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Bayou Devils MC: The Complete Series

Page 239

by A. M. Myers

  Turning, I begin walking back to my car, clenching and unclenching my fist as thoughts of my best friend play through my head. Ryan and I met when we were just kids and from that moment on, we were joined at the fucking hip. He wasn’t just my best friend, he was my brother, and when he decided he wanted to become a police officer just like his pops, I followed him. We worked our way up through the ranks and then he met Emma. Ryan was fucking crazy about her, loved her more than a man should, more than was sane, but that was just who he was and what did she do? She fucking treated him like shit and left him broken hearted. When she met Phoenix West a year later, Ryan lost his goddamn mind. He was still holding out hope that she would come back to him eventually but when he saw them together, he knew it was over. The way he acted, it wasn’t rational but he was my best friend and he had always been there for me so I helped him get her back and it got us both arrested. The stupid fucker, though… as soon as he made bail, he came after her again and it got him killed, shot in the back of the head like a goddamn dog by Storm. I spent years in prison, thinking of everyone this club had taken from me and how I would take revenge on them if I ever got the chance and there is no way in hell I’m going to let fucking Zane ruin that for me.

  Ripping my phone from my pocket, I press one on the speed dial and hold it to my ear as it rings.

  “‘Sup?” Caleb answers and I resist the urge to growl.

  “Get your brother back to the apartment now. Shit is going down and we need to regroup.”

  He scoffs. “What the hell does that mean?”

  “I’ll explain everything when I get there but tell Jake, we strike tonight.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  The stars are out in full force tonight, twinkling down at me as I sit curled up in the chair next to the window, staring up at them as I run through everything we learned today… and everything we didn’t.

  Zane Wheeler stayed with us until well after dinner time, trying to help us figure out Evan’s next move but in the end, we came up with a whole lot of nothing. He didn’t stick around long enough in the beginning to learn any part of the plan and his brothers had been hush-hush about their dealings with Evan ever since. Emma also told the full story of her relationship with Ryan for those of us who had never heard it before and Travis was right, it was a doozy. But when I wasn’t absorbed in everything she had been through, I couldn’t help peeking over at Zane’s face, intrigued by his reaction as he listened to all of the horrible things his brother had put Emma through. Every time I did, my heart hurt for him. It became very clear to me in the time that he was here that his brother’s actions weigh heavily on him and he feels a crazy amount of guilt for not noticing what was going on all those years ago and stepping in to help Emma. She doesn’t hold any ill will toward him, though. That became clear when she hugged him by the front door as he was getting ready to leave and told him that Ryan’s actions were his alone and I think it made an impact on him. Or, at least, I hope it did.

  He also filled us in on Ryan and Evan’s whole story - how they met in school, became best friends instantly, and went to the police academy together - and he also told us about the years since Ryan’s death. Apparently, Evan was hit the hardest by the news and he went so crazy that he had to be sedated so he didn’t hurt himself or anyone else. He was put on a seventy-two hour hold at the hospital where they decided his actions were just a product of grief and released him. After that, he had to go on trial for assisting in the kidnapping of Emma and he pled guilty for a reduced sentence. Zane said he served his time without incident and after being released two years ago, immediately put his plan into motion. Thinking back to the day Blaze died, I remember all of the pain and anger I saw in Evan’s eyes and it all makes sense to me in a way. Clearly, he’s taken this all too far and held on too tight to the memory of his best friend when he should have tried to move on but his actions make sense to me now and I understand why he’s doing all of this. It’s still scary and makes me incredibly uneasy but it no longer feels chaotic.

