Various Persuasions
Page 20
“Now take off those wet clothes and go have a shower. You need to learn to take proper care of yourself.”
He blinked at me as water dripped down his face. I knew there were tears there as well—maybe from earlier, maybe more recent.
“Yes, Sir.” He moved to obey.
As he passed me, I reached out and grabbed his arm. My voice was softer now as some of the rage had dissipated in the face of his obedience. “I’m still really angry with you. And I’m furious with Daphne and apoplectic at Zane. But when you’re done, put on my blue robe and come down to the living room. We can talk, but I’m not promising anything. I don’t know if I can forgive any of you.”
He nodded without looking at me and, when I released him, moved quickly through the living room and up the stairs.
I’d already forgiven him and I couldn’t deny it to myself as I sat on the stairs, my heart flipping, breaths quick with emotion. I lasted about five excruciating minutes then followed his path, clicking my tongue at the wet sock prints on my wood floors.
By the time I reached the upper floor, I wasn’t strong enough to resist him or what we had together. I stripped off my clothes and walked quietly into the en suite.
Vincent was shivering, even though he was under the hot water. He leaned against the tiles, his head on his arms, the reflection of my posture from a few days ago. His chest heaved and I realized he was sobbing.
I moved forward, slid open the stall door and stepped under the water, guiding him into my embrace as he wrapped his arms instinctively around my waist like a small, lost child—which he was right now, at least emotionally. He dipped his forehead into the hollow between my shoulder and neck and clutched me like I was his rock.
“Nic, I’m so, so sorry.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart. It’s okay. It wasn’t your fault.”
“I didn’t know why I was supposed to keep quiet. Daphne explained everything the other day and now I wish you’d known the whole time.” His voice broke with emotion.
I sighed. “There wouldn’t have been a whole time if I’d known. I wouldn’t have gone anywhere near you. She’s right about that.”
“Still, it wasn’t fair to not tell you.”
“I know but it’s okay. We’re not going to let this tear us apart.”
He drew a sudden, violent breath and shuddered. “Oh, God, thank God. I thought we were done. I thought you’d never open that door.”
“Then why did you sit out there so long?” I asked, kissing his hair, moving it out of the way so I could kiss his skin.
“Because if you did open the door, I’d be there, and if you didn’t, nothing mattered anyway.”
“Oh, Vincent.” I pulled him close, chafing his arms and shoulders with my hands to bring the blood back to them. I adjusted the temperature of the water even hotter and made sure he was under most of it. “I’m so sorry. I was just…so mad. I’d had initial trepidations about getting involved with you and this just brought all my insecurities to the surface.”
“You’re the best thing in my life right now,” he said.
Afterward, I dried him and found a fleece robe that mostly fit. I made us some tea and we sat together on the sofa to drink it.
“Zane and I had a weird relationship,” I told Vincent. “It was mostly him teaching me the ropes of being a Dominant. But then it seemed like he was using me as a circus performer to impress his many subs. You know, come see the non-binary Domme I’m training to whip you silly. It was a gimmick. I thought he actually cared about me. But when I expressed my growing feelings for him, he dropped me like a hot coal, came up with a stupid excuse and refused to have anything to do with me.”
Vincent stared at me, his eyes wide. “Are you serious?”
“Deadly. I swore I’d never fall for anyone again because it’s better to be alone than to give yourself to someone who doesn’t give a fuck.” I gestured vaguely his way. “Then, you came along.”
Vincent blushed and sipped his tea. “Me?”
“Yes, you. I told Daphne I didn’t want to meet you but she insisted—and the rest is history. Now I find out it was all an orchestration of Zane’s. Do you understand why I reacted the way I did?”
He nodded. He’d finally stopped shivering and looked lovely with his damp hair and flushed skin, holding his teacup to warm his hands and taking small sips like he was in the Queen’s parlor.
