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Page 7

by Laurann Dohner

  Chase gripped him by his throat. “I never forget a threat.” He growled. “You’re dead if you and any of your friends attempt to go after my mate.”

  “Is the lad being a problem?”

  The deep voice with the Iris brogue came from behind him. “No, Blaron.” It annoyed Chase that his friend could move so silently that he hadn’t heard his approach but the noise in the club had help mask his approach. “Just making friendly conversation with one of the customers.”

  “Ah.” The big, kilt-wearing vamp stepped closer, pausing next to him. “Marcus, a bonny lass is at your table and you’re bothering my friend? Shame on you. That’s the thing I find most wrong with the younger generations. Stupidity and rudeness run rampant.”

  Chase squeezed enough to prevent the vamp within his grip from responding. It would have crushed a human’s throat but the bloodsucker just winced in pain.

  “I resent that. I’m younger but I have manners. His head is still on his shoulders. I know the staff hates to clean blood off the floors and it would spook the guests who aren’t aware of what he is.”

  “True.” Blaron grinned, fingering the long blond braid that fell over his shoulder. “I take it this is about the lass you took as a mate?” He glanced at him. “I never forget a scent. I’ve smelled her before on you.”

  “Let’s discuss this in a more private setting.” He didn’t want his friend to give anyone hints on the identity of Jasmine. She had family and friends that his enemies could target.

  “Sure.” The older vamp’s humor disappeared as he circled around Marcus to stand at his back. He leaned in to put his lips near his ear. “You’re in my house and that is my friend. Am I clear, young’un?” One hand clamped on the vampire’s shoulder. “Should I allow him to rip off your head to save me the trouble?”

  Marcus whimpered, panic widening his eyes.

  “That’s what I thought.” Blaron stepped back. “The staff hates cleaning up piss too. Drop him before he wets his pants.”

  Chase grudgingly released Marcus. The frightened vamp would have returned to his table but Blaron halted him with a chilling glare. “Anyone who threatens or goes after someone under my protection won’t see the following night. Am I clear?”

  “Yes.” The voice came out raspy but Marcus could talk.

  “That includes mates. His, specifically, and any of her kin. Are you hearing me?”

  Marcus gave a sharp nod.

  “And don’t be thinking you can have someone else do your bidding. Anyone so much as breathes on them and I’m blaming you.”

  Marcus nodded again.

  “Now go sit your arse down and be nice to that bonny redhead waiting for you. She’s a looker and I want her to return here often. It’s good for business.” Blaron stepped to the side. He glanced at Chase and jerked his head in the direction of the offices.

  Part of Chase was relieved. His friend had just announced to the entire club that his protection extended to Jasmine. Every vamp in the place would have noted the exchange. He followed Blaron to the side doors, down a set of stairs and beyond the noise of the club once he sealed them inside the office.

  Lethal sat behind a desk and peered up at him with lively blue eyes. “Interesting.” His nostrils flared. “The real estate agent?”

  Alarm shot though Chase and a snarl burst from his mouth. “Were you having me followed? We are supposed to have trust.”

  The tall vampire rose to his feet, his leather pants rubbing against the chair. “Easy.”

  “How do you know about my Jasmine?”

  “I can smell her.”

  “How do you know what she does for a living?” Suspicion grew.

  Dark eyebrows rose and a smirk twisted the male’s lips. “I recommended her to you, remember? I’ve used her a few times.”

  Chase reacted, leaping over the desk and shoved the big bastard into a wall to pin him there with the claws that shot out from his fingertips. “You touched my mate?” The urge to kill his friend was so strong he barely resisted. “Fed from her?”

  Blue eyes widened. “Hell no! The lass helped me buy a few homes. I never tossed her skirts up and bedded her. Nor did I bleed her.”

  “She didn’t mention me to you.”

  “She wouldn’t.” Lethal cleared his throat and frowned. “I just blurred her memory of my name and what she helped me acquire. I even paid the lass. You know I don’t like anyone knowing where I buy property. They were my safe houses.”

