rocking the broken nose.

  Bibidee grins. “Good. So very good,” she says dreamily. Way more information than I needed.

  Julia raises her brow and mutters, “Glad to hear it.” Shorthand speak for Now maybe you’ll leave my own man alone.

  I clear my throat because we need to vacate this line of conversation. I do not need it veering off to me and Hildie. She’s sitting right beside me. It would be next to impossible to gracefully avoid it if it did come up.

  Molly arrives to take our order and I’m so grateful I could kiss her. She does a double take when she sees me sitting next to Hildie. From the way she’s grinning I assume she thinks we’ve patched things up. I want to tell her there’s nothing to patch. But why bother?

  “So, any more Dragon Lady sightings,” Mercy asks Bea.

  “No. So far no one else has reported unusual behavior,” Bea tells me. “Just Mercy and Julia.”

  “Why do you think that is? And what made it possible for her to do that in the first place,” I wonder aloud. It’s creepy that she was lurking inside them like that.

  “I don’t know. It shouldn’t have happened. We reinforced our protection spells. That two-bit entity shouldn’t have been able to come near any one of us.” Bibidee Bea seems genuinely befuddled by the whole thing.

  “We must have missed something,” the Aussie concludes. “That’s the only possible answer.”

  “Then we need to figure out what you missed. This cannot be allowed to happen again,” insists Julia. No kidding. That nasty Witch almost managed to destroy her and Titus’ relationship which is something I didn’t think was even possible. They are solid but still she managed to rock their foundation. I think Julia has some payback she’s dying to serve the Dragon Lady.

  “What if we didn’t miss anything,” Boom Hildie contemplates.

  “What do you mean,” Julia is all business today. She wants answers and she means to have them. “If you didn’t miss anything how could this have happened? We didn’t make it up,”

  Boom Hildie waves her off. “Simmer down Queen Z. Nobody doubts you,” She speaks calmly which is not really like her. “I hate to be the bearer of bad news but there is the slim possibility that she had help.”

  “Someone on the inside,” Mercy gasps. “Like a mole?” For some reason the mad Zombie is super stoked about the idea. Pink really needs to get her to lay off the television viewing.

  “You actually think someone sold us out,” Julia asks grimly.

  Hildie shakes her head, “I don’t know. I just don’t think we should leave that possibility off the table.”

  “She’s right,” agrees Witchy Bea. “We need to be willing to explore every probability. No matter how distasteful the thought.”

  “Well, I for one, hope you just dropped the ball,” I tell them. I look at Hildie. “Sorry, but it sucks to think one of our own stabbed us in the back.”

  Boom Hildie smiles in understanding. “I get it. But we’re first class Witches.” Bibidee Bea and Australian Witch nod in agreement. “When it comes to magic shabby is not chic.”

  “Right on, Hildie!” Bea reaches across the table and high-fives her. DaniElle does the same.

  Julia rolls her eyes. “Can we please just lay blame aside and concentrate on the issue at hand?”

  “Don’t worry, Queen Z. We will leave no stone unturned,” Bea assures her. “Even if it buries us.” Boom Hildie and the Aussie nod in agreement. “Wiccan pride won’t let us do any less.”

  “Whatever. If there is a mole I want to know who it is!” Julia is looking for blood.

  “Can I help,” Mercy ask with excitement. She’s my friend but sometimes I feel like there aren’t enough words in the world to describe how weird she is.

  “Um, thanks for the offer but I think we’ve got this,” Bibidee tells her while Boom Hildie and the Aussie snicker into their hands.

  “But I think I could contribute,” Mercy insists. “I’m really knowledgeable about sting operations.” When they don’t look impressed she reminds them, “I also have magic now.”

  “Just keep your ear to the ground and let us know if you hear anything important,” Boom Hildie tells her. “It would be a big help.”

  “Fine, but one day you are going to regret not taking me up on my offer,” she warns. Well, at least she believes it.

  Julia ignores Mercy’s words and instead suggests, “I think we need to focus on the group that originated as soldiers for the Human army. “Do you think she may have done something to them? Maybe planted
something in their minds?”

  “Anything is possible,” answers Bea. “We won’t know until we have a chance to examine them.” Molly arrives with our food bringing the conversation to a temporary halt.

  After a few moments quiet munching Mercy says, “So, Carmony, Mary Mary told me Abel’s got a thing for you. When did that happen?”

