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Dancing The Night Away

Page 9

by Laura Conway

  “No. Not even close,” Delaney said, reaching for Spencer, pressing their lips together. She loved kissing Spencer. Her lips were so perfect, soft and full. Their tongues met in a sensual dance as Delaney moved on top of her.

  Spencer’s hands covered her breasts, rolling her nipples between her fingertips. Spencer pushed herself into a seated position, leaning back against the gray fabric of the headboard as Delaney got comfortable in her lap. Spencer’s hand returned to her breast, tweaking her nipples gently between her fingers, causing Delaney’s hips to rock.

  Spencer’s hand slipped between Delaney’s legs. “You’re so wet,” Spencer murmured, her fingers rubbing her juices up to her clit, circling her with the lightest touch, somehow knowing how sensitive she was.

  “I had every intention of fucking you when I got up here,” Delaney said, her breath hitching as Spencer added a little more pressure to her circular motions.

  “Then why don’t you?”

  Delaney met Spencer’s eyes; a shade darker as she looked up at her.

  Delaney adjusted her body to allow room for her hand, straddling one of Spencer’s thighs instead of her waist. Delaney’s fingers parted Spencer’s lips, stifling a groan when she felt how wet Spencer was. She moved to Spencer’s entrance, easing two fingers into her warmth.

  Spencer’s free hand wrapped around Delaney, holding her close as she pushed her fingers inside of Delaney.

  “Spencer,” Delaney breathed, her hips moving with Spencer’s hand. “Oh fuck. You feel so good,” she murmured, her eyes fluttering closed as she used the same slow and steady strokes, her palm meeting Spencer’s clit each time.

  Delaney held her body weight up with a hand against the headboard, just above Spencer’s shoulder as their bodies rocked together, their breathing ragged.

  Spencer came first, her hand groping Delaney’s ass as she pressed Delaney’s hand down against her sex, grinding out her orgasm, and Delaney succumbed seconds later. Hearing Spencer come was enough to send her over the edge.

  Delaney’s lips brushed across Spencer’s shoulder, then her cheek before Spencer’s mouth covered her own in a passion filled kiss, and Delaney couldn’t remember ever feeling so wanted, so loved.

  Chapter 17

  Spencer pulled out a bar stool and sat down at Delaney’s breakfast bar as she brought over a cup of coffee.

  “Thanks,” Spencer said, running a hand through her hair. She knew it was messy. Just thinking about the way Delaney’s fingers had raked through her hair last night sent a shiver through her body.

  She sipped on her coffee while Delaney made breakfast. Spencer had offered, but Delaney waved her off. Spencer was in yesterday’s clothes, shorts and a white tank top, and Delaney had put on a pair of black gym shorts and that off the shoulder top she’d had on the last time Spencer was here.

  Spencer didn’t know what it was about that shirt, but Delaney looked so sexy in it. She had the other night when they’d been practicing, but she was even more so this morning without any makeup on and her hair tied back in a loose ponytail. Spencer knew she was staring, but with Delaney busy making them breakfast, she could get away with it.

  Sitting in Delaney’s kitchen highlighted the fact that she was sixteen years older than her. She had her own two-bedroom apartment in the East Village while Spencer was sharing a tiny place with Zoey all the way out in Hamilton Heights. This was the only time Spencer cared about their age difference. Delaney clearly had her life together.

  Spencer worked hard for the last twelve years. She’d moved to a new city on her own and started over. She’d survived, but what did she have to show for it?

  Delaney carried over two plates with poached eggs and toast. “I don’t know about you,” she said as she sat down, “But I’m starving.”

  “Me too. Thank you. This looks amazing,” Spencer said, pushing away those thoughts. She shouldn’t be worrying about stuff like that, not after last night anyway.

  Whatever was going on between them... It was so much more than a crush, more than being attracted to a dancing partner. This was real, and it seemed to be mutual. Spencer couldn’t get lost in their differences, in the age gap, in their careers. Delaney didn’t seem to care.

  “You’re quiet,” Delaney said when they’d finished eating. “Everything okay?” she asked as she turned to face her, her head tilted slightly as she studied Spencer.

