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The Story of DeLano Trevino

Page 9

by Briann Danae

  “Sssh. It’s a’ight. Don’t get all worked up,” he soothed her.

  When Aunyae stepped up to the bed by Lano’s side, Anika’s brows dipped, and worry settled in. She hadn’t yet realized she was in the hospital bed.

  “W-What’s going on?”

  “You were attacked, Nika,” Aunyae said softly, tears once again filling her lids.

  Anika went to ask if she were back in KC, but Solai approaching the bed stopped her. Freely, tears rolled down she and Tesh’s face as they stood on the opposite side of the bed.

  “Y’all are scaring me? What’s going on?” Anika asked trying to sit up and was greeted by an excruciating pain shooting through her frame. A hiss left her lips as she laid back down.

  “You don’t remember what happened at the studio?” Solai asked, and as if it all came back to her in one sitting, Anika’s one good eye stretched as wide as it would go before she closed it and inhaled a deep breath that hurt like crazy thanks to her cracked rib.

  Flashbacks of her morning clouded her mind. The phone conversation with her mama about their strained relationship, Lano eating her pussy to help her relax, him blowing her back out in the shower and telling her to have a good day before she headed out. Images of Monroe behind her camera as she posed, then a group of guys walking in, her talking to Solai and then there was blood. Anika’s heart race increased remembering the feel of her warm blood covering her hand as she tried shielding her body. One of the men struggling to get her pants off and the other holding her hands down. One man stealing Saon’s watch invaded her mind next, and Giran’s conniving smirk followed. Bile crept up her throat, but she held it back as tears fell from her eyes.

  “Get out,” she said lowly, and Aunyae frowned.

  “Sis, please we’re just trying to be here for you.”

  Anika shook her head and said fuck the pain as she sat up in the bed. “GET OUT! EVERYONE JUST GET OUT!” she cried hoarsely.

  Hurt, anger, humiliation, and disgust consumed Anika as she cried her heart out. What was supposed to be a fresh start to a budding career, turned out to be something she’d never think twice about again. The thought of having stepped out of her comfort zone just to get kicked down further, crushed Anika. She didn’t want anyone’s sympathy right now. She didn’t want their tears, apologies and saddened faces in her presence. A day that was supposed to be a turning point in her life had taken a wrong turn down a dead end, crashed, burned, and ignited a fire that caused nothing but anguish.

  Anika wanted someone to desperately put it out. She needed someone to wake her up from this horrible nightmare and remind her that it was a bad dream. That her taking this leap of faith wasn’t for nothing. She wanted answers but knew they’d never come. Not today anyway.

  Obliging by her request, everyone exited the room with slumped postures and aching hearts except Lano. She could scream, cry, shout and curse him the fuck out if need be, but he wasn’t going anywhere. Not yet at least. He had a feeling she was most upset with him, and he was willing to do whatever to repair what he’d broken.

  “DeLano, please,” Anika called out as warm tears continued to coat her chocolate cheeks. “Just leave.”

  “Nik, don’t shut me out like this. Not right now.”

  Anika sniffled and turned to face him. When their eyes, her one good one, connected, Lano’s chest tightened. Even under the bandages and bruises, he could see the defeat written all over her face and prepared for the worst to escape her lips. Whatever words she spoke to grace his ears next would make or break them. Lano could feel it in his bones.

  “He told me to tell you to come find him, DeLano,” her voice cracked, but she pulled it together and continued. “Find those niggas and make them pay. All of them.”

  He heard her loud and clear. Lano surely thought she was about to end things, but like the rider she was, Anika wanted revenge in the worst possible way. For now, Lano would handle all her needs; and being by her side was number one. The sense of security that once blanketed her was pulled. It would have to be earned back, and he was willing to do whatever, however, whenever for it. Leaning over the bed, Lano looked her dead in the eyes.

  “I promise I will, Nik. On everything I love, them niggas gon’ get touched.”

  His promise didn’t fill the empty void she felt inside. More than a piece of her had been snatched away today, and words right now meant nothing. She wanted clear-cut proof and receipts on every nigga’s head who stepped foot in that studio today, and Lano was going to see to it that he delivered their heads in a trash bag. Fuck a silver platter. Them niggas weren’t royalty by far.

