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The Dragon's Woman

Page 116

by Emilia Hartley

  He’d showered and changed, all the while questioning what it was about Savannah that was drawing him to her. Even though he still didn’t trust her completely, he couldn’t get her out of his head. He’d meant it when he’d told her it was too fast – too fast for him to even get his head around. He’d never been attracted to another shifter so quickly, and his bear was certainly drawn to her too. As he’d got himself ready for her coming over, Tom had made a decision.

  He was going to give in.

  He wanted Savannah, he couldn’t deny it. Yes it was very quick, and yes, he was really unsure about it all, but his bear wasn’t exactly going to stop growling until he had her. Tom didn’t know just how long Savannah was planning to stick around, so he was unsure if he was getting into something big, but he was going to take a chance anyway. Throwing his suspicion to one side, he chose to take the path towards her, not away from her.

  Savannah let out a shuddering breath as Tom stood behind her, within touching distance. She could feel his breath on her exposed skin, making ripples of awareness rush up her arms.

  “I brought sweet and sour and shredded beef in a black bean sauce,” she said loudly, trying to shake her awareness of him off. “I’m happy with either so just take what you want.” She heard Tom’s low growl as one hand slipped around her waist.

  “I know what I want,” Tom whispered in her ear, his lips just lightly touching the corner of her ear. “I hope that I didn’t give you the wrong impression when I left,” he murmured.

  “You want to go slow,” she replied, as her body exploded with sensations. As his lips touched the curve of her neck, Savannah let out a long breath and closed her eyes. This felt so good, even though she knew it was the exact opposite of what she was doing. “So maybe we should eat first?” she whispered, her hands falling uselessly by her sides as he slowly moved his lips towards her collarbone.

  Tom felt his body harden as Savannah tipped her head back to give him better access to the curve of her neck. She was reacting to him just like he’d hoped, despite what she was saying. Her lips were there, just out of reach. Pulling himself up to standing, he looked down at her for a moment, seeing her slightly glazed eyes. “Savannah,” he murmured, before dropping his head and kissing her lightly.

  Savannah stiffened for a moment, before letting her body relax. All thoughts of Lucas ran from her mind until all she could think of was Tom. He was a little out of practice, but then again, so was she. His tongue darted into her parted lips, tangling with hers and forcing a light moan from her throat.

  Warnings sounded in Tom’s mind, but he brushed them away with a little effort. He wasn’t going to listen to the thoughts that had him pulling away from her over and over again. He’d made his decision and this was it. Savannah was pressing her hands against his chest, before running over his shoulders and digging into his hair. The slight pain made him gasp before his lips slammed back on hers, kissing her harder.

  Savannah could barely think, giving herself up to the sensations he was building in her. Nothing could have prepared her for just how much his touch built a fire in her. His hands ran up and down her back, before tentatively brushing over her shoulders and gently over her breasts.

  Pulling back, Savannah stared at Tom for a moment, nausea suddenly rolling in her throat. His touch had brought Lucas back to her mind immediately, and the fire had instantly gone cold.

  “Savannah?” Tom asked, his breath coming in short gasps. “What’s the matter?”

  Swallowing, she shook her head. “I’m sorry, Tom. I can’t….I mean, I – ” There was no way to explain it, not in any ways he would understand. “I have to go,” she whispered, reaching for her takeout. “Sorry, Tom.”

  “Savannah, wait!” Tom exclaimed, his body cooling as he watched her walk out of the door. “What’s going on?”

  Silence met his words as he was left, staring at the door that had just closed behind her. What had happened? Why had she pulled away? Frustrated, Tom growled, feeling his back ripple as the bear groaned in disappointment. Sitting down heavily, he put his head in his hands, wondering what had frightened her off like that. Had he been too forward in his advances? Had his touch truly scared her away? Shaking his head, he ripped open his takeout and ate a piece of chicken. He didn’t understand what had happened, and there was no point in chewing over it now. He’d have to just wait until the morning to find out exactly what was going on with Savannah.


  Savannah woke the following morning with a thundering headache. It wasn't exactly surprising since she'd cried most of the night. Everything was going wrong. Her feelings for Tom were growing, despite the knowledge that he'd been involved in Dan's death, and the way he'd touched her last night had just been a reminder of Lucas and the real reason she was here. She'd lost herself in his embrace, forgetting all about Lucas and the Northern Wind pack. Instead, there had just been her and Tom. Savannah threw her head back on the pillow with a groan, knowing that, most likely, she'd have ended up waking up with him if she'd not chosen to leave. How would she have felt then? Happy? Guilty? Confused?

  “You get that man to trust you any way you can,” she murmured, repeating Lucas’ words from the night before. They were like poison in her mouth, leaving a foul taste behind the moment she said them aloud. She’d almost given in yesterday but had pulled away just in time. His touch had overwhelmed her senses. It was all too much.

  The truth was staring her in the face and Savannah had to admit it – she was beginning to really care about Tom. She didn’t want to, but it was there anyway, refusing to go away. She was attracted to him but there was more than that. Her heart was involved. Savannah groaned, flopping an arm over her face. This was the last thing she wanted.

