Book Read Free

The Tulip Terror

Page 15

by C L Bauer

  She laced her arm within Lily’s and steered them in the direction of the door. Lily heard names muttered--Michael Kors, Christian Siriano, Lagerfeld, vintage Chanel--as Claude hailed a taxi.

  In less than thirty minutes, Lily was living another dream. She was sitting at a café on a stone street within yards of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame, staring at the fountain of Saint Michael. She sipped from her glass of champagne as tourists walked by. Claude looked over her menu to study Mrs. Pierce.

  Lily was cute, unassuming, but dear. She wasn’t who she suspected Devlin would bring around, but she did look like a wife. Lily could never be a mistress! Claude laughed slightly at that thought. The new Mrs. Pierce was an individual with common sense and a sense of morality, integrity and intelligence. Lily could possibly be your best friend or your worst enemy if she felt threatened. Dev had recounted the apprehension of Garrett Notte. His wife was a brave woman and very determined when she had to be. Besides, Claude needed to keep Dev happy. As long as he was happy and occupied, he wouldn’t ask questions or get involved. She couldn’t afford him to get too close if she were to succeed in her project.

  Claude placed her menu down and waved to the server. “Lily, I’ll order us a little cheese and bread. Tonight’s dinner will be magnificent so we just need a little before we find you that dress.”

  The server placed fresh baked bread, butter, and olives in front of them. The women were face to face again, but this time there was bread. The aroma just made Lily’s heart a little lighter. As she took her first bite, the world changed. The colors were brighter, Notre-Dame was larger, the sky was bluer and Claude no longer appeared as a foe to her. She could hear the water in the fountain, and she could hear angels were singing. There was hot bread, and then there was hot bread in Paris with its crust with just enough butter, flaky, with dough that was as soft as feathers.

  “Lily, what was the first thing you liked about Devlin?” Claude picked through the olives to find the perfect one.

  Lily was relishing her bread, slowly chewing and not answering. Finally, she swallowed.

  “His eyes. They twinkle.”

  Claude’s brow furrowed. “Really? I never noticed that.”

  Lily took a drink of courage. How could champagne be life changing? It was here in Paris at a café on a stone street.

  “I have to ask, did you and Dev ever, well you know.”

  Claude literally spit out her champagne in a very unladylike, un-French like manner. “Mon Dieu, no. We were not like that, and we never made love.”

  Lily choked on her next bite of bread. She just wanted to know, well she did want to know that, but she hadn’t expected such bluntness.

  “Oh, you weren’t asking about being lovers? Sorry. No, nothing like that, nothing ever romantic. We were both doing our jobs and I was perhaps the annoying little sister who kept bothering the Americans. They weren’t concerned about my items. They were, but they weren’t. They protected what they could, but it was war. There was a famous photo of a tank outside the museum in Baghdad. So much was taken, looted and still is.”

  Her thoughts were carrying her away to many years ago. “Look at what ISIS has done to Palmyra. The Mosul Museum was pilfered and those bad agents have been selling iniquities on the black market for many years. That’s how they fund their operations. So many artifacts from Apamea, especially Roman mosaics have been removed. I could go on for days, perhaps years explaining my disgust. Actually, I’ve been yelling for years. It’s sad, but to save many things that are priceless, you must deal with unsavory people and pay the price.”

  Lily could hear her passion. “I understand. I can’t imagine what that’s like to see history leveled into rubble. I would cry.”

  Claude nodded. “Lily, I have. When you see a site and it is just sand and dirt and you know that Romans walked in that city, I become physically ill. I also wonder if I’m doing the right thing when sometimes I have to do the wrong thing.”

  Lily set her glass on the table and reached for a piece of cheese. Claude had completely relaxed and sat back in her chair. There was more to Claude, Lily speculated. She’d have to ask Dev a few questions, but there was so much more than her French stone facade. She did have a heart, just like Paris.

