Book Read Free

The Tulip Terror

Page 9

by C L Bauer

  “Did you see what she was wearing?” Elizabeth whispered.

  “Everyone, even the space station, will be able to see what she’s wearing. I’m quite sure that NASA is entertained on a daily basis.” Actually, Lily had seen her wear worse, but today she seemed determined to be special in her own special little Gretchen way.

  Gretchen came in with the champagne and poured three glasses for a toast. Lily and Elizabeth examined her ensemble. Her signature leopard print stilettos were on her feet, bold necklaces of gold and diamonds hung around her neck, a Rolex watch with two diamond bracelets were on one arm and on the other was a gold bangle adorned with more diamonds. Her lipstick was red, her smoky shadow and eyeliner were cat-like. Her hair was large, but not too large. Her not-as-tight-as-usual dress was black, probably a vintage designer, with one panel that displayed a matching leopard print.

  “To the bride. I didn’t know when this day would come, but I knew it would. To you, Lily, and the amazing adventures ahead of you.” The toast was lovely, but wait. “And of course, to Mr. Delicious. I expect details.”

  Lily gulped down her champagne before the woman could add to the toast. Elizabeth and Gretchen were laughing, but all Lily suddenly heard were muffled voices. She was standing in the middle of her bedroom in her underwear, staring at a wedding dress hanging over her door. What was she doing?

  “Everybody out,” she ordered as she motioned them out of the room. “I need a few minutes. Please, get out.” As she pushed them out, she shut the door and locked it. She grabbed her cell phone. She needed to talk to one person immediately.

  “Yes, future wife.”

  “Devlin Pierce, what the hell were you thinking only giving me a week to get ready?” She heard a lot of noise on the connection.

  “Why are you whispering, Lily?”

  “I don’t want my sister or Gretchen to hear me. Where are you? A bar?”

  “No, I’m sitting at the pool with Dad and the guys having a drink. Oh, there’s your brother.”

  Lily took another deep breath and resumed. “I’m sitting in my bedroom, staring at this dress that is probably a size, oh hell, I don’t even know what size it is. What size is it?” She began to look for a tag. They’d probably removed it. Everything was a conspiracy. She heard Dev tell someone he’d won.

  “Won what? Are you playing poker?”

  Dev was laughing. “No.”

  “So, spill.”

  “It was a bet.”

  “Don’t make me keep asking inane questions.”

  Dev cleared his throat in an attempt to be serious. He would just calmly explain. “Honey, you’ve been wonderful this week, but we knew at some point all of this would make you crazy, that you had no control and well--”

  “Who won?” She wanted the joker’s name and she’d get even later.

  “My Dad.” The laughter on his line was louder than before.

  Lily bit her lip. “Your Dad? He thought I would freak out today?”

  “Actually, he was a little more precise, thinking that when you were quiet this morning before the limo came, you’d start to think about everything and become overwhelmed.”

  “It’s not about the wedding. It’s about us.”

  The tone had changed. The back and forth conversation was replaced by silence. Dev became deadly serious. He motioned to his companions that he was going to step away to continue the conversation. He found a chair in a quiet corner of the hotel’s hallway.

  “Lily, honey, what is it?”

  “Us, our future, our plans, where are we going to live, do we have enough money, will we have kids, can we have kids, and then we have sex.”

  Dev didn’t answer.

  “It’s about us.”

  A wrong answer could sink the day. “That we are great together?”

  “Stop joking.” Lily’s raised voice drew muffled voices outside her door.

  “Do you know that Gretchen calls you Mr. Delicious?”

  “Yes, I’ve heard. What do you want or need me to say?”

  “What are our plans?”

  Oh boy, there was no right answer, and he wasn’t sure what question was really being asked. “I was planning on getting married today.”

  “I thought so. You didn’t consider me at all.”

  “Lily, what in the heck is this really about?”

  “If I had time, I could have planned some things. I could have designed the invitations, lost twenty pounds, packed up a few things, dusted the house. Is this how it is going to be, not telling me, not considering me? You should have given me more time.” Her right hand waved at her eyes. The tears would ruin her clown makeup and then she’d look like a demented circus performer.

