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Ink's Devil: Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #5

Page 40

by Manda Mellett

  Her eyes have widened. Her pupils are dilated. Whether it’s my words or my tight hold on her hair, I’ve no idea.

  My cock is swelling. He wants to be done with this conversation and right now, I don’t blame him. “You were mine,” I tell her. “Even though the words you were told were to stay away and that we were over. But my brothers knew different. I told them I’d claimed you.”

  “You claimed me?” Her head tilts to the side, and her brow creases.

  “Claiming you gave me the comfort of knowing you had family watching out for you.” I bow my forehead to touch hers. “Not that they did a good job of it.”

  “They tried,” she says fast.

  “Sure. They sent hangarounds…”

  “Ink, they couldn’t send anyone else. Else the cops would have sniffed out a connection between us or more than the one we admitted.”

  “You’re not just a fuck buddy to me,” I tell her. Hoping this time she’ll say the words back. She doesn’t, she seems at a loss for words. If she won’t say it to me, perhaps I’ll spell it out to her. “I told my brothers I’d claimed you, and that’s what I want. But I need to know you’re with me.” I hardly dare breathe as I start asking questions to which I might not want to hear the answers. “Do you want to be claimed, Beth? Do you want to be the only girl who’s ever ridden behind me on my bike and know it will only ever be you there? Do you want to wear my patch showing I own you, as you, in return, own me? Do you want to spend the rest of your days in my bed and in my life? Because that’s what I want, sweetheart.”

  Her eyes stare into mine, disbelieving as she tries to process what I’ve said. “We’ve only just met.”

  “Why waste time? I don’t need longer, fuck, I’ve had more than enough time to think. Sitting in the jail cell, all I could think of were the chances I’d lost. Now I’m a free man, I don’t want to wait any longer. I’m ready to be all-in, babe.”

  It’s now her hand touching my cheek. “I feel the same way, Ink. Losing you hurt more than it should. I couldn’t stop thinking about you, even when you told me it was over. Now you’re saying everything I wanted you to say, but I can’t believe it. I must be dreaming.”

  I chuckle with relief. “I’ll pinch you if you like.”

  “Kiss me.” It’s almost a challenge.

  A challenge I’m more than happy to rise to. Without hesitation I lower my head, taking her lips gently at first, then applying more pressure, sweeping my tongue inside her mouth. That taste, it’s like home. My pelvis leans forward, my hardness grinds against her. After a few minutes when I pull back, her face is flushed.

  “You sure it isn’t just sex?” she asks, having realised my state of arousal.

  “After everything I’ve said, Beth? After I’ve laid my soul bare?” I go to say more, but now it’s her putting her fingers over my lips.

  “My turn.” She looks away, then back. “I didn’t understand how quickly you’d wormed your way into my heart until I thought I’d lost you forever, or for a good long time anyway. I didn’t want anyone else, Ink. I would have waited.”

  “You’d have forgotten me soon enough.” I smile to soften my words. I wouldn’t have blamed her.

  “Forgotten you? There’s never been another man like you, Ink. You take, you don’t ask. Yet you never ask more of me than I’m prepared to give, except for your request which I only heard second hand, to stay away from you. But I’d have done that, if I’d thought that was really what you wanted. Now you say you already claimed me?”

  “I wanted you to have protection.”

  “Your club hated, hates me, with good reason.”

  “My club doesn’t hate you. They didn’t trust you, but when they found Connor, they knew you’d been telling the truth.” I don’t tell her they treated her as my old lady with a caveat, a caveat that no longer exists. They’ve still to officially vote her in, but I’m sure there won’t be a problem with that.

  She’s staring past me at a point on the opposite wall. I’d felt we were making headway, now I’m not sure at all. Cupping my hand under her chin, I turn her to face me again. “What is it, Beth?”

  “It’s stupid… but you mean everything to me, Ink. It was only ever you. I saw you at Mel’s wedding and didn’t want anyone else. Yes, I came onto Mace, but only to get a reaction from you. I’d never have gone with him. If you’d turned me down…”

  “I didn’t,” I tell her. “Even then I didn’t want you with anyone else.”