  Sighing, I turn away from the window and glance over at the bed as I yawn. Travis has been down in the study at the back of the house, drinking and talking over the cases with the guys for hours and I’m pretty sure all of the girls are passed out by now but he asked me to wait for him. It’s especially frustrating since I feel like I might actually be able to get some sleep tonight and I’m beyond exhausted. Turning back to the window, I stare up at the stars, hoping this will all come to an end soon. The boys called Detective Rodriguez over, who was floored to learn that Evan was behind all of this. Apparently, they used to be partners when Evan made detective and he said he knew Evan was messed up but he never guessed he would go this far. Before he left, he called the station and put a BOLO out for him. He said sometime in the next few days we should be able to track him down and put this mess to bed. I’m excited about the idea but also terrified since I have no idea what that means for Travis and me. My mind drifts back to when he asked me to go on a regular date with him when this is all over and I smile. I don’t want to get my hopes up but he’s not sick of me yet so I suppose there is still a chance. It’s slim and could be compared to a ball of ice in hell but it’s there.

  A piercing screech cuts through the peaceful silence around me and I jerk in my chair, whipping my head toward the door as my brows furrow. My heart races and the smoke detector in my room joins in, wailing so loudly that it is hard to even think. Jumping up, I grab a sweater and pull it over my head before clamping my hands over my ears and walking over to the door. I yank it open and stumble back as a cloud of smoke rushes toward me.

  Holy shit.

  Smoke is filling the entire hallway, obscuring my vision, and my stomach drops as a shot of adrenaline rushes through my body. There is a dull roar from somewhere else in the house and my skin prickles as tears sting my eyes.


  I gasp, turning toward the sound of Tate’s voice coming up the stairs but I can’t see her. “Tate?”

  “Just stay right there and keep talking to me. I’m coming to you.”

  I nod despite the fact that she can’t see me. “Where is everyone else?”

  “I’m not sure about the boys but all of the girls and kids are out in the yard. I came back in here to find you once we realized you were still up here.”

  “Where were you guys?” I ask, scowling. I thought everyone else had come up to bed but I guess not.

  “Down in Emma and Nix’s room talking. The whole front of the house is on fire and we saw the smoke before the alarms went off.”

  “Oh my God,” I whisper as she reaches my room and flashes me a smile but her eyes are full of fear as she reaches down and grabs my hand.

  “Ready to get out of here, sweet cheeks?”

  I nod. “Most definitely.”

  “Do not let go of my hand and try not to breathe in too much smoke, okay? We’re heading for the back door.”

  “Okay,” I whisper as we step out of my room and turn toward the stairs. I squint, trying desperately to see through the thickening smoke but it’s no use so I press my other hand to the wall, feeling my way along the hallway. Once we reach the top of the stairs, Tate begins leading us down and a wave of heat smacks into me as I cough as we wade through the smoke. My heart races as my mind runs through all of the ways this could go wrong, all of the ways we could die in this house tonight and tears sting my eyes.


  Where are you?

  The thought of never getting to see him again makes me want to scream and I push the thought from my mind as we reach the bottom of the stairs and turn in the direction of the kitchen. Tate’s hand is firm in mine, guiding me toward safety but I can’t help looking back to where I think the study is as I entertain the idea of going in search of Travis. The only problem is Tate would, without a doubt, follow me and I can’t do that to my brother. As we round the corner, I suck in a breath and stop, staring at the entire front wall of the h
ouse which is engulfed in flames, the roar of the fire louder than before as I watch it consume everything in its path.

  “Rowan, keep moving,” Tate snaps, tugging on my hand as she coughs. The smoke is so thick down here that it’s impossible to take a breath and I cover my mouth with the sleeve of my sweater as we start moving again. Just when I think I’m going to pass out if I don’t take a breath, we step outside into fresh air and I stop, releasing Tate’s hand to bend over and brace my hands on my knees as I cough and try to catch my breath.

  “You all right?” Tate asks and I nod, peeking up at her as my chest aches.

  “Yeah, you?”

  She nods and points to the rest of the group under the large oak tree in the middle of the yard. “I’m going to go check on everyone else.”

  “You see the guys yet?” I ask and she shakes her head, scanning the yard.

