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When Shadows Fall (Cherry Creek Series Book 3)

Page 19

by Callie Rae

“How about I show you instead?”

  “Now that’s something I can get behind.” I smile.

  He grabs my hand, a matching smile on his face.

  “We’re gonna get some rest. Big day tomorrow,” Jesse says to the group.

  Cason smirks, giving us a knowing look.

  “We start at three a.m. I need you ready to go,” Detective Tatum says.

  Jesse nods, and then leads me into the house through the back door. We head into the room we’re sharing with Cason and Jade. Neither will come in here until they get the all-clear.

  I walk through the bedroom door first. Jesse follows, closing and locking the door behind us. The moment the lock clicks, Jesse is lifting me up. My legs instinctively wrap around his waist as his lips find mine.

  His lips are greedy and wanting, almost desperate. I can feel the worry in him as his tongue meets mine. He’s trying to distract himself.

  He’s scared.

  He’s scared and he’s tormented.

  I always thought of Jesse as this solid rock—my rock.

  I’ve never stopped to think that this is his father, too. That he’s about to single-handedly put his father in jail. Tomorrow is a big day, but it’s also a sad day.

  He’s conveying that to me in the way his hands roam my body, in his kiss, in the tension in his neck and shoulders.

  He grabs a handful of my shirt and pulls several times until it's ripped over my head. I drop my arms, letting it fall to the floor. I reach behind me and unclasp my bra, quickly sliding the straps down my arms and letting it drop onto the floor.

  He stops kissing me and just looks at me. I take his rugged face in my hands and trace the lines in his face. He’s breathing hard and he’s staring at me, eye to eye. But it's not what he’s doing that pulls me in—it’s what he’s showing me. He’s giving me his fear; he’s giving me his pain.

  “Oh, Jesse,” I sigh. “It has to be done.”

  He nods.

  “But it still hurts?” I ask.

  He nods again, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. “He’s still my dad.”

  I brush my thumb against his bottom lip before looking back up and locking eyes with him.

  “You do whatever you need to do right now to be okay. Okay?”

  His jaw tightens. “You sure?”

  I nod again.

  His lips slam against mine, and he picks me up and carries me to one of the two twin size beds in the room, dropping me hard and falling on top of me.

  His hands are rough as they slide down my body. He reaches for my pants button, yanking on it until it’s free. He pulls my pants and underwear down and drops them on the floor.

  I reach up and tug his shirt up and over his head. I scramble to unbutton his pants as he yanks me to the edge of the bed. His hand weaves into my hair before yanking it back, exposing my neck. His mouth finds me there, searching and tasting my skin.

  He trails kisses down until he’s sucking my right nipple into his mouth and kneading my left breast with his hand. But he doesn’t stop there.

  He continues his trek south until his warm breath blows against my center. I widen my legs, eager for his mouth. But he goes slow, at an almost-torturous pace, as he peppers kisses all over me.

  “Jesse,” I plead, unable to wait any longer.

  His hands slide under my thighs until his fingers grip my ass, squeezing hard enough that I’m sure he’s left bruises. Then he yanks me forward, bringing me right to his mouth.

  He sucks and licks savagely, like a starving wolf.

  I slide my hand through his hair until I’m gripping him so hard, desperately trying just to hold on during the ride he’s leading me on.

  My stomach clenches and I squeeze tighter as my toes curl into the side of the bed. But right before the moment comes, cold air hits my center. He stands abruptly to claim my mouth, bringing one hand to my hair and the other to my ass. He slams into me using his hand on my ass to pull me as close as possible. I wrap my legs around him, opening more for him.

  “It’s mine. That moment of bliss, that scream, the way your toes curl against my ass. It’s all mine,” he says as he rocks into me. “Your body, your life, your future. It’s all fucking mine.”

  His movements become rougher. The mix of his words and the feel of his body send me into a frenzy. I float higher and higher, and the moment his hand comes between us to circle my clit, I fucking explode in his arms.