  “Ink, you knew what you were doing, you were prepared to give up your freedom for me, well, I wanted to give up mine for you. I wanted to go to the cops, but Demon and Mom told me it wouldn’t make any difference. If it had meant you’d have gotten out, I’d have done it.”

  Again, I chuckle. “Two martyrs, yeah?”

  She smiles back. “Seems it would be a waste not to give whatever’s between us a chance.”

  “I want everything, Beth,” I warn her, laying out what I want to happen. “I want you with me, living with me, sharing my life. If we’re going to make a go of this, I want the whole damn package.”

  “Live, here?” She looks around my room. It’s not much to offer her, I know that.

  “We’ll buy a house, Beth. Choose somewhere together. But yeah, for now, here will do.”

  She glances around again, and once more her lips curve. “Well, you do have a well-equipped bed.”

  I move closer, putting my mouth to her ear. “I’m ready to show you just how well equipped it is.” More than fucking ready. It’s time I physically claimed her.

  Her hands wrap around me pulling my body into hers. “I don’t mind if you do.”

  I can’t wait any longer. “Strip.”

  This time I don’t turn away. This time I keep my eyes on hers. When she removes her tee, I remove my cut. Her bra goes, so does my shirt. In unison our hands go to our hips, our jeans pushed down as though in a choreographed dance.

  “On the bed,” I instruct when all our clothes have disappeared. I’ll take my time with her later, but now I want to do what I’ve been dreaming about, slide inside her perfect cunt.

  She’s on her back, but not lying flat, she’s propped up on her elbows. Her teeth are biting her lip, and her tongue comes out to soothe the slight hurt. I doubt she knows she’s doing it, but each action is turning me on more.

  “Bend your legs and spread those thighs. Give me some room to work.” Christ, I can smell her arousal as I place one knee then the other on the bed, and stalk toward her.

  She’s obeyed me. Oh, I doubt she’ll always be so compliant, but for now I’m sure she’s feeling the same as me, wanting to be joined as close as humanly possible. First though, I want a taste of her. Want her essence on my tongue, want her screaming out to the world.

  I groan as my tongue meets her cream, she moans, and her hands clasp the sheets as I get to work. I’ve already learned her and now remember just the pressure she likes. I’m thoroughly enjoying myself, her taste messing with my brain, sending endorphins through me, making my spine tingle and my balls throb. Soon, though, her hips close around me, her stomach muscles ripple and she’s screaming her orgasm out loud.

  Reaching to the bedside table I take out the condoms that are always there, stocked up as one of the duties of the prospects. I slide one on, longing for the day when I’ll take her bare. Put a baby inside her. Too early yet, but one day.

  She feels unbelievably fantastic. Her cunt grips my cock just right, her reactions couldn’t be more perfect. When I’d fucked other women before, there was always something missing, something elusive I couldn’t find. As I thrust inside her, I realise what it is, that however intense our sessions will become, I won’t be just fuckin’, I’ll always be making love to my old lady.

  Knowing I won’t be able to last long, I swivel my hips, making my ass muscles flex so I’m hitting that all important place inside her. Using my fingers on her clit, when she starts coming, I’m right there with her, this time, my roar mingles with
her screaming.

  I stay, relishing the feeling of our two bodies being joined, something not even a day ago I thought I’d ever feel again. Eventually my cock softens, and I lose contact with her. I move so I’m lying on my side, and pull her into my arms, holding her like I never want to let her go.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispers, softly. “I should have come to you, told you.”

  “Beth, I’m going to say this once, and then we’ll move past it, okay? Sure, I had a few days in jail, and more than a few moments when I thought life as I knew it was over, but I’m out, I’m free. Yeah, if we were then where we are now, then I’d spank your ass if I wasn’t the first person you came with any worries you had, major or minor. But we were. I couldn’t have said I do anything for you, it took that sight of you walking into danger to show me what I hadn’t known I already felt.” I pull myself up on one elbow, looking down at her. “You hear me? From now on, you always come to me, or one of my brothers if I’m not around. Promise me, Beth.”