  In the hallway, Aunyae wiped at her face and inhaled deep breaths. She was overwhelmed with remorse. Having been Anika’s protector for her entire life, she felt helpless not being able to ease her pain.

  “I really can’t believe this mess,” she said, and Tesh nodded.

  “I know. Why would they do this to her?”

  “I can’t get her screaming out of my head,” Solai said with a shake of her head. “And, that niggas voice. It was like he had been waiting to sneak up on her or something.”

  She aimlessly stared at the wall and blinked back angry tears. The malice she heard in Giran’s voice had been building up for months. He wanted Lano’s head so bad, he was damn near desperate. Anika had simply been a pawn in his mission.

  “Do you think they ra—”

  Neicey held her hand up, stopping Tesh from asking her next question. Even the first two letters of the word made her cringe and caused her mind to drift to a place it hadn’t been to, in so long. Rape was a touchy subject. One, Neicey didn’t feel comfortable discussing.

  “If so, Aunyae, you handle it. Please don’t let Lano be in the room if the doctors question her about it,” she said facing Aunyae.

  “I hope they didn’t. I really do,” she sighed.

  “Me too, but niggas are ruthless, we know that. Our men are of a different caliber and can’t be stopped once a war begins. All of us, while we’re here, just need to be alert and on our toes a’ight? I know shit with Nik is fucked up, but crying won’t do a thing but get our asses sent back home.”

  Tesh and Solai nodded in understanding, while Aunyae looked on feeling a bit indifferent. Her man wasn’t in the streets. Never had been, so all this street talk had her a bit shaken up, but she had better tighten the fuck up. Her sister’s man wasn’t programmed to function nor make decisions like a normal human. If there was a debt to be paid, blood was the only transaction after the cash payment was received.

  Aunyae sighed. “Okay. Let me call my mama so she can relax some.”

  “Please do. I’ma go to the restroom,” Neicey said and walked away.

  She wasn’t new to this street shit, not anymore at least. Unfortunate situations, tragedy, and death had grown on her. It was sad, but the truth nonetheless. Even before she entered the reckless life Sen lived years ago, Neicey had come to the realization that shit in life happened, when, why, and how it was supposed to for a reason. In the moment, we’d never know why, but the reason would always reveal itself down the line; we just had to be patient enough for it.

  Pushing into the restroom, her steps ceased at the sound of a woman whispering in one of the stalls. Her nerves were already bad, so she didn’t think twice before she moved quietly to hear more clearly.

  “It’s like four niggas up here now. What? No… nah. I didn’t see what kind of car they were in, but I know they’re here for her,” she said, causing Neicey’s entire body to flush in anger.

  This bitch trying to set us up. Neicey thought, and the girl continued.

  “I get off at midnight. No… fuck no. Do not bring that shit to my job, I was just letting you know. Shift change for security? How would I know all of that, Tez? Yeah, whatever nigga. Mhm. I better get paid for my valuable information, too.”

  When Neicey heard her say she’d call them back, she slid into the stall on the end with expertise of a villain. The girl flushed the toilet,
washed her hands at the sink, and fake pampered herself before walking out.

  “This bitch don’t even know she just planned her own funeral,” Neicey scoffed, closing her stalls door to pee.

  “Where Neicey at?” Sen questioned walking up on the women.

  “She went to the restroom,” Tesh replied, and Sen took off in her direction.

  Shit was too hot for her to be up and disappearing. He cared not one bit about her full bladder. When the nurse who just walked out of the restroom saw him walking her way, she lustfully let her eyes roam his tall frame. Even dressed down in a black Polo jogging set, she could smell the money on him. Being a nurse was cool and all, but she sure didn’t mind flirting with the opps just to set them up and get a few bands out of them. She didn’t know Sen was the wrong nigga to try. Ever.

  “Fuck is you staring so hard for? Don’t you got patients to tend to?” he hissed, mugging her hard as hell.

  Keeping it professional as she could, she just gave Sen a smile. “Sheesh. Why so grumpy?”