  Blaron cleared his throat. “Gentlemen? Are we going to fight? Allow me to move the computers at least. It’s payroll day and nothing is worse than snarling employees bent out of shape.”

  Chase withdrew his claws and stepped back. “We’re good.”

  Lethal grinned. “She’s a bonny lass who will make you a wonderful mate. You hid her scent well. I had no idea you were even dating anyone.”

  He hesitated, glancing at them both. “It was spur of the moment. You know that rogue you asked me to hunt? He’s dead but she was one of his victims.”

  A growl sprang from Lethal. “Is she well?”

  “I healed her. She will be fine.” Chase rounded the desk. “She was the only one who survived. We need to keep a closer eye on missing persons reports.”

  “Agreed.” Blaron fingered the sword attached to his belt. “We’ll dispatch those damn rogues from our city. We don’t need any more problems.”

  “You’re going to hate to hear this then.” Chase sat in a chair. “My pack isn’t going to take it well that I mated.”

  His friends took seats too. “What makes you believe that?”

  He held Lethal’s curious gaze. “My lead enforcer backed down when I gave him the opportunity to challenge me outside but he didn’t want to. He’s not happy my mate isn’t a member of the pack and that means I can’t trust him as far as I can throw him. It will lead to strife in the ranks and they’ll eventually come after me once some of their anger overtakes their fear.”

  “Aye,” Blaron mused. “They will. It would have bonded you to them if your mate happened to be a werewolf from the pack. They’ve been looking for a reason to spill your blood since you arrived. So have most of our regular customers. Your bloodlines are an issue. You’re of both worlds but they see how different you are.”

  “I’m giving my notice.”

  Lethal reached up to shove his long black hair over his shoulder. “No. We refuse to accept it. You’re our head of security and you’ll stay in that position.”

  “We’re friends.” Blaron smiled. “You can’t leave us in the lurch. We trust you.”

  “It’s going to make your club a target since I’m too smart to lead them to my den.”

  “Is that where you’re hiding the bonny lass?” The dark-haired vamp grinned. “With your sister—the one you refuse to allow us to meet?”

  “They are both safer far from here.” Chase sighed. “I don’t want my trouble coming to your door.”

  “We love trouble.” Blaron winked. “It gets too boring around here otherwise. We’re friends ‘til the end but I’m not preparing to die.” He glanced at the other vampire. “Tell him we have his back.”

  “You just did.” Lethal chuckled. “It goes double with me.”

  Chase studied them. “You don’t owe me for saving your asses when you decided to visit Alaska. You didn’t know about the wars between wolves and vampires. It was before you came to America. You’re used to the city packs who depend on you for steady work. My clan has a long memory and they hated you both on sight. They shouldn’t have blamed you for a history you had no part in.”

  “Your people decided to behead us yet you got us out of there.” Blaron leaned back in his chair. “You were the first mixed breed we’d ever met. We’re friends and we stand together when trouble comes.” He patted his trusted sword again. “I say we lay a trap and wait to see who comes.”

  Chase didn’t like the idea. “It would be easier if I just didn’t work for you anymore.”

��We trust you, Chase.” Lethal grinned. “Friends don’t abandon friends in bad times. They stick together. You’re the best one for the job so forget quitting.”

  “Shit.” Chase eyed both men with dread. He knew them well and they’d already made up their minds. They wanted to help him whether he wanted it or not. “And if it means losing an entire pack? Who is going to guard you when you sleep? I can’t do it every single day. I have a mate who might not enjoy being alone all the time.”

  “We have our safe houses. I don’t plan on sleeping below the club any time soon.” Blaron stood. “Let’s plot our enemies’ demise. I’m sure they are doing the same.”

  Chase stared at Lethal, hoping he’d be the voice of reason.

