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Protecting the Heiress

Page 12

by Nana Malone

  She nodded, encouraging me to continue. "What happened?"

  "Well, my last day at work, I waited for him to pick me up so that we could go. I knew exactly which flight it was. I knew everything. I was bags-packed and ready to move. But he never showed up."

  She blinked at me. "What?"

  "Yeah. That was it. I never saw him again."

  She frowned and shook her head. "Wait, no. Okay so the summer we were sixteen, he was I think, what, eighteen?"

  I nodded. "I know what you're doing. You're trying to time what happened. Basically, he left me to go play for Real Madrid."

  "But—he—He could have taken you with him. It would have been—"

  "Yeah, I know. It would have been a different airline ticket. No big deal. Madrid instead of London. But that was it."

  "Do you think his parents found out and stopped him?"

  "I don't know. The point is he never called, he never wrote, nothing. No text, no Facebook message, no nothing. Just done. Worst part was, it was Ashton who told me. I thought maybe I’d messed up our meeting spot or time, but when I went to the beach to look for him, his brother was there."

  She shuddered. "My God. I’m going to kill him. I know where he is. I will just go and kill him. That's it."

  I eyed her. I was ordinarily the one more prone to violence, but Penny could surprise you. She looked all sweetness and light, but she had a streak in her. She was very protective. "No, he's not worth it. It was nearly a decade ago. It doesn't matter now."

  "What do you mean it doesn't matter now? He left you. You guys had plans."

  "You see why I don't talk about it. It makes me angry. It makes me feel dumb. It makes me feel used. I mean, God, I would have given him anything. A part of me doesn't even understand how it happened between us. He didn't even get anything out of the deal. It's not like I slept with him."

  Then hopeful Penny made an appearance. "But what if something stopped him? What if he was trying to come and get you, and you know his brother, Ashton the fucktard, what if he found out and was gonna tell his parents? Or—"

  I shook my head. "No. Don't make excuses for him. He knew my number and he didn’t contact me. He just didn't want me. Or maybe he got bored or decided there was someone else he'd rather be with."

  "God, I am so sorry that I never knew."

  "I know. And I’m sorry I never told you. I was embarrassed and just felt, I don't know, dumb. And sad."

  She frowned. "But, I came back, and you never said a word."

  "I know. I didn’t want you feeling sorry for me. And I also didn't want you hopping on a plane to go kick his ass."

  "I totally would have done that."

  "I know."

  "I remember you being down in the dumps or something. I couldn't quite place it, but you were not yourself."

  "I tried to cover it and ask you about your trip and how it was and stuff, but it hurt."

  She nodded. “And right after that was when you kind of doubled down on your Michael crush."

  "Yeah. It gave me a distraction, something else to think about."

  "Jesus Christ, Ariel. You haven't seen him at all since then?"

  “No. I mean, he hasn't been home much. And any time he was home, I would ask Ethan for other assignments."

  "Oh my God. You have been avoiding him for ten years."

  "Yeah. Healthy, right?"

  "No. Not healthy at all."

  I shrugged. "Yeah, well. You do what you have to do to survive."

  "And how do you feel now?"

  "Fine I guess. I don't think about him much."

  She lifted a brow. I hated that she could discern when I was lying so quickly. "Okay, fine. I still have a Google alert on him."

  Penny groaned. "Oh my God. He's engaged to some actress or something. I don't know, she seems like she's a gold digger who just wants her princess crown."

  "Yeah. But you know, ever since the whole Ashton thing, Roland's part of the family has been laying very, very low. They weren't exactly exiled, but they've sort of all self-exiled. They’ve kept low profiles, but the real truth is the Regents Council thinks it looks bad to have them around. So they're not officially exiled, but still, they're not exactly welcome back at the palace.” I shrugged. “I mean it makes sense. Ashton was part of the conspiracy. They can’t appear to favor them in any way."