  Claude returned her attention to the plate in front of them. “Lily, this is your blue cheese, and this is epoisses de Bourgogne, comte, reblochon.” She pointed at each delectable item. Her hand halted. “I didn’t think. You aren’t pregnant, are you? If you are, I’m not sure you can eat any of these. We would have to ask if they are pasteurized.”

  Lily gulped. “I’m on my honeymoon.”

  Claude laughed. “It only takes once, Lily.”

  “Well, let’s say I’m not, so hand over the cheese, woman.”

  Claude laughed again, this time full throated and genuine. “I now see why he loves you.”

  “Good for you. I’m still trying to figure that one out. How about you, Claude? Anyone special?”

  Her smile faded instantly. “Once. He was a very nice boy. An American.”


  “Well, he was part of Dev’s group. He was smart and knew art even though he was from a very small town somewhere in your middle America. He died.”

  Lily reached over and touched the top of Claude’s outstretched hand.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  Claude placed her other hand over Lily’s. “I am too. His death affected all of us. I know the guys were changed and I, well, I left to go home soon after that. They never knew how close we were. His death was an accident, a very bad one. If the boys had known all the details it would’ve resulted in many more deaths than just his. By the time I heard how the Army had determined how he had died, there was no point in resurrecting the tragedy.”

  “I don’t understand.” Lily was searching Claude’s eyes for an answer to the confusing information. “What had the Army done?”

  One small tear floated down Claude’s cheek. “The officer in charge knew that something awful had happened, but if his men had known the truth, they would’ve gone off and tracked down the murderer. He and I decided that would not be in the best interest of my mission, nor theirs.”

  “So, you both made up a lie?”

  She pulled her hands away and took a quick drink. “For the better good. It seems like I’m always playing somewhere between devil and angel. It’s an impossible role to play out. Oui, we did it to protect the rest.”

  Lily shut her eyes and silently prayed. My God, how did she live everyday like this--this agony of deception?

  “Lily, we had to protect them. If we hadn’t, Dev would be dead, Dan, JT, Paul and all the others. They would’ve gone up in those caves after the terrorist and never returned. We had to, don’t you understand?”

  The woman had desperately needed someone to talk to, and Lily was it. “I do understand, but what story did you two concoct?”

  Claude wiped away more tears and then threw her hair back to gain some sort of control. “We said he committed suicide.”

  Lily’s stomach was churning. “Tom?”

  The shock threw Claude back into the chair once more. “Oui. So, you know about him? Dev told you about him? Of course, he did. You see, you can’t tell Dev.”

  “I can’t promise that,” Lily pleaded. “Besides, you need to tell him.”

  Claude laughed nervously. “I think I know another reason why he loves you. You are so damn honest to a fault, aren’t you? And people want to talk to you; spill their guts out, even if it isn’t wise. It was not wise for me to tell you.”

  “So, you know who killed Tom?”

  “Yes, and I fear that man is somewhere in this city right now.”

  Before Lily could say another word, the server brought the check and Claude paid it. She took one final drink from her glass. “We need to find you a dress.”

  “Really? You want to shop now? You are almost as good at deflection as my husband.”

  Claude rubbed her face a
nd planted a simple smile on her lips. “And you good lady, need a dress. Now, let’s go.”

  The second salon they entered, Lily found three dresses to try on. She wasn’t sure if the shopping was actually getting easier or if Claude and she had drank too much champagne. After the café, the first salon had insisted they treat the ladies, and now at this one the bubbly was flowing freely. The first dress was fairly low cut.

  “I’m not sure I want you to see this one,” Lily yelled from the changing room.

  “Get out here,” Claude insisted.

  The low cut, pale blue gown swept over Lily’s hips. The bodice of the dress was sequined with crystals and pearls, down to the waist of the dress where it formed a belt. The full soft fabric of the skirt, swirled around when Lily turned. She was holding the middle of the dress.

  “Lily, remove your hand. I need to see. It is a beautiful color on you.”

