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Where the Rainbow Ends (Summer Lake Silver Book 4)

Page 15

by SJ McCoy


  “I’ll be visiting Summer Lake next month, and I talked to Zack.”

  Diego frowned. “About Morales?”

  “No! You don’t need to worry about him anymore. They threw away the key.”

  “That’s good to know, but I’m still wary that he might somehow come around again.”

  “It’s not going to happen. And that isn’t what I called Zack about anyway. When I was up at Summer Lake with him—when all that went down—I took a liking to the place. And now that I’m coming up on retirement, I’m looking for somewhere quiet and peaceful—”

  Diego grinned. “And Summer Lake fits the bill perfectly!”

  Manny laughed. “It might do. I have a couple of options I want to explore. I’m going to Hope Falls this weekend.”

  “Yeah, that’s a nice place. But you need to come to Summer Lake. Did Zack tell you that I just bought a house here?”

  “He did. That’s why I’m calling. You being there might just swing the decision for me. I’d like to think that wherever I move, I’m going to know at least a couple of people. I know some guys in Hope Falls, but they’re that much younger. I thought it’d be the same at Summer Lake; I know Zack and Colt, but if you’re going to be there …”

  Diego laughed. “You won’t be the only old fart? You’ll have me, and Ted’s building a place here, too.”

  “He is? Zack didn’t mention that. To be fair, he didn’t get the chance. I was too busy interrogating him about your reasons to move there.”

  Diego smiled through pursed lips. He knew the way Manny worked. He wouldn’t ask the question directly; he’d wait for Diego to fill in the blanks for him.

  After a few moments of silence, Manny laughed. “You’re not going to tell me unless I ask, are you?”

  “I am not. Your FBI interrogation tactics won’t work on me. I’m not going to incriminate myself.”

  “There’s something incriminating?”

  Diego laughed. “No, but you’re going to have a lot more questions when I tell you.”

  “It’s okay. Zack told me there’s a woman.”

  “She’s not just a woman, Manny.”


  “No. She’s … she’s …” He didn’t know how to say it. Then he laughed. He did know how to say it; he just didn’t know how Manny would react. “She’s the one. I’m in love.”

  “No shit?!”

  He had to laugh. “No shit. You have to come up here. You have to meet her. You’ll understand.”

  “I can’t wait. Now I’m even more eager to visit. You’re serious?”

  “I am. Whenever you want to come, you let me know. You can stay here.”

  “No. Thanks, but I’ll rent a place. I want to find my feet—see how living there feels. If it’s something I’d enjoy, you know? I can’t figure that out if I’m staying with you as your guest.”

  “True. Do you know when you’ll be here?”

  “It’ll be next month.”

  “And how long will you stay? Have you done anything about renting a place?”

  “Not yet. I don’t suppose you know anyone, do you? There are a couple of property management agencies online, but …”

  “As a matter of fact, I do. The agent I used to buy this place is a great guy. Austin. I’ll send you his contact details when we get off the phone.”

  “That’s great, thanks. I need to get going, anyway.”

  “Okay. I’ll email you now. And keep in touch. Let me know when you’re going to be here.”

  “Will do. It’s good to talk to you.”

  “You, too.”

  Diego hung up with a smile. Manny had been a good friend to him and Zack over the years. If he were to move here to Summer Lake, it’d make Diego happy.

  He checked his watch. Izzy should be back soon, and Zack and Maria wouldn’t be too far behind her.

  ~ ~ ~

  Izzy walked back across the parking lot to the rental car. She felt a little guilty that Diego had insisted that she should use the car. She’d suggested that she rent a second one, but he’d said there was no point. He wasn’t going anywhere this morning, and even if he needed to, he could easily walk into town from the house. He was right. And at least he hadn’t said that he’d rent one for her. She’d braced herself against that. He might be loaded, but she wasn’t exactly a pauper; she could pay her own way.


  She turned when she heard her name being called. She didn’t see anyone she recognized.

  A pretty girl with long dark hair waved at her. “Hi, Izzy!”

