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The Nik of Time

Page 6

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  His stomach jolted with jealousy. Brock had had the pleasure of Nik’s company. It wasn’t fair. Every time he looked at Brock, all he could see was him writhing in pleasure as Nik fucked him. Colin swallowed the bile rising in his throat. Nikolai had been his.

  He swallowed the urge to cry and settled his gaze on Nik’s face again. Long black lashes caressed high cheekbones. Colin followed the curve of them to a strong, square jaw peppered with stubble. Nikolai’s lips were perfect, too: bottom lip plump and juicy-looking with a thinner top lip. Those lips curved up into a smile and Colin eased back from the side of the bed.

  “Don’t stop now.” Nikolai stretched his arms out, his voice gravelly with sleep.

  “Stop what?” Colin cursed himself.

  “Looking at me.” Nik propped himself up on his hands and let his eyes wander over Colin’s fit and firm physique. Not one hair on that smooth chest. Pert rounded nipples begged to be licked and Nikolai wet his lips thinking about them.

  “I wasn’t.” Colin rolled back over. In two seconds he realized his mistake. Nikolai was on him in seconds. “Hey!”

  “What’s this?” Nikolai pulled Colin’s boxers low on his hip. There, in black ink, was his name. ‘Nikolai’ was tattooed in calligraphy on Colin’s hip.

  “Get off of me!” Colin swung his arm back and caught Nikolai in the gut. Unfortunately, it had no effect.

  “This is my name.” Nikolai ran his fingertips over the tattoo softly. “How long have you had it?”

  “Years, okay? Now get off.”

  “Goddammit, Colin. Talk to me! I find my name tattooed on your body and you still refuse to admit we have something?”

  “That was a long time ago.” Colin got out of bed and grabbed his jeans. “You are not the same anymore.”

  “And you are?”

  “We need to get going.”

  Nikolai took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “Fine. This discussion is far from over, Colin. We have history, you know it and so do I.”

  “Do you?” Colin spat. “Because it seems to me—” Colin bit his lip. He would not get into this now.

  “What? It seems to you what?”

  “Nothing. Come on.”

  They drove out towards the forest. Colin’s arms were wrapped around Nikolai’s waist as the wind blew across his face. He’d been on a motorcycle before, but had forgotten how freeing it was. The bike roared through the forests of Cougar Mountain and then came to a stop. Colin slid off the back of the bike and took his helmet off. He cracked his neck from side to side and bounced on the balls of his feet. Nikolai put his helmet on the seat and turned to face Colin.

  The muscles twitched and jumped in anticipation. Colin couldn’t stop looking at Nik’s chest wrapped in a muscle tee. It was disgusting. The man was so muscular it made Colin feel small. That’s what made Nik so damned intimidating, though. The fact that he could take a life without even blinking. Of course the lives that Nikolai took belonged to the vilest type of predators and killers, men who managed to evade legal authorities as they destroyed innocentlives. Colin stretched his arms out to the side and smiled.

  “Hand-to-hand? Or you have something better in mind?”

  Nik’s dick pulsed in his sweats. Getting to spar with Colin was a turn on. Not too many men could hold their own with him. He couldn’t wait to see what Colin was capable of.

  “I’ve got some shit stashed around here, but I think hand-to-hand will be good for now.”

  Colin brought his hands together and looked right into Nik’s eyes. “Say when.”

  Nik’s brows shot up. “Really?”

  “Scared?” Colin grinned wickedly.

  Nikolai eyed Colin slowly from head to toe. He had a calmness about him that made Nik respect him even more. That was one of the rules of combat. Never let them see your fear. Nikolai got into his fighting stance and motioned to Colin with his fingers. They circled each other slowly, both of them watching the other’s body language. Nik looked for any sign of fear in Colin and saw none. The first blow from Colin missed him by inches and he dove out of the way of another one.

  “Playing for keeps?” Nik sprang back up and blocked another blow from Colin.

  “Come on, Nik. Don’t go easy on me.” Colin faked left, then moved to the right where he caught Nik’s legs and knocked him on his ass. He crouched down by Nik and moved a stray strand of hair from Nik’s brow. “You look good on the ground.”