  “Listen to me. We don’t need more time. I don’t care about the invitations, the dusty house, or if you ever lose any weight. I am sure we will talk to death all the other things you mentioned, but right now we just need each other. Now, get it together or Mr. Delicious is going to come over there. If you won’t have me then I’ll just have to go grab Gretchen and find an elevator or maybe even an old fashioned phone booth and have my wedding night with her. I wonder if there are any of those around anymore?”

  Her crying turned to laughter. “Maybe England has them for the tourists. Don’t you dare do anything with Gretchen. I’m not sure where she’s been.”

  “I’ll meet you at one. I’ll be the one at the end of the aisle so come get me.”

  “Don’t play too hard to get, Dev.”

  “Are you ready for the best life I can offer you?”

  “I will be. I promise.”

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Lately, I usually do with my life,” she answered sarcastically.

  “Good enough for me. Just trust and breathe. I better go. Dan just asked me if there’s still a wedding. I love you. Just remember that.”

  “I love you too.” You can do this Lily Schmidt. No notes today, just do. Just trust.

  Just a couple of hours later, Dev was straightening his tie. Dan was quiet as he dressed in his vestments. He studied his friend now and then. Devlin Pierce looked like he was getting ready for a full formal inspection by the West Point commandant. The groom was actually nervous. “Are you ready for this?”

  “I’ve never been more ready.” Dev’s stomach wasn’t. His nerves were getting the best of him and any technique he had acquired over the years was failing. He needed the rush of adrenaline from a mission. He needed the calm brought on by meditation to steady his nerves. As he looked at himself in the small mirror, a bead of sweat had formed on his forehead.

  Dan came over and adjusted the tie one more time. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I just need to go for a run to clear my head.”

  “Come on buddy. I know better. It’s me you’re lying to.”

  Dev sighed and turned toward his friend. “Danny, what if I’m lousy at being a husband? She’s trusting me, again, with her life for the rest of our lives.”

  Dan let out a laugh. “My friend, you have never been lousy at anything in your life. You do know that many of us hated you before we liked you, don’t you?”

  Dev growled. “I’m serious. I don’t want to fail her. What if I’ve gotten her hopes up of this life with me, and I’m crap? What if I’m all wrong for her?”

  Dan grabbed his friend by his shoulders. “You two always do the right thing. That’s what makes you weirdly perfect for each other. It’s also infuriating to the rest of us. You two are a team, partners in this. You’ll do fine, but you better keep her in the loop. Don’t ever lie or omit anything from that woman. I’m not sure how pretty it would be if she ever turned on you. Not to mention, we all like her very much. She’s part of our team. Don’t make us choose, especially JT. I believe he is crushing on her.”

  Dev attempted a smile. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

  “Seriously, Pierce?” Dan reached for a nearby trash can. “Here.”

  Dev looked inside the bucket and saw no
thing but a future with Lily. She didn’t need him. When he was away, she was fine. They’d work out the logistics, they’d work out anything that came their way. He’d have to repeat that mantra.

  He lifted his head. “I’m good. No one needs to know about this,” he added as he pointed to the can.

  “Really? Do you know me? Everyone is going to know about this before the end of the night.”

  “Just don’t tell Lily, please.”

  Dan smoothed out his vestments and checked his watch. “Oh come on. She needs to realize you are less than perfect, my friend. She will find out on her own what a goofball you really are, but this is too good to keep to myself. However, I can be bought. We can discuss terms later. It’s almost time.”

  Dev hugged his friend. “It is way past time. Let’s roll.”

  At the other end of the church, Lily looked down the aisle as she took her brother’s arm. Dev was standing there at the end of the very long aisle. It really wasn’t that long of a walk, but it was one she thought she’d never take. The two priests were smiling from ear to ear. The church was full. How many people were here? Gretchen was behind her, fussing with the dress and Abby was standing next to her placing her bouquet to her body. “It’s beautiful, Abs. Thank you. I love you.”