I continued. “But, I’ve decided, thanks to you being a complete idiot and risking hypothermia to get to me, that I can’t give you up. I can’t give up what we have, Vincent, because I think it’s extraordinary.” I said the last part softly, because it was true and I didn’t want to jinx it.
He stared at me over his cup for a long moment, not saying anything. Then he put his tea on the coffee table and slid to the floor, resting his head in my lap.
“Thank you, Sir. Thank you, Nic. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
I took him upstairs and we made love under the covers so Vincent stayed warm. I sucked his cock into my mouth and stroked his balls until he begged me to mount him. When I did, he guided himself into me and sighed as my body enveloped him.
I leaned forward, kissing him deeply while I rocked on top of him, fucking him softly and slowly until he begged permission to come.
When I gave it, he gripped my hips and thrust, pumping me with his cock and filling me with his seed while I exploded into a million loud pieces.
He stayed at my place all day and we spent our time watching crap TV and cuddling in bed. He asked if he could stay the night.
I said yes.
Later I woke up in the darkness, terror in my heart. I glanced at the bed beside me, relieved to see Vincent’s form stretched out beneath the blankets, his face on the pillow beside mine.
He was still here. He was mine. He was all mine and I’d be damned if I’d let either Daphne or Zane or my own fucking pride ruin this.
Chapter Seventeen
I called Daphne first thing on Sunday morning and let her know I was still mad but felt sorry for the way I’d been on the phone the last time we’d spoken.
“Nic, I am so, so sorry. I shouldn’t have let Zane convince me this was a good idea.”
“Well it was a good idea. It was a great idea, and that’s what pisses me off more than anything else. Why did it have to be his idea? Of all people?”
“What? You mean, you and Vincent are still—?”
“Daphne, he is the fucking perfect sub for me and I’m the perfect Dom for him and it’s already gone way beyond that.”
She squealed. “Really? Oh, Nic, that’s fantastic! He seems like such a sweetheart. I knew he’d be perfect for you!”
“I’m teaching him to play the piano.”
“No way.”
“Yeah. Who knew you could make piano practice into a form of service?”
“You devil. I have to admit that I always thought he had a great mouth on him. Eats pussy like a champ. And he knows what to do with his fingers when he’s not playing piano.”
“Daphne. If you ever touch Vincent again, I will destroy you.”
“Fine, fine. He’s yours. I get it. I can’t help appreciating him.”
“Yeah, yeah, just appreciate him from a distance.”
“Awe, Nic, I’m so glad you called. And I’m glad it’s working out with Vincent. You deserve each other, you know. You’re both sweet as fuck.”
I laughed. “Seriously? I’m sweet?”
“Yeah, Nic, you’re fucking adorable. I know you want to be the big bad Dom, but you’re a romantic at heart.”
I chuckled. She was right. “Well, don’t tell anyone. Only you and Vincent know.”
After I hung up, I found Zane’s number in my contacts and unblocked it temporarily.
I shot him a text.
Hi, Zane. It’s Nic. Are you going to be home this afternoon? There’s something we need to discuss.
After about ten minutes I got a reply.
Hey, kid. Glad to hear from
you. Sure, come on by. *happy face emoji*
I sent him a thumbs-up and told Vincent we were going to see Zane. He didn’t look thrilled about it.
Vincent’s clothes from the day before were clean and dry from the laundry, so he got dressed before we headed out. I was wearing my usual jeans and T-shirt with my leather jacket. I wore my shit-kicker boots and decided to drive, since both those things make me feel in control of the situation.
“Remember the last time I drove us somewhere?” I asked Vincent with a smirk.
“Oh fuck,” he said, squirming in his seat. “Yeah.”
“Me too.”
We shared a glance and I focused on the road. “Let’s get this little errand done so we can go back to my place and play.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Zane opened the door wearing a pair of sweatpants and some kind of old-fashioned smoking jacket. It was a typical outfit for him and I rolled my eyes as I remembered some of the things I’d seen him in. He wasn’t as handsome as I remembered, perhaps because I had the most beautiful man in the world at my heel.