  She frowned. She still wasn’t sure who it was.

  The girl hurried over and greeted her with a smile. “Sorry. I know who you are, but you don’t know me! I’m Maria. Zack’s girlfriend … fiancée.”

  “Oh! Hi. It’s nice to meet you.” She held out her hand, but Maria looked at it and then wrapped her in a hug.

  “Sorry. I can’t help it! I’m so excited to meet you. I thought I was running late. Zack texted me to say I need to get home so we can get over to your place. But if you’re still here, I guess I’m okay, too.”

  Izzy liked her immediately. She laughed. “Either that or we’re both late.” She checked her watch. “I thought I’d be back at the house by now, but Audrey and I got to talking, and you know how that goes.”

  “I do. I did the same thing with Angel and Roxy.” She slipped her arm through Izzy’s and started walking. “Where are you parked?”

  “I’m over there.” She pointed to the end of the row.

  “I’m down there, too.” Maria smiled at her. “Please tell me you’re as happy as Diego is?”

  Izzy stared at her for a moment.

  “Sorry! I can’t help it. He’s so wonderful. I just love him to pieces, and Zack does, too. We want to see him happy, and you’ve made him so very happy.” She stopped. “You should probably ignore me. I’m gushing on about Diego. I don’t mean to put you under any pressure or anything.”

  Izzy had to smile. “It’s okay. It doesn’t feel like pressure. And I don’t mind telling you that he’s made me happy, too. You’re right. He’s a wonderful man.”

  Maria grinned. “So, you’re going to move here with him?”

  “I haven’t wrapped my head around that yet.”

  “Oh.” Maria looked so disappointed that Izzy felt bad.

  “I’m not saying I won’t. But he and I have a lot more to figure out first.” She smiled. “And you seem like a real sweetheart, but—”

  “Of course! Forgive me. I shouldn’t even be asking. It’s none of my business. Except it feels like my business. I mean, he’s Zack’s dad, and we so want him to decide to stay up here. It seems like the only reason he wouldn’t stay now is if you …” She stopped short. “Listen to me! Just ignore me, okay? Let’s go all the way back to hello, and I’ll say I’m Maria, it’s nice to meet you.”

  Izzy laughed. “And I’m Izzy; it’s nice to meet you, too.” They’d reached the car now. “I’ll see you at the house in a little while. I’m glad we did this first.”

  “Are you? I feel like I just put my foot in it big time.”

  “No. You’re fine. You care about him. That’s understandable. You’re family, after all.”

  Maria nodded happily. “And I get the feeling that soon you will be, too.” She gave Izzy another hug. “We’re going to have to stick together you and me. We have ourselves two very strong-willed men.”

  Izzy smiled at her. “You don’t strike me as a meek little thing.”

  Maria laughed. “Nope. Not at all.”

  “Perhaps it’s them who need to worry about two strong-willed women, then?”

  Maria shook her head. “Zack doesn’t worry about that. He loves me for it.” She smiled. “And I get the impression that his dad’s the same way with you.”

  Izzy got into the car and started it up. She dialed Diego’s number. She should call and let him know she was on the way. She waved at Maria when she pulled out.<
br />
  “Hola, mi amor.”

  A little shiver ran down her spine at the sound of his voice. “I love it when you talk dirty to me.”

  He laughed. “I don’t think calling you my love is dirty, is it?”

  “No. It’s just the way it sounds, not the words you say.”

  “Hmm. Perhaps I need to talk to you some more later?”

  “Yes, you do. Talk to me like that, and I’m all yours.”

  “In that case, I will. I’ll talk to you like that just as soon as you get home.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can. I’m just leaving the lodge now. Sorry I ran late.”

  “There’s no need to apologize.”

  “I know, but you’re stuck at home, and …”

  “It’s all good. I’m not stuck here. I’m happy here. And it doesn’t matter if Zack and Maria get here before you.”

  “They won’t. I just ran into Maria. She’s leaving here now, too. And she’s going home to get Zack before they come to the house.”