  He rose to his feet with a deadly look on his features and gripped his sword, strapped it on and grabbed a leather trench coat. “To battle, men.” He chuckled. “May the blood of our adversaries flow so we may be victorious.”

  “You both are nuts but I’m glad you’re on my side.” Chase pushed out of his seat and glanced at them. “I think I have an idea how we can pull this off tomorrow night. Let’s go upstairs and handle the customers. Afterward, we’ll talk strategies.”

  * * * * *

  Jasmine set aside the book and slid off the bed to peer at Chase when he suddenly stormed into the bedroom. It was apparent he was angry but she didn’t know why. His gaze fixed on her as a deep, scary growl burst from his parted lips.

  “What did I do wrong?” She hated the fear that quickened her pulse.

  “Nothing.” He took a deep breath. “It was a rough night and the drive home didn’t calm me any. I’d hoped it would.”

  “What happened?” Strong emotions of anger hit her suddenly but she had a feeling they were coming from him.

  The sight of him shrugging off the leather jacket to reveal muscled arms in the black tank top was one she admired, distracting her from the feelings she picked up from him. Chase’s body always had an effect on her. He tossed the jacket across the back of the chair by the door, sat down hard and tore off his biker boots. They were dumped on the floor.


  His intense gaze lifted to meet her curious stare. “Don’t freak out.” It was as if a mental door closed between them and suddenly she couldn’t pick up anything he felt.

  That’s not good. She wondered why he thought she’d be alarmed but then realized he was snarling his words. “I know you’re not going to hurt me. I believe that. I’m not going to run screaming from you just because you’re in a bad mood.”

  “That’s not what I meant.” He stood. He reached down to fist his shirt, jerked it up his body and tossed it.

  The bruising on his ribs was horrible but the smeared blood on his side had her stumbling closer. “What happened?”

  “It’s not mine. The damn jerk bled all over me though. The black clothes hide it well enough but it’s all over me where I couldn’t wash it off without undressing first.”

  To prove his point, he removed his belt and unfastened his leather pants. The red stain continued down one hip and thigh. Jasmine’s mouth fell open.

  “One of my pack decided to jump me in the parking lot. He thought it would be a good time to challenge me after I’d already fought some vamp ass when a few of them got out of line with customers at the club.” He bent, pushing the pants completely off. “I’m guessing he figured I’d be too tired to win.”

  Jasmine inched closer to get a better look. The blood trailed all the way down to his knee and it was worse when he turned to stalk into the bathroom. More blood covered his back but it was brighter red and wet. Four slash marks scored his shoulder blade.

  “Chase? You’re hurt.”

  He halted by the door with his back to her. “I could have undressed in the bathroom so you didn’t have to see this but it’s part of my life and now yours. There’s no sense in hiding it from you. The enforcer got in a lucky strike with his claws before I got hold of his throat. I’ll heal by morning. Everything is going to be okay.” He glanced at her then. “I’m fine.”

  Jasmine stood statue still while Chase continued into the bathroom. The sad expression on his face didn’t convince her. He’d left the door open so she didn’t hesitate to follow him inside. The clear glass door allowed no privacy as she watched him stand under the showerhead.

  “One of your pack tried to kill you?” She wanted clarification.

  “Yes. It happens from time to time.”

  “He. Tried. To. Kill. You.” She was horrified. “That’s not okay. I thought packs were supposed to be like family.”

  He avoided looking at her as he dumped soap on a washcloth to scrub at the blood. “They are. Human family members kill each other too. Our worlds aren’t so different in that regard.”

  “Your world sucks.”

  That drew a quick grin from him as he shot her an amused look. “Only the vampires.”

  “I’m not joking around. Someone tried to kill you.” The rest of it sank into her perplexed mind. “Is he going to come after you again?”

  “No.” His gaze narrowed. “It was a fight to the death.”

  You killed him.

  “I walked away. He wouldn’t give it up. I had to carry him to my car and go dump the body.”