“Nic. Hey, Vince! Glad you two are getting along.” He held the door open for us as we stepped inside.
“Yeah, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about, Zane,” I said, glancing about his well-appointed townhome and trying not to remember spending time there.
He spread his arms as if he were the Pope and bowed his head. “You’re so welcome.”
The anger rose in me like a swarm of hornets.
When he looked up, he saw my glare and frowned. “What’s the matter?”
“Vincent, sit down,” I said, gesturing to the sofa and not caring a whit that it was Zane’s house.
Vincent did as he was told because he knew I was in charge. He was probably happy to be left out of this exchange except as a bystander and, well, the subject of it.
I turned to Zane. “What’s the matter, Zane? Besides the fact that you went behind my back and manipulated Daphne into sending me Vincent? As, what, a gift? An apology?”
Zane shrugged, giving me his standard shit-eating grin. “A little of both, I guess. Why? Don’t you like him?”
I closed my eyes to keep my anger in check. “That’s not the point. The point is you used this exquisite boy for your own ends. How dare you?”
Zane shook his head like I was making too much of this. “Hey, it seems like it worked out fine. How are you liking Nicole, Vince? She’s got a firm hand and a creative mind, doesn’t she?”
I gritted my teeth. “Leave him out of it. And I told you not to call me that.”
“Oh shit, I forgot. Sorry.”
Vincent stood and moved closer. “And I told you I didn’t like being called Vince.”
Zane raised his hands and backed up a step. “Jeez, you two are made for each other. You’re both so particular.”
I shook my head, not even sure why I had ever had a thing for this guy. “Fuck you, Zane. Apologize to my face like a human being.”
He crossed his arms over his chest. He did seem a bit chastened. God knew why. Was it my anger? My disapproval of his actions?
“Fine. I’m sorry for the way things ended, Nic. I didn’t think you’d be that upset about it.”
I pressed my lips together. “Yeah? Well, now I’m wondering why I was. I actually think I dodged a bullet.”
“Now, that’s not fair.”
“Don’t talk to me about what’s fair, Zane. And stop interfering in my life. You blithely divested yourself of any involvement with me months ago, so just stay the fuck out of my business.”
He seemed taken aback by my demeanor. “Fine.”
“Come on. We’re going.”
Vincent glared at Zane as he walked past silently.
Zane laughed. “Wow. That boy needs a firecracker up his ass. Ask him how he likes electro.”
I froze as Vincent turned back to Zane, his face flushing furiously. “You fucker! I fucking safeworded and you kept going. You’re a fucking asshole.”
I was shocked by the vehemence of Vincent’s assertion but not surprised by this revelation, although it disturbed me greatly. Zane’s methods had always been a bit questionable, but finding out he did something to Vincent against Vincent’s wishes tripped something in me.
I took Vincent’s hand and placed him firmly behind me. Then I was all up in Zane’s face before he knew what was happening.
“If you ever even think about contacting either of us or interfering in our lives in any way, I will personally call the cops and charge you with assault on Vincent’s behalf.”
Zane shrugged. “It wouldn’t hold, Nic. The cops see BDSM and they think everything’s on the table.”
“Fuck you, Zane. Fuck you and your self-serving philosophies.” I took Vincent’s hand and led him out of there and back to my car.
Zane stared out of his open door as if we’d just had a lovely afternoon tea together. He lifted his hand in a casual wave before he closed his front door.
“Fucking prick!” I exclaimed as we got in my car. I looked at Vincent as we put on our seatbelts. “Did he really ignore your safeword while he was doing electro with you?”
Vincent sighed and frowned. “Yep. Twice. I thought maybe he didn’t hear me the first time. He definitely heard me the second time because I fucking yelled it at the top of my lungs.”
I pulled out of Zane’s driveway, glad to see the last of him. “Then what did he do?”
