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Uprising Page 22

by Diamond

  As far as I can remember, she has always been an intuitive kind of person with a strong sixth sense. It’s a sense of understanding what’s going on around her. She typically sees things before I do, even though we both possess the same gift. That understanding is her greatest power of protection. When her gut tells her that something is not right, ten times out of ten she’s absolutely right.

  Let me be really honest with you all: If my sister had not followed her intuition and started passionately speaking out, then we probably wouldn’t be here today. She took the first step of walking through the fear of the unknown. There was no way that I was going to let her walk through the fear of the unknown all alone.

  Silk is just as Webster’s Dictionary defines it: fine and strong. Silk, being the oldest, has always been the one who handled things. I, on the other hand, was the one who ran around like a mouthy, spoiled brat, who always had a way with words. Silk, however, was the quiet and calm one. I would do all the talking and arguing, but you best believe, when it came down to it, Silk would snap, crackle, and pop all over you. She would sit back, quiet as a mouse, but ready to pounce on you if need be.

  Silk may be silent, but like the old cliché says, “Silent is violent.” I’ve never had to worry when my sister was around; she’s always had my back. She’s always been the strong one who looked past obstacles while keeping things in order. Silk is the lighter fluid, and I am the fire. If I came to Silk with an idea, she would always find a way to turn my idea into reality. I know I’m fiery, but one man put it so nicely and said I can use my fire to heat up the house or use it to burn the whole house down, hahaha.

  For a while, something was burning inside of me, and I just had to let it out. I used to talk to my sister about my frustration with how the world was changing for the worse. Our country was headed down a dark tunnel, spinning out of control. We began seeing things we’ve never seen or experienced before. Our reality was becoming that of a new-age slave being controlled by a government that wanted to push anything down our throats and force us to swallow it. This kind of political correctness was causing us to choke.

  Our gagging reflexes weren’t having it. We were choking on the political agenda of President Obama, who seemed eager to change the trajectory of the United States by transforming America, abandoning our values, and aborting our traditions.

  Before we go any further, let’s make one thing clear: These are our thoughts and our opinions. The First Amendment gives us the right to have our opinions.

  It’s like eating from a buffet bar. Eat what you like, and what you don’t like, leave on the bar.

  Obama gave us Obamacare, but it should have been named ObamaDidn’tCare because he did not care about the mandates that were pushed on Americans who couldn’t afford it. He also ran on “Hope and Change.” We were hoping that things would change, but we all got shortchanged. He made off with a lot of change because now he’s filthy rich.

  On top of all of that, he was about to sign the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) into law to outsource more of our jobs and leave the American people riding dirty.

  In no way are we trying to erase Obama’s legacy. High unemployment among blacks, reaching or exceeding 16 percent on eleven different occasions, and the high number of blacks on food stamps is a legacy that he can keep. Giving away Obamaphones—instead of job applications so that people can go to work and buy their own phones—is definitely a legacy that can stay in the history books.

  With Obama’s name right by it.

  We have a responsibility to enlighten you on how history continues to repeat itself when you continue to vote for the same system that keeps handing you empty promises and a pack of lies.

  When Donald J. Trump came along, he was the Heimlich maneuver we needed to free our airways so that we could speak and be heard. Let me emphasize this: We’ve never forgotten where we came from. We just knew we couldn’t stay there.

  We were lifelong Democrats. We were taught and conditioned to vote for the head of the ticket, no matter what. We were told that we would be able to make it and eat under a Democrat, so vote for one. Then one day we had a lightbulb moment. We started to realize that we’ve been voting for Democrats for years, and there were a lot of those who voted Democrat who just weren’t making it. How could we keep voting for the same party while expecting a different result?

  You can’t get something different by doing the same old thing. We found that just because you’re black, it doesn’t mean you have to vote Democrat.

  Looking at the Democrat Party today, in our opinions, they’ve always been the party of division. To divide and conquer are their goals. They divided Americans based on race, gender, sexuality, and class, then put us against each other. A lot of the oppression going on in our country has been created by liberalism and liberal ideology, whose strongest supporters happen to be black.

  Black lives have been decimated by liberal Democrat policies that helped deindustrialize communities, which resulted in a substantial number of people without a job or source of income. Liquor stores popped up on every corner and abortion clinics on every other block, all to eliminate black people, especially the black male. The welfare system was implemented with stipulations, one being that the man—the husband, the father—could not live in the same home with the woman if she was receiving welfare. This created a generation of black women that relied on the government instead of their husbands.

