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The Nik of Time

Page 15

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “Night, Colin.”


  ~*Chapter Twelve*~

  Nikolai gazed into the darkness covering Germany. The plane was dipping down to ten thousand feet and he and the rest of the men were getting ready for the jump. Colin looked nervous and was pacing. Nikolai cracked his neck from side to side, surveying all the men on the plane. The Skull Blasters were lined up with some of the werewolves. Nik had met most of them and had finally gotten a better look at Jude Brooks. He was standing next to Scott Delange, on the opposite side of the plane from Hayden.

  Nikolai’s brow rose as Jude’s eyes scanned Hayden from head to toe while Hayden’s back was to him. Nikolai chuckled and Jude turned his head to look at him. Nikolai waggled a finger at him and Jude’s face flushed. Lights flashed along the floor and above their heads and Nik walked over to Colin. He checked his chute and made sure he was strapped in properly.

  “It’s not my first jump, Nik,” Colin smiled as Nikolai re-checked everything.

  “I know, I’m just…” Nikolai ran his hands through his hair.

  “Worried?” Colin provided.

  “Yeah.” Nikolai scanned the men again and found Sebastian standing by his husband with his eyes closed. Nicholas was rubbing Sebastian’s back.

  “Well don’t be.” Colin walked to the back of the plane as the doors opened. He stood with the rest of the men as the wind whipped through the plane.

  Mateo turned to the group. “Everyone has their map?” he shouted.

  He looked at all the nodding heads. “Good. You know the plan - one werewolf with one human. No talking on the radio unless absolutely necessary. Everything goes telepathically. Got it?” Mateo looked up as the lights flashed from red to green. “Go!”

  Nikolai waited for Colin to jump, and then went right after him. The darkness swallowed them and Nikolai looked at the altimeter on his wrist. Hayden flew by him and that’s when he noticed it: Jude was in trouble. His chute hadn’t opened properly.

  Jude was in a spin, freefalling at a rapid rate. Although he knew he’d survive an impact because of the healing properties of being a werewolf, God knows he didn’t want that kind of pain. A body slammed into his and then Hayden was cutting his chute.

  “Hang on!” Hayden yelled. He clipped Jude to himself and opened his chute.

  They were propelled upward and Jude let his forehead rest on Hayden’s chest. His heart was slamming against his ribs.

  “I’ve got you,” Hayden whispered in Jude’s ear.

  “Hayden,” Jude croaked.

  “It’s okay. Just hold on.”

  Shifting his eyes, Hayden’s night vision could make out the rest of the men floating down around them. The ground was approaching and he held Jude more closely. They glided in and Hayden took the brunt of the impact. He unclipped Jude and he teetered off to the side, holding his stomach.

  “Are you okay?” Hayden rubbed Jude’s back.

  “I’m fine!” Jude snapped.

  Hayden stepped back and gave Jude some room. Footsteps sounded behind him and he turned to see Scott making his way over.

  “Everything okay?” Scott raised his brows.

  “Yeah,” Hayden stepped back further. “He’s all yours. I have to go find Colin.”

  Scott frowned as Hayden made a quick retreat. He narrowed his eyes at Jude.

  “Oh, what?!” Jude bristled.

  Scott shook his head and looked at the time. “Come on, let’s go.”


  Hayden found Colin with Nikolai and Chance. The warlock was going to be a big asset in their attack. All the teams checked in telepathically and went about finding their spots in the woods. Hayden took Nikolai aside, all while looking over his shoulder at Colin speaking softly with Chance.

  “You’re going to have to let him walk up there,” Hayden said flatly.

  Nikolai looked over at Colin and tried to smile. “I know. I don’t like it, but Colin’s his own man. I can’t treat him as if he’s breakable.”

  “You want to stand in front of him, don’t you?” Hayden searched Nik’s face.

  Nikolai sighed in frustration. “Hell, yes, I do! You have no idea what I’d do to protect him.”

  Hayden sighed sadly. “Yeah, I do.”

  Nikolai patted Hayden’s back. “You did good with Jude. I saw it. We need to move.”

  “I’ll watch his back, Nik. You have my word,” Hayden put his hand out to Nikolai.

