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The Great Reversal

Page 34

by Thomas Philippon

  real GDP: Gross domestic product adjusted for inflation.

  regulatory capture: The influence or domination by industry or interest groups of the government agency intended to regulate that industry.

  rent: A payment received by the owner of an asset in excess of the cost of reproducing or recreating that asset.

  restricted contract: A contract between firms that encourages anticompetitive behavior. See also anti-steering.

  revenues: The top line of the income statement of a firm. Also known as net sales.

  skewness: A measure of the asymmetry of the probability distribution of a random variable around its mean. Symmetric distributions have a skewness of 0. Negative skewness means that the tail is fat on the left: large negative events are more likely than positive ones. Positive skewness means that the tail is fat on the right: large positive events are more likely than negative ones.

  total factor productivity (TFP) growth: A measurement of the extent to which output expands for given levels of all inputs. It is the most important measure of technological progress and the key to sustainable growth.

  Tobin’s q: The ratio of the market value of a firm to the replacement cost of its capital stock.

  unit labor cost: The average cost of labor per unit of output.

  vertical merger: A merger that takes place between firms at complementary levels in the chain of production. See also horizontal merger.

  vertical restraints: The restrictions agreed on by firms at different levels of the production and distribution process, as opposed to horizontal restraints between horizontal competitors. They include agreements on the maximum or minimum resale prices, agreements to accept returns of products, tying contracts where access to a product requires the purchase of another one, exclusive agreements not to buy from rivals, and so on. US courts have become more tolerant of such restraints over the past couple of decades.


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