  “No, but Emma said that the study has its own door so they should have gotten out safely,” she answers and I nod, straightening and taking a full breath to try and clear my lungs as Storm walks around the side of the house and she points to him. “Look, there they are.”




  Time seems to grind to a halt as I look around the yard, trying to find the source of the noise as everyone drops to the ground. Another pop rips through the air and it finally dawns on me that it’s gunshots.

  Someone is shooting at us?

  I still can’t process what’s happening around me as Storm stands up and yells, “Get to the trees and stay low!”

  Everyone begins running, all of us heading in different directions as another pop fills the air. My heart thunders in my ears as I turn to the forest behind me and start running, my feet working with no instruction from my brain which is still trying to fit all the pieces of the last five minutes together.


  A searing hot pain slices through my arm and I cry out as I slap my hand over it and glance down. Blood trickles over my fingers before falling to the ground. The pain is unbearable and when I try to move my arm, it radiates up to my shoulder and I release a sob as tears drip down my face.

  Oh my God.

  I’ve been shot.

  A part of me wants to freeze, crumple to the ground, and cry but I know staying out here in the open is the worst place to be so I push myself to keep running, my heart thundering in my chest as tears sting my eyes and I tuck my arm into my side with my other hand. When I finally make it to the safety of the tress, I slip behind one and lean back against it as I clench my teeth to get through the pain. My breath rings in my ears as I gasp for air and I turn, peeking out into the yard again, searching for danger but it’s empty now. Everyone else has scattered into the forest just like me and I turn away, squeezing my eyes shut as I try to think of what to do.

  I have no idea where anyone went and the threat could be anywhere. A twig snaps from somewhere off to my left and my eyes snap open, searching the darkness but I still can’t see anything and I shake my head as my chest aches.


  I have to make a decision. If someone is out there, watching me right now, it’s stupid to stay here in this spot and wait for him to find me but if there is no one there, if my mind is playing tricks on me and I run, it could get me killed. My whole body shakes as my mind spins but when another twig snaps, this one closer than before, my instincts make the decision for me. Turning to the right, I sprint off in that direction and as I run through the forest, twigs and branches smack me all over my body, scratching up my face but I don’t care. I just have to keep running until I’m safe. Just keep running…

  Glancing back over my shoulder, my feet stutter. Behind me, too close for my comfort, is Warren. He’s running after me with that white mask of his covering his face but it doesn’t matter because I can still see it in my mind, it haunts me every time I close my eyes. Chills blanket my skin and I will my legs to move faster, pump harder because I know I’m running out of time. His boots crunch fallen leaves and twigs, reminding me of his progress as he creeps closer and I look around for a place to hide or a way to escape him but there is nothing.

  Oh, God.

  Run, my mind screams at me and tears streak down my cheeks.

  Glancing back again, I scream.

  He’s too close.

  The breath is knocked from my lungs as he tackles me from behind and I scream again, pain shooting through me as we tumble to the ground and his large body covers mine. He slips me to my back and I fight against him, my entire body trembling violently but I don’t care. I strike out with my uninjured arm, hitting and fighting him off as best I can but he manages to grab it and pin it to the forest floor above my head as he rips his mask off of his face.

  “Hey, baby,” he whispers, flashing me a grin that sends ice cold dread washing through me as I struggle to free myself from his hold. It only seems to amuse him more and the wild look in his brown eyes makes me want to cry as my stomach churns. He shakes his head. “You’re not going anywhere, sweetheart. You’re mine now.”

  I grit my teeth and shake my head as I try to buck him off of me. “I’ll never be yours.”

  “Now, that’s just not true, Rowan.” He tosses his mask aside, finally done with the façade, and leans down, dragging the tip of his finger down my cheek as his hot breath blankets my face. It smells like tobacco and stale beer and I gag but he misses it… or ignores it as he traces my lips with his thumb. “See, when I first started all of this, it was all about making the club pay for what they did to me. I never had women or love on my mind but as soon as I saw Streak fucking you up against his window on your first night in Baton Rouge, I was hooked.”

