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Breaking The Ice (Providence University #1)

Page 17

by Ali Parker

  “Okay. You’re right. No sudden moves.” She lay back and Lizzy wrapped her in a hug.

  Dana, the fifth Ice Queen on our trip, kept her eyes on the window beside her. She was the only one of the bunch that didn’t look like she belonged in the group. She slept around just like the rest of them in the backseat and back at home, but she had a short bob-cut and glasses. She looked like a teacher’s pet might.

  “Dana, you okay?” I reached back and patted her leg.

  “Hm? Yeah. I mean, no, I’m not okay.” She shrugged and brushed her hair from her face. “I’m not going to keep sleeping around with the guys. I’m out. I’ll tell everyone when I get home. I can’t end up pregnant. My dad would kill me, and he’s all I have. It’s not happening.”

  “You don’t know—” Lizzy started, but I turned and cut her off.

  “I think that’s a great idea. The guys need to start looking for girlfriends and stop relying on you guys.” I turned and pinned Lizzy with a hard stare. “Besides, you deserve boyfriends that take care of you in more than just physical ways.”

  “She’s right. You’re all great girls. There are loads of great guys that want relationships.” Layla readjusted the rearview mirror to see them better. “And sex, when love’s involved, is so much better.”

  “Word.” I glanced back and lifted my eyebrow. “Just something to think about.”

  I couldn’t help but think Layla and I either offended everyone in the car or gave them some valuable advice to chew on because they didn’t utter another word all the way back to campus.

  “Is there a reason why you didn’t haunt this dance studio once this week?” McCraven turned from the ballet bar and pinned me with a hard stare.

  “I was in Florida, which I know I told you about. I e-mailed you, wrote a note on your board, and texted the information.” I dropped my bag beside the door and lifted to my toes to move across the floor toward her. We weren’t allowed to walk in the studio. Nazi orders.

  “Dare I ask if you did anything at all over the week?” She lifted to her toes and stretched her arms in the air, resembling the perfect rendition of what everyone thought a ballerina looked like.

  “No. Don’t ask. Please.” I moved up to the bar and began my stretches. “I’m going to work extra hard this week, but I won’t be here starting on Thursday again.”

  “Thursday? Did I approve you going out of town again?” Her voice hardened.

  “Yes. At the beginning of the semester, I told you that the Frozen Four tournament would be Thursday through Saturday of this coming week.”

  “Well, I rescind. The tryouts are Saturday afternoon, and you have too much work to do in order to be ready. I’m willing to spend Wednesday working with you on your tryout piece, as I know I’ve made myself clear that I want you to take the lead in this production. Everyone who’s anyone will be there.” She shrugged and lifted her leg high in the air before bending backward and sweeping the floor.

  Beautiful. I hated her most days of the week, but I wanted her talent more than anything. How someone so beautiful could be so damn ugly all the time was beyond me.

  “I’m leaving on Thursday. I’m the head of the Ice—”

  “No. You’re not, and that’s final.” She turned her light blue eyes toward me as her lips drew into a tight line.

  “Yes, I am. I don’t want to disrespect you or this program, but I’m not stepping down at the last minute on a major commitment I have to the hockey team. It’s not happening.”

  “And you would give up your spot and your solo at the front of the spring production for these Neanderthals?”

  “No. I’m not doing this for them. I’m doing it to fulfill a commitment. That means something to me.” I wasn’t sure where my swell of confidence had come from in front of her, but I was sure to have my ass handed to me any minute.

  “And you’re not going to change your mind?”

  I moved to the far end of the room and kept my calm as best as I could. Lifting my arms, I started to spin across the room in a perfect line, stopping at the end to hop in the air and then dip down to sweep the floor, combining modern dance and ballet.

  “No, I want this part, but I’m more than a dancer.” I moved back across the room, performing my pirouette piquée flawlessly.

  “How are your feet?” She glanced down at my pointe shoes and back up toward my face as her expression softened.