  He slams into me one more time, swallowing my scream with his kiss, pulsing inside me and flying over the ledge with me.

  His mouth doesn’t leave mine until we're both in our parachute floating back down. His hands hold me still in his arms. We’re both breathing hard; we're both spent.

  He drops his forehead to mine as we try to get our breathing under control. Because whatever that was, it was intense.

  “Fuck.” He squeezes his eyes shut and just breathes the same air as me.

  “Exactly,” I say, breathless and in a dream.

  After another round, we lie down, both falling fast asleep shortly after. That is, until Cason brings a very drunk Jade to bed.

  The sound of the door hitting the wall has both Jesse and I jumping up in the bed. Cason stumbles through the door with Jade in his arms. Her head is propped on his shoulder, and she is snoring softly.

  “Sorry,” he says. “I didn’t mean to wake you. She’s a lot heavier than she looks.”

  Jade’s solid muscle. Cheerleading has done her well. And I’m currently thanking the universe that I thought to put a shirt on, because the sheets are pooled at my waist covering my bare legs.

  “Did she get drunk?” Jesse asks.

  Cason nods as he deposits Jade on her bed. “Yeah. She hit the whiskey pretty hard.”

  “Oh, Jade,” I sigh. “Do you think she’s going to be okay?”

  “Yeah, she’ll sleep it off. Hopefully by the time she wakes up, it’ll all be over,” Cason mumbles. He pulls the covers up to her chin before dropping a kiss to the side of her head.

  This is the side of Cason no one else sees, and he didn’t even show us until recently. But the love he has for his siblings is on a whole other level.

  He looks over at us and throws a thumb over his shoulder. “I’m gonna pass out on the couch.”

  “You sure, man?” Jesse asks.

  “Yeah, she can have the bed,” he says.

  His voice, which is caring and loving, doesn't match his face. He looks mad. Angry, even. And I don’t blame him.

  “Well, there’s plenty of room if you change your mind,” I say.

  “Nah, I’m good. Y’all go back to sleep.” He waves and walks out of the room, taking the time to shut the door quietly.

  Jesse and I lie back down, the room quiet with Jade’s soft snores and our breathing barely breaking the silence.

  “They’re going to be okay, right?” Jesse asks.

  I turn and curl into him, draping a hand over his chest as he wraps his arm around me. “I don’t know, Jesse. I wish I could say yes, but I just don’t know.”

  Chapter 36


  “Here, put this on.” Detective Cruise tosses me a Kevlar vest.

  I catch it and instantly feel weighted down. “No way, man. He’ll see it through my shirt.”

  Cruise tosses my leather jacket in my direction. “Wear that over it. No one will be able to tell.”

  “Y’all done screwing around, or can we talk this through?” Agent Tate says.

  “We’ve been through it ten times already. I’ve got it,” I grunt.

  “We'll make this number eleven,” she says, giving me the stern look we’ve all come to know well. “Start from the top.”

  I grab a chair and sit. “I walk in, scope out the area, stay hidden. If I’m noticed, I say I found the plans in the office and came to check it out. I relay the information through the wire and get out as soon as possible.”

  “No hero bullshit. You got that?”

  “Got it,” I say.
r />   She nods. “All right, we leave in thirty. Everyone goes. We’ll keep your family off-scene and out of harm’s way. But they’ll be close enough that if anything goes down, we can reach them in minutes.”

  I nod. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me yet. You’re walking straight into the lion’s den. You’ve got balls, son, I’ll give you that. But I’m not sure this is the smartest thing you’ve ever done.”

  “Do you know how it feels to watch everyone you care about suffer?” I ask.

  She nods. “Unfortunately, I do.”

  “Then you should know that if I have to do something stupid to keep them safe, then that’s what I’ll to do.”

  She looks back at me with what looks like respect.

  “Look at me. You are not the hero today. Do you understand me? You do what you have to do, you get out, and you come back to me in one piece.” Fallon grips the collar of my shirt with both hands.

  I nod. “I will.”