  Before Spencer had met Delaney for their date last night, she’d had every intention of telling her about her past, of explaining where she was coming from, but now, she didn’t think she could do it. Not today, anyway.

  Spencer was so used to keeping to herself, to avoiding commitment. She’d never been in a relationship that lasted more than a few months, and she’d come to believe that she just wasn’t the settling down kind, but meeting Delaney, dancing with her, last night... It was all starting to change her mind.

  “I’m fine,” Spencer said with what she hoped was a reassuring smile. “You just wore me out last night,” she said, stifling a yawn.

  “Are you working tonight?”

  “Yeah,” she said, glancing down at her watch. “In five hours.”

  “Maybe I shouldn’t have kept you up so late,” Delaney said with a smirk.

  “I am definitely not complaining, but I should go home. Take a shower. Let Zoey know I’m alive.”

  “Would she have worried about you? Last night?”

  “No. I sent her a text when we were in the cab. But yeah, she would have if I didn’t. It’s rare that I don’t come home.”

  Delaney just nodded, and Spencer wondered if this was the right time to elaborate. Spencer rested her hand on Delaney’s thigh, just above her knee. She leaned in and gave Delaney a slow, tender kiss before picking up their plates and bringing them over to the dishwasher.

  Spencer knew she should say something, but this was all so new. They hardly knew each other really. She didn’t want Delaney’s pity either. She’d wait to tell her. There’d be a better time.

  “So,” Delaney said, slipping her hands around Spencer’s waist from behind. “I’ll see you Tuesday night?”

  Spencer’s eyes fluttered shut as she leaned back into Delaney. Last night, this morning... It was like something out of a dream.

  “Yes,” Spencer said as she turned in her arms. “Tuesday.” Three days would seem like a lifetime, but Spencer was working every day until then, and she wasn’t going to be clingy. “Week five.”

  “How did that happen? They’ve flown by,” Delaney said with that half smile that always tugged at Spencer’s heart. “And I almost feel like I know what I’m doing.”

  “So, we’re going to win the competition?”

  “I think we have a shot.”

  “Maybe, we should have a midweek practice?” Spencer suggested as she lowered her hands to squeeze Delaney’s ass through the thin fabric.

  Delaney dipped her head to kiss Spencer’s neck. “How are we going to dance together? All I’m going to be thinking about is...” Her voice trailed off as she pressed her thigh into Spencer’s sex.

  Spencer’s breathing was ragged. In a matter of seconds, Delaney had her panting, her hips grinding back against her, searching out any sort of friction. “I’m sure you’ve realized how easily I’m...”

  Delaney’s hands were on her hips, urging her forward and adding more pressure. “You’re what?” she whispered, her voice full of desire as she kissed her neck again, and Spencer wrapped her arms around her.

  “Don’t tease me,” Spencer begged, her heart hammering her in ears. She was so close, but she knew she couldn’t fall back into bed with Delaney, as much as she wanted to.

  “I’m not.” Delaney’s hands were on her ass now, moving with Spencer’s hips. Her lips covered Spencer’s in a searing kiss, their tongues swirling as Spencer’s orgasm came hard and fast.

  Spencer broke the kiss, clinging to Delaney as she shuddered, and Delaney held onto her. She’d just come in Delaney’s kitchen after about
thirty seconds of foreplay. What was happening to her?

  “Fuck,” Spencer breathed, her hand on her forehead as she leaned back against the counter.

  Delaney brushed Spencer’s hair away as she bent to kiss her shoulder, then her collarbone, while Spencer tried to remember how to breathe.

  “I don’t know how I’m going to get home,” Spencer said as Delaney wrapped her arms around her, and Spencer hugged her back. “I don’t even know if I can walk after that.”

  Spencer inhaled the scent of Delaney’s shampoo as her hair tickled her nose. Coconut and something else that reminded her of the ocean.

  “Do you have to go home?” Delaney asked as she met her eyes. “You can shower here.”

  “Do you have anything black?”