  Lily sucked in a breath and did as she was told. She wasn’t able to wear a bra under the dress. The dress was v-cut in the front and in the back. Her exposed skin formed a look Lily had never worn.

  “Oh my,” Claude exclaimed. “You have cleavage. Amazing.”

  “Very funny.” Lily turned to look in the mirror. It was beautiful, but she needed way more fabric for coverage.

  Claude joined her and looked at her in the mirror. “And I now know another reason why my friend loves you.” Lily blushed immediately.

  “Not this one. One more to go.”

  As Lily returned to change, Claude was agreeing to her decision. Soon she heard muffled noises. It sounded like her companion was talking to a man. Perhaps Dev had decided to track them down?

  Privately, Lily was still reeling from the information Claude had shared. It would be difficult to even glance at Dev without telling him. She certainly couldn’t keep it from the rest of the guys when she saw them in just a few weeks at the Army-Navy football party. That one incident had changed their lives forever. Claude needed to tell Dev, and he needed to tell the others. That was the only answer. It was the right thing to do.

  She checked herself in the mirror and smiled. It was a beautiful dress, something she would never have selected, but Claude did know best. It was almost as perfect as her wedding gown. Deep green in color, the dress floated away from her hips. The front was slightly low cut; something she would feel comfortable wearing. “This may be the one, Claude.”

  She marched out, still smiling at her success. A man had joined Claude on the small settee. Obviously, he wasn’t from around here, his features reminding Lily of a younger version of the actor Omar Sharif. He was extremely tan, clothed in a perfectly tailored shirt and suit. Lily wasn’t that versed on clothiers, but she suspected he was wearing an expensive suit from Armani or Versace. He was extremely good looking, dangerous and obviously made of money or pretending he was.

  His smile reminded her of a cat plotting the demise of a baby mouse. Lily gulped. Squeak, squeak. Claude was relaxed next to him; Lily felt uncomfortable. What was that phrase, someone was walking on your grave?

  “That’s very nice,” Claude said as she applauded. “This is Lily, Dev’s wife, and this is Ari.”

  Lily nodded and then turned to face the mirror to examine the dress. It was stunning and probably cost more money than her last month’s worth of weddings. She saw the man rise from his seat and stand behind her.

  “She’ll need drop earrings that will fall right here on her neck.” He touched her. Lily tried not to jump, but her insides were yelling, Danger, Danger from an old television show. What would Jessica Fletcher do now? Lily moved over two steps; he followed, smiling.

  “And, she’ll need a lovely necklace, perhaps a choker.” He moved to touch her back. Lily turned quickly.

  “If you don’t mind, keep your hands to yourself.” His eyes bore a hole through to her soul. There was no twinkling there. Dev could make her melt; this man made her smoulder. Fire was in those eyes, the destruction of your very soul. If you let him. If Gretchen sounded like the devil at times, this man was his human form.

  “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude. I was just trying to help.” His speech pattern was deliberate and in perfect English.

  “And I want your help, why?” Lily in control had returned.

  “Because, I’m here to protect you.”

  “I’m sure you could do that, but does my husband know?”

  His smile became genuine. “Not yet, dear lady.” He turned to Claude. “You’re right. I would never have picked her for Devlin, but she’s absolutely perfect. I’m sure he’ll have his hands full with this one.”

  Lily curved her body to look around him at her companion. “Claude, this dress?”

  “I think it is lovely, Lily. It’s perfect. That color of green is quite beautiful with your perfect complexion. We just need some shoes, and jewelry would be a good idea. Ari is right.”

  “I usually am,” he muttered. He straightened his shirt from beneath the sleeves of his jacket.

  Lily moved a little closer. “Really? I do find that difficult to believe.”

  He looked up, throwing his head back in laughter. “Lily, I think we will become good friends.”

  “Must we?” She didn’t wait for his answer as she left to remove the dress. Once in the changing room, she slowly assessed the entire day. Rude French woman, nice French woman. Massive secret and regret, trying on dresses depressing, finding a beautiful one and being excited. Need protection from what and why is he doing it? I’m supposed to be on my honeymoon! Keep breathing, Lily, that’s all you can do right now.

