by Diamond
What Democrats try to do is hide their hands while coercing you to blame white people, conservatives, and Republicans. A lot of the cruelty and atrocities that our ancestors had to deal with were put in place by the Democrat Party. Remember, the Democrat Party wanted to protect their slaveholders’ interests; they didn’t want slavery to end.
That’s right. Then, decades later, they came out with another con game named “reparations.” Lyndon B. Johnson 2.0, all over again. They figure that they can make it look like they’re apologizing to black people about how they enslaved their ancestors. It’s really a bribe for you to keep your mouth closed about their past, their history, and their nastiness. Unfortunately, some black people still fall for the banana in the tailpipe every single time.
Black People Don’t Need Reparations, They Need Liberation from the Democrat Plantation
Don’t allow the Left to trick you into going along with reparations. Guess who pays for it? Is it fair to make everyone pay for something that is not their fault? All white people were not slave owners. Slavery started in Africa, where an African sold black people into slavery. So should black people pay reparations to themselves for enslaving themselves? Stop blaming all white people for slavery. We were all dealt the same hand of history when we got here.
So the question is, why do you keep voting Democrat? They promise you everything but deliver nothing.
Sometimes you have to grow through what you go through. We can honestly say that we’ve grown. Because we don’t dance to the beat of everybody’s drum, we’ve heard many say that we’re just token blacks, which is a lie.
That’s right. We have our own flavor, intertwined with our own melody. We can do it our way, without anyone’s permission.
We don’t want reparations, we want an equal playing field.
Our Ancestors Built the American Dream, Now It’s Time for Their Descendants to Obtain It
As we’ve said, in our opinion the Democrat Party is the party of slavery; it’s just a modern-day slavery. Now Democrats are advocating for open borders. They are thirsty for an influx of poor people to our country so that they can be taken advantage of and used for slave labor. And, please, stop telling us that the Democrat Party changed. It’s not true. The Democrat Party is still the same old Democrat Party: Hand everything out for free, like Tic Tacs, and in return they can control your very existence. The party didn’t switch. Black people switched to the Democrat party because the Democrat party was giving everything away for free. Little did they know, free stuff doesn’t equal freedom!
They deemed black people a project. That’s why they didn’t have a problem with throwing them in the projects.
The Democrats are concerned with obtaining power. They work for their own greed and not the needs of the people. They advocate for illegal aliens, MS-13 gang members, and terrorists. They talk about saving the earth but never talk about saving babies in the womb. They are so concerned about farting cows, but they don’t seem to be concerned about the smell of people defecating on the streets of California.
This is exactly the atmosphere that the Democrats love. They want to keep you oppressed and feeling like a victim. Democrats only care about power and control. We live in a free society with free ideas, not controlled ideas. So all Americans should turn a deaf ear to those pushing these socialist and communist ideas designed to take us back to the dark ages, which are the days of slavery.
That’s right. When black people ask us what Republicans have done for us, our answer back to them is, “Before President Trump, absolutely nothing because we didn’t vote for Republicans to do anything. We voted for Democrats, and they’ve done nothing.”
If you don’t innovate, you will stagnate. We got tired of being stuck in the same old rut. We saw something different in President Trump. That’s why we ditched the party and voted for the person. We had to be in control of our own destiny.
Just think about it: Do we want free stuff, or do we want freedom? It was the Republican Party that fought to free the slaves. It was the Democrat Party that fought to keep slaves enslaved to them and their government.
We chose freedom.
The left-wing media’s demonization of President Trump is just propaganda, highly politically motivated by their agenda to control and keep power.
President Trump’s movement is not a squad, it’s more like a battalion. There is an army of men and women—gay, straight, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Democrat, independent, liberal, Republican, and conservative—from all walks of life who support President Trump and his policies.
President Trump is not talking about taking care of illegal aliens; he is talking about taking care of Americans. He’s cutting a lot of regulations to make sure that Americans have opportunities to better their lives. He has managed to create seven million jobs.
Mm-hmm. The same jobs that Obama said would never come back, that you’d have to wave a magic wand for. Well, we waved the magic wand: we got President Trump, and the jobs are coming back.
President Trump signed the Criminal Justice Reform Act and the First Step Act into law, giving formerly incarcerated people a real second chance. He signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which established opportunity zones to help rebuild inner and urban cities. He has given more money to historically black colleges and universities than any other president in history. Finally, we have someone standing up for black issues and solving black problems.
Not only that, he donates his salary every quarter while working hard for free. One of his goals is to make sure that we, the American people, have more money and can keep more money in our pockets.
President Trump stands up for America, and he doesn’t apologize for America’s greatness. He’s a true champion for all Americans. President Trump has made a commitment to a growing and prosperous economy, and he is delivering.
As we said before, the more you stay chained to the system, the more you miss out on opportunities. It’s time for all people, including black people, to stand up and start realizing that they hold the keys to unlock their power.