  Why was it that she couldn't think of Tom being involved in Dan's death? Why was the thought of it not turning her stomach the way it once had? Was it because she didn't believe that Tom could have really been involved? Or was it because she had begun to realize just how bad the Northern Wind pack really was? Lucas was a pack leader that ruled by fear, and Savannah had always just accepted it. But now she realized that there was a different way to lead. She saw it in the respect that Tom and Nick had for each other, and in the way they looked out for Jo. Lucas hated Jo but Savannah couldn't find the same disgust that Lucas had for her. She was well aware that Jo was trying to push her and Tom together and, at first, she'd found it irritating, but now she actually appreciated her efforts. It was quite sweet, if not a little obvious.

  Everything was going wrong. She wasn’t meant to like Jo, or even notice Tom. She was meant to be doing what Lucas wanted and gaining their trust, whilst remembering exactly what it was she was there to do. How she was feeling right now was all kinds of wrong. Instead of wanting to do what Lucas said, she was thinking about how good it would be not to ever go back to the Northern Wind pack again. Instead of thinking about what Lucas wanted, she was thinking about what her heart, mind, and body wanted. This was so mixed up.

  Knowing she had to get up or she was going to be late, Savannah got up and dressed quickly. She didn’t feel like having anything to eat, and she’d get coffee at the office. Savannah just hoped that she’d manage to get into work and sit down without bumping into Tom.

  “You’re in a foul mood this morning,” Nick commented, lightly.

  Tom’s chest rattled in warning, but he didn’t say anything.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t ask,” Nick continued. “But I can practically smell your anger so if you ever want to tell me what’s going on then I’ll be happy to listen.”

  Tom growled low in his throat, slamming around the shop. Nick was right, he was in a foul mood and he had Savannah to thank for it. He had no idea what game she was playing, up and leaving like that. His body had been on fire and, while he didn’t quite expect to take things as far as the bedroom, he wanted to at least explore things a little more. But the moment he’d touched her with just the slightest hint of intimacy, she bolted. She
practically ran away from him, and this was after she swam naked in the lake!

  “That woman’s confusing,” Tom muttered to himself, darkly. He knew he was going to see her at some point and wasn’t even sure whether he was going to hug her or throttle her.

  “If she’s upsetting you that much, why don’t you go and talk to her?”

  Tom’s back rippled. “I didn’t ask for your advice, Nick.”

  “Well, if you’re going to talk out loud then don’t expect me not to listen.”

  Tom spun on his heel and bared his teeth at his brother. “Quit it, Nick.”

  Nick’s eyes narrowed. Throwing down the cloth in his hand, he walked over to Tom, standing close. “Listen to me, Tom,” he growled, softly. “I’ve had enough of this. You’re always angry or upset about something, and I'm not putting up with it anymore. I don't want to know what's been going on between you and Savannah because that's your business, but it can't carry on affecting things at work."

  Tom’s nostrils flared but he held his tongue.

  “We’ve got enough to worry about with Dan,” Nick continued. “So this has got to stop. Got it?”

  Without waiting for Tom to answer, Nick turned around and walked back to the car they were working on. Tom glared after him, his bear ready to rip from his skin. He and Nick usually worked things out that way, but Tom wasn’t up for another bear fight. At the end of the day, it wasn’t Nick he was frustrated with. It was Savannah.


  “Hi,” Savannah managed, not even able to smile at Jo.

  “Is everything okay?”

  Savannah nodded, not really wanting to go into detail. “Fine. I’m just tired. Late night.”

  "Oh," Jo said, softly. Savannah could see the curiosity behind her eyes but was surprised when Jo turned away instead of asking more questions. Lucas would always demand to know what was going on, but Jo seemed to respect that Savannah didn't want to talk about what was really going on.

  “Excuse me.”

  Savannah glanced up as Tom walked in, walking straight past her and into the locked room. That strange smell hit her nostrils once more, the familiar scent that she’d never quite been able to place. She’d never asked Tom about it, but there was something unsettling about a locked room that no-one spoke about.

  “How are you feeling?”

  Dan looked up, a light smile on his face. “Better. I took a few steps today.”

  "Did you now?" Tom narrowed his eyes. Dan had been doing much better recently. As he'd recovered, the man seemed to grow more appreciative of what Tom, Nick, and Jo were doing for him, but Tom was sure he was still loyal to the Northern Wind pack. It didn't make him particularly dangerous but it was still good to be wary. Savannah didn't know about Dan and this was going to come as a bit of a surprise to her, but at least then that might break the tension between them.

  “Looks like you can come through, then,” Tom said, eventually. “But no running off or shifting, got it?”

  “Got it,” Dan replied, gratefully. “I’m still not quite ready to run or shift, so don’t think I’ll be doing either.”

  “Good.” Unlocking the door, he watched as Dan began to shuffle slowly across the floor and towards the door. He was sure Dan wasn’t putting it on, and there was no way that he would be able to shift or even attempt to attack them. At the same time, they couldn’t keep him locked up in the room any more. Now that he could walk, there was no reason for him not to have a bit of freedom. He’d have to return to his pack soon anyway. Just so long as he didn’t try to take one of them with him.