  “I know you will.” Nikolai shook it and they bumped fists.

  Hayden beckoned to Colin, and Chance walked over with him.

  “You ready, Chance?”

  Chance nodded. “I think so. I’m going to get into position as close as I can. I haven’t tested it from far away.”

  “I’m sure you’ll do fine.” Hayden sent a mental message to Seth.

  “You with Mateo?”

  “Yep. The snipers are all in place. Ross is with Josh.”

  “The rest of the teams will be here. Hold tight,” Hayden said.

  “Now we wait.”


  Within twelve hours, the massive attack group was situated around Carmine Rizzo’s stronghold. Nikolai was perched in a tree with Logan MacLeod. Chance was in the trees much closer to the building and Nikolai could tell Logan was nervous about it. Nikolai zoomed his binoculars in on Hayden with Colin. The much taller werewolf was sniffing the air around them. It was way too quiet. Nikolai tapped Logan on his shoulder and mouthed “Something’s up.”

  Logan tensed as messages came in from other teams. Carmine’s men were out in the forest. Logan sent a message to Chance to put his spell into effect. Right before his eyes, the assault team members disappeared. Logan elbowed Nikolai and he nodded. They climbed down from their position and began their frontal attack on the building, cloaked in invisibility. Nikolai knew more teams were climbing on the roof and there was a team infiltrating the back.

  The front door of the building looked like a garage door; it had to be three inches thick, and made of steel. Colin was the only person visible. Nikolai’s heart raced as Colin walked out into the open — hands up. Men came out into the open and surrounded him.

  A shot rang out, reverberating around the forest, and a loud cry pierced the air. Nikolai spun around — they were all visible.

  “Fuck!” Nikolai shouted, shooting the guy right next to him.

  “Chance!” Logan shouted.

  Jude covered the gunshot wound in Chance’s shoulder. “It’s a sniper!” he shouted into the radio.

  “I’ve got him,” Mateo said calmly. He zeroed in on the man sitting on the top of the building. “Bye-bye, bitch,” he whispered. The bullet sped from his rifle and went right through the other sniper’s scope, blowing out the right side of his head.

  “Nikolai!” Colin struggled in the grip of two men.

  “Oh, hell no!” Nikolai sprinted as the garage doors were coming down. “Hayden!” he shouted.

  Hayden slid his hand under the door right before it shut. “Hurry!”

  Nikolai rolled under the door. He realized another door just like this one was rolling down. He rolled under that one just before it slammed behind him.

  Gunshots went off and Nikolai leapt for cover behind a wall.

  They were cut off.


  Chance closed his eyes. His body had already removed the bullet on its own and he was healing. He cast the spell again and hoped it would work. Hayden disappeared by the front door and Chance sighed in relief. He could hear the teams shuffling around the building and their thoughts invaded his head.

  “You have to get that door open, guys,” Chance said.

  “Working on it. There’s a team infiltrating the roof,” Logan replied. “Are you okay? I swear to God –”

  “I’m fine; just watch your back, okay?” Chance pleaded.



  Colin struggled as Carmine Rizzo walked slowly towards him. He didn’t know if Nikolai was okay. Th
at was the worst part — not knowing. Carmine’s lips rose in a smile and Colin felt the urge to puke. This was his biological father? Oh, hell no. There was no way in hell he was going down without a fight. The hands on his arms eased up as Carmine waved a hand at his men.

  “I trust you were not hurt? I am sorry my men deviated from their orders in Siberia.”

  Colin narrowed his eyes.

  “I am being truthful, my son. I wanted you alive.”

  “I am not your son,” Colin spat.

  “Oh, but you are, Colin.” Carmine’s nose wrinkled. “Although I would not have named you ‘Colin;’ it is not Italian.”

  “That’s because I’m Irish, you fucking asshole,” Colin snarled. Colin’s head snapped back as Carmine’s hand hit his face. He reeled forward and taunted “Some father you are! My dads never laid a hand on me!”

  “You will show respect!” Carmine roared.

  “The fuck he will.”

  Colin spun sideways and saw Nikolai at the end of the hall.

  Carmine nodded to his men. “Take care of him.”

