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About Last Night

Page 22

by Belle Aurora

  I cut a piece, put it in my mouth, and groaned. I opened my eyes to find Harry watching me with raised brows, so I garbled, “You wan’ some?”

  He shook his head, nursing his coffee. “What’s up with you? Why are you being all weird?”

  I paused mid-chew. I was being weird? How? My shoulders jerked in an awkward shrugged. “I’m good.”

  Harry nodded. “I know. I can see that. The question is why? Why are you good?” He paused a moment. “You’re not still seeing that client are you?”

  Shit. It always came back to that, didn’t it? “No. That client is officially off my list.” I cleared my throat and uttered, “Actually, I was thinking about taking a break from work.”

  I watched my best friend inhale his coffee and choke on it. He spluttered, coughing, and wheezed out, “Like a vacation? For how long?”

  I ate another piece of French toast, chewing slowly. “Yeah, like a vacation.” Then I added, “Permanently.”

  Harry leaned forward, eyes wide. “You’re quitting?”

  “I think so. Yeah.”

  He sat back, astounded. “What brought this on?”

  I breathed in deeply then exhaled slowly. “I don’t know. I’ve got more money than I could ever use in one lifetime. I’ve had more than my share of women, and even though I could still do it, my heart’s not in it. Sex is becoming a chore. I never thought I’d think of it that way, but I am.” I toyed with my fork. “I’m thinking of going back to school.”

  Harry’s mouth gaped. “I don’t even know what to say here. Maybe…congratulations? What do you want to study?”

  “Criminal justice,” I answered immediately.

  “No shit,” he said in admiration.

  I sipped my coffee. “Well, yeah. It gives you a step up if you want to become a cop. After I finish studying, I’ll enroll at the local PD. If everything looks good, I’ll go into a twelve-week training program, and then I’ll be busting caps in everyone’s asses pretty much all the time, just because. Best thing is that I can study and work at the same time.” I blinked down at my plate. “I can be one of those regular Joes. I’d have steady work hours, do something worthwhile, and be respectable, you know?”

  His eyes narrowed at me. “It’s a girl.”


  He shook his head at me and smiled. “It’s because of a girl. You want to stop, because of a girl.” He barked a laugh. “Never thought I’d see the day. Who is she?”

  Your sister. “Someone special.”

  He grinned. “She’d have to be, for you to quit work for her.” His smile waned. “I get it. I do. I wanted it too, the normal life.” The look on my face must’ve confirmed his suspicions, because he dug deeper. “You’re not gonna tell me who she is?”

  I shook my head. “Not yet. It’s still fresh. It might turn out that she doesn’t want me in the long run. But I’m trying to be everything she deserves.”

  Harry blinked at me. “Whoa. This is serious shit.”

  I agreed, “It is. It’s scary as fuck.” I added quietly, “She knows I’m an escort. She knows, and she’s still great about it. She doesn’t look at me like I’m dirty and disgusting. She’s never asked me to quit either. She gets it. She gets me.”

  “Unbelievable,” Harry blew out. “Sounds like she’s an amazing woman.”

  “She’s more than that.” I looked him in the eye. “She’s everything.”

  “Don’t play yourself short, Quinn,” Harry uttered. “If this is what’s going to make you happy, then you deserve it just as much as she does. And I’ve got your back. Can’t wait to meet her, man.”

  My stomach coiled violently.

  Yes, you can, Harry. Trust me…you can.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  I was officially freaked out.

  One day. It had been one day since I found Addison crying. One day was all it took for her attitude to do a complete one-eighty. She was a different person.

  I’d seen her around the office conversing happily with surprised employees, even going so far as to make lame jokes and listen to what they had to say. It seemed she found that woman inside of her, the woman she claimed was gone.

  A smile spread across my lips as I watched her. She’d done it, and I was happy for her. I was only hoping the change was permanent.

  When I left for the day, I passed her office and stopped. “Bye, Mrs. Dietrich.”

  She lifted her pretty face from the computer screen and blew away stray pieces of her white blonde hair. “Mia, I was actually hoping to have a chat with you, if you have the time.”