  “Don’t make me cry.” Abby gazed down the aisle. Lily’s two nieces and her sister had already made their way. She crouched down in front of the bride. “Angel, baby, you need to go now. Carry your bouquet just like that.”

  “I’m not sure why I can’t throw petals, but I do like being a princess.” The little girl smiled up at Lily. “I’ll tell Dev you said hello.” She started on her way.

  Lily shut her eyes. Lord, thank you for getting me here. There were times I doubted, but I don’t right now. As the music changed, her brother began walking, almost pulling her to begin. He looked down at her.

  “Lily, it’s time to go.”

  She knew her church was filled with family and friends, but if she dared look at anyone, she would fall to pieces, crying all the way down the aisle. Instead, she locked eyes with Dev and felt completely safe and content. But, she did see him wipe away a tear. The big bad federal agent is crying? She smiled. Good. He really wasn’t always in control; he wasn’t perfect. His eyes were twinkling; he was popping his watch band nervously. It was an unexpected surprise to see him so out of sorts and yet, she was calm and confident. It was a very good day for her.

  Once they arrived next to her groom, her brother shook Dev’s hand and kissed her cheek. She couldn’t hear what they had to say to each other, but both men shared a laugh. She’d find out later. Dev reached for her hand and held it solidly in his.

  “You are absolutely beautiful,” he whispered.

  “With as much makeup, hair gel and spanx that I have on my body, we’ll be lucky if I don’t pass out.”

  Father Dan cleared his throat. “You two ready? Is it okay if I begin?”

  “Oh sure, go ahead, you’re the one in charge,” Lily answered out loud. She had forgotten that this Saturday she was the one standing at the altar in the bridal gown. The sanctuary erupted into laughter.

  Dan leaned down. “Are you sure I’m the one in charge?”

  Lily nodded her head and bent in prayer-like fashion.

  “Let us begin,” the priest said. Lily Schmidt was actually getting married to Devlin Pierce. During the vows, Dan and Father Mac were joined by Judge Stanley. The Judge stood proudly and added in his part.

  “Do you Devlin Anthony…”

  “I do.”

  “Do you Lily Catherine…”

  “I do.”

  As Mass continued, Dev held her hand tightly. She thought she saw a grimace of pain on his face as the priests continued the service.

  “You can sit down if your knee is hurting you,” she whispered.

  “I’m fine. I have a cramp. I just need to stand.”

  Lily made a note to herself, not only were Pierce men avoiders and deflectors they were stubborn beyond reason. This would be a true adventure. She would have to have patience. Was there a course she could take?

  In all those weddings over the years, nothing had prepared her for what she was feeling right now standing next to this proud man, now her husband. She knew today would fly by, but she was determined to remember every second, every smile, every hug. On the other hand, the reality was that Lily was starving, and she really had to go to the bathroom. In this dress, the second would be a real adventure. Wedding cake! She suddenly remembered that there would be cake and there would be passed appetizers, a cheese bar with assorted breads, and there would be a magnificent dinner! The dress might burst. If it did, she was sure Gretchen probably had double-sided tape, maybe glue to keep her all together.

  At the time for Communion, Dev and she finally sat down. Angelica decided all on her own to visit them as the guests made it up the aisle to participate. The little girl passed behind both priests and crawled onto Dev’s lap.

  “You happy now?” She fingered his boutonniere.

  “Very, how about you?” Dev asked softly.

  She pulled on his lapel to whisper into his ear. “What about the babies? Have you talked to Lily about them?”

  Dev smiled, looking at Lily and then back at his small fan. “I think we’ll talk about it tonight, if that’s alright with you.”

  “Perfect. I better go before mom gets mad.”

  “Good idea.” She scooted off his lap and ran toward the pews.

  “What was that all about?” Lily asked.

  “Oh, we’ll talk about it later.” He kissed his wife on the cheek. “Much later tonight.” Lily suspected something was up. Maybe there was a surprise for her, or maybe a special gift? But why would Angel be part of it?