  Savannah could hear the sound of two male voices mumbling through the door, and the hairs began to stand up on the back of her neck.

  “Good morning, Savannah,” Nick smiled, as he walked through the door.

  “Morning,” she replied, automatically. Her hackles began to rise. If Nick was here, and Tom was in the locked room, then who else was talking to him?

  “Looks like Tom’s letting him out,” Jo murmured to Nick – but Savannah heard every word. “He must be better.”

  “Humph,” Nick grunted. “So long as he doesn’t try anything funny, I’ll be happy.”

  “I’m sure he won’t,” Savannah heard Jo reply. “We’ve taken care of him, haven’t we? That’s got to count for something.”

  Savannah’s heart began to pick up its pace as the door handle slowly opened and the door swung back. Her bear began to growl in warning, wanting to push itself from her skin, but she urged it back down. She wasn’t going to shift, not in front of Jo, unless she absolutely had to.

  “Savannah,” Tom said, as he walked out. “This is Dan.”

  Savannah froze, feeling her heart stop in her chest. Dan came shuffling out behind her, his eyes catching sight of her almost at once. His eyes flared and Savannah managed to give a slight shake of her head in warning. Everything fell into place. The scent she’d caught, the one that she hadn’t quite managed to place, had been Dan. She’d thought he was dead, so there was no reason for her to expect to be able to smell him but here he was, alive.

  “Nice to meet you,” she stammered, staring at him.

  “This must be a bit of a shock,” Jo said, walking over to her. “Sorry we didn’t tell you before, Savannah, but we had to be sure.”

  “Sure about what?”

  “That we could trust you,” Nick explained, as Tom leaned against the counter. His dark eyes were watching her reaction, his arms folded across his body.

  Savannah nodded, uncomfortably aware of Tom watching her. "I'm quite surprised if I'm honest," she explained, as Dan shuffled past her.

  “Of course you are,” Jo exclaimed, walking over to take Savannah’s arm. “I’m sorry we couldn’t tell you straight away, but we’ve been looking after Dan.”

  “Did something happen to you?” Savannah asked. As far as she knew, and as far as Lucas knew, Dan was dead. So what had happened to him?

  Dan swallowed hard, glancing at Tom’s dark face before answering. “I got hit by a car. They were kind enough to look after me.”

  “Oh,” Savannah murmured, her heart now beating frantically in her chest. “I take it you hurt your leg?”

  “A bad fracture,” Tom interrupted. “But it seems to be healing well enough now.”

  “I’m glad to hear it,” Savannah said, quietly. “Can I get anyone a coffee? I know I could do with one!”

  Catching Dan's eye, Savannah walked to the coffee machine and began to make herself a coffee, trying to calm herself down. Her hands were sweaty and she could barely think straight. Dan wasn't dead after all! Instead, Tom, Nick, and Jo had somehow brought him back here and looked after him until he was well enough to walk. This wasn't the evil, treacherous and cruel pack that Lucas had described. Finally, Savannah admitted that this pack was the exact opposite of what Lucas had said. In fact, she was beginning to think that the Northern Wind pack was the cruel ones, not these shifters here.

  “Jo,” Nick murmured. “Can you grab us the snacks from the car? I think I left them there the last time we went to the store.”

  Knowing that he was asking for a few minutes to talk to Savannah alone, Jo gave his arm a light squeeze before leaving the office. “Sure,” she said, smiling. “Just make me a coffee for when I come back, Savannah!”

  Savannah nodded, panic rising in her throat. She hoped that Dan knew what she’d tried to communicate through her sharp look and shake of the head. He couldn’t give away even the slightest clue that they knew one another. It was too dangerous.

  Handing out the coffees, and leaving one cooling for Jo, Savannah sat down and looked at the three men in front of her. Dan smiled at her, letting her know that he’d understood her message. Nick was sitting back, his legs crossed at the ankles, seemingly very relaxed, while Tom hadn’t moved at all. He was still staring at her, his arms folded and a grim look on his face. The familiar suspicion was in his eyes, and Savannah knew she couldn’t blame him. After her actio
ns last night, he was probably confused, hurt and angry, and they’d not really had a chance to talk since then.

  “So,” Savannah began, trying to keep the tremble from her voice. “You’re another shifter.”

  “Yeah,” Dan replied, sitting down in one of the seats and stretching out his leg.

  “Jo’s the only one who’s not,” Nick grinned, earning a dark look from Tom. He clearly wasn’t in the mood to laugh.

  Savannah let out a long breath. “What are you doing here? I don’t understand why you were in that back room.”

  "Long story," Tom interrupted before Dan could reply. "His leg was pretty banged up so he's been resting in there until it heals."

  “First day I’ve been able to walk on it,” Dan replied, smiling. “Have to say though, the service hasn’t exactly been bad!”

  Nick shook his head. “You haven’t exactly been happy about staying here, Dan.”

  Dan gave him a wry look. “Can you blame me?”

  Tom snorted, looking away. Savannah, remembering that she was supposed to be curious about what was going on, cleared her throat. “Can someone please explain to me what is going on?”

  "Remember I told you about the Northern Wind pack?” Tom asked.


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