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Protecting the Heiress

Page 4

by Nana Malone

  He shrugged. "Yeah, I have given that some thought. But not yet. It’s not my time. But you, you can't do better than Ariel. There are a couple of loopholes, we just need to figure out which play to make. But either way, she's good for her word."

  I nodded slowly. "All right then. When am I going to meet this princess?"

  It was good to see Roone. Good to remember why I loved being home so much. Being home was like sliding into warm sheets before going to bed, a sense of ease and familiarity. But I understood that this was an audition, so I wasn't going to fuck it up. I'd been making strides in my career when I quit to follow love. But I wasn't doing that shit again. I had a chance to get everything back. I wasn't going to give it up.



  "Thank you for coming to see me."

  I nodded. "This is a member of my team, Jax Reynolds."

  "Mr. Reynolds."

  Jax just nodded his head. Mr. Bipps indicated our seats, and we slid into them. The office was cozy but not cluttered. Dark furniture, well-made but worn. He'd clearly been in business a long time.

  "What can we do for you?"

  "Well, I've done some work for the crown."

  I nodded slowly. Sebastian was keeping his word. I wasn't sure how I should feel about it, but I needed the help getting started, so I was going to take it. "Understood."

  "You came highly recommended."

  "Well, let's first see what we can do for you."

  "I recently became the trustee for one of my clients. She passed away suddenly not too long ago."

  "So sorry for your loss." I never knew what to say.

  "Thank you. She's left behind a daughter and named a guardian for her."

  "Is there a reason why you think either of them would need security?"

  He shifted in his seat, then steepled his fingers as if he was trying to give me the no-frills response but was unsure how to deliver it. It was just a slight movement from left to right, as if he was wavering about how much to tell us.

  "My client… Though her activities were not entirely illegal, I did worry about some of her clientele. She was a high-profile art dealer."

  My brows raised. "Willa MacKenzie?"

  He nodded. "You're familiar with her?"

  "Well, just that she had the best parties on the island in her big fancy house up in Nob Hill. Parties that were impossible to get into. Any time there was a celebrity sighting, chances were he was off to one of Willa's parties."

  "Yeah, that would be her. For the most part, her business was on the up and up. Obviously, I wouldn't work with anyone if they weren't."

  I doubted that, but I urged him to continue. "Go on."

  Next to me, I could see Jax grinding hard on his molars to keep from making some kind of retort.

  "She had an accident. Single car, down the cliffs. She was quite wealthy, and she leaves substantial holdings behind. Her daughter is her sole heir."

  I raised my brow. "And where is the father?"

  "He's not named on the birth certificate and, according to Willa, not in the picture."

  "Okay, so is the guardian a grandparent or something?"

  He shook his head. "No. She’s a friend of Willa’s from childhood. My research into Miss Neela Wellbrook indicates that she is very much on the straight and narrow. Nothing questionable in her past or present. But I fear that she's ill-equipped to handle some of the responsibilities that might come along with being this baby's guardian."

  Jax and I exchanged a look. "Mr. Bipps, it would be a lot faster for all of us if you spoke plainly."

  He sighed then leaned forward, clasping his hands. "Fair enough. I'm certain some of Willa's clients might not be on the up-and-up. There was a lot of money changing hands. Some of her pieces are practically priceless. As a trustee, it's my job to ensure her daughter's future wealth. Someone might see her as a potential checkbook. I can't shake the feeling that someone is going to come for that kid. Kidnap and ransom, who knows? Her new guardian seems disinclined to heed my warnings, though."

  Ah. I understood. "So, you want us to watch her without her knowing?"

  He shrugged. "As it happens, she's in need of a nanny. She's looking for referrals. I was hoping you had someone on your staff who could double as both childcare and security."

  I slowly glanced at Jax, who gave me a wide-eyed expression in return.

  "Mr. Bipps, you're aware we're a small firm and we’re just starting out. What you're speaking of will be long-term?"

  "I'd like to say a minimum term of three months. Until everything's through probate and it's pretty clear that no one's coming after the kid. So yes, longer term."