  Sen didn’t even reply. She looked like the type who lived for a nigga to give her a smidgen of attention and run with that shit. Instead of talking bad to her like he wanted to, he kept it pushing toward the woman’s restroom. When he went to push it open and call Neicey’s name out, she was pulling the door open.

  “Don’t be walking off and not tell me where you at,” he fussed.

  “I did tell someone. Did you see a short, light skin chick with braids and scrubs on walk out of here?” she asked.

  Sen sucked his teeth. “Yeah. Lil’ bitch was staring too hard.”

  “I heard her trying to set us up,” Neicey said in a whisper.

  Drawing his head back, Sen had to chuckle. “In the bathroom?”

  “Yeah. Dummy ass broad. We need to leave before she gets off at midnight.”

  “And double back to scoop that bitch up since she wanna run her mouth,” Sen hissed. “What she was saying?”

  Looping her arm into his, Neicey ran down everything she had heard the young bitch talking about as they walked back toward the crew. It was such a shame she’d be caught in the middle of something she should’ve minded her business about, but that was too bad. Threatening his people wasn’t going to fly. Especially not at a time like this. Sen was on high alert and ready to body whomever. Sadly, she was going to be his first kill if everything panned out the way he anticipated.

  Hours went by, and Lano hadn’t moved an inch from Anika’s side. He felt paralyzed watching her chest rise and drop slowly with each inhale she took. His heart was left back at the scene, drenched, soaking in the blood his enemies left behind. Their mothers would’ve been better off with swallowing those pussies or having them splattered against the sheets, rather than walking the same streets and breathing the same air as Lano. They didn’t deserve such treatment.

  The pain meds she took right before everyone left a few hours ago were wearing off, and Anika was coming to again. Watching her stir awake, Lano tried bracing himself for her words. With every passing second, he felt at a disadvantage. What used to come naturally in connecting with her on a mental level, Lano felt static. There was a disconnect, and he despised it.

  “Hey,” she called out slowly, licking her lips.

  They weren’t dry, her girls made sure of that. Her throat was on fire though. Grabbing her cup, Lano place the straw to her mouth and they stared at one another as she thirstily drank the cold H2O down. When she had enough, Lano sat back in his seat. Rubbing a hand down his untamed braids, Anika searched his eyes. They were filled with uncertainty, hurt, and more than anything disappointment. He failed at the one thing he vowed to never let happen to her; never getting touched behind his beef in the streets.

  Clearing his throat, he asked, “You comfortable?”

  Anika nodded. “Yes. You don’t look comfortable.”

  “I’m good, baby.”

  “No, you’re not. You’re furious. I can see it in your eyes.”

  He swallowed hard at her words. She was right. Lano wasn’t good at all. He was uncomfortable and irked like a mothafucka and would be until all souls were accounted for and bodies in bags… if there were any left to identify.

  “I’m getting you moved up out of here after today,” he informed, not acknowledging her observation.

  Anika didn’t protest right away. Too much was at stake being this open. Even with his goons posted up outside, Lano’s conscience could settle, even a small amount, if she were around their loved ones while healing and not some strangers.

  “Okay. Do whatever you feel is necessary,” she sighed, and his body stilled. A tear slid down Anika’s cheek, and she struggled to conquer her involuntary waterworks thanks to the look of despair in his eyes.

  “Don’t do that, Nik. Let me know what you wanna do, if my suggestion ain’t what you feeling.”

  Guilt for what took place consumed her being as her frame trembled. Her mind swirled with tumult. Emotions bubbling at the edge and spilling into her bleeding heart. No matter how full it became, with each tormented thought, it spilled, refilled, and runneth over like a bucket underneath the sink with a leaking faucet.

  “I-I just want me back. I don’t even feel like myself anymore, DeLano. You know what that feels like?” Her voice quaked in a hushed tone as her bereft eyes bored into his.

  A tense silence loomed over the room like a heavy misting rain before a heavy downpour commenced. Every shallow breath Lano inhaled felt like his chest would burst. Her question gutted him. He hadn’t been himself in months. The shooting had reminded him of the true menace he was. The type of nigga who murdered with no remorse. The type of nigga who Anika’s daddy would have forbade her from dating, had he given a fuck about his offspring. But, he hadn’t.