  Her eyes glisten with unshed tears as she stares back at me with fear etched in her eyes.

  “I need you,” she chokes out.

  I reach for her and kiss her hard. I try to remember the way she feels in my arms. I etch the way she smells into my memory. I store the feeling of her heart racing in my mind. I try to remember everything about her in this moment.

  “I’ll come back to you. Always.”

  And then I let her go. At first, she’s quiet, but once I turn my back and take the first step away from her, I hear her sob. I never thought a sound would almost bring me to my knees, but it does.

  I push myself forward, meeting Detective Cruise next to my Denali. At some point during the night, they had a uniform go pick it up. It would look suspicious if I rolled up in a strange vehicle.

  Cruise drops the keys in my hand. “Keep your eyes open. Don’t let your guard down, even if it feels easy. Keep your mic and camera on.”

  I nod. “I got it.”

  “I bet you do. Good luck,” he says, patting my shoulder.

  I climb in and watch my family load up in the unmarked police van. I’ll feel better about all of this once they’re safe. And until he goes down, they never will be.

  Once I receive the signal, I roll out. I grip the steering wheel tight and bounce my leg. I’m amped up to one million.

  About two miles out from the dock, the van pulls off and I’m on my own. I hear Agent Tate come over my earpiece.

  “All right, Jesse. You’re up. We’ve got eyes and ears on you. Your family is secure.”

  I take a deep breath in.

  “You good, son?” Tate asks.

  “Yeah, I’m good. Let’s get this over with.” I punch the gas.

  I slow the vehicle once I hit the gravel road leading to the dock. When the warehouse comes into view, I stop back far enough that no one can see my vehicle. Doing this in plain daylight makes it hard to hide a black SUV.

  “I’m here,” I say into my mic.

  “All right, let’s do this. Our team is in place. And remember, don't be a hero.”

  I exit the vehicle and make a slow trek along the border of the property, taking in a visual of everything.

  I don’t see the barge, so I stay back. There are only a few unarmed men.

  “Ten minutes out. What do you see?”

  “Nothing. I see nothing. A few guys that look unarmed. No barge,” I keep an eye on the men. Something feels off. “I’m going to get closer.”

  Tate’s voice crackles over the earpiece. “Jesse, stand down. Do not approach until directed.”

  I pretend I didn’t hear the order and make a run for the back of the warehouse.

  “Jesse, do not approach,” Tate says again.

  “There’s a door,” I tell her. “I’m going in.”

  Tate growls in my ear. “Damn it, Jesse! Stay put.”

  I slide through the door into the warehouse. It’s musty and the floors are covered in dirt. There are boxes stacked up everywhere.

  “Jesse, we have eyes on the barge. It’s five minutes out.”

  “The warehouse is empty.”

  I’m met with silence, then Tate’s voice crackles over the earpiece.

  “Exit the warehouse immediately. Two vehicles are coming your way.”

  I hiss and start to backtrack toward the door. I crack it open just as a vehicle skids to a halt maybe twenty-five yards out.

  “Well, well, well. What do we have here?” James's voice makes me freeze.

  “Shit.” I turn around to see him standing in the middle of the warehouse looking directly at me.

  “Why are you here, Jesse?”

  I decide acting normal is the best course of action and cross my arms. “I could ask you the same thing.”

  James eyes me warily. “How did you find it?”

  I drop my arms and walk to the side of the warehouse, keeping my eyes on him. I swipe a hand over a dusty box.

  “I was looking for the container specs and found the plans for this place. Thought I’d come check it out.”

  “And? What do you think?” James asks, watching me closely.

  Tate’s voice whispers in my ear. “Jesse, play this smart. He cannot suspect you of anything.”

  “I think that if you want to increase your shipments, this would be the place to go. You have plenty of land here to expand. You could add an additional dock and have two barges pulled in. Additional warehouses could be built, and you could use it as storage for shipments coming in and out. Increase shipment and profits.”

  He nods. “I taught you well.”

