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