  "But it's not fair. I mean Uncle Roland abdicated the throne. His wife, well, that was a whole other thing. And I guess the whole Robert thing even makes it worse."

  "I know, right? So basically, Tristan is never coming back, which is fine because then I don't have to see him."

  "Oh, honey. I wish you would have told me."

  "Well, it doesn't matter now. I never have to see him again, so it'll be fine. I'm over it anyway."

  Of all the things I'd said today, that was the one thing Penny let me get away with. Because deep down, we both knew it was a lie.



  "Please tell me you have shagged your hot manny."

  "No Bex, I have not shagged the hot manny."

  Bex yelled over her shoulder. "Pay up."

  "Seriously? You two are taking bets on me?"


  Adam yelled back, "She made me."

  I rolled my eyes. “You two are impossible.”

  She grinned. “Oh we know.”

  “Whatever. I’m going to start some initial inventory at the gallery. I’m also going to see if I can find any damn clues about the ledger Willa gave me. Hold down the fort?”

  "Okay. You have fun now and remember, a well-shagged boss is a happy boss.”

  I shook my head as I let myself into the house. To my surprise Ariel was there going over some things with Jax. “Oh, Ariel. I didn’t expect you.”

  She smiled, and I was once again reminded that every single one of these nannies was superhot. “Yeah, kind of impromptu. I’m going over the new schedule with Jax. You look like you’re headed out.”

  She was saying words, but I was too busy watching the way Jax’s jeans fit over his ass. As he leaned on the table, his triceps looked ridiculous. Like he could plant himself above a woman and stay there for hours.

  Oh hell. I dragged my attention back to her and what she was saying. “…I’d totally love to tag along if you don’t mind. I just love that avant-guard stuff, and she repped an artist that I just love.”

  Wait, what? I’d been so busy staring at Jax’s ass and triceps, I’d missed what she was saying. “Oh, uhm. I’m sure it’ll be boring, but you can totally tag along. I’m afraid I don’t know much about art, so I’ll welcome your company.”

  “Oh, that would be awesome. I can drive too, so you can work if that’s easier. Matter of fact, let me go get the car.”

  Wow, she was so helpful. I could totally get used to this having extra help around thing. “Sure. That works.”

  Jax turned, and his azure gaze met mine. “Is there anything in particular you want for dinner? I can get it prepped while you’re out.”

  Christ the man was perfect. Why did he have to work for me again? “Tricep would be great.” There was a beat of silence, then another. Christ, had I said tricep? “Sorry. I meant tri-tip. I think I saw some in the fridge right? And it should be simple to prepare.”

  He grinned and crossed his arms. Almost like he knew that I’d been ogling him like a horny, lonely old maid. “You got it. Anything you need, just ask.”

  Orgasms. Are those on the menu?

  Before I could say anything else stupid, I headed out of the house after Ariel.

  The drive was mostly quiet. And it helped that I could work on the way there. I liked Ariel. She was no-nonsense, and there was something genuine about her. “I appreciate the company.”

  "No worries. I’m a total art buff so this is a treat. And Jax is busy with the baby."

  "Right. He's been a big help. It’s taken some getting used to having to think of the little person all the time."

  "Of c
ourse. Most people have plenty of time to think about it. Even if they're adopting, they still have done nothing but think about having a small person around. She just showed up in your life, so of course, it's taking some time."

  "No kidding, I have no idea what I would have done without Jax.” Fuck, I was going to sound like one of those horny moms. “All of you really. You all are heaven-sent.”

  Her smile was warm. “He’s great with kids. I’m convinced he’s a big kid himself.”

  “I wouldn’t be surprised.” Do not do it, do not pump her for informa— “So, what’s his deal? He’s seriously too good-looking to be let loose on the world.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Please don’t tell him that. I don't think his head could swell anymore.” She laughed. “He’s a good egg though. A bad breakup messed him up, so he’s finding his feet again, I guess.”

  “Who’s the crazy woman who let him go?” Stop it. You might as well wave a flag that says I want to shag your employee.