  Her knees weakened, causing her to sway a little on her feet and grab hold of the counter for support. Fear hit hard, more so than horror. She figured that would come later. “Are the police going to be looking for you?” She thought quickly. “We need to leave the country.” She’d flee with him. She might not be too sure what exactly detailed being a mate but it was for life. Losing Chase wasn’t an option she wanted to consider.

  “We?” Eyebrows lifted. “You’d come with me?”

  “Of course.”

  She pushed away the reason they needed to leave. It made it easier to handle. He’d saved her life and she’d made a serious commitment by agreeing to be his mate. He also wasn’t human so, in her mind, normal rules didn’t apply to him. It had been a case of self-defense.

  His features softened. “Humans don’t get involved in our business. There won’t be any missing persons report filed. His family or friends will make it appear as if he left the country if anyone questions what happened to him. It’s what we do to stay under the radar.” He paused. “It’s his family and friends I have to worry about, along with any other wolves in the pack who have a problem with what I’ve done.”

  “Because you had to kill him? Won’t they understand he attacked you and you had no choice?”

  “Challenges and the resulting deaths are expected. It’s because I mated you.” He turned in the shower, facing away to duck his head under the spray.

  Guilt nagged at Jasmine. She’d mourned the loss of her life as she’d known it while Chase had been at work. It didn’t seem fair that she had to give up her house, her career and the people she cared about to be with him. It’s no picnic for him either, she suddenly realized. People were trying to kill him because they were together.

  “What can I do?” She wanted to help him.

  Chase glanced at her over his shoulder. “You could come in here and wash my back. I’ll heal faster if the wounds are clean. My body won’t have to fight off infection as it mends the damage.”

  One glance down his body had her more than willing to strip down and join him. Tan, muscled skin tempted her to do more than touch his back. There had been changes since the mating, ones that she couldn’t deny. Her sex drive seemed to have gone into overdrive. Just staring at him naked made her ache.

  Her hands shook as she removed her clothes as he watched through the glass. Passion was an easy emotion to read as his eyes began to glow. They fascinated her. She slowly approached. He pushed open the door and stepped back to make room. Steamy hot water ran over her as she waited for him to reach around to secure the door.

  He was so tall compared to her that she had to lift her chin to see his face. A soft growl rumbled from him and the muscles in her belly clench
ed. Her nipples also responded by growing taut. Desire rolled through her with a jolt. Chase inhaled and his hands gently cupped her hips.

  “You’re so sexy and smell so good. So mine.”

  All she wanted to do was reach up to cup his face and pull his mouth down for a kiss. It was difficult to remember that he was injured. “Your back.”

  “It doesn’t hurt. Don’t worry about it.”

  “I need to wash it.”

  He snarled something under his breath, but dropped his hands and turned. “Do it fast. I’m impatient.”

  He wanted her as much as she did him. She hadn’t missed the state of his dick before he’d spun around. Chase was sporting an impressive erection that matched the rest of him—all hard masculine perfection. The sight of the ugly slashes across his shoulder blade cooled her passion a bit as she stared at them.

  “I don’t want to hurt you. Should I just use water but not soap?” She reached up to unhook the showerhead from the holder, making it easier to maneuver.

  He grabbed the soapy sponge and handed it over his shoulder to her. “I’ll get a fever if infection sets in. It won’t kill me but it’s not pleasant. I need to be at one hundred percent by morning.”

  “Why?” She accepted it and hesitantly began to wash the wounds. His muscles tensed but he held still, making no sound.

  “I have to work early in the morning. It’s going to be a long day.”

  Part of her was hurt by that. The least he could do was take some time off to spend with her. She had a lot of adjustments to make, ones that would be easier if he were with her. “Do your bosses know you took a mate?”


  She wondered how that had gone but kept silent. It was a distraction pondering their responses while she finished washing the gashes in his skin and washed away the soap. They appeared to be healing at an accelerated rate that would have been alarming if she hadn’t known he was a supernatural being.


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