  It was time for Dev and Lily to stand in the middle once more. Both priests came down in front of them for a special blessing and then the end of the ceremony.

  “And now, it truly is my pleasure to present for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce. It has a good ring to it. And my dear friend,” Dan stopped to look over at Dev, “you may now kiss your bride, finally.”

  Dev winked at Lily. “Now, you’re sure?” he asked his friend.

  “Yes, and do it right, soldier.”

  The guests were filling the church with laughter once more, but Dev took it as a challenge of epic proportions. He raised his left brow as a warning to his new wife.

  “Dev, remember we are in church.”

  “This is where we had our first kiss in the parking lot. Let’s make this one to remember.” In one swift movement his right arm cupped her back and his left one wrapped around her. He began the kiss and finished it as he dipped her. She heard clapping, and she thought she actually heard bells ringing. Wait, the church bells were ringing. The man was good, but he couldn’t make bells ring, or could he?

  When he finally brought her up for air, releasing her, Lily took a step back and drew in a deep breath. He had his arm out for her, and she gladly took it to march back down the aisle together. Lily Schmidt was finally married. She was a bride and a wife, and she really had to go to the bathroom!

  After a short bathroom break--well not exactly that short when you were in a handicap stall with two other women helping you--they waited for the church to clear before going back into the sanctuary to take photos. Gretchen and her sister knew how to let a bride have some privacy in the bathroom and now her “bestie” had become a saint. She slipped Lily a small fun size candy bar.

  “How did you know?”

  “I just knew you’d be hungry, and I’m very good at what I do.”

  Lily hugged the unsuspecting coordinator. “Thank you, Gretchen for all you do and for everything you’ve done. You are a good friend.”

  “Your best?”

  Lily’s brow arched. “Don’t push it.”

  “I’ll take good,” Gretchen whispered. She kissed her on the cheek. “You deserve every happiness. One thing though, who are all these delicious men? I mean even the
priest is to die for.”

  “Gretchen, not today and do not, do not hit on the priest. God will get you,” Lily reprimanded. She waved over to Dev who was visiting with JT, Paul and his wife. Gretchen gazed that way.

  “I’ll take my chances with God, but who is that gorgeous body?” Gretchen’s glance was laser-focused on JT.

  “Down, girl. I’ll introduce you later, but for now, please don’t and no touching.”

  “You have no idea what I want to do.”

  Lily chuckled as Dev came to her side. “Oh, I have a fairly good idea what you are thinking.”

  “But, Lily.”

  “No. Don’t you have something you need to be doing for the bride?”

  Gretchen looked at her pensively. She was debating her attack, but it would have to wait. “Oh yah, her. I need to clean up a few things and get the license for you, etc. My work is never done.”

  “And we do appreciate that, Gretchen,” Dev added.

  She sauntered away, but touched JT’s shoulder, a glancing shot of her beginning volleys. She preferred the defensive position, but for that man she might just take an offensive maneuver. A shot over his bow might be the excitement she needed.

  After the photos and a few on the Country Club Plaza, Lily and Dev were in the limo alone for the first time. They’d just finished in front of one of the many beautiful Kansas City fountains.

  “My hair is starting to curl up in all the wrong places,” Lily complained as she cooled off, reaching for a bottle of water.

  “It’s hot, it’s humid, it’s Kansas City in August. You taught me about all of that.” Dev slipped his arm around her back. “Now where to? We have some time.”

  Lily looked across the street. She saw one of her favorite reception venues and one of Kansas City’s landmark restaurants. She pointed at Winstead’s. In highschool, that was the place where they all walked to on beautiful fall and spring days.

  Dev laughed out loud. “Drive thru or dine in?”

  “Booth. In this dress, we’re going in.”

  “Jerry,” Dev directed the driver, “we will be going to Winstead’s for a burger.”

  “And a milkshake,” Lily added.

  Dev leaned his head back against the limo’s seat. “Somehow I knew this was coming.”


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