  He left her with a broken heart at an early age, and as an adult, she went searching for that love in another man. Lano being him. He helped mold her heart’s disfigured shape, taught her what love looked and felt like. Displayed the beauty of it in magnitudes, and now? The beauty in loving a man like Lano came with an ugly side as well. The beast… it had reared its ugly head and wasn’t retreating until satisfied.

  Anika wasn’t herself either. Hadn’t been since moving to California and the attack swept the glimmer of identity she thought she found under the rug. Lano swiped at his nose and stood to his feet. Laying his hands gently against her swollen cheeks, he pressed his forehead against hers. Their physical connection sent a paralyzing chill down their spines.

  “I don’t need to feel or be myself for what I’m about to do. When I’m done, we’ll get back to us. Right now, I’ma be who you need me to be, and I need you to try to understand, Nik.”

  Lano wasn’t trying to be insensitive to her needs at all, but they couldn’t afford another slip-up. They both were blaming themselves for today’s tragedy and shouldn’t have been. The ones who needed to be held responsible would be, tonight. Placing a kiss to her busted lip, Anika gripped the hem of his shirt as her warm tears stained it.

  Today had been the start of a new journey that was for sure. Not quite the one Anika was planning for, but deep down somewhere, past the pain, guilt, humiliation, and heartache, she knew her breakthrough after her tragedy would triumph everything. She just had to keep the faith, while her man pocketed the souls of her attackers, one by fucking one.

  Chapter 6

  Fresh off work, Corrine yawned as she gathered her things to head home. Working for eight days in a row and doing twelve hours shifts had her beat. The only thing on her mind was a hot bath and endless hours of sleep for the next few days. Saying her farewells to her co-workers, she took one last peek in on Anika and smirked when her eyes landed on a male figure in the chair. The heads-up she gave her baby daddy, Tez, was going to come in handy.

  Making it to the parking garage, Corrine hit the locks to her car and climbed inside. Though she wanted a new ride, her Toyota had been getting her around just fine. It was in her budget and didn’t cost much when she neede
d work done to it like she had gotten done the week before. Turning her key over, her face frowned up at the loud sound her car made. Instead of the smooth purr it normally released, her car sounded as if it were about to explode any second.

  “What the hell,” she fussed turning the key again only to get the same sound.

  As late and as tired as she was, Corrine was in no mood to be dealing with car issues, when she had just gotten work done to it. Huffing, she pulled her phone from her purse to call Tez, only for his line to go straight to voicemail. A firm knock came to her window, and Corrine’s heart galloped in her chest. The man had scared her half to death. Glancing his way, she assessed his scrubs before turning her key and rolling the window down.


  “Sound like your muffler is fucked up,” the guy said, and she frowned.

  “There’s no way anything should be wrong with my muffler.”

  “A’ight. I’m just telling you what I know. You can look for yourself,” he offered and stepped back.

  Fuming, Corrine rolled her eyes and pushed her door open. The male nurse squatted down and saw that her pipe had indeed been cut. Dusting his hands, he stood up.

  “The pipe is cut.”

  “What the hell,” Corrine hissed, getting on one knee to assess the damage. Her blood boiled at the sight of her pipe indeed being cut straight across and now hanging on the ground. “Who would just cut a pipe for no reason?”

  “Me, bitch,” Stevie, Tone’s righthand man, spat before slamming her head into the concrete.

  Upon the initial blow, Corrine blacked out with ease. Snatching her keys from the ignition, Stevie scooped her body up and tossed her in the waiting trunk of the car Tone had just pulled up in. If she thought for one second that they were letting her make it home after dropping the dime on them, she was a goofy bitch for real.

  Inside a vacant house about forty miles out from the hospital, Sen coolly leaned against a torn, wooden desk. Dust, debris, and staleness suffocated the small living room. When she came to after being tied down to the chair, Corrine’s eyes peeled open slowly and rapidly blinked. Assessing her surroundings with a splintering headache, her stomach fell to the pit of her Nikes when she recognized Sen’s face.


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