  By the time she returned to the salon, Claude had arranged for the dress to be delivered to the hotel, along with a matching wrap and three pairs of shoes Lily could try on. She’d also selected a cocktail dress for this evening. The salon would pick up everything the day after the gala, but not this dress. Lily might not want to wear it, it’s cleavage not as low as the gown she had tried on, but just low enough to make her husband very happy. Claude hoped her new friend would wear it, and she could take it home as a souvenir from Paris. The dress had sheer sleeves with the low cut in the back as well. It was a perfect shade of blue. She remembered it was Dev’s favorite color. It was ironic what you remembered about a person, Claude thought. She still had memories of watching her friends play volleyball in their compound. Dev always wore this one light blue tee when he played.

  “Now, where?” Lily asked as they came out onto the street.

  “This way, ladies.” Ari was directing them to a very impressive limousine. Lily followed Claude, but she didn’t feel good about doing it. As they rode along, Lily was searching for landmarks just in case she needed to make a run for it and dive out of the moving vehicle. If she was going to be living in a movie set she might as well do all her own stunts.

  They stopped in front of a very well known jewelry store. Ari and Claude left the car, but Lily remained.

  “Come on, Lily. We’re going to get you some jewelry to borrow.”

  Ari extended a hand to help her out. “I won’t bite.”

  “I’m not sure about that.”

  “Trust me. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  She looked into those piercing eyes and didn’t miss a beat. “Really? The last man that said that to me, lied and then I married him.”

  He tucked her arm into his. Claude was on his left side. “Well, you will just have to trust me. Besides, apparently that worked very well for you? Oui?”


  In a matter of minutes, Ari was selecting the perfect necklace and earrings and Claude was agreeing. Lily was content to look around the store at all the beauties. There were no price tags, but every one of the pieces were out of her budget, for the rest of her life.

  Ari was talking to the manager as Lily pulled Claude to a far corner of the store. “He’s here to protect me? Is Dev fine with this? And why should I trust him, or you?”

  Claude smiled. Lily isn’t just normal. She is a force of natu
re! How did she get me to open up, to tell a secret I’ve held for so long? Was it her smile? Was it the way she looked softly on me without judging my confession? Claude could tell Lily was frightened, but the new Mrs. Pierce seemed to be planning her escape if necessary. She’d noticed Lily counting blocks as they drove to the store. “This all may be a bit overwhelming, but we mean you no harm. Dev will be fine with this, eventually.”

  “Eventually?” This wasn’t going to end well. Lily’s whispers were becoming audible to another customer. “He doesn’t know about Ari? What else doesn’t he know?”

  “Ladies, we are ready to go,” Ari said as he handed a small bag to Lily. “Make sure you place this in your hotel safe, please. I’ve signed for the items and I don’t mind paying for them if I have to, but why should I when another man receives your attention?”

  He winked as he asked the question. Lily gulped. Was Ari beginning to sound like a British super agent? Maybe she was dreaming? If she’d eaten too late at night, she’d have dreams like this. Usually they involved a secret agent, a motorcycle and a wild ride through the streets of Paris with Tom Cruise. No more champagne for lunch.

  After a short drive back to The Louvre, Claude announced that Ari would return her to the hotel and she would see her again at dinner later that night. Lily protested as Claude waved goodbye. Ari smiled like a cat sated from a bowl of milk, and not the skim kind.

  “So you are a little flower girl?”

  Lily’s eyes narrowed. “If you mean I own my own flower shop, then yes, une fleuriste.” He might be attractive, drop-dead gorgeous, but he was rude.

  “Pardon moi, Lily. Does Devlin Pierce really know what he has gotten himself into with you?” He laughed out loud. Lily did not.

  “I hope he knows. By the way, how do you know him? If you are going to protect me, I’d like to know a little more about you.”


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