  I checked my watch then stepped inside. “Sure, my bus doesn’t get here for another half-hour.”

  She stood. “I know my first impressions on you weren’t the best, and I’m sorry for that.” She looked down at the floor, mildly uncomfortable. “The last few years haven’t been kind to me, and although that’s not an excuse for my atrocious behavior, I’m making a fresh start. I’m hoping that we could do the same.”

  My brows furrowed in confusion. “Make a fresh start?”

  She nodded, holding out her hand, smiling. “Hello, Mia. My name is Addison. It’s nice to meet you.”

  I didn’t hesitate in taking her hand. This could not be easy for her. I had no right to feel proud of her, yet I did. “Hello, Addison. Likewise.”

  We dropped hands and she blew out a breath. “I’d like for everyone to start calling me by the first name. Mrs. Dietrich is long gone. We’re a team. We need to act like one.”

  I smiled in response, walking back out of the room. Just as I left, I uttered. “It really is nice to meet you, Addison.”

  I left work feeling the weight off my shoulders lighten. The sad part was I hadn’t even noticed the weight was there.

  As soon as I got to my apartment building, I detoured, making my way to the apartment across from mine.

  I knocked on the door and it swung open. Terry looked me up and down slowly. “Well, well, well. Look at what the cat dragged in.”

  My nose bunched. “Hey!”

  He grinned. “Sorry. I’ve always wanted to say that.” He turned on his heel. “Come in, my little dove.”

  I looked around the apartment, taking my bag and leaving it by the kitchen counter. “Where’s Bill?”

  His lips pursed adorably as he got a couple of glasses out of the cabinet. “Working.” He pouted. “He’ll be home soon though. Smoothie? Cocktail? Juice? What’s today’s poison?”

  I sat on a stool and sighed, stretching my neck, trying to get the kinks out. “Juice, I think. Where have you been? Your apartment door has been closed for days. I’ve been so cold and alone without you,” I teased.

  His eyes narrowed. “Uh-huh. Yeah. Is that why I happened to open my front door in time to see you walk down the hall, arm-in-arm with some sexy, tall glass of water this morning?” I held my tongue, but could feel my cheeks heat, and he laughed. “Yeah. Lonely, my ass.”

  I bit my lip to hide my smile. “Well, I’ve missed you regardless.”

  He stopped mid-step, holding a hand to his heart with a gooey expression on his face. “Oh, honey.” He came up behind me and wrapped his lean but muscular arms around me. “Out of all the people who have lived next door, I find you the least annoying.” He ended on a squeeze.

  I choked out a laugh, patting his hand. “That was meant to be a compliment, right?”

  He pulled away with wide eyes. “The biggest.” He moved to sit on the sofa and I followed him. He brought his glass to his lips, sipped, then asked, “So, you want to tell me why you’re still seeing the hooker? ‘Cause, sweetie, you’re gorgeous.” He mock-whispered, “You don’t need to pay for nookie.”

  I sharp bark of laughter shot out of me. “I’m not paying him for it.” Terry looked stunned but amused. I sipped my juice and added, “Not anymore, anyway.”

  Terry beamed excitedly. “Are you telling me that you had this hooker dude take your V-card, and now he wants super fun sexy time
with you all the time?” He chuckled. “Shit. Only you, Mia.”

  I sputtered and a rant formed, “N-no. Not all the time. I mean…we’re not going at it like rabbits. Well, sometimes, but he’s really quite sweet, and we’re keeping it secret so my brother won’t find out, because, seriously, I think Harry would kick his ass. He’s so protective. Matt’s funny, and easy to talk to, and…” I gulped, my stomach ached violently and let out a strained, “and I’m pretty sure I’m in love with him.”

  All the amusement on Terry’s face vanished. He looked as though he was thinking hard about what he was about to say, and something told me it wasn’t going to be something I wanted to hear. “Honey, he’s a prostitute. He sleeps with women for money. I don’t know about you, but he doesn’t seem like the type of person one should fall in love with. You get what I’m saying?”

  I did. And he was right. I didn’t respond, so he added a hopeful, “Any chance he’s getting out of the biz?”