It’s time to get off the sidelines of victimhood and come join us at the front lines of being victorious. You will never grow by staying stuck inside the four corners of a box. Your vote is your voice, and your voice is your power. So use it.
Whatever you are going to do, do it now because if you wait until later you may never do it. Stop allowing the Left to intimidate you into fear. We are not a commodity; we are not slaves; we are voters who make up a powerful voting bloc.
You miss out on your destiny by living in that of your ancestors. It doesn’t disrespect their struggle for you to succeed; it makes their struggle worthwhile. You’re too busy being downtrodden or enraged to grab hold of the opportunities that are out there for every American. Open up your mind, and go get it for yourself. Stop thinking that everybody, including all white people, is against you.
And who cares if they are against you? If you think you’re going to be successful without ever facing down opposition, you’re not living in reality, black or white.
That’s right.
That’s where it starts, really, when you tell yourself that you will succeed, no matter who or what comes against you.
Right. We’ve long ago passed that era in our history, but there are so many black people who are still stuck right there, thinking it is okay to live in poverty and that nothing else is going to ever happen for them in their life.
Right. They want to blame rich white Republicans for the fact that they live in poverty, yet it’s the rich black and white Democrats who are trying to keep you stifled.
When you are called to do something great, people will always hate. That’s how you know when you’re doing something right. We can’t wait until the day that the only demographic that matters in America is American.
Chapter 16 Schemes and Beams
Russia, Russia, Russia
Before any of the news media or bloggers said anything, Diamond and Silk spoke about
the Russia hoax in December 2016. We spoke about the atmosphere in Washington, D.C., being hostile toward President Trump, and we started calling out what we felt wasn’t right. We have video to prove it. Does ObamaGate ring a bell? During the earlier part of 2017, right after the inauguration, we titled a few of our videos ObamaGate. Nobody gave us any information or told us what to say or how to say it. We used common sense and did our own research to connect all of the dots as we saw it. Our God-given gut intuition was our best friend, and we knew that the Russia witch hunt was all lies created from the top to undo the 2016 election. The censorship on social media began about two months after we started speaking out about what we felt. We were even called conspiracy theorists. After three years and millions of dollars wasted, it looked like the supposed Russia collusion was the real hoax, a clever scheme to take down a duly elected president. We were right about ObamaGate—which may turn out to be worse than Watergate when it’s all said and done.
That’s right.
When the Left started pushing the Russia hoax, we knew we needed to be out there with our feet on the ground and our ears open. We needed to hear what was going on so we could counter it with the truth. We knew that Russian collusion was nothing but a made-up lie, and we told the people.
So when the fake news said Russia won the election, we spoke out and said, “No! The American people won the election.” When they said a border wall was nonsense, we spoke about how much sense it did make. We wanted to make sure that people knew what President Trump’s true agenda was because the mainstream media was straight-up lying.
That’s exactly what they were doing—lying.
When candidate Donald Trump came down the escalators with the future First Lady, Melania, we saw a businessman and boss, but the media, the Left, and even Hillary Clinton herself tried to paint him as a racist.
Donald Trump had been a public figure for almost three and a half decades, and no one had said these disparaging things about him. Most men, especially black men, wanted to be just like him. Ballers, shot callers, rappers, and ball players all wanted to be like Donald Trump. Name me one black man who ever wanted to be like Joe Biden.
To add insult to injury, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton used to be friends with Donald Trump, but even they became two-faced and chose to throw him under the bus by going along with the racist narrative from the Left. Then, all of a sudden, the Left and the Democrats started bringing up the KKK, as if the Trump administration endorsed the KKK’s views. What the media didn’t mention was that, according to history, the Democrats are the ones who created the KKK.
The left-wing media knew that using “racist” and “race-baiting” in the same sentence was the ultimate trick to keep black people in line. When the race-baiting didn’t stop candidate Trump’s momentum, they started pushing Russia… Russia… Russia…
Before President Trump even won the election, the Left started pushing Russian collusion. We knew from the very beginning that it was nothing but fake news propaganda perpetuated by the left-wing media and the Democrats to stop candidate Trump’s campaign.
The mainstream media cleverly and methodically used their platforms to strategically push their Russia collusion narrative, just to advance their political agenda and the agenda they wanted for America and the American people. The mainstream media wanted to continue exerting their influence on the American people through lies and persuasion instead of facts and truth. They wanted the same old career politicians to push the same old political tactics, while the rich got richer and the poor got poorer.
They weren’t concerned about the voters or protecting their interests; they were only concerned about protecting the career politicians they were trying to elect by abusing the power of the media instead of using the power of the vote. When the media started losing control over the will of the American people, it became evident, like it or not, that they were going to exert their will on the sixty-some million Americans who had voted for President Donald J. Trump in 2016.