  “Good. The captain of the hockey team taught me a few tricks that I wish I would have known when I first started dancing. They’ve almost healed up completely.” I lifted to my toes again.

  “Interesting. I’d say that means you aren’t working hard enough, but you know that.” She turned to the mirror and studied herself as she lifted her leg high into the air again and leaned forward.

  “Is anyone else joining us?” I moved down to begin squatting positions.

  “No. This is a private session for you.” She lifted an arm in the air. “Your mother called a week or so ago. Did you know that?”

  “She told me. She’s rather disappointed in me in more ways than one.” I lowered my eyes, not wanting to see the approval that my staunch ballet instructor had for my mother pushing me in whatever manner necessary.

  “She’s trying to live her dreams through you.” McCraven’s voice was far too caring for my liking. “We both are.”

  “What?” I glanced up and walked toward the bar to stand beside her. “This isn’t your dream?”

  “Heavens no.” She dropped down to stand flat-footed beside me. “I was supposed to be a world famous ballerina.”

  “And why aren’t you? You’re the most talented dancer I’ve ever seen.” Something inside of me started to melt. Was I really standing here with the wicked witch of the west while she turned into the good witch?

  “I was dating a basketball player at the time, and he told me that he loved me.” She shrugged and turned back toward the mirror. “My daughter was the result of the union between us. Come to find out, he loved a lot of ballerinas.”

  Her laugh was bitter, and I couldn’t help but reach out and touch her shoulder.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s all part of the past now, but don’t make the same mistakes I did.” She turned to me and smiled sadly. “If you want to run to the top, then don’t let anything hold you back, Aubrey. Not a man or his wild ways or an education that will land you a job you never wanted. This is your time to do what fuels your passion. You just need to figure out what that is.”

  I nodded and turned to face the bars. “You’re right. I do need to figure it out.”

  “Well, for now, let’s break your feet in again. Shall we?” She smiled and I chuckled.

  “Sure, why not?”

  Chapter 31


  I sat outside the dance studio on campus after leaving my parents and grabbing my bike. The conversation with my dad was something I was going to have to take time to process. Just because he’d given me a little bit of wiggle room didn’t really mean anything had changed. He was likely to go back to being the overbearing asshole that made me feel two feet tall any minute, but I’d take a break in the tension anytime I could get it.

  Aubrey spun around the floor as I watched her through the glass from the parking lot. Breathtaking wouldn’t begin to describe her.

  The light pink unitard she wore clung to her, but for the first time since meeting her, I didn’t find myself staring at her ass or thinking about her tits. She looked innocent, beautiful, precious. Her dark hair lifted into the air as she leaned over and pulled her arm through a large circular motion before bending backward and rolling up.

  My heart was racing in my chest as I watched her lose herself in the moment.

  How the fuck was I going to leave in three months for the pros and leave her here? To ask her to come with me would mean asking her to transfer schools and leaving all her friends and her family. Jayce would kill me, if Layla didn’t get to me first.

  “Some peopl
e call this stalking, you know?” Will walked up beside me and crossed his arms over his chest. “I mean, I can see why you do it, but I’d be careful if I were you.”

  I chuckled and extended my hand to him. “William Tanner. How’s it going, man?”

  “It’s better.” He glanced down at me. “A lot better.”

  “Good. You been staying clean?” I glanced back over to Aubrey and let her steal my heart all over again. I wouldn’t ask her to leave with me. I’d stay with her or see if she wanted to give a long-distance relationship a go. We’d figure it out or become best friends until one of us couldn’t take another night without the other. I felt like I might be the first to crack.

  “That, I am. I need to find another focus for a while, but I think I’ll be all right. My dad’s just as big a hockey fan, and between him and my over-the-top mother, I just felt like if I didn’t race to the top as fast as I could that they would disown me.”

  “I doubt that. Parents are stupid sometimes, though they mean well.” I turned to face him and got off my bike.