  Colin took that moment to make his move. He swung his leg out, hitting Carmine in the balls, and then bit the man who was holding his arm. He got free and grabbed the gun from the second man.

  “Kill Markov!” Carmine shouted, barely able to get up.

  Nikolai twirled his long swords in both hands, and ran down the hall. Men screamed as he sliced through them. Nothing registered in his brain except for one thing: save Colin. This was what it had come down to — life or death, and he was going home with Colin. Gunshots went off and Nikolai ducked, spinning his body, swords out.

  “Come and get me you son of a bitch!” Nikolai thundered. “Show your fucking face, Rizzo! You fucking coward!”

  Heat tore through his bicep just as Nikolai heard Colin’s warning shout.

  He slid to a stop in front of two armed guards. He grinned and lifted both swords in front of him. He looked down at his shoulder, and then raised one eyebrow.

  “A nine millimeter? Please. Be a fucking man and at least have a .45.”

  Colin took the guards’ legs out from underneath them, sending both to the ground. The two men turned away from Nik for a split second — but it was enough.

  “Don’t wound what you can’t kill,” Nikolai smirked.

  Colin put his hand out to shield his face as blood splattered the wall.

  A shot rang out and Colin flew backwards, hitting the wall.

  “Colin!” Nikolai shouted frantically, searching the hall for the shooter. He spotted the man taking cover behind a wall.

  Nikolai ran for the wall as Carmine came unglued.

  “You were not supposed to shoot my son!” he screamed.

  Nikolai kept running. The man taking cover was pulling the trigger, but nothing was happening. Nikolai grinned.

  “Gun jam? How unfortunate.” He swung a sword, effectively decapitating the man.

  Carmine looked around in a panic. Colin was down and not moving. His men were all dying. He turned and ran for the door at the end of the hall.

  “Let’s settle this like men, shall we, Carmine?” Nikolai threw his swords down, sparing a quick glance to gauge Colin’s condition.

  “You are not a man, Nikolai,” Carmine laughed.

  “Then you won’t have any problems fighting me one on one, will you?” Nikolai walked down the hall towards Carmine. “Come on, old man.”

  Colin managed to sit up. Carmine’s back was to him and then he saw it — Carmine whipped a gun out from behind him.

  “Nik!” Colin shouted.

  The loud sound of the gun firing echoed down the hall. Nikolai flew back from the force of impact and hit the floor.

  Carmine chuckled and stood over Nikolai, the gun aimed at his heart. “I am smart enough to carry a .45, Nikolai. Now I will have the extreme pleasure of relieving you of your life, and I will take my son with me. He is a Rizzo.”

  In that brief instant, Colin jumped on Carmine’s back and placed his arm around his neck.

  “Wrong,” Colin hissed. “I’m a Greystone.”

  The loud snap of Carmine’s breaking neck filled Colin’s ears and he threw Carmine to the floor. He fell to his knees beside Nikolai.

  “Baby, open your eyes!”

  Nikolai’s lashes fluttered. “Colin?”

  “Yes! Don’t you fucking die on me!” Colin looked around the hallway. “Someone help us!” he pleaded, putting pressure on Nikolai’s wound.

  “They say your life flashes before your eyes when you’re dying. It’s cheesy, huh?” Nikolai coughed and looked into Colin’s eyes. “I can see it now. It’s all there,” he whispered. “Your face, your eyes - you loved me so much. Then you left. Why did you leave?” Nikolai’s head fell to the side.

  Colin’s cheeks were wet with tears. “Don’t leave me, Nikolai! I left back then because I was in love with you. You were ten, I was fourteen - I had to put distance between us.” Colin looked up towards the ceiling. “Someone! Please!”

  Nikolai raised a hand to Colin’s face. “I love you, Colin. I think I always have. You were the block. When you left…I couldn’t deal with the pain.”

  “I’m here now,” Colin sobbed. “Please don’t go, don’t leave me, Nik. I promise I’ll never leave your side again. Just don’t leave mine.”

  Nikolai smiled weakly. “It’s all coming back. I can see it all now. I love you so much, Colin.”

  The air around them warmed and Colin held his breath, hoping it was Chance arriving. A bright light appeared in the corner and a form took shape. A blond man, with a bright glow around his head, appeared. He ran to Nikolai’s side and long fangs descended from his gums. He bit his own wrist.