  I shook my head, my heart in my throat. “No. He said he’s not looking for more.” Suddenly, I threw myself back on the sofa and groaned, “Jesus, Terry! What am I doing?” I was officially freaking out. “He made it clear, you know? We were just sleeping together. And then…” I felt sick, “then I fell in love with him.” I stared down at my hands and uttered a quiet, “I fucked up.”

  For the first time since I’d met Terry, he went silent on me. I faced him, and his eyes were full of sympathy. I shook off the bad feeling and forced a smile. “It’s okay though. I have a plan.”

  Then he smiled softly. “And what’s the plan, pumpkin?”

  I shrugged. “I’ll start dating and just hope I get over him.”

  He clapped. “Oh, I can help there! The woman who does my hair, Sondra, was just telling me her brother was looking for a nice girl.” Terry shot me a look. “You’re a nice girl!” He stood, retrieving his phone. “I’m calling Sondra.”

  Something was building in the pit of my stomach. I knew exactly what it was.


  Because even though Quinn and I were little more than friends slash fuck buddies, part of me still felt as though I was betraying him.

  I shot to my feet. “No, wait! I don’t even know what this guy looks like!”

  Terry paused, his face tilted in thought. “Okay, I’ll ask her to send a photo of him.”

  Was I really going on a blind date with Terry’s hairdresser’s brother? Hell. Talk about hitting the bottom of the barrel. I sighed. “A recent photo, Terry.”

  He lifted his hand in acknowledgement and added, “Recent photo. Got it.”

  Within minutes, Sondra had responded with a photo of her brother, Christopher. Terry smirked and handed me the phone. I stared in shock, catching flies.

  He was seriously hot. It looked as though he was mixed race. He had flawless skin the color of coffee, heavy on the milk. His eyes crinkled in the corners. His lips were full in a way that had my belly twisting. They were luscious. His soft brown eyes, outlined by long black lashes, made me jealous of him. His dark hair was buzzed close to his head, had a nice five-o’clock shadow, and strong shoulders. The photo had been taken at chest height, so I couldn’t exactly see how tall he was, but that wasn’t a big deal for me. In the photograph, he was mid-laugh, and his smile was contagious. Smiling back at the man in the photo, I turned to Terry. “Set it up.”

  Terry raised his arms, fists high. “Yes!”

  He texted as if his life depended on it, and when Sondra responded, he rushed over, pulling my hair out of my ponytail. “She wants a picture to show her brother.”

  I supposed it was only fair. I smiled softly as Terry took the photo then sent it. His phone chimed and he smiled. “She wants your number to pass on.” He winked. “Seems he’s interested.”

  I prattled off my number and Terry sent it. My gut churned as my thoughts wandered to Quinn. This was necessary. I needed to do this. For myself. For the sake of my heart.

  My phone’s jingle went off in my bag and Terry rushed to grab it. “I’ll bet that’s him!” He handed it to me—well, threw it at me. “Read it!”

  I chuckled at how excited he was.

  The message was from an unknown number.

  Unknown: Hi, Mia. My name is Christopher, but please call me Kit. My sister Sondra and your friend Terry seem to think we should meet. I’d love to take you out for dinner, if you’ll let me.

  Terry hooted with laughter. “Oh my, he is sharp.” He nudged me hard. “What are you waiting for? Respond!”

  I rubbed at my arm then answered.

  Me: Hi, Kit. I’d love to have dinner with you sometime :) Looking forward to meeting you. Mia x

  The response was immediate.

  Kit: I don’t want to sound too eager, but is tonight good for you?

  I smiled down at my phone. He was well-mannered. He actually sounded very nice.

  Me: Tonight is actually good. Can I meet you somewhere?”

  Kit: There’s this place I like downtown that does Italian better than they serve in Italy. How does 9 sound? If it won’t make you uncomfortable, I’d like to pick you up and take you home myself. My mother would be so disappointed in me if I didn’t.

  With every further text, I was liking this man more and more. It seemed like his mother had raised him to be a gentleman, and that was more than okay with me.

