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The Protective Billionaire

Page 17

by Christine Kersey

  Aubree watched his hand, wondering if he was going to pull out a sheet of gold-foil star stickers. Instead, when he pulled his hand out of his pocket, it was in a fist and she couldn’t see what he held. “What’s that?”

  “This?” he asked as he held up his fist.

  Anticipation thrummed through her, and she lifted her gaze to his face.

  He was grinning. “Only my best self-defense students get one of these.” His hand was still in a fist.

  “Oh? How many students have you had?”

  He laughed. “You’re the first.”

  She laughed too. “Fair enough. You’re my first teacher.”

  His cupped hand came down where she could see it and he slowly unfurled his fingers. "Your gold star,” he said. “Well, sort of.”

  Lying in his hand was a fine gold chain with a rose pendant. Aubree reached into his hand and lifted the rose from his palm. White petals edged in gold and in the very center of the rose was a perfect diamond.

  “It’s beautiful,” she breathed.

  “Turn around and I’ll put it on you.”

  She did as instructed, and as his hands brushed against her collarbone, a zing of electricity shot through her. This man was all kinds of wonderful.

  “There,” he said.

  She covered the rose with her hand and turned to face him. “I love it. Thank you.”

  His eyebrows rose. “You earned it.”

  “What about you? You worked just as hard.”

  He smiled. “My reward is knowing you can defend yourself.”

  She laughed. “Okay.” But inside she was thinking of what she could give him.

  “Are you getting hungry?”


  “All right. While you get cleaned up, I’ll arrange dinner.”

  She put a hand on her hip. “Are you saying I smell?”

  He laughed. “I would never say that. At least not to your face.”

  Chuckling, she nodded. “I can take a hint. And by the way, you do smell.”

  He sniffed his armpit before recoiling. “I sure do.” He grinned. “Guess I’ll get cleaned up too.”

  They walked into the house together, stopping at the base of the staircase.

  “Do you want me to make dinner?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “I already have something planned.”

  “Hmm. That sounds intriguing. Any hints?”

  He shook his head. “You’ll find out soon enough.” Then, with a final smile, he turned and sauntered away.

  Chapter Forty

  Cameron hadn’t actually thought of what to do for dinner, but now that he’d piqued Aubree’s curiosity, he’d have to come up with something good, and after a few moments he had an idea. He made the arrangements, then he showered and changed into slacks and a button up shirt. Once he was ready, he walked toward the family room, and as he reached it, he saw Aubree just entering the room wearing a turquoise sundress that showed off her slender waist and set off her white-blonde hair. And he noticed she was wearing the rose pendant he’d given her.

  “You look lovely,” he said as he approached her, stopping in front of her.

  “You look nice too.”

  “Are you hungry yet?”

  She tilted her head. “Why? What do you have planned?”

  His lips lifted in a smile. “Do you feel like going out?”

  “Honestly, not really. I’m tired from shopping, and with filming starting tomorrow, a night in sounds good to me.”

  So, he’d read her right. “That’s what I thought you’d say.”

  The doorbell rang.

  “Is that dinner?” Aubree asked with raised eyebrows.

  “Yep.” He hoped she wouldn’t be disappointed. He left her in the family room and went to answer the door.

  Curious what Cameron was doing for dinner, Aubree forced herself to wait in the family room, and when Cameron came back from the front door holding two large pizza boxes, she laughed.

  “Hope this is okay,” he said with a grin.

  “It smells delicious.”

  “I thought we could eat on the couch and watch a movie.”

  After the fancy meals the last two nights and the crazy shopping spree she’d been on, staying in while eating pizza and watching a movie sounded perfect. Especially if that meant the possibility of cuddling up with Cameron on the couch.

  “That sounds great,” she said, then she followed Cameron into the kitchen where he took out two plates and set them on the counter beside the pizza boxes.

  A short time later they were sitting on the couch with their feet on the coffee table and their plates on their laps and Maya stretched out nearby. Aubree hadn’t felt this relaxed in days. It was just what she needed before filming began.

  “How’s your pizza?” Cameron asked.

  About a foot separated them, and when Aubree turned to look at him and caught his eye, the idea of having his arms around her sent a pulse of heat to her insides. Breathing out slowly to settle herself, she took a moment before saying, “It’s yummy. How’s yours?”

  He gazed at her a moment, ignoring her question. “How are you feeling? About our pretend marriage?”

  His question caught her off guard and she wasn’t sure what he was really asking. It had only been two days since they’d announced their marriage to the world, but so far she was really liking it. “Why do you ask? Are you getting tired of having me around all the time?”

  He chuckled as he shook his head, his gaze never leaving hers. “Not at all. In fact, I’ve really liked having you around.” He reached out and ran a finger along her jaw, setting it on fire. “Aubree, I already told you that I’m falling for you.” His voice had gone soft and her heart was pounding.

  He took both of their plates and set them on the coffee table and then he slid his hand behind her neck. “I know we agreed to only one kiss and I know we’ve already surpassed that, but right now I really want to kiss you.” He leaned closer so that only a couple of inches separated their mouths. “Is that all right?”