  "I don't have the staff for that."

  Jax shifted in his chair. "How old's the kid?"

  Mr. Bipps swung his gaze over to him. "Just a baby. Thirteen months."

  Jax cursed under his breath before muttering, "I'll do it."

  I blinked at him. "Do you have experience with kids?"

  He shrugged. "I'm an uncle to seven. My sister practically lived with me when she had her oldest. She and her husband were going through a rough patch at the time. So yes, I'm well acquainted with diapers and making food. I'm also CPR certified."

  I blinked at him. "Well, I didn't know that."

  Mr. Bipps was as surprised as I was. "I was originally thinking Miss Scott, but I suppose there are male nannies." He eyed Jax more intensely now. "And I assume if Miss Scott has hired you, you are well acquainted with basic firearms and all that sort of thing, right?"

  Jax raised a brow. "Yeah, I think I got that covered."

  Mr. Bipps nodded enthusiastically as if the idea was taking hold and he was starting to like it. "Yes. This could work."

  "Mr. Bipps, before you get too excited, I still only have one team member, and he will need a break. I still have a team to recruit."

  "Yes, of course, I understand. But maybe if you could just go and meet with Ms. Wellbrook. I just have a bad feeling about the way Ms. MacKenzie died. So far it hasn't been ruled suspicious, and the roads had been a little wet from the night before, so it’s entirely possible that she just went off the road. But I don't know. Something tells me there was more to it than that."

  "Okay. I'll put Jax on it temporarily. Hopefully I can get the rest of my team together in the next week or two." I studied my partner in crime. "Can you do this?"

  "Yeah. I got this. Kids are easy."

  I sighed. "One of us is going to regret this. And luckily it won’t be me.” I was terrible with kids. They hated me. Babies especially. I had no idea what I was going to do when Penny and Sebastian finally had a kid. I could handle auntie duties, but prolonged tiny human contact, and I was toast.

  "Mr. Bipps, I do suggest that perhaps you be searching for a more long-term solution. I would very much like the contract, but I’m just not sure we’re your indefinite answer."

  He nodded. "Understood. How about we call this a trial assignment. Three months and double your fee since it will require more than one team member to do a full assessment. If after three months you assess no threats toward Miss MacKenzie and Ms. Wellbrook, I will engage a more long-term solution."

  I could work with that. Double our fee was hefty. That meant I could afford to pay Jax and the rest of the team without dipping so far into my reserves. At least while I got my other contracts going. "Fair enough. But may I suggest telling Ms. Wellbrook who we really are? Undercover work can get complicated."

  I'd learned that the hard way. When Penny had gone undercover to guard the king, then prince, lines had gotten blurry really quick. The same for when Roone had been sent to guard the lost princess. It just always got messy. I'd been behind keeping Sebastian in the dark the first time. But after seeing how that almost cost him and Penny each other, I was on team bare-it-all now.

  He shook his head. "She's putting her foot down and insisting she doesn't need security. But my guess is she doesn't understand exactly the kind of lifestyle Ms. MacKenzie led. I'd ra
ther be safe than sorry."

  "Okay. Give us the address and we'll go meet with her." I turned to Jax. "Look like you're her new manny."

  He scowled at me. "You are not calling me that."

  I grinned in response. "Oh no, on the contrary. That's your new nickname."

  I just hoped that I was right about this job. I didn't usually like to put untried people in undercover roles, but if the client was insisting, we had to do what he asked. Besides, Jax Reynolds had a goal. He wasn't going to mess that up by shagging the client.



  I could do this. She was just a baby. Babies were sweet… and cute… and had the propensity to try and kill themselves on a daily basis.

  After leaving Mr. Bipps’s office, I’d made a quick call to work and left a message for Bex and Adam to call me. Then I’d headed straight for the new house.

  I’d chosen to have Child Protective Services meet me at the house in Nob Hill. At least it would be familiar to Mayzie. But maybe that was a mistake.