  “You really want me to go all out?” Nik stood back up and cracked his back.

  Colin leaned into Nikolai’s face. “Let the blood flow.”

  And it did.

  After a half hour of fighting each other, Colin had a busted lip and a black eye. Nikolai hadn’t remained untouched, and he wasn’t loving life either at the moment. Colin was good; he could definitely hold his own against an opponent. Lorenzo and the rest of the assassins on Stefan and Jordan’s team had taught him well. Nik took a long drink of bottled water and handed it to Colin. A hiss escaped him as his lip touched the rim of the bottle.

  “You okay?” Nik turned Colin’s face to his gently.

  “I’m fine,” Colin pushed Nikolai’s hand away.

  “Are you mad at me?”

  “No, why?” Colin poured some of the water over his head. Damn, it was hot outside.

  Nikolai opened his mouth to speak when a noise off to the right had his skin tingling. They were being watched. Nik moved slowly to the bike and grabbed his gun from the saddlebag. The feeling became more pronounced as the trees swayed in the slight breeze and his senses caught an odor. Nik grabbed Colin’s bicep and hauled him up. A low growl floated on the wind and Nik pushed Colin behind him.

  Colin peeked around Nik’s massive form. It seemed as if a small tornado was forming right in front of them. Leaves and dirt were pulled into the vortex and then the vortex became a man. Colin recognized him right away. It was the see-through guy.

  “Jesus, Chance!” Nik sighed. “There is such a thing as a cell phone!”

  “Oh, I know, but this is WAY more fun. Hi, Colin.” Chance’s brows furrowed. “Why do you look like you just went ten rounds with Nikolai?”

  “Because he did.” Nikolai stepped up to Chance and lowered his voice. “Is Logan with you?”

  “Yes. He’s running around with the guys a few miles away.” Chance eyed Nikolai. “Looks like you didn’t escape without injury either.”

  Colin chuckled.

  “So, I see you came for a visit. Where are you staying?”

  “Cole’s house. He invited us to stay with him.” Chance smiled at Colin. “I can fix that you know.”

  “Fix what?” Colin walked over to Chance and Nikolai.

  “Split lip.” Chance pulled Colin’s face up gently.

  Colin snickered. “Oh can you?”

  Chance smiled and waved his hand in front of Colin’s face. The busted lip and black eye disappeared.


  Colin gasped as the pain left him. It wasn’t just his face either. All the pain was gone. Colin touched his lip gently.

  “Okay, that’s, like, freaky.”

  “I learned something else, too.” Chance turned his attention to Nikolai. “Can I?”

  “When haven’t you?” Nikolai laughed.

  Chance frowned, but placed his hands on either side of Nikolai’s head at his temples.

  “Close your eyes,” Chance whispered.

  Chance closed his own eyes, and recited the incantation he’d learned. The visions came slowly, like on an old projector. The picture skipped and bounced, but then Chance saw it clearly. Nikolai’s memories were flowing through him. The first one came into view. It was blurry, and dark brown eyes were looking at him with concern. The face was of a four year old. Chance knew it was Colin Greystone. The visions bounced again and Chance went with them. Always seeing through Nik’s eyes, he watched as Colin read to him, held him and kissed his forehead. The happy memories were soon replaced with darkness and fear. Chance shivered from th
e cold seeping into his body from Nikolai’s memory. This one was locked deep. Chance pushed harder. A black-haired man with blue eyes was in his face, snarling. Then the pain came. Chance cried out and shot backwards onto his ass. His breathing was erratic and he was sweating.

  “What is it?” Nikolai flew to Chance’s side.

  “You’ve locked it so far—so deep,” Chance whispered. “It must have been horrible for you.”

  Nikolai tensed. “You saw Yuri.” Nikolai’s heart raced in his chest. He’d put that memory aside for a reason. The things Yuri had done to him. The things he had done to Yuri. Nikolai felt a hand slide into his and then Colin pressed into his back. Peace swept over him and he took a deep breath. Colin was his foothold, the one who brought him back from the darkness. The thought took him by surprise and a memory of Colin holding him came to the forefront. He turned to face Colin.

  “You were there.”

  Colin nodded slowly. “Yes.”