  “I know, right? He’s not my type, but even I can see he’s easy on the eyes and loyal to a fault.” She studied me as I turned off the alarm at the gallery. “What about you? What’s your story?”

  Shit. “Oh, I’m not interested. I’m not trying to do your employee or anything.” Liar. “Just curious. Someone like him should have family.”

  Ariel didn’t even try to hide her smile. “Nice attempt at deflection.”

  I laughed. “I had a bad breakup too, but I’m not looking. I have to get my company stable and take care of Mayzie, and he works for me, which would be inappropriate.“

  “Uh-huh. But you should date. I hear it’s good for the soul.”

  “Do you subscribe to that?”

  She shook her head, sending her hair cascading around her shoulders. “Nope. But do as I say and not as I do.”

  I laughed. “So anyway, I just wanted to check the gallery because I got an odd call yesterday about a missing piece of inventory, and I haven't been able to shake it lose."

  Her dark brows drew down over green eyes. "What kind of call?"

  "Oh, nothing major, just a client who didn't get a delivery. The delivery of the vase they purchased was supposed to have happened the same day that Willa died. And according to her inventory system, it was delivered that day. I can't shake it, so I figured maybe I'd come in, look in the back, and see if there was anything that said, you know, 'hidden vases here.’"

  Ariel chuckled. "Well, I'm glad you didn’t mind me coming with you. Let's have a look."

  I used the PIN code I'd been given to unlock the inner door. Everything opened, and the alarm system chimed, and I typed in that password as well. All the lights flickered on, shining on the bright white marble floor.

  I'd always loved the gallery. Willa always had the most beautiful pieces displayed. Every time I entered, I felt like I was transported into this whole other world that I only got to visit from time to time. A world of beauty and excellence.

  But now the walls were bare, and the cabinets were empty. I led the way to the back, and Ariel followed. Her shoes barely made any sound on the floor. She was wearing some kind of ballet flat, but it looked somewhat like a runner’s racing flat.

  Back in the day, Willa and I had been on the track team. I ran middle distances, and I’d had racing flats that looked a lot like that. Designed to not make any sound and be light as air.

  There was another PIN code for the inventory room. And when I clicked that door open, I realized that it was actually the majority of the building. "Wow, okay, so where does one find vases?"

  "Well, I have no idea. I mean, is it like some super old antique thing, or what?"

  I shook my head. "No, Willa dealt in modern art. And this particular artist is still creating."

  It took us twenty minutes before we finally found where the vases were. They were all dated and named. Ordered alphabetically. But the one I was looking for wasn't there.

  I shook my head. "It’s not here, so it must have been delivered."

  "Do you have any reason to think it wouldn't have been delivered?" Ariel asked.

  "No. But the client seems so sure, you know?"

  "Well, maybe someone else signed for it. But that's on him, not you. Come on. Some of these pieces are beautiful, but my arachnid senses are giving me the let’s-get-moving vibe."

  We marched out and I locked up behind us. I would have to decide what to do with the gallery space. There were so many pieces in there. But it was part of Mayzie's legacy, so I would have to hire someone to manage it if I wanted to keep it for her.

  As soon as we were back in the main gallery, Ariel stepped in front of me and shoved me back so quickly I blinked.

  And what do you know, for such a little thing, Ariel was strong. She shoved me so hard, my shoulder blades hurt from where they hit the wall. "Ouch."

  A woman called out, "Willa?"

  Ariel pressed a finger to her lips to indicate we needed to be quiet. Why the hell wasn’t she freaked out? Then she stepped out around the corner first.

  There was a shriek. "Oh my God! Oh my God! Thief. Someone has a gun."

  I poked my head around the corner. Then I rolled my eyes. Jane was always overly dramatic. "Jesus Christ, Jane. Ariel, this is Jane MacKenzie. Jane, this is Ariel, she’s a friend and runs a nanny service."