  It was too weird being there without Willa.

  The woman from Child Protective Services was brisk and no-nonsense. She was all battle axe. Short, stout, built like a brick shit house. Stern face. Hawk-like nose. A narrowed gaze that told me she saw everything. But the way Mayzie clung to her, you would think that she was Mayzie's mother.

  I gave her a tremulous smile. "Hi. I guess you're here for me."

  My attempt at humor was not met with a smile. Instead, she indicated her assistant behind her. He was thin with longish hair and brown skin. "This is Thomas. He has your paperwork, Ms. Wellbrook. There will be a schedule for child visits. We will inspect the home and the support system you've built for Mayzie.

  I nodded as she spoke. She was saying words like check-ups, and appointments, and all these important sounding things. But I couldn't focus. My gaze was glued to the baby in her arms. The baby who was half asleep but looked like she did not intend to go anywhere.

  There was also stuff that came with the baby. There was a stroller and a duffel bag slung over old Battle Axe's shoulder. Thomas held a box of snacks, some well-used books, and a stuffed toy or two.

  "Are those her things?"

  Battle Axe gave me a short nod. "Yes. When we were notified of Ms. MacKenzie's death, we packed a few things from the house. Since you're back in the home, Mayzie should feel more comfortable.”

  Just that morning, I'd signed documents to remove Richard from my accounts. And then I'd signed the guardianship documents. Severing one relationship and starting a whole new one.

  "Of course. Right."

  Old Battle Axe eyed me up and down.

  "I'm going to hand her to you now. This is a good time to ask any questions."

  I stared at her and then stared at Mayzie, half praying that she wouldn't give me the baby.

  I hadn't been this terrified in years. Not since Tom Wells had asked me to the senior prom. In the end, it turned out he’d really wanted to go with Willa instead, so I'd backed down and she'd gone with him.

  "Here she is."

  Battle Axe was holding out Mayzie, who was struggling in her arms and looked like she was trying to hold on to her baby-koala style.

  Poor thing. I reached my arms out and took the squirming baby.

  "Hey, sweetheart. I’m your Auntie Neela. I'm going to be hanging out and taking care of you from now on. You think that might work for a little while?"

  Mayzie blinked up at me with big green eyes and impossibly long lashes. Her little nose scrunched up and she blinked several times as if assessing me. And then her forehead furrowed and she sniffed. And then out came the wail.

  A wail of severe protest as if I had taken away her binky. What in the world had I agreed to?

  Battle Axe said nothing. Just handed over the duffel bag and the paperwork.

  "We'll be back to check on you in a couple of days. Best you two get acquainted."

  I tried to rock Mayzie in my arms and soothe her, but Mayzie was not having it. The screeching only grew louder.

  "Jesus, I just got you. I don't know what you need. When did you last eat?"

  She's not going to talk to you, dumbass. She's a baby.

  I lifted her, wrinkling my nose as I sniffed her bottom. She was dry, and there were no surprises in there. So maybe she was hungry?

  I opened the duffel bag and pulled out a bottle that looked like formula. I tested it on my wrist as I'd seen done on television. Then I stuffed the bottle into Mayzie's little wailing mouth.

  Two little teeth peeped out at me from the bottom of her gums, and I was struck by how adorable they were.

  At first, Mayzie rejected the bottle and shook her little head back and forth. "Look, I know. I clearly don't know what I'm doing. But right now, it's you and me, so we need to figure this shit out. If you're not hungry, tell me. Do you just need to be held? Just tell me. Do you like the rocking?"

  Jesus, I’d already Auntie failed and sworn in front of the baby. I bounced up and down with her a little bit. She did quiet down a little and then snuffled. It was as if she had to stop crying to realize that there was milk in her mouth. Then she immediately started suckling. Her little chubby, dimpled hands reached up to smack the bottle, as if willing it to go faster.

  I sighed, relief rushing through my veins as she quieted.

  "Thank God."

  I held her close and smoothed her hair off her forehead. “I’m really happy to meet you. Your mama was one of my oldest friends. More like family, actually. And I miss her already.”