  “Okay. Then I’ll get you to myself for a few minutes before they arrive.”

  She smiled at that. She was looking forward to getting to know Maria and Zack better. But she loved the idea of a little time alone with him first.

  ~ ~ ~

  Diego smiled when he saw Zack’s truck pull up in front of the house. “They’re here.”

  He loved the way Izzy straightened up her shoulders. She came across so strong as if nothing fazed her, but he knew better now. She just put on a brave face. She was strong; he’d hadn’t been mistaken about that. Stronger than any woman he’d ever known. But she wasn’t as indifferent as she made out. She was nervous about meeting his son. But that wasn’t any sign of weakness—not in his eyes. It only made him love her more. She was nervous because she knew how much his son meant to him.

  He went to her and put his arm around her shoulders. “He’s a good boy … well, he’s not a boy anymore. He’s a fine young man. I think you’ll like him.”

  The look in her eyes slayed him. “I’m not worried about me liking him. I’m worried about him liking me.”

  “He’ll love you! Just like his papá does.” He dropped a kiss on her lips.

  “He shouldn’t. Not at first, at least. He needs to get to know me and to make his own judgment. You need to look at this from his point of view. To him, I’m just some woman who’s come along and gotten her claws into his dad. He has every right to be cautious.”

  Diego shook his head with a smile. “He trusts me. He knows I wouldn’t have fallen in love with just some woman.” He kissed her again. “And I do love you, Miss Isobel.”

  He felt her relax, and she smiled. “And I love you. I don’t know what you did to me, but you made me fall in love with you.”

  “And that’s all that matters. It’s all Zack needs to know.” The doorbell rang, and he walked her to the door. He opened it and smiled. “Welcome, welcome. Come on in.”

  Zack grinned at him. “I love this place!”

  “So do we.”

  Zack turned to Izzy. “Sorry. It’s great to see you again. How are you?”

  Diego smiled at Maria as Zack wrapped Izzy in a hug. She looked a little taken aback at first, but she relaxed and hugged him back. “I’m good, thanks. It’s great to see you, too.”

  Maria elbowed Zack out of the way with a laugh. “Move over. I need a hug, too.” She grinned at Izzy. “I haven’t seen you for ages!”

  Izzy laughed. “You’re right, it must’ve been at least an hour.”

  “Come on in.” Diego smiled at them. “Do you want a drink, or do you want the tour first?”

  “The tour!” said Maria.

  “A drink,” said Zack.

  Diego looked at Izzy. “Do you want to be bartender or tour guide?”

  She laughed. “I think I’d make a better bartender.”

  Diego watched Zack follow her into the kitchen. He’d hoped that they would get a few minutes alone together. It was important to him that they should not only get along but hopefully build some kind of friendship of their own.

  Maria winked at him. “They’ll be fine. She’s awesome.”

  He winked back at her. “Is it strange that I’m nervous?”

  She shook her head rapidly. “I get it. But I don’t think you have anything to worry about.” She slipped her arm through his. “Come on. I wasn’t joking that I want the grand tour.”

  He led her through to the family room with its big picture windows overlooking the shoreline.

  ~ ~ ~

  “What would you like?” asked Izzy. Zack seemed nice enough, but she wouldn’t blame him if he was suspicious of her or her motives.

  He smiled. “Honestly?”

  She raised an eyebrow at him, wondering what was coming.

  He laughed. “I’d like you to relax! I promise I don’t bite.”


  His smile was a lot like his dad’s. “I just want to get to know you. I want you to get to know us. You make my dad happy, so I’m inclined to think you must be pretty awesome.”

  She had to smile. “Well, that’s a relief. I thought you were maybe seeing me as some gold-digger who had her claws in him.”

  He laughed out loud at that. “The thought never even crossed my mind. Think about it. Dad’s had to run off his fair share of gold-diggers over the years. He can spot them a mile off.”

  Izzy nodded. It hadn’t occurred to her before, but of course, he would have had plenty of experience with women who saw him as a potential meal ticket.

  “Sorry.” Zack looked serious now. “That probably sounded wrong.”