  Her eyes were locked on his, and at that moment she wanted him to kiss her more than anything in the world. She nodded a tiny bit, just enough to tell him yes without breaking their gaze.

  His lips curved into a smile, then he leaned toward her, slowly, slowly. When his eyes slid closed hers did as well. A moment later his lips pressed against hers and she lost herself in his kiss. All her troubles fled her mind as she savored the feel of him, the strength of him, the complete feeling of love and security she always felt when she was with him.

  She wasn’t just falling for him. She’d fallen. Hard.

  When they finally drew apart, he smiled at her before tucking her against his side. They fell into their own thoughts as the movie played on the TV.

  How had he gotten so lucky? Had fate played a role? What were the chances that he would find the woman who was a perfect fit for him staying at his neighbor’s cabin? A smile played around the corners of Cameron’s mouth as he breathed in the scent of Aubree next to him on the couch. She was lovely and sweet and perfect in so many ways. He would do anything for her.

  Then he thought about her stalker and his statement that she would get hers. He had no idea what that meant but the idea of anyone harming her in any way sent a river of adrenaline pouring into his veins and his arm tightened on Aubree’s shoulders.

  “Everything okay?” she asked.

  He loosened his hold and smiled at her sweet face. “Yeah. Just, uh, thinking about all I have on my plate.” Which was kind of true. Because as soon as they said good night, he was going to talk to the lead on her security team and impress upon him how important her safety was to him.

  A look of chagrin passed across her eyes. “I’m sorry I’ve been taking so much of your time.”

  That wasn’t what he’d meant. At all. “No,” he said with a firm shake of his head. “I want nothing more than to have you here.” He forced himself to relax. “Tomorrow’s Monday. You’ll be gon
e all day which will give me all the time I need to work.” At the thought of her being away, tension ratcheted up in his gut. She would be away from the safety of his house and around people he didn’t know, people he had no idea if they would protect her.

  A smile blossomed on her lips. “I’ve never been more excited to start a job.”

  He was excited for her, but still worried. “Will you have your phone with you? I mean, if you don’t mind me checking in with you once in a while.”

  She tilted her head. “I’d like that. But I don’t know how often I’ll be able to check my phone.”

  As much as he didn’t like not being able to watch over her himself, he knew he would have to accept reality. “Okay. I’ll try not to pester you. I just, I want to make sure you’re okay.”

  “I’m sure security will be tight on set. Besides, your crack security team will be there, right?”

  “Yeah.” He didn’t want her to know how worried he suddenly felt. As if he knew her stalker was waiting for the chance to pounce. He wanted her to focus on her job and enjoy this opportunity. “Maybe you can shoot me a text when you’re leaving the set so I can make sure dinner’s ready for you.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “Wow. You’re kind of the perfect husband, aren’t you?”

  He laughed. “I’m trying to be.”

  She took his hand in hers. “I know I’ve said this a bunch of times already, but thank you, Cameron. You have no idea how much what you’re doing means to me.”

  He lifted her hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on the back. “You’re worth it, Aubree. Never forget that.”

  A soft blush rose on her cheeks before she leaned against him and they settled in to watch the movie.

  Chapter Forty-One

  The next day Aubree woke early. Too excited to sleep, she threw on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and went downstairs in the hopes that she would catch Cameron before he’d gone out on his run. When she found him about to head out the front door, she called out to him.

  Turning, when they made eye contact, he smiled, then he took in her outfit. “You’re coming on my run with me?” His smile grew and she knew he was happy about it.

  “Yep. If you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all. Let me grab a security guy to trail us though.” He grimaced. “Just in case.”

  She hated to think that anytime she left his house she would have to have someone watching over her, and she hated to think she would be slowing Cameron down on his run. “Maybe I should just stay here.”

  He stepped close to her and met her gaze. “No. I want you to come. It’ll be a lot more fun than going by myself.”

  “Are you sure? I won’t mess up your pace?”

  He smiled. “I don’t care about my pace. I care about you, Aubree.”

  At the look in his eyes, she knew he meant it and she was touched. “Thank you.”

  Ten minutes later they’d warmed up and were out the door. As they approached the gate to the street, Aubree was surprised to see a handful of photographers waiting outside. It was so early in the day. Had they spent the night outside the gate in the hopes of seeing them?

  As she and Cameron stepped through the gate, the paparazzi frantically snapped pictures. She realized this was the first time she and Cameron had gone anywhere together since their announcement three days earlier. And being out in the open like this made her nervous.

  “Back up,” one of their security people told the photographers, blocking their cameras from getting shots of them.

  “Let’s go,” Cameron said, and they set off at a good clip.

  When they’d gone a quarter of a mile, they were out of the view of the photographers and Aubree felt herself relax and get into a good pace. She glanced behind her to make sure a security guy was behind them and when she saw him easily keeping up, she felt reassured.

  “Is this how it’s going to be?” she panted out. “Paparazzi hanging around outside the gate all the time?”

  Cameron shook his head. “I don’t know. Maybe they’ll find someone else to follow around.”