  Mayzie blinked back at me as she ate. She looked just like Willa, and I fought the pang of grief. I had to keep my shit together. I could do this. I would not fail this little girl. Not the way I’d been failed. I was going to give her what she needed.

  And what about what you need?

  What I needed didn't matter. The rest of my life might be in shambles, but holding Mayzie in my arms felt like the best decision I’d made in years.

  "Well, Mayzie, it looks like we're not in Kansas anymore. But I think you and I… we’ve got this.”


  I most decidedly did not have shit.

  After two days of the demon baby who refused to sleep, I was ready to throw in the towel. Under normal circumstances, I wasn't a quitter. Not by any means. I was the woman who never said die. But that baby, she was killing my will to live.

  Oh, she was the sweetest, most beautiful girl I'd ever laid eyes on, but she was a handful. For starters, she refused to sleep if she wasn't in my bed.

  And then there was the little matter of her refusing to eat anything. The only thing she voluntarily ate was her milk. She loved that. And apparently, avocado. Everything else was met with disdain. And considering there were shelves and shelves of all kinds of baby food in the pantry, I knew it was food she was used to.

  Her mother just died. Cut the baby some slack.

  Bullshit. What about my slack?

  God, I was so tired. I needed to focus on getting some paying clients. Or getting the clients I had to give me more work. Hell, at this point, I’d have been happy with a shower. I was exhausted, and it was showing.

  Mayzie cried constantly. She was a baby, so at least that part I was expecting. But I didn't know how to fix it.

  It was the hardest two days of my life. My usual, no-nonsense attitude of making a plan, sticking to the plan, executing the plan, and delivering it on time and within budget did not apply to babies.

  I didn't know what day it was, I didn't know what time it was, and I was quite certain I was missing a meeting.

  I rushed at the door to my office, Mayzie in tow, certain I was late for an appointment. I had looked this morning as I was leaving, checking my schedule, and saw that at nine a.m. I had a meeting I couldn't remember setting up.

  Which was horrible. I possibly had a new client, which would be good for business, and I was already making a crappy first impression.

  Bex and Adam had stepped u
p, but I couldn’t do another day of this. I needed that damn nanny. I handed Mayzie off to Bex. "Okay, she's had milk this morning. Please see if you can get her to eat some of those peas or whatever. And then if you could just—"

  Bex interrupted. "I’ve got it under control already. Adam and I moved—“

  And I interrupted her as I was peeling off my coat and shaking off the morning's drizzle. "I don't even know who's in my office right now. Do I have a file to prepare?"

  She shook her head. "No, I moved your meeting that was supposed to be 9:30 to make room for this one. These are the people Mr. Bipps sent over.”

  Thank fuck. The nanny agency.

  Bex and Adam exchanged looks. I knew what I looked like. My blouse didn't quite go with this blazer, but it had been the only spare one I had in the car because, of course, Mayzie had spat up as I was getting her out of the car.

  So I’d had to put her back in her car seat and change quickly in the garage before I came up. “Okay, she must be teething or something because she’s been gnawing on her—"

  "Go. You have a meeting."  Bex looked at Mayzie, who, traitorous little baby that she was, practically snuggled into Bex's arms and started cooing. Demon hellspawn.

  Why was it so easy for Bex?

  I didn't have time for that thought. I had a potential savior in my office. I needed to convey a cool and professional vibe, not one as a desperate mother of hellspawn.

  I shoved open my office door and froze.

  There was a man inside. A large man. And from his profile, I could tell that he was a holy shit never seen anyone so hot kind of attractive man. I quickly whipped around to glare at Bex for not warning me, and she shrugged, mouthing at me, "Go."

  I turned back around. How was this guy the nanny?

  "Um, excuse me. Do you know if this is a mistake?"

  His smile was brief as he turned his body. The small movement blocked out the streaks of sunlight into my office. He was tall for sure. Well over six feet was my estimate. But he was mostly lean. Except for his shoulders.


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