  Liberalism and liberal policies not only eliminated the black male from the family but damn near destroyed the black man’s existence with the crack and heroin epidemic, leaving them with the option to sell it or use it. To top it all off, the Democrats even implemented legislation to have them jailed for damn near the rest of their lives, even if the crime was a nonviolent crime. Remember, Joe Biden pushed the 1994 Crime Bill, and President Bill Clinton signed it into law.

  Not to mention being categorized as minorities. Lexico.com defines the word minority as “the smaller in number or part, especially a number that is less than half the whole number.” So liberal Democrats actually categorized and labeled the black community as “less than.” Just think about that.

  Even down to the music that had gotten very raunchy. It promotes sex, murder, and drugs, along with calling women derogatory names. Influencing the young with disrespectful lyrics, it was designed to trick their minds so that they will become trapped into a system designed to house them in a 6' x 8' steel cell for the majority of their lives. This makes them nothing more than a commodity, while someone gets kickbacks off of the back of their criminal act. If black people only knew their power, they wouldn’t allow liberalism to destroy their very existence.

  During the days of slavery, the slave master separated the black mothers from their black children by selling them off to other plantation owners with no regard. Then, in the 1800s, they further normalized the separation of a child from its mother’s body by touting abortion as “just a choice.” Today, some black women pay to have their black babies separated from their bodies while being told that it’s healthcare.

  How are you planning to be a parent if you are killing the baby that’s supposed to make you a parent?

  Good question, Silk. Sometimes it’s hard for people to see the obvious. Let me tell you how this all got started. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, said in a letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble in 1939, “We do not want word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

  See, Margaret Sanger wanted to exterminate black lives, black babies.

  Just look at the way the slave owners controlled their slaves. They would beat the strongest black man within an inch of his life in front of all of the other slaves, just to show his weakness. Today, some black men have allowed the liberal ideology to browbeat them down and emasculate them to the point that they appear to be weak instead of strong.

  This ha
s nothing to do with white people; this has everything to do with some black people clinging to the very things that keep them stuck and confined to the negativity that controls them and their mindset.

  During the ’60s, black people marched in the streets for equality. Today, some black people still march in the streets for equality while voting for the same party that equates them to being less than.

  Liberalism tells everyone that the statues are the problem; the statues are racist. Instead of people doing research, they attack something made of bricks and stones, something that can’t feed them, clothe them, or give them a job. After seeing just how easy it was to control the narrative, liberals told everyone that the American flag was against them as black people. Once again, instead of doing research, people went out of their way to disrespect the very thing that represents the men and women who fought for their freedoms.

  Kneeling on the flag is another way for liberals to control the narrative while creating a fog that keeps people from seeing the real truth about what’s happening within the black communities.

  Black-on-black crimes get swept under the rug. Where are all of the marches against blacks killing other blacks? Everyone is quieter than mice peeing on cotton.

  Don’t get us wrong, we love our police officers, even though there are a few bad apples in the bunch. But to demonize all police officers, whose job is to protect and serve, is wrong. The people you demonize are the same ones you call when you need help. Like I said before, when you need an officer, you can’t pick up the phone and call Black Lives Matter. You can, however, pick up the phone and dial 911.

  Then everyone wants to blame the white man. Don’t blame the white man; blame liberalism, which consists of Democrats who happen to be white and black. You can even put some of the blame on the media, which depicts black people as thugs and criminals while wondering why there is a divide between black and white or mishandling from the police. The line of trust and respect is deteriorated. It wasn’t the white man who made some black people prisoners in their own communities. It was some black people who intimidated, harassed, terrorized, and bullied black people within their communities.

  Black people have never had a place in the Democrat Party; they were just tolerated. Democrats have cleverly and strategically created division and oppression within the black community. Just listen to the words of Lyndon B. Johnson, spoken to Democrat senator Richard Russell Jr. of Georgia regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1957:

  These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days, and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before: the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we’ve got to do something about this. We’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don’t move at all, then their allies will line up against us, and there’ll be no way of stopping them. We’ll lose the filibuster, and there’ll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again.

  It makes us cringe when we hear black Americans praise Lyndon B. Johnson and talk about how he passed the Civil Rights Act and signed it into law. He was a known racist. The crazy thing is, some sources also attribute this quote to Johnson: “We will have those n*****s voting Democrat for the next 200 years.” So while he was signing the Civil Rights Act into law with one hand, he was unapologetically spewing racist words and trying to control the black vote with the other hand.

  If Everyone Had Equal Rights, There Would Have Been No Need for Civil Rights

  We often refer to the Democrat Party as the “Democrat Plantation.” Some think we are actually talking about a plantation. We’re not. We are talking about a mindset that keeps you restricted by beliefs that control you.