  Me: Okay. I’ll send you my address, and 9 is great. Looking forward to meeting you, Kit.

  Kit: As am I, Mia. See you then.

  I blinked down at my phone in confusion, then up at the wall. “That was it? That’s all it took to get a date?”

  Terry burst into laughter, hugging me to his side. “Oh, sweetie, I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. Then you’d know why it was that easy. Now…what are you going to wear?”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. His smile immediately made me weary. I knew I was in trouble.

  As Terry went to town dressing me up like a doll, I received a message.

  Quinn: What are you doing tonight? Want to have another sleepover? I promise not to touch your alarm this time. Scout’s honor.

  I stared at the text and my chest squeezed. With a heavy heart, I sat my phone down without responding.

  Kit was everything a first date should be. He was sweet and attentive, and his smile was the stuff of daydreams. It turns out he was in advertising, working as a consultant for high-end companies on the strip.

  When he arrived at my door, I answered and looked up…and up…and up, still, to his smiling face. He greeted me with a hug then handed me a single yellow rose, but I still couldn’t get past his height. He was enormous! When I asked him if he was related to Andre the Giant, he laughed good-naturedly, explaining that all the men in his family were over six-feet tall, whereas the women tended to be on the short side.

  He walked me to the car with a hand to my back, helping me in. As we drove to the restaurant, conversation came surprisingly easy. We spoke about anything and everything. He told me he was a pasta addict. I told him about the time I once fought a four-year-old at a birthday party for the last cake-pop.

  Don’t worry. I won.

  I noticed the area we were driving through and something inside of me started tightening. The car came to a stop and I blanched, noticing the restaurant we were parked at was only two blocks away from Quinn’s apartment building. Unease swept over me. The chances of seeing Quinn were slim-to-none. I needed to stop worrying and concentrate on my date.

  Kit took my hand in his as we walked into Mama Cavella’s for what Kit promised to be the best Italian food I’d ever eaten. I teased and told him he’d pay if it wasn’t. He just grinned and wiggled his brows. I flushed, turning to hide my smile.

  Why was this date going so well? Dammit.

  I wouldn’t admit it, but I hoped it would be terrible and I would just resign myself to the fact I was not meant to date, leaving me in my bubble of happiness with Quinn, where we never spoke about his work and we just continued being ourselves, ha
ving a great friendship with a side of amazing sex.

  We placed our orders with the waitress. I ordered the penne carbonara. Kit ordered the lamb and spinach lasagna with a salad. My brain tingled when he asked for no onion on the salad. Was that a hint? Was Kit going to kiss me at the end of the night? Maybe he just didn’t like onion in his salad. I wasn’t sure.

  When our meals arrived, Kit watched me take the first bite of my meal with a wide smile. As soon as the pasta hit my tongue, I groaned in bliss. “God, this is good.”

  “Not good,”—Kit winked—“the best. They make all the pasta in house.”

  We ate, chatting through our meals, telling each other about college and work. It was nice. I haven’t felt comfortable with a single heterosexual male since…well…Quinn, but although Kit was nice, I didn’t feel that something extra. The spark was missing, and I knew where I could find it. My spark was lost to me, hidden in Quinn’s smile.

  After our meal, I declined dessert and Kit paid the bill, even though I insisted on paying my share. He wouldn’t have it. He was a gentleman to the core. I was sure he’d find the girl he deserved, but as we approached the car, I quickly realized that girl wouldn’t be me.

  We drove back to my apartment in comfortable silence, and when Kit took my hand, I didn’t object. We entered the lobby and walked down the hall to my apartment. When my eyes locked on the person standing outside of my apartment door, his hand raised to knock, my stomach sank.

  Quinn turned just in time to see Kit and I approach hand-in-hand. A flurry of emotions passed over his face—confusion, realization, disbelief, and then anger. The way he looked at me scared me. I’d never seen Quinn like that before. It was chilling.

  He walked down the hall to meet us, and I quickly dropped Kit’s hand. Quinn talked as he joined us, his words said slowly, carefully. “So, this is where you were tonight? On a date?” He shook his head and cursed. “Seriously, Mia?”


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