  Knowing that the film she was to begin shooting that day could catapult her into stardom, she doubted the paparazzi would lose interest anytime soon. Still, she wouldn’t trade any of it. Not if that meant giving up Cameron.

  When they’d finished their run and were approaching the house, Aubree was disconcerted to see that the number of photographers had doubled. Word must have gotten out that she and Cameron were on a run. Doing her best to ignore them, she stayed by Cameron’s side as they went through the gate and closed it firmly behind them.

  “What a way to start the day,” she said as they walked into the house. Then she considered the fact that if she wasn’t pretend-married to Cameron, the paparazzi wouldn’t be interested in her at all. At least not at this point in her career. Maybe being with him wasn’t such a great idea. But the thought of not being with him made her heart ache.

  They went into the kitchen to get some water.

  “Do you want me to make you breakfast before you go?” he asked.

  As she thought about arriving on set, her appetite diminished. “No. I’m not really hungry right now.”

  “Nerves, huh?”

  He already knew her so well. “Yeah.”

  He stroked her arm, sending chills cascading along her skin. “You’ll do great, Aubree. And when you get home tonight, I want to hear all about it.”

  His confidence boosted her morale. “Thanks.”

  They went their separate ways, and after showering and getting ready for the day, she found Cameron in his office already hard at work.

  “Hey,” she said as she walked into the room.

  He smiled at her. “Hey.”

  “I wanted to tell you I was leaving.” Was that what married couples usually did? She thought so. Anyway, she wasn’t telling him good-bye because it was what she should be doing, she was doing it because it was what she wanted to do.

  He stood and came to her, placing his hands on her upper arms. “I’ll be thinking about you.”

  Knowing she would be in his thoughts warmed her. “I’ll check in with you when I can.”

  He shook his head. “You just focus on your job.”

  He was so wonderful. Wanting to kiss him—and to be the one who initiated the kiss for a change—she reached up and placed her hand on the back of his neck, then she stood on her tiptoes.

  His eyebrows rose, then he smiled and leaned down until their lips met. His arms wrapped around her waist and her arms curled around his neck and she sank into him, suddenly not wanting to leave. Being with him was so safe, so comfortable, so right.

  Then she thought about the day ahead of her and her excitement kicked in and she gently pulled away. “I’ll see you tonight.”

  He nodded. “I’ll be here.”

  With that, she headed to the waiting car and set off.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Once Aubree arrived on set, it felt like coming home. She’d missed working these last few weeks. Being around the hustle and bustle of an active set filled her with energy.

  She watched as her security team checked things out, and without even thinking about it, she swept the area with her gaze, on the lookout for Tyler. He had to know she would be there and he knew his way around movie sets. She couldn’t take any chances.

  There was no sign of him and she felt herself relax.

  “There she is,” a familiar male voice said beside her and she turned to find Jason Evanson standing there.

  Momentarily star struck, she lost her ability to speak.

  “Congratulations on your marriage,” he said.

  Aubree immediately felt like a fraud. With the bubble she and Cameron had been in for the last few days, she’d almost forgotten that the world thought they were married. And now she had to play her role. “Thank you.” Then again, when she pictured Cameron, it didn’t feel so pretend. Not with the feelings that had developed between them. Too bad she was having so mu
ch trouble letting her heart have free reign, but until the dark cloud of Tyler disappeared from her life, she wouldn’t be able to give her heart fully to anyone.

  “How nice of you to work when you should be on your honeymoon,” he said with a smirk.

  She laughed. Not only at his comment, but when she thought about the few chaste kisses she and Cameron had shared, a honeymoon was so far from reality that it made her chuckle. “I’m excited to start working today,” she said.

  “That’s good news because we’re gonna work you hard.” With that, he turned and strolled away.

  Shortly after that, her day began in earnest, and when it was time for a lunch break, Aubree was both exhilarated and tired.

  “We have a surprise for you,” Jason said as everyone gathered around.

  Stumped by what the surprise could be, she waited to see what it was. A moment later, someone wheeled in a huge wedding cake.

  “What?” she exclaimed, kind of flabbergasted. “What’s this for?” At first she thought it was related to the movie—it was a rom-com after all.

  “In honor of your recent wedding,” Jason said with a grin. “We all wanted to say congrats.” He swept his arm in the direction of the assembled cast and crew.

  Now Aubree felt terrible. Everyone was so nice and now they’d gone to the trouble of getting a cake to celebrate a wedding that hadn’t actually occurred. But she couldn’t tell them that. Not only would they hate her, but she had to keep her secret. Instead, she softly said, “Thank you.”

  “We need a picture,” Jason said, motioning to someone who held a camera.

  Aubree obediently stood beside the cake with Jason and a few others while someone took pictures.

  “Okay,” Jason said. “Let’s eat!”

  Someone began slicing the cake and everyone lined up to get a piece. A few moments later Jason brought her a plate and led her to a table where it was just the two of them.

  “How have things been?” he asked as he forked up a large bite. “I mean with the tabloids. Are they driving you crazy yet?”


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