  “No, they did disown me, but it feels good. I have scholarship money in academics. I’ll focus there until I figure out which sport I love most. Then, I’ll beg my way back into the good graces of someone.” He shrugged, looking more free than I could remember seeing him before.

  “Wow. You know I have an apartment if you need a place to stay, right?” I slipped my hands into my pockets and glanced back to see Aubrey walking out of the building. “Aubrey. Over here!”

  “I appreciate that. I’m in the dorm for now, so I’m good. I’ll touch base with you after the tournament.” He patted my arm. “See you around, Lucas. Thanks for everything, man.”

  I turned and put my attention back on him. “You bet. I’ll always be here for you.” He was a good kid. He just needed to find his way. Hell, we all did.

  “Was that Will?” Aubrey stopped beside me and turned toward Will as her hair blew in the wind.

  “Get over here.” I reached out and grabbed her wrist, pulling her to me and sliding my hands into her hair before leaning down and pressing my lips tightly to hers.

  She opened up and I took full advantage to slide my tongue past hers, groaning at the delicious flavor of her as it raced across my taste buds.

  “I guess you missed me?” She smiled and pressed her forehead against mine.

  “Every part of you.” I brushed my thumbs over her cheeks. “You know our project is due Monday. You want to find a place to get it done?”

  “Yes, and then we’re going to snuggle up and watch a movie. That sound okay?” She leaned against me and locked her arms around my neck.

  “Sounds really good. Did you have fun?” I leaned down and kissed her a few times, stealing her words as she tried to speak them.

  She pushed at my chest and laughed, lighting up my insides with the sound. “We had a good time, but it was too long away from you guys. Girls are catty bitches most days of the week.”

  “Amen. I’m glad I found the one that isn’t.” I pulled her close again and leaned down for a long kiss as I slid my hands down her outer thighs and moved to cup her butt. “Does movie mean the same thing that nap meant the other day?”

  “You’re incorrigible.” She nipped at my lips and moved back to grab the helmet on the back of my bike.

  “That’s a big word for a meathead like me.” I moved in to help her with the straps as my pulse spiked. She had to be the most incredible creature I’d ever known. There wasn’t a part of her I didn’t want to explore. “Where are we going?”

  “It’s Saturday night, so Merskys is going to be nuts.” She moved back as I got on the bike and offered her a hand. “How about Jenzies? They have good burgers and aren’t too busy because they’re a little ways from here.”

  “Sounds good. Let’s grab the project from my place and go over there to get it done.” I turned back and started the bike as she slid her hands around my waist and cupped my dick. I growled softly and smiled at the sound of her laughter. Yeah, a long-distance relationship wasn’t going to work. One of us would have to give up our plans. Just for a year.

  “How do you spell it?” She leaned over the booth and wrote out the names of our bugs above the pinned carcass of each.

  I ran my hand over her back and down her rear. Her pink skirt lifted as I dragged my hand back up the side of her leg, and I couldn’t help but squeeze her ass once more. “I like this unitard thing. It’s like an acceptable bathing suit. And this skirt is so tiny.”

  “Hey. Pay attention to the project.” She glanced over her shoulder and smiled at me. “Let’s get this done and we can spend some time together.”

  “Good. I need a nap.” I laughed and moved up to help her wrap things up fast. “Did you hear about Will?”

  “Yeah. Layla told me everything. I guess she talked to Jessie while we were on Spring Break.” She dropped down in the seat next to me as the burgers were placed in front of us.

  “Is she into Jessie?” I reached for the ketchup and squirted some into her burger basket before putting it in my own.

  “No. She’s into my brother, but I think it would be sorta weird. You know?” She started to eat.

  I reached over and brushed her hair back off her shoulder before moving in to kiss the side of her neck and tug her closer to me. “Why is that weird?”

  “Because. I’ve known Layla most of my life, which means Jayce has too. It’s always been the three of us. It would be like dating your sister.” She pulled away and picked up her burger again. “Or maybe not. I don’t know.”