  “Uh. Yeah. But it probably won’t fit you.”

  “I can keep the shorts,” Spencer said, glancing down at them. “It’s not ideal, but Karen won’t make a big deal of it. I should be wearing black though.”

  “Yeah,” Delaney said as she pulled away, taking Spencer’s hand. “Have a look. I’m sure I have something you can try on.”

  Spencer followed her down the hall, her legs weak, but getting a few extra hours with Delaney was worth whatever Karen might say to her, and the fact that Delaney had suggested it was just a bonus.

  Chapter 18

  Delaney sat down on one of the few free bar stools and ordered two bottles of beer. Knicks and Yankees jerseys and photos covered the walls of the sports bar that was just around the corner from the office.

  “Thanks,” Matt said, clinking his bottle off hers. “What a difference a week makes, huh?”

  “I know. I just wish they could have told us sooner. At least, we’re all still on speaking terms.”

  “It did get out of hand a few times, but now that everyone knows they haven’t lost their jobs, everyone’s happy to stay late and work it out.”

  Delaney took a swig of beer. “I know, I shouldn’t, but I’m thinking about what’s next.”

  “Why shouldn’t you?”

  Delaney shrugged. “We have another year with this show, and I’m grateful for that, but I’m wondering what comes next.”

  “Is this about Spencer?”

  Delaney froze. “What do you mean?”

  Matt rested his forearms on the wooden bar. “You’ve been trying to stay in the present, right? Not worrying too much about what’s in the future and doing your best to forget about the past... And I get that in our line of work, nothing is certain. We’re always looking for the next gig, but I’m wondering if it’s because of Spencer. Are you worried about having to leave New York?”

  Delaney blinked. Was she?

  “I’m assuming you’ve moved beyond kissing,” Matt said, propping his chin up on the palm of his hand. “She seems quite infatuated with you.”


  Matt nodded. “Yeah. Jay thinks so too, but I know that doesn’t count for much,” he said with a laugh.

  Delaney sighed. “I was going to tell you tonight. Yeah, we’ve started dating,” she said, a smile tugging at her lips. “I don’t know where it’s going to go, but I like her.”

  “I know,” he said, returning her smile. “This suits you. I can’t remember the last time I saw you like this.”

  “Like what?”

  “Happy? I don’t know. You’re more relaxed or something.”

  Delaney took a drink. She didn’t know what she was, but things were going well for her right now. Work was enjoyable again, and she liked being around Spencer. Salsa was a pleasant surprise too. She loved the music, the way she felt dancing opposite Spencer.

  “I’ll be right back,” Matt said as he got up.

  Delaney took her phone out of her bag, half expecting to see a message from Spencer, but she had no new alerts. Delaney knew she was working, but she was still hoping to hear from her.

  She was aware of how fast they were moving, but Delaney didn’t know how to slow down when she was with Spencer. Those hours they’d spent dancing together only fueled the attraction that was already there.

  “Excuse me?”

  Delaney turned to see a man in his fifties with salt and pepper hair standing beside Matt’s stool. She glanced behind her, but Matt was still in the restroom. “Yes?”

  “Are you...? You’re Clara Lawson. I loved that show.”

  Delaney took another look over her shoulder, willing Matt to come back, but there was no sign of him. “Yes. Thanks. That’s me.”

  “Delaney, right?”

  She took another drink instead of answering him.

  “Can I get a photo?” he asked, his phone already out and ready to go as he took a step closer.

  “I’d really prefer if you didn’t,” Delaney said, avoiding his gaze.

  “What? Really?”

  “Hey,” Matt said, his arm around her shoulder as he stood beside her. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah,” the man said. The phone was gone, and he took the hint, returning to a table on the other side of the bar.

  “You okay?” Matt asked as he sat down, his hand on her knee.

  Delaney shook her head. “I used to love meeting fans.”

  “They’re not all like that psycho.”

  “I can’t know that,” Delaney said as she took another drink. “That guy that stalked me seemed like one of the most genuine, innocent people I have ever met. How am I supposed to trust anyone after that?”