  “You came to me when I was brought back.”

  Again, Colin nodded. “Yes.”

  Chance shook his head clear. “Geez, I need a drink.”

  Nikolai looked up at the sky. It was going to get dark soon. He hadn’t realized how long they had been out there. “We need to get going anyway. How long will you be here?”

  Chance stood up and smiled. “Couple of days. Logan wants to hang out with the boys.”

  “Logan?” Colin asked.

  “Yep, the man of my dreams,” Chance winked.

  “Maybe we’ll hit the club? “Nikolai hugged Chance. “Do some witchy recon?”

  “I can do that.” Chance turned to Colin. “It was good to see you again.” He shook Colin’s hand. “Take care of Nik for me, will ya?”

  “I think Nikolai’s good at taking care of himself.” Colin walked back to the Harley.

  Nikolai watched him go.

  “He’ll come around, Nik. Just give it time,” Chance smiled, taking his friend’s hand.

  “What if he doesn’t? I don’t know how else to prove to him that’s he’s it for me.”

  “Patience,” Chance said with a smile. “I know you can do it.”

  Nik snorted.


  The ride to Scott and Tristan’s was quiet. Not that Colin could hear anything over the roar of Nik’s bike anyway. Things were strained again and Colin didn’t know if that was a curse or a blessing. Damn the tattoo. He’d put it there when he turned eighteen — a reminder of the person who had captured his heart when he was four years old. That little boy had grown into one hell of a mighty fine man. Colin closed his eyes and rested his head against Nik’s back. Nikolai stiffened against his cheek and Colin tightened his grip around the younger man’s waist. How was he supposed to tell Nik how he felt? The man fucked everyone. Colin sighed. The bike slowed and pulled up to the curb. Nikolai killed the engine and removed his helmet. Colin unwrapped himself and slid off. Nikolai did a quick check of their surroundings before leading Colin up the stairs to the apartment. Scott opened the door.

  “Well, if it isn’t the fugitives.”

  Nik grinned and stuck his hand out. “Delange.”

  “Markov.” Scott shook Nik’s hand and then turned his attention to the man at his side. “Colin Greystone?”

  “That would be me.” Colin put his hand out and Scott shook it.

  “Well, come on in.” Scott backed away from the door, letting the two men inside.

  “Where’s Tristan?” Nik checked out the apartment. It screamed alpha males. Rustic furniture all done in browns and blacks.

  “Went to the store. I told him Nikolai Markov was gracing us with his presence.”

  “So, steaks?” Nik grinned.

  “Yep, T-bones.” Scott walked into the kitchen. “You guys want a drink?”

  “Um, water please?” Colin looked around the apartment. “So, how long have you two been together?”

  Scott closed the fridge door and came back into the living room. “Almost a year now.”

  “They hated each other.” Nikolai took the proffered water bottle and sat down on the couch.

  “Hate is such a strong word,” Scott chuckled, motioning to Colin to go ahead and sit. “We just clashed.”

  “That’s a mild way of putting it.” Nikolai chugged his water.

  “So,” Scott sat back on the couch. “How are your father and Devin?”

  “They’re both still alive, so it’s a plus,” Nik laughed.

  Colin furrowed his brows. “You mean Uncle Tanner?”

  “Yes, but he hasn’t decided whether he’s going to use his birth name or the one he’s answered to for the last 20 years,” Nik said.

  “So he’s still Devin Tanner Lyons McKinley Panchenko?” Scott stifled a snicker.

  “Yep,” Nik laughed.

  The front door banged open and rustling sounds came from the foyer.

  “Babe?” Scott tilted his head, listening.

  “Yup, it’s me.” Tristan juggled the shopping bags.

  “I’m coming to help.” Scott got up and smiled when Nik and Colin rose as well. “You guys are guests, you don’t have to help.”

  “Pfft, yeah right,” Nik grinned and walked towards the front door. Tristan had more than five bags and was trying to shut the door. “Hey, Tristan, this is Colin Greystone.”

  Tristan handed a bag to Scott and put his hand out to Colin. “Good to meet you, Colin.”

  “Likewise, thanks for putting us up.” Colin shook Tristan’s hand. The guy was tall, and built. The way he looked at Scott spoke volumes for his feelings toward the dark-haired, dark-eyed man.