“He told me I was acting like a wimp and I could take more. But I didn’t want to. He kept it at that high level and made me come against my wishes. I mean, I know forced orgasm is a thing but not when someone safewords.” He glanced at me. “Am I right about that?”
“You’re absolutely right about that. He was way out of line and that is actually assault, not BDSM. It’s guys like him who give kink a bad rep.”
“I didn’t even want to do electro, but he was convinced I’d love it. Yeah, I didn’t love it.”
“Ah fuck. I’m so sorry, Vincent.”
“For what?”
“For Zane, for what he did, for this whole thing. I need to make it up to you, show you how a real man treats his sub.” I winked at him.
“Yes, Sir. Please, Sir. You are ten times the man Zane is.”
And that was better than anything I’d heard in a very long time.
When we got back to my place, I asked him if he wanted to do a scene or just chill. I was honestly up for either.
He bowed his head and looked at the floor. “I, uh, I really liked that examination you did at my apartment, Dr. Walker, before everything went bad. I kind of want to finish that scene.”
“I can certainly oblige you, Mr. Blake. We must address the problem you are having, after all.”
“Fuck. You talk Doctor very well, Sir.”
“I know. I’ve played this game before.”
* * * *
Thirty minutes later we were at the point where we’d stopped back at his apartment. He was arrayed profanely on my sofa this time, ball gag in, hands bound with red rope, ass in the air—no blindfold. I was pumping him with two gloved fingers and stroking his cock with my other gloved hand. He was so close that he was going to blow any minute.
“Mr. Blake, your penis has gotten very large from the rectal exam I’m giving you.”
Vincent groaned, pushing against my hand.
“Do you think you can have an orgasm from this?”
He thrust harder, nodding vigorously.
I took my hand off his cock. “I mean, of course, just from the anal exam?”
Vincent whimpered, thrusting against the empty air. I was pretty sure he could come just from having my fingers in his ass, though.
“I’m going to add another finger, Mr. Blake.”
I pushed three fingers into Vincent’s ass as he emitted a high-pitched whine. As I pumped them in and out, deliberately rubbing his prostate, I continued my clinical diagnosis.
“I believe your proble
m is a hypersensitive rectum and anal region. You seem to respond very readily to sexual and non-sexual stimulation of this area.”
Vincent struggled, desperate now. He huffed and moaned and gave a deep grunt.
“I have a sneaking suspicion that if I keep doing this,” I said, stroking his prostate rhythmically with a gentle pressure, “and just give your penis a little rub right here”—I massaged his frenulum with the pad of my thumb in a circular motion—“you’re going to—”
Vincent shouted and shot, his anus spasming around my fingers, cock spurting jizz into the air in epic quantities as I pumped him through it.
Wow. I mean, wow!
He kept coming. I kept pumping him with my fingers. He kept yelling.
Finally, his contortions weakened and ceased. He lay there, quivering, sagging against my sofa as I pulled my fingers from him.
“Oh, fuck yeah,” I said. “That was awesome, Vincent. Are you okay?”
He whimpered but his head bobbed. I stripped off the gloves and smoothed my hand over his rump. “Tomorrow I’m spanking the shit out of you, though. I want to see if you can come from that. Maybe if you’re over my knee?”
Vincent whimpered, pressing into my touch.
I took him out of his restraints and removed the gag.
He licked his lips and said, “Tomorrow’s Monday,” with a questioning look.
“Oh, so it is,” I replied with a cheeky grin. “Would you like to come over for a spanking before you make me supper?”
Vincent grinned. “Yeah, I would.”
Chapter Eighteen
Vincent arrived just before five.
“I wore the polka dot panties for you, Sir,” he said as I opened the door for him.
“Oh, Vincent. Then you’ll have to strip down right now because I want to watch you walk around in them all evening.”
He visibly shuddered as he started to strip in my entryway. I leaned back against the wall and observed him closely. He folded and piled his clothes on the small bench then straightened and looked at me for approval.