  “I know. I’m sorry if I came across as judgmental,” Matt said with a sigh. “I didn’t mean to. I just hate to see you get stressed...”

  “So unnecessarily?”

  “You know I have my own issues, and they’re what, thirty-year-old ones? So, I’m not dismissing what you’re feeling.”

  “Okay, well, being stalked isn’t even remotely close to what happened to you,” Delaney said, finishing her drink and nodding to the bartender for another round.

  “It doesn’t matter what causes the anxiety, the PTSD... It’s real, it’s there, and it affects us.”

  Delaney nodded. She knew Matt was abused by a priest when he was a teenager. He’d told her after Delaney’s last panic attack, a little over a year ago. Something similar had happened with a fan, and it just triggered her, bringing back the nightmare of having someone following you, calling you in the middle of the night, sending you packages. Matt had helped her out of that attack, telling her what had worked for him.

  “You handled that well,” Matt said as the bartender brought over two more bottles of beer. “You feel, okay?”

  “Yeah,” she breathed, shaking away those memories. She wasn’t going to let her thoughts slide. That was the real problem. Once her pulse picked up, and she didn’t breathe properly, she’d spiral into a serious panic attack. “I’m fine.”

  She took a deep breath, trying to think of something else, something calming, and it shouldn’t have surprised her, but Spencer was the first thing that popped into her mind.

  “How long were you with Jay before you told him?” Delaney asked.

  “It was early. Really early. Maybe two months in, but that was because I’d had previous relationships fail over this. I kept it a secret, and they couldn’t understand why I acted the way I did... Anyway, I just knew with Jay. We had something special. I trusted him with it.”

  “Do you think I should tell Spencer? I rarely have panic attacks now, but something like that, with a fan, could always happen.”

  “Does she know you were an actress?”

  Delaney shook her head. “No. She’s too young to, and no one has recognized me when we’ve been together. It really doesn’t happen that often anymore. I guess, I look quite different now,” she said with a lopsided smile. “That was a long time ago.”

  “If it’s bothering you, you should probably tell her. At least, that you were an actress, and it’s up to you about the rest of it. I know it’s hard to talk about.”

  “I don’t want to keep secrets from her. I know it’s early d
ays, but I don’t know,” she said with a sigh. “I should just do it.”

  “Have you had many personal conversations?”

  Delaney met Matt’s eyes. “No. Not really. I mean, we’ve had a few long chats, but,” she cleared her throat. “We usually get distracted when we’re together, so...”

  Matt laughed.

  “I’ll find the right time. I just feel like she has enough to deal with.”

  “What do you mean?” Matt asked, his eyes narrowing slightly.

  “Well, just with the age gap, and you know, the fact that I’m nearly fifty.”

  “Have you talked about it?”

  “Kind of. She said it doesn’t bother her,” Delaney said with a shrug.

  “Well, then. Nothing to worry about... Unless, it bothers you?”

  Delaney smiled. “She asked me if it did, and I was honest. I said it did and it didn’t. I don’t think about it when I’m with her. So, for me, it’s not really a big deal. I’m just thinking about her. She’s only thirty. What will this look like in ten years?”

  “That serious, huh?”

  Delaney tucked a lock of blond hair behind her ear. “No. Yes. I don’t know. I feel like that’s all I ever say about any of this. ‘I don’t know.’”

  Matt covered her hand on the bar with his, giving it a squeeze. “I think you’re over thinking this, because it’s the first time you’ve felt something in a long time.”


  “Salsa tomorrow.”

  “Yeah. I can’t wait,” Delaney said, a smile on her lips.

  “What are you wearing next week for the last class? For the competition.”

  “What do you mean? Are you guys getting dressed up?”

  “Yeah. Well, Jay thinks we are.”

  “I hadn’t really thought about it, but I guess that makes sense.”

  “There’s going to be a band, and everyone will be watching so... You know. I don’t think jeans will cut it.”

  Delaney took a drink. It hadn’t even occurred to her, but instead of thinking about how she was going to dress, she was wondering what Spencer would be wearing. She should probably be worried about how bad she had it, but what was the point?


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