  Jane clutched her purse to her chest and continued to yell. She hadn’t even heard me.

  I thought I’d feel more… something… seeing the woman who had helped raise me. But all I felt was numb. I hadn’t seen her much after I left her house, not even at my graduation.

  "I will call the police. Who do you think you are? Breaking in here with a—" She stopped short when she finally noticed me. “Neela? What in the hell are you doing here? I guess you and Willa finally made up?”

  She didn’t know? Was I going to be the one who had to tell her? She’d always been resentful about taking me in. I’d always felt unwanted in her house.

  But I’d been the daughter she always wished she had. I’d been the one focused on school and not boys. I never got into any trouble. Mostly I’d wanted to be as invisible as possible. Basically, Willa and I had been total opposites.

  When I couldn’t find my voice, Ariel spoke for me. “I’m sorry, ma’am. Willa isn’t here. There is something you should know."

  The older woman frowned. She was the spitting image of how Willa would have looked when she got older. And their personalities were quite similar too. Except Willa had a good-hearted streak of kindness in her that she just rarely displayed. Mrs. MacKenzie, on the other hand, lacked that genuine goodness.

  "What do you mean? What are you people doing in Willa’s gallery? Are you finally showing your true colors and stealing from her?"

  I would never know why this woman hated me so much. But her hatred helped me find my words. “Actually, I’m managing the gallery now."

  She frowned. "What do you mean?"

  I inhaled sharply and released my breath slowly. How was her relationship with her own daughter so estranged that no one had notified her as Willa’s next of kin?

  "Mrs. MacKenzie, Willa died in a car accident almost two weeks ago."

  The older woman blinked at me and stepped back several feet. "You're lying."

  "No. I'm afraid I’m not. Her lawyer, Dan Bipps, is handling the paperwork. Willa was quite specific. She didn’t want a funeral. Just her ashes spread. I was only notified because I was listed as guardian for Mayzie."

  It had been a while since I'd seen a legitimate hissy fit from an adult. Sure, I saw them from Mayzie all the time, but Mayzie was a baby. This woman was grown.

  It started with the denial head shake. And then the stuttered repetition of, "No. No, no, no, no, no." And then the lunging for me. Ariel was surprisingly quick and stepped in front of me, taking the brunt of the attack. The poor girl wasn’t even caught up in any of this.

  And then came the anger. "My daughter would never have left everything to you. She knew you were alwa
ys jealous of her."

  "I'm so sorry, Mrs. MacKenzie. I assumed Mr. Bipps had contacted you since you are her family."

  "You’re lying. This is a lie. Where is my granddaughter? Someone would have notified me to take care of her."

  I shifted uncomfortably on my feet. "Just call Dan Bipps. He's been her solicitor for years."

  "This is a lie. My Willa is coming back."

  Over her shoulder Ariel winced.

  “No, Jane. I’m afraid she’s not.”



  From the hallway, all I could hear was, "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow."

  When I ran to the upstairs balcony, Neela had the ledger out and she was trying to stand. But she was caught somewhere between sitting and pulling herself up to the railing. "You need help?"

  Of course, she was mule-headed, so she said, "Nope. Got it. I'm fine. Go to bed."

  Luckily, I knew better now and ignored her. I jogged over, wrapped my arms around her waist, and helped pull her to standing. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

  "No, I'm not hurt. I just—"

  "It's a lot easier if you don't try and pretend. It's a lot easier if you just tell me the truth. And that way I can fix it."

  "I don't need you to fix anything."

  I glowered down at her with a raised brow. She chewed her bottom lip. "Okay fine. It’s my neck. And the way I've been sitting is sending radiating pain down my back."

  I grinned. "So, your neck and your back?" I could almost hear the song in my head.

  She blinked up at me innocently, but I saw her lip twitch. She was well aware of the song too.

  "It's fine. I, um—" She tried to extricate herself.

  "Oh, you're not going anywhere.”


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