  “No problem,” Tristan grinned. “Scott will just have to suffer without me for one night.”

  “Whatever,” Scott waved his hand in the air. “You just stay on your side of the bed.”

  “I’ve got headphones,” Nikolai winked. “Have at it.”

  “So anyway…” Scott glared at Nik. “Grill time?”

  “Yep,” Tristan nodded.


  The steaks were cooked so perfectly Colin almost moaned when he bit into it. Baked potatoes with all the fixings were served as well. Colin took a spoonful of broccoli salad and handed the bowl to Nik.

  “So, I hear you had some problems?” Tristan poured A1 sauce on the corner of his plate.

  “I wouldn’t—” Colin started.

  “Yes, we did.” Nik narrowed his eyes at Colin. “When someone drives straight at you in a dark parking lot with their high beams on, I consider that an attempt on your life.”

  “Or if they shove a needle in you.” Scott shivered at the memory of his own close call.

  Tristan took Scott’s hand and kissed the palm.

  Nikolai cleared his throat. “So, Colin met Chance.”

  Scott smiled and winked. “How did that go?”

  “He astral projected,” Nikolai grinned. “Then he showed up in the forest while Colin and I were sparring. I guess he’s taken to the vortex way of traveling.”

  Colin choked on his potato and Nikolai clapped him on the back.

  “Do you just come out and tell everyone?” Colin spluttered.

  Scott sat back in his chair and smiled at Colin. “Oh, we know all about Chance. He’s a warlock, among other things.”

  “Other things?” Colin furrowed his brow.

  Tristan eyed Nikolai. “Paul knows; I don’t see why Colin can’t.”

  “My dad? What does my dad know?” Colin’s eyes bounced from Nikolai to the other two men.

  “Well,” Nikolai sat back and folded his hands in front of him. “Your father was let in on a little secret in Ireland. Since he took it pretty well, I’m sure you will too. I don’t have to tell you to keep it to yourself though, do I?”

  “Keep what to myself?” Colin narrowed his eyes at Nik.

  Scott sat forward. “Tristan and I - how shall I put this?”

  “We’re werewolves,” Tristan jumped in.

  Colin’s brows shot up to his hairline. “Werewolves
? Like, you change into a wolf?”

  “Yep, pretty big ones too,” Nikolai supplied. “Their alpha, Wayne Maccon, is a created werewolf. Every werewolf in his line is ten times bigger than a normal werewolf,” Nikolai chuckled. “Normal, yeah right.”

  Scott studied Colin’s face. “You don’t seem too surprised.”

  “Well, I just met a warlock so,” Colin shrugged. “I’ve always believed in stuff like that anyway.”

  “You have?” Nikolai turned in his chair to look at Colin closely.

  “Well, yeah, sure,” Colin grinned. He turned his attention back to Scott and Tristan. “Can I see?”

  “I think not,” Nikolai growled.

  “Why not?” Colin swung around to Nikolai.

  Tristan chuckled. “We have to get naked. Kind of ruins our clothes if we shift with them on.”

  Colin chuckled. “I’ll keep my eyes on your face.”

  Scott stood up and backed away from the table. He removed his shirt and went for the button on his jeans. Nikolai’s grunt stopped him and he smiled at the younger Markov.

  “Nik, come on. It’s just nakedness.”

  “It’s your nakedness.” Nikolai put his hand over Colin’s eyes.

  Colin swatted Nik’s hand away and smiled at Scott. “Go ahead.”

  Colin watched in fascination as Scott Delange removed the rest of his clothing. The guy was built. He had a fantastic chest. Colin’s eyes widened as Scott’s canines elongated and claws sprouted from his fingertips. It was over in seconds. Scott sat on the kitchen floor as a wolf. A very large wolf.

  “Holy shit, that is so cool!”

  Tristan grinned at his mate and patted his head, scratching behind his ears. “He’s beautiful, isn’t he?”

  “And you’re one, too?” Colin eyed Tristan.

  “Yes, there are quite a few of us actually.”

  Nik took Colin’s hand. “Sebastian and Wyatt, Colin.”


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