  “Wasn’t that the whole point? To mold me into someone worthy of taking all of this over?” I raise my hands out to my sides, motioning to the building.

  James watches me, his wheels turning. Then something in him decides it's time to share.

  “Come with me, son.”

  He turns and heads towards the dockside door. I follow.

  “Jesse, be fucking careful,” Tate whispers in my ear.

  “You’re smarter than I gave you credit for. I figured it would be Jade that found this place first. She’s always in the background, but she’s smart.”

  “Yeah, she is,” I agree as we walk out into the midday sun.

  “We use this location when items need…extra attention.”

  “You mean when the items aren’t exactly legal?”

  “Semantics. We ship. What’s in the boxes is not my problem,” James states.

  The barge is pulled into the dock and men file off it, carrying crate after crate.

  One man drops a crate, and it topples over into the river.

  “Son of a bitch,” James growls. “Get in there and get it out. And someone take care of the weakling.”

  I watch as a guard raises his rifle. With one pop, the guy who dropped the crate is lying on the ground with a hole in his head.

  I grit my teeth. I knew my dad was psycho, but this is bigger than that.

  “James, finally bringing the boy in?”

  “He brought himself. Kind of like your son, who keeps finding a way to get his drugs on our barges.” James scowls.

  “My boy is resourceful. Or, should I say, your boy.”

  I wince. Referring to Jax as James’s boy isn’t something I need to deal with right now. Or even want to deal with.

  “Stay calm. We have a team en route, arriving in three minutes.”

  “You’re late. You know this is an important shipment,” he growls.

  “I’m sorry. I was too busy checking the vehicle your son ditched off the main road,” Vic sneers.

  “Well, he’s here. Can we get this show on the road?” James says, gesturing to the barge.

  I watch the crates pass by.

  “What is all this stuff?” I ask casually.

  “We don’t ask dumb questions, son. We just ship,” James says. “On paper, they are museum artifacts.”

  “Jesse, two minutes out. Hang tight,” Tate says in my ear.

  James turns to walk to
wards the dock, and I move to follow, but a very distinct click behind me has me freezing on the spot.

  James hears it too, and turns around.

  Vic is standing with his pistol drawn and pointed right at me. “Shit.”

  I hold my hands up and take a step back.

  “Vic, what the fuck is this bullshit?” James spits out.

  Vic turns to James. “Your son is a rat.”

  “My son is no fucking rat,” James hisses.

  “Oh yeah? Check him. I bet he’s wired up.”

  James looks at me. “Jesse?”

  Vic waves the gun, motioning to James. “Go on. Check him.”

  “Take your jacket off, son,” James says

  Tate’s voice is urgent in my ear. “Jesse, do not take your jacket off. They are less than one minute out. Stall the best you can.”

  “I’m not a rat. Why would I rat out my own father?” I growl.

  “Because he’s a shitty father. We both know you were never going to take over this side of the business. You were just going to be a problem down the road. I might as well do something about it now,” Vic says.

  “Vic, put down the gun and let’s figure this out,” James says, stepping forward.

  Vic points the gun at James. “And you, a pain in my ass since the beginning. I even had to pretend that your bastard child was mine while you skimmed off the top all these years.”

  “They’re there,” Tate says.

  His head twitches, and I’m beginning to see similarities between him and his nephew.

  I grit my teeth and smile. “So that’s what this is all about. You don’t give a shit if I’m a rat or not. You’re just taking the opportunity to take care of a problem. You’re psycho, just like your—”

  The bullet reaches me before the sound does. A sharp pain hits me head-on, and suddenly I can’t breathe.

  “Jesse!” James yells.

  My ears are ringing, and I faintly hear another gunshot as James leans over me, searching for the gunshot wound I know won’t be there.

  He looks confused as he tears at my clothes, and then he stills, and I know he’s found the vest. He looks at me, and I see it. The moment he realizes I’ve betrayed him.

  “Hands on your head. Don’t move. If you run, I will shoot.” Detective Cruise is standing over James with a gun to his head.


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