Listening to and watching the media push their Russia collusion was a slap in the face to the American people. The whole narrative was based on a made-up lie, orchestrated by the Left and the left-wing media. Neither the Left nor the Democrats cared about the insult they were causing to our democracy and the injury they were causing to our republic. They were mad as hell because Donald J. Trump had become the forty-fifth president, and they knew that his presidency was going to disrupt all of their corrupt tricks and schemes.
People like Congressmen Adam Schiff went on national TV and tried to convince the public that they had evidence that Trump and his campaign had colluded with Russia. Come to find out, it was a lie. Schiff had no problem comfortably lying to the American people because, in our opinion, he knew that the media wouldn’t challenge him on the basis of his lie but would protect him from scrutiny.
Millions of American taxpayer dollars were spent on a frivolous Russian collusion investigation that had no evidence from the start. People were investigated and lives and livelihoods were ruined by something that turned out to be a hoax and a malicious deception.
Day in and day out, the left-wing media told us tale after tale, and, when it finally came out that there was no Russian collusion, the media didn’t even have enough decency to apologize.
Some of the media outlets are the enemy of the people and the enemy of the truth because they bear a lot of the responsibility for the divisiveness. They couldn’t care less about facts. They seem to care more about making their factitious lies stick. Yet we, as Americans, continue to accept and tolerate their foolishness while they continue to dominate.
The Left tends to ignore the fact that Hillary Clinton and the DNC purchased a dossier that was tied to Russia to use against candidate Donald J. Trump. What we couldn’t understand was, why would she spend millions of dollars for information that came from Russia when candidate Donald J. Trump didn’t live in Russia?
Then there was the FISA abuse, leaks, and unmasking, and the illegal surveillance of Carter Page. We heard no criticism or condemnation of this from the left-wing media. Total silence. You could have heard a safety pin drop on carpet when it came out about how people from the Obama administration schemed and beamed against Michael Flynn. It’s like they went and hid their heads in a bucket.
If the media can’t hold itself accountable, then we the people have to hold the media accountable. Americans have turned a blind eye and accepted this type of behavior as the norm for far too long. This is why the Left feels like it is okay to throw the stone and hide their hands. They know that there will be no repercussions for their actions.
Never in our lifetimes have we seen such hatred for the President of the United States and straight disrespect for the highest office in the land.
Witch Hunt 2.0
The President of the United States making a phone call and congratulating the President of Ukraine is not a high crime or a misdemeanor. It’s a simple phone call.
Wonder why someone wasn’t listening to Obama’s phone calls when he was the president? Why didn’t he, or any other past president, get the same type of scrutiny that was put on President Trump?
What the Democrats and the left-wing media were trying to do to President Trump was clearly an abuse of media power, and it was unjust.
To put the icing on the cake, the Left decided to come up with another scheme that included an imaginary whistleblower who overheard—or should we say “eavesdropped on”—a phone call. If it wasn’t eavesdropping, then it was someone’s opinion about a phone call, based on what someone else told them.
Sounds like secondhand information to me.
Let’s face it, three people can listen to a phone call, and all of them may come out interpreting the phone call in a different way. Just because they may have heard about a call or overheard the call doesn’t make their interpretation of the call accurate. Yet Nancy Pelosi, who is the Speaker of the House, launched an impeachment inquiry based on hearsay. Hearsay is inadmissib
le in court.
If hearsay is inadmissible in court, then why were the Democrat representatives making it admissible in Congress? Imagine being convicted of something where there’s no facts or proof.
What the Left failed to realize is that everything they were accusing President Trump of, Joe Biden had already done. Let’s not forget that it was Joe Biden who called the Ukraine president and did an undercover shakedown by threatening to withhold foreign aid, which was American tax dollars. Joe Biden is on video talking about how he threatened to withhold one billion dollars if the Ukraine president didn’t fire the prosecutor who was investigating the company that his son, Hunter Biden, was working for as a board member. Not only is that quid pro quo; but we call it Quid Pro Joe trying to get that quid pro dough.
This impeachment sham had Americans like me outraged. It got to the point where enough was enough. The back and forth with Congress searching for a crime, trying to make anything stick like glue to paper, was the end of their integrity.
I, for one, was emotionally drained and upset that the President of the United States was being railroaded the same way black people were railroaded back in the day. Congress would not allow President Trump due process.
They wouldn’t let him call the witnesses that he wanted to call. Adam Schiff was having meetings in the basement, but he would not allow any of President Trump’s legal team access.
The Left, along with the media, started calling Trump guilty even though he hadn’t committed a crime. Yet according to our laws, a person is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty.
According to the Left, however, if they say that you are guilty, then it’s up to you to prove yourself innocent, even if it bankrupts you.
We watched Adam Schiff get in front of the American people and literally make up words and read them off a sheet of paper as if he were reading the words of President Trump. Every word was a bald-faced lie. If they really had evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors, then why did he have to lie? If it was the truth, it would have been obvious in the transcribed call President Trump made available to all.