  “You know that most male-female relationships have a love affair somewhere in them.” I took a swig of my soda.

  “What do you mean?” She turned and pulled her leg into the booth with us, resting her knee on my leg.

  I reached down and ran my fingers over her skin softly. “Either Layla or Jayce is in love. One party to the relationship is always infatuated with the friendship becoming more.”

  “I don’t think that’s true. Look at me and Jessie, or me and Jacob Wright. We’re just friends. Period.”

  “No, both of those guys are totally into you. Fuck, everyone is into you.” I smiled and turned back to my food.

  “Lies. All lies.” She snagged a fry as I playfully swatted at her. “Did you hear about Teri?”

  “What about Teri?” I glanced over at her.

  “She’s pregnant. We have to figure out who the father is. It’s not you, right?” Her voice lost its volume as if she really believed it could be me.

  “No. Fuck no.” I sat back and wiped my mouth. “That’s horrible news. Is she all right?”

  “She’s doing okay, but you know how it is when you’re in shock.” Aubrey shrugged and reached for my hand. “What if it was me? What if it was us?”

  I turned and touched the side of her face. “Then we’d get married and love the hell out of that baby. It’d be insanely spoiled and never have to do a damn thing it didn’t want to.”

  “Good,” she whispered and lifted up to press her soft lips against mine.

  “Speaking of you and me, we need to talk.” I brushed my nose against hers. “We both have some decisions to make.”

  “Not until after the tournament. Okay?” She searched my eyes, and the need in hers left me nodding my head, though I didn’t want to. I needed closure on where we were going and what we were doing. I was the one that asked for the week alone to think, and I had thought it through. Had she come to a different conclusion than me?

  Chapter 32


  “Do you like old movies?” I knelt on the floor in front of Lucas’s TV as nervousness rolled through me. He wasn’t lying about us having to make decisions, but they seemed too big to bring up. We hadn’t even decided to formally date, and yet we both knew that a move like that would only lead to the loss of something great when he left for Washington in three months. We didn’t have time to casually date and see where things led. We needed to commit to each other
or walk away.

  A sadness I couldn’t ever remember experiencing welled up deep inside of me, and I turned back to his DVD collection and swallowed the lump in my throat. I needed to tell him that I loved him.

  “I like anything you do,” he called from the kitchen. “Seriously, I’m a movie whore. I’ll watch anything.”

  “Is that because you plan on making out instead of watching the movie?”

  “Duh. Have you seen how hot my girlfriend is?” He walked back into the living room and sat down with a bucket of popcorn in one hand and two beers in the other.

  “Your girlfriend? Have I met her?” I hid the teenager response that danced through my head.

  His girlfriend? Did he really just call me his girlfriend? I need to call Layla—like now!

  “If you haven’t, you need to.” He moved the beers to the table beside the couch and shifted the popcorn to the cushion beside him as I crawled toward him slowly. “She’s unbelievably intelligent. She’s got an A in Biology Two.”

  “You do too.” I moved a little bit closer as he licked his lips.

  “She’s a ballerina. You know how hot that is? They wear these little pink tutu things that you can see through.” He lifted his eyebrow and gave me a funny smile. “See through!”

  I laughed and moved up to snuggle in between his thighs. “You don’t own a tutu?”

  “Nope, but I want one.” He reached down and touched the side of my face. “She’s a leader among everyone I know. She keeps the rowdiest, nasty bunch of idiots on campus in line all the time, and she’s really pretty cool about their antics and shit.”

  “Sounds like she’s a tough cookie.” I slid my hands up his thighs and brushed my thumbs over the large bulge that rested between his legs.

  “Yeah, but she melts when you kiss just beneath her ear.” He gripped my upper arms and tugged me up to have my breasts rest on his lower stomach, and he leaned down and nipped at the soft skin beneath my ear.


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