  She shrugged. “It sounded like what it was—the truth. And don’t worry. It’s not as though you’re all of a sudden making me realize that I’m not the first woman to come into his life.” She had to laugh. “And I’m not going to pretend that he’s the first man to come into mine. I suppose we’re very similar when you think about it. We’ve both seen relationships as short and sweet in the past.” She hoped that conveyed what she meant without making her sound bad. “Neither of us were into anything serious. It just kind of … kind of …” She searched for the right words. “Well, I don’t know about your dad, but for me, it came out of the blue. I don’t mind telling you that I thought he was full of it when I first met him.”

  Zack laughed. “I hope you told him so?”

  She laughed with him. “I did. On several occasions, but he didn’t give up.” She smiled. “And with time, I’ve come to realize that he’s not full of it. He’s …” She met Zack’s gaze. “He’s pretty awesome, isn’t he?”

  Zack nodded happily. “I think he is.”

  “Okay.” She pulled herself together. “Now we’ve got that out of the way, what do you want to drink?”

  “I’ll take a soda, please.”

  Izzy hesitated as she opened the fridge. She almost felt as though he should be getting it, and she should be sitting back as the visitor, the guest.

  Just like his dad, he seemed to read her mind. “I’m going to say one more thing because I get the impression that you need to hear it. I’m glad that he’s met you. I know he wants this to be your home—the both of you. And if there’s anything I can do—and Maria, she loves you already—if there’s anything we can ever do to help, to make this feel like home or anything else, please say so. I want to see him happy. It’s obvious that you make him happy.”

  She turned back to him and set the soda down on the counter. “Thanks, Zack. He makes me happy. I want to make this work. I don’t know what I’m doing … how to handle it, but I’ll get there.”

  He put his hand on top of hers. “You will. And like I say, if there’s anything you need help with—if ever you want to talk—I’m here for you. We’re going to be family, after all.”

  She had to swallow around a lump in her throat. “And you don’t mind that?”

  He frowned. “Mind? Why would I mind?” He squeezed her hand. “I love the idea. I just don’t want any
thing to scare you off.”

  Wow. And she’d been expecting him to maybe give her a hard time.

  Diego appeared in the doorway with Maria at his side. He looked at the way Zack’s hand rested on top of hers, and then he smiled—first at Zack, then at her. He didn’t say anything as he came into the kitchen, but that smile said it all.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “What do you think?” asked Izzy as she came down the stairs.

  Diego rubbed his hands together with a grin and went to meet her. “I think we just had a change of plan.”

  She gave him a puzzled look, and he had to laugh. He cupped her breast in his hand and landed a kiss on her lips. “Looking like that, Miss Isobel, the only place I want to take you is back upstairs.”

  She laughed and swatted his hand away. “There’ll be plenty of time for that when we get home.”

  His heart buzzed in his chest.

  “What? What’s that look on your face about? I mean it. I want to go. We said we’d see Zack and Maria and Audrey and Ted.”

  He nodded. “And we will. This look on my face isn’t about that. It’s because you just called this place home.” He closed his arms around her and looked down into her eyes. “Please tell me that you want it to be our home?”

  She nodded. “I do. I can’t just snap my fingers and say okay, this is it now. But I can tell you that I love the idea. And …” She smiled. “I can also tell you that Zack and Maria make it easy to feel as though we could all become … you know.”


  She nodded again. “Stop grinning at me like that. I’m getting there, okay? But it’ll come more easily by letting it happen than it will by constantly talking about it.”

  He dropped a kiss on the tip of her nose. “Then, I won’t say another word … for now.”

  “Thank you. And going back to the original question, keep your hands to yourself, and tell me if this outfit is okay?”

  He smiled through pursed lips and shook his head.

  “No? Why? What’s wrong? Is it too dressy for the Boathouse?”

  He nodded, still trying to hide his smile. “It’s far too dressy.”


  He chuckled. “Your girls are all covered up, and from the way they’re pointing at me, they’d rather be free in the fresh air.”


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