  “You are?” Colin spluttered.

  “Aidan. I’m here to help.” Aidan carefully dripped his blood into Nikolai’s open chest wound. He turned to look at Colin. “He will be fine now. The fates have plans for the both of you.” Aidan caressed Colin’s cheek. “Your love for each other, it’s like a beacon. Take care of each other.”

  Colin nodded. “O-okay.”

  Aidan frowned. “You’ve been shot.”

  Colin looked at his shoulder. “Yeah, and it hurts. Unlike Nikolai, I can’t get shot and then go shopping.”

  Aidan arched both eyebrows, then dripped blood into Colin’s wound.

  “How did you know?” Colin searched the man’s eyes.

  “Chance. He was here, but not fully. He called for help; I came.”

  Colin checked out his surroundings. “Are we safe now?”

  Aidan nodded. “The werewolves and humans have infiltrated the building. Chance has put a protection spell around you until they have cleared it.” Nikolai moaned and Aidan smiled. “Take good care of him.”

  “I will. Thank you.” Colin leaned over and held Nik in his arms.

  “Colin?” Nikolai struggled to sit up.

  “You’re okay; some shining dude saved you with his blood.” Colin cupped Nikolai’s face. “Are you crazy?”

  “Yep,” Nik grinned. He sobered and took Colin into his arms. “Thank God you’re okay. When I heard the gunshot, and then you —”

  “Oh, I wasn’t as bad off as I pretended to be,” Colin chuckled.

  “Fuck, I love you,” Nikolai sighed.

  “I love you, too,” Colin smiled.

  “Let’s get the hell out of here.” Nikolai stood carefully. A loud noise above them caught his attention and he aimed his gun at the ceiling. The air conditioning vent dropped open and Hayden’s head popped out.

  “You guys okay?” he asked.

  Nikolai lowered his gun and shook his head with a smile. “Yeah, we’re good. Little late, aren’t you?”

  Hayden scowled.


  The team had gone to Sicily for some rest and recuperation. Damon Santorno’s mansion was filled to capacity with the Skull Blaster team and his own.

  Colin’s fathers were waiting for him when they arrived. To say he was happy to
see them was an understatement. The first thing Mark did was pull him into his arms and hold him close. He had always been the quiet and gentler father as Colin was growing up. The one who read him bedtime stories, took him to get his shots and kept his other father from killing doctors. It was as if Mark knew how he was feeling the moment he looked at him.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay,” Mark whispered into Colin’s ear.

  “I…” Colin gripped his father tighter. “I had to…”

  “I know,” Mark whispered. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Why?” Colin whispered.

  “Because you’re hurting and I never want to see you in pain. Just know that anything you did, your father and I will never judge you; we will never love you any less.” Mark eased out of the hug and held Colin’s face. “We love you.”

  “Damn straight.” Paul pulled Mark and Colin into his arms. “You are our son, Colin.”

  “Yes, I am.”


  Colin stood in the shower and watched the blood flow down the drain; Nikolai’s blood was mixed with his own. Colin held his hands up and looked at them. He’d killed Carmine Rizzo with his bare hands. He felt the bile rising as what he had done came full circle. He jumped out of the shower and leaned over the toilet. Warm hands came around him, holding him close and he leaned back into Nikolai’s strong frame.

  “Hey, you okay?” Nikolai kissed Colin’s neck. “It’s hitting you, huh?”

  Colin nodded. “I thought I was over the adrenaline high and low puking.”

  Nikolai nuzzled Colin’s neck and handed him a wet cloth. “Don’t do that. I know what’s really bothering you. Don’t hide from me, Colin. You killed Rizzo, and although he was an asshole, he was still your flesh and blood. It’s okay to feel the way you do.”

  “How is that all right?” Colin stood up. “He shot you! He wanted you dead! He deserved to go down!”

  Nikolai took Colin’s shaking hands and held them to his chest. “It’s okay, Colin. Even the strongest men have a hard time taking a life.”

  “That wasn’t the first life I’ve taken.” Colin lifted his chin. “I’ve killed before, for the same reasons you have.”


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