  The liberal Democrat Party has been pulling the wool over black Americans’ eyes and giving conflicting signals for decades. They say one thing and do another; they never uphold any of their promises. Democrats love keeping black people in a fight, causing us to distrust everything. We’ve been taught not to trust anybody, not even ourselves.

  The goal is to keep minorities dependent on Democrats instead of showing them how to depend on themselves.

  Democrats attempt to force us into their amoral beliefs through education and indoctrination against traditional right and wrong. They left black Americans wounded while portraying them as the face of victimhood. They stifled freedom of speech and freedom of thought with political correctness. When they’re questioned about their actions and intentions, they’ll brand and label you with terms like xenophobe, Islamophobe, homophobe, racist, white nationalist, and white supremacist.

  The Democrat Party changes the rules in the middle of the game and expects you not to notice. They preach equality, but their goal is to control your quality of life, leaving you destitute and in pieces. They are not concerned with protecting democracy; they are concerned with protecting themselves. They are not concerned about our republic; they are only concerned with demonizing the Republican Party. They’re not concerned about the Constitution; they’re more concerned about going against the Constitution to create chaos.

  They Don’t Need to Rewrite the Constitution, They Need to Reread the Constitution

  Like many others, we were asleep, in a stupor. The Democrat Party and its stronghold politics were strangling us, our liberties, and our freedoms. We were slowly and methodically being silenced. Once you start becoming conscious of what’s going on, there will always be consequences that you will face. When you become a threat to their system, you will become their target.

  We recognized this and used our natural abilities to make a step to change it. We were no longer going to allow the narrative that others have written for us to be our truth. That’s why we decided to do our own research and start speaking the reality. The reason the Left has a problem with us, as black conservative women, is because they are afraid that what we say might make sense.

  When a poll came out giving President Trump more than one-third of the black vote, Ana Navarro, a commentator for CNN, about lost her mind. She even had the nerve to call us out of our names. She claims to be Republican, but to us, she was acting more like a liberal.

  Wonder what made her think that it was okay to call us out of our names?

  Maybe she thought it was okay to demonize us like white liberals do because she’s beige. Hahaha.


  Even down to Tom Arnold making sexist remarks toward us. Maybe he felt that we would tolerate it because, back in the day, black women were abused and sexually exploited by the white slave master and passed around like a cheap two-dollar bill. He soon realized that he had messed with the wrong two black women.

  Neither the Me Too nor the Time’s Up movements ever came to our rescue. There were even some black people who went along with Tom Arnold’s antics.

  Black influencers have been trained by their white liberal Democrat counterparts to be the gatekeepers in the black community. When the gatekeeper sees that you are speaking something different, believing something different, or thinking something totally different from what you were taught to think, they come out like the bloodhounds that were used back in the day to hunt down the runaway slaves.

  They act as if they own you, like you are their property. It offends them if you have a rational thought, so they attack you by calling you derogatory names. They only want you to have a plantation mindset.

  Just like Spike Lee referring to us as “house slaves.” He couldn’t stomach the fact that we were afforded the opportunity to be at the White House with President Trump. While there, everyone in the room was able to pray with the president.

  What we couldn’t understand was how he was upset about black people being at the White House when black people lived at the White House for eight years.

  We’ve allowed the gatekeepers to exploit, use, and profit off the pain and agony of black Americans. The gatekeepers have enriched themselves while petting black
people on the head, manipulating them into a sense of helplessness and saying, “We shall overcome.”

  We’ve heard the talk about the Jim Crow days and the KKK. All of this was designed and implemented by the Democrat Party to intimidate and manipulate in order to dominate—a tactic used to control the masses. Democrats have cleverly and strategically created a divide within the black community by conditioning some to believe that they are in the plantation house with the slave master, while the others are outside tending the fields.

  The Democrat goal is to segregate, separate, and decimate the black community.

  The Democrat Party Thrives on Low Standards and Underhanded Principles

  The Democrat Party has gone so far to the left that they don’t require you to have any morals or standards. Anything goes, and if you don’t go along with it, they label you a white supremacist.

  Lexico.com defines white supremacy as “the belief that white people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups, in particular black or Jewish people.”

  Hell, they’ve even labeled us, Diamond and Silk, as white supremacists, and we’re two black women.

  There isn’t only white supremacy but also black supremacy. Supremacy is not just one color; it can come in all colors.

  Places like Chicago, Detroit, and Baltimore are all being run by liberal Democrats. A lot of these Democrat politicians have been running these cities into the ground, leaving people in rat-infested places to figure it out for themselves. You have those who are skimming from the top while leaving citizens at the bottom suffering. This creates inequality within communities that should be thriving.


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