  “You watched us?” I spit and he laughs quietly.

  “Of course I fucking watched. Have you seen yourself, Princess? You’re a goddamn smoke show.”

  I wince at his use of Travis’s nickname for me before steeling my gaze and meeting his eyes. “You’re fucking sick.”

  “Naw, baby. That’s just you. I stood outside of the clubhouse, watching you and I couldn’t look away even if I tried. You put me under your spell.”

  “Go fuck yourself,” I hiss. The thought of him watching us that night makes me shudder as I close my eyes and jerk my face away from him.

  “That’s no way to talk to your man,” he growls, gripping my face in his hand, turning me back to him and squeezing until I’m certain he’s going to crack my jaw. Seeing the fear in my eyes, he smiles. “We’ll just have to teach you the proper way to behave, won’t we?”

  “Fuck off,” I snarl, meeting his stare and he sighs as he pulls his hand back and backhands me. My head jerks to the side as pain rocks through my head but I won’t give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry anymore. Turning back to him, I narrow my eyes into a glare and he laughs.

  “Oh, I can see why Streak is so whipped by you, baby. You’ve got fucking fire.” He leans down again and grabs my face again, holding me still as he brushes his lips over mine. This time, I can’t hold the cry back as I struggle to free myself, thoughts of Travis cementing themselves in my mind. When I refuse to give him what he wants, he releases me and jumps to his feet. As soon as I’m free, I roll to my belly and try to scramble away from him but he grabs my ankle and pulls me back across the ground before lifting me to my feet.

  “That’s enough of that. Besides, we’ve got to get going if we don’t want to miss our flight.”

  My heart jumps into my throat. “Flight? To where?”

  “You’ll see,” he answers, flashing me a wide smile. My stomach drops and I struggle against him, pulling a sigh from his lips. “But I promise you’re going to love it, baby.”

  “Rowan?” Travis’s panicked voice is my salvation and I look up, opening my mouth to scream to him for help but before I can, something round is shoved between my teeth. My head jerks back and I try to spit it out but Evan chuckles, holding it firmly in place, as he spins me around and secures it with straps behind my head.

>   A fucking ball gag?

  Turning me back to face him, he grins. “Knew that might come in handy.”

  “Rowan! Please, baby, where are you?” Travis screams, his voice closer than before and I spin around, my eyes wide and my heart climbing into my throat. Evan wraps his arms around my body, holding me back as I try to get away from him, screaming despite the gag in my mouth.

  I won’t give up.

  I won’t relent to Evan.

  I won’t stop fighting to get to Travis unless I’m dead.

  I turn to glare at Evan, hoping he can see that shining in my eyes. He studies me, a smile stretching across his face and I flash him a glare before I drop my head back and scream again.

  “Rowan?!” His voice is closer again and a wave of calm washes over me. He’s almost here and he’s going to save me, I just know it.

  “Son of a bitch,” Evan hisses, grabbing me around the legs and hoisting me up over his shoulder as I scream again. He takes off running in the opposite direction and the feeling of calm is quickly dashed out. My throat is sore from the smoke and all of the screaming I’ve already done but I keep going, hoping like hell Travis will hear it and be able to find me. The idea of never seeing him again pops into my mind and tears gather in my eyes as I watch as the forest floor races past my vision.

  I should have told him I loved him.

  Damn the consequences because if I die tonight or Evan manages to get me away from here, that will be my greatest regret.

  After what feels like forever, Evan skids to a stop next to a giant oak tree, bigger than the one in the middle of Emma and Nix’s yard, and sets me back on my feet. My knees buckle and he catches me as he clenches his teeth and studies me, his chest heaving. Staring back at him, I see the moment something changes and all of the life drains from his eyes until all I’m left with are the cold, dead eyes of a mad man.


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