  All eyes turn to me. I can feel Boom Hildie’s gaze burning a hole in the side of my head. I want to stab Mercy with my steak knife. Is this some kind of payback for what I did to keep her and Pink apart? “Apparently when I wasn’t looking,” I mutter even though I want to tell her it’s not her business. I’ve stuck my nose in her relationship too many times to pull that card.

  I look at Hildie. “He let me know he’s interested but I’ve never so much as given him a handshake. It’s purely one sided.” Abel is handsome. I can’t lie about that but he’s a complete ass. Plus, he’s hung up on his brother’s girl. I am just an available alternative. I have no delusions about that.

  She plays it cool. “Hey, you’re free to see whoever you want.” She looks at her wrists. “No strings here.”

  “I know, but,” I feel so weird having this conversation in from of the others but it’s not like they haven’t aired their dirty laundry in public. “I wouldn’t just go from you to Abel. What we did meant something to me.”

  Hildie smiles and plays with her earring nervously. “Really?”

  “Yes. I don’t know where this is going but I think I might want to see,” I tell her. It’s true. I didn’t plan this but I think it might be something I need.

  “I do too,” she says taking my hand in hers. She looks across the table at Bibidee Bea. “Look Bea. I think I might have a girlfriend.”

  “Congrats Hildie. Good luck. You might have your work cut out for you making that one happy. She looks like the ornery type.” I glare at her. “See, what I mean. She can’t even relax and just enjoy the moment.”

  “Sorry, she’s family. We could try to ditch her but she’d just keep coming back,” Hildie says to me chuckling. “She’s persistent like that.”

  “You got that right,” Bea agrees cheerfully.

  “Yep,” inserts the Aussie. “She’s like a boomerang.”

  “Abel’s gonna be so sad,” Mercy muses. “He was just getting over Mary Mary.”

  I laugh. “No he wasn’t. She just isn’t an available option.” Abel Woodley doesn’t fool me for one minute. He was just turned on by the fact that I hooked up with Hildie. Typical guy behavior. I am not that gullible.

  “Abel will just need to look elsewhere,” Hildie informs Mercy.

  “Yeah, I kind of figured that. I just feel bad for him.”

  “Oh, I think he can handle it,” I say.

  “He doesn’t really have a choice,” Julia declares. Truer words were never spoken.

  “Where is Titus today,” I ask to change the subject. Abel doesn’t even belong in this conversation.

  “He, Pink and Oz are spending the day together. I guess you could call it a ‘boys day’,” Julia replies with a worried frown.

  “I call it trouble,” Mercy tells us.

  “Ten bucks says Oz comes back with a broken something,” Boom Hildie starts the betting. It was bound to happen.

  “Do you think,” Bea asks excitedly. She’s as bent as Titus.

  “I’ll take that bet.” It turns out I’m a gambler. Who knew?

  “Oz is gonna zap both their asses,” DaniElle declares.

  Bibidee Bea rolls her eyes. “That’s a given. The question is what goes down before that happens? Pink might just come back with a shiner.”

  “No way,” argues Mercy, standing up for her man. “Pink’s quick. I think Titus will end up with a fat lip and a couple of missing teeth.”

  “Wow! You are a daydreamer,” chortles Julia. “Titus is going to kick Oz’s ass and probably bloody Pink’s nose.”

  “Wouldn’t it be funny if they all came back without a scratch,” giggles the Aussie.

  “No, it wouldn’t! I’ve got money on the line,” Hildie disagrees. “I better see some blood and broken parts.”

  “Not the good parts,” Bibidee Bea worries.

  “Oh, so a head injury’s okay,” Hildie jokes.

  Bea thinks about it. “Yeah, that’s fine.”

  “Oh, Bea. You are cold!” Hildie groans.

  Bea winks at her with a naughty grin, “Funny, that’s not what Oz says.”

  Titus Remington

  This was a bad idea. I can hardly spend 5 minutes with Zephyr Ozgood without wanting to hit him. A whole day was asking way too much. We’re in the middle of the woods and he’s standing there pressed and starched. His hair is perfectly styled.

  I actually feel bad for Witchy Bea. She had to settle for a pretty boy because she couldn’t have me. I’m sure she could have found something better than that. Hell, Abel Woodley’s free. She should have set her sights on him. I mean, he’s not as good as me but he’s an adequate substitute. At least he knows how to fight like a Zombie male. I know Oz is a Wizard but that’s no excuse! A male should know how to throw a punch. Everything with him is magic and I don’t mean that in a good way!