  There’s no hesitation in her response, “I promise.”

  I believe her. The corners of my mouth turn up. “So,” I toy with her hair, twirling it around my finger, “what have you been doing while I’ve been away? Hmm? I wonder how many transgressions I can count?”

  She stills in my arms. “I’ve been good.”

  “Good? Hmm, I doubt that little girl. Somehow, I think your ass is going to be very sore later.”


  “Yeah. One for sure. You haven’t sucked me off yet. Don’t you think you should greet your man properly?”

  “Oh. How remiss of me.” Her face splits into a wide grin. “Will you go easy on me if I correct that now?”

  “Depends how good it is,” I tell her, having difficulty keeping the laughter from my voice. “You’re going to have to try really hard.”

  Of course, with Beth, it’s very good.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  I’m amazingly going to have a lifetime to learn everything about Ink, but fast I find, once having determined something, he doesn’t let the grass grow under his feet.

  That night after I’d been rescued, I’d slept in his room, and he all but had me moved in from that point. A lot of my clothes have already been bought back from the house, and I admit to getting a pang of pleasure when seeing them hanging alongside his in his wardrobe. I’ve not slept in my own bed either. For a man who once told me he didn’t spend the night with bitches, now he doesn’t seem to want to spend even one alone.

  I’ve no experience of living with someone other than my mother but am quickly getting addicted to going to bed with a man and waking with him beside me. The hours in between, well, as can be expected, we spend many making love.

  Suddenly I hear him clearing his throat behind me, the sound breaking into my thoughts. “Hey, babe. I was a Marine, remember. I don’t expect you to do that shit for me.” I swing around to where he’s lying back on the bed, watching me folding some clothes I’d just put through the laundry.

  I peer at him and shrug. “Mine needed doing, no bother to throw yours in. You can return the favour another day.” I’m discovering more each day about the man who’s claimed me, and so far, everything I like.

  There’s a knock on the door. “You decent in there?”

  I roll my eyes. “Yeah, come in, Mom.”

  “What is it?” Ink says fast, sitting up.

  I’d also picked up a vibe when Mom walked in, something is most definitely on her mind. “Is Con… Dan, okay?”

  Her lips purse for a second. She waves toward the seat where Ink had once spanked me and hopefully will soon do so again. I suppress a grin at the memory as Ink says, “Help yourself.”

  “Dan’s doing fine, but he is what I wanted to talk to you about.”

  We’re both quiet while she draws her thoughts together. I shoot Ink a concerned look, and he sends one back to me.

  “I need you both to answer a question. Is this serious between you two?” She looks at Ink.

  Ink huffs a laugh. “Are you asking me what my intentions are?” At her small nod, he holds out his hand to me, and I put the last of the folded clothes down and walk over to join him. “It’s as serious as a fuckin’ heart attack, on my part at least. Beth’s it for me.” He pulls me down to sit beside him and kisses me sweetly.

  I hold the eyes of my mom. “I’m serious about Ink. I love him, Mom.” I realise I haven’t actually told him, but we’ve expressed our emotions in other ways instead. When I glance at him, he mouths back, I love you too, Beth.

  Mom seems to need convincing for some reason. “You’ll always look after her?”

  Ink’s brow creases. “Of course I will. I love Beth. Not only has she got me, she’s got my brothers.”

  “A family.” Mom smiles. “I may have been speaking to Mel. She’s explained how it works.”

  There’s still a little residual awkwardness between me and some of Ink’s brothers. Not that they still blame me, now they feel guilty for not believing my version of events. But things are getting easier, and I think we’ll get to the place where I’m accepted in the same way as my friend. That’s what I want. It’s mismatched and not perfect, but it’s just as Mom’s said Mel described it. The club is a family.

  “Connor will be alone,” she states.

  “It’s how it has to be,” replies Ink quickly. A worried look my way. It’s the only way to keep Connor out of the clutches of Alder. I, too, hope she’s not going to be difficult. “You know this, Patsy. If anyone thinks he might not be dead, they’ll be watching you and watching Beth.”

  But that doesn’t seem to be what she has on her mind. “I know that Ink. I’m not going to do anything to jeopardise his future. But that doesn’t mean I can’t work something out. I’m not tied here, I can work anywhere. And Beth, you’ve got Ink and his family.”

  “You’re going with him?” Ink’s quicker on the uptake than me. His hand rests on my arm, as if telling me to consider it and not dismiss the suggestion immediately.

  I do take a moment. “Mom, have you really thought about this? If you do. It will be hard, impossible even, for us to stay in contact.” I’ll lose my mom? I didn’t expect her to suggest that. My first thought is panic, what will I do without her? I’ve lived with her all my life. She’s been there every day, my rock.

  Ink’s hand starts caressing my arm, the gesture, as it’s meant to be, is calming. “Think of your brother, babe,” he says carefully. “He’ll be on his own. He’s younger, hell, he’s only just old enough to buy himself a drink, and he’s not had the best influence for the past few years. He needs love, support and stability, else he might end up throwing this chance away. You’ve got me. This might not be forever, once Connor’s settled into a new life, has new friends, maybe a girl of his own, maybe your mom can come back home.”

  “Might be years.” I bite my lip. Might be forever. Am I selfish wanting her to myself? Until Ink, I haven’t really considered moving away from home. Of course, I’d been toying with the idea sometime in the future, but never for one minute did I think she’d be the one to move out. I’ve had a comfortable existence. But Connor, I can see how he could need her. Much more than I do myself.

  “Ink’s on the right track. I am worried Connor might fall in with the wrong crowd if he’s left to his own devices,” Mom says. “I don’t want to leave you Bethany, you’re more than my daughter, you’re my best friend and I won’t deny I’ll miss you. But Connor’s my son. We’ve been doing some soul searching these past few days, and he’d like to go to college and make something of himself. I fear he’ll find it hard on his own.”

  “What about the house?” The home where I’ve lived all the life I remember. The house with the beautiful yard.

  “I’m sorry, Beth, but I’ll have to sell it.” That she’s replied so quickly shows how seriously she’s been thinking about this.

  “Sell it to us,” Ink says fast. What? I turn to him. “That’s if Be
th’s agreeable, of course.”

  “It’s got a big yard,” Mom says. “Needs upkeep and maintenance.”

  Ink isn’t put off. “That’s what prospects are for.”

  My mouth drops open. He shrugs, unrepentant. Seems like this life might have benefits I hadn’t realised I’d signed up for.

  “It’s a big house. A family house.” Mom seems to want to make sure Ink understands what he might be taking on.

  But he just shrugs. “We’ll have to have a big family then.”

  Kids? Again, I turn to him in surprise.

  But he simply says, “Told you I wanted everything, babe.”

  I think it was that statement that convinced Mom she’d be leaving me in safe hands. I put on a brave face, but it was the hardest thing I’d ever done to try to be positive about her leaving my life. My problem is, I’m twenty-seven years old, Connor just twenty-two, and his knowledge of adult life tainted by living with Phil. He’s no idea of how to fend for himself, and I share Mom’s worries, that left to his own devices, he might take the easiest path which isn’t necessarily the right one.

  When I’d told him I knew of their plans, his face had brightened when I gave him no other indication than I was fine with the idea. There’s no doubt the fear of him starting afresh had eased once he knew he wouldn’t be alone. That had given him a new confidence.

  A day later, the clubhouse is on its best behaviour when Agent Caruso comes calling. Of course, us women weren’t supposed to know what was going on, but Connor had been so worried about what might happen, he’d needed someone to confide in, and naturally that was Mom and myself.


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