  He’s looking at his shoes as though irritated that there’s mud on them. Is he for real? He’s in the freaking woods. Mud happens! I grin to myself. I can’t wait for him to come across something that looks similar but smells worse. I check the battery on my phone. Almost full. Good. I need to be able to capture the moment.

  “Tell me again why we need to be in the woods to practice using our magic,” Pink asks. Again. He’s almost as bad as the Warlock. He’s kind of embarrassing me to tell you the truth. I mean, he is a Zombie. It weakens my argument that ‘Warlocks are the weaker race’ if I have to add the word ‘slightly’ before it.

  “If you ask me that one more time I am going to rip out one of your piercings,” I growl. I should have brought Julia along. She would have made them both look bad. Okay, all of us. But that’s just between us.

  Pinkerton laughs. “Never forget I can blow your head off your shoulders.” That damn power of his! How the hell did it happen that he got the cool power? It just doesn’t seem fair.

  “Thanks for the reminder,” I reply. “I’ll have to make sure you’re unconscious before I get to work on your metal. The threat alone merits no less than three piercing removals.”

  He looks nervous but he doesn’t buckle. “Thanks for the warning. I’ll make sure to keep you in my sights at all times,” retorts Pink. I’m not gonna lie. I’m feeling kind of proud right now. Too bad I’m going to have to hurt him. Don’t act shocked! We just got here and we’re already tossing around threats. There is no way we are leaving these woods without some bloodshed. I think I’ll give the metal to Julia. You know, as a romantic gesture. I gotta keep the home fires burning.

  “I think we need to go back,” Oz calls out. “There’s something not right.”

  I snort out a laugh. “Don’t worry, Magic Man. I’ll protect you from the big, bad wolf.”

  Pink smirks. “Titus, you are the big, bad wolf.”

  “I know. That’s why it’s funny.” That Warlock has zero chance of survival against me. I would take might over magic any day of the week.

  “No. You’re not listening to me,” Oz insists. “There is something here besides us. We need to leave. Now.” He’s already walking back the way we came.

  “Geez, I knew Warlocks were weak but this is just ridiculous,” I grumble to Pinkerton. I don’t think he hears me. He’s already moving to follow Oz. You know that pride I felt for Pink a few moments ago? It just vanished in a puff of smoke. I think the nerd might be rubbing off on him.

  How the hell am I supposed to explain this to Julia? Although I guess I shouldn’t worry about that. I’m not the one running. No joke. Oz is literally running now. What the ever loving hell? It’s worse than I thought.

  I feel a sting in my side and rub at it absently. Most likely a bee. Oz probably disturbed a hive
and beat feet to escape. I wonder if Warlocks spend all their time indoors. He undoubtedly looks online if he wants to see a tree or you know, the sun.

  Another sting hits my shoulder this time. I swat at it and feel something sticky. Blood. What the hell? I stop to inspect my side where the first sting was. Sure enough, more blood. Okay, maybe Oz was right. I increase my pace. Not a run exactly but faster than a walk.

  The next sting to the middle of my chest I ignore altogether. I just need to concentrate on getting out. I can’t even see Oz or Pink any longer. I try to move faster but it feels like my legs are made of lead. I hate to say it but I think I may have been drugged. The thought crosses my mind just as a baseball bat makes contact with my face. I hear the rattle of my teeth before I feel them settle on my tongue.

  As I lose consciousness I think ‘This is gonna hurt’.

  Pinkerton Floyd

  When we make it out of the woods I turn back to find that Titus isn’t behind us like I expected. I let out a curse not bothering to keep it down. That stubborn Zombie male always has to act so damn cocky. He probably thought he was too macho to run.

  “Your friend is an idiot,” Oz grimly says. “It’s a good thing Zombies have staying power. He’s gonna need it. Whatever is in those woods with him is definitely related to the dragon lady.” He shoves up his sleeve and shows me a burn on his arm in the shape of a dragon. He lifts his forefinger and uses it like a laser to scorch off the mark. Once he’s done he picks up his phone to call Bibidee Bea.

  “We’ve got trouble,” he informs her. “The Dragon Lady made her move and I’m pretty sure she’s got Titus. We’re gonna need reinforcements.”

  Julia must have gotten on the line because his next words are, “We were together. But your man’s stubborn. When I told him we needed to vacate he didn’t take me seriously.”

  When Julia goes off on him some more he rolls his eyes. “Julia, I get that you’re upset but we’re wasting time. That Witch wants revenge and like it or not he’s hers right now.”

  When he finally hangs up I ask, “What now?”

  He holds out his hand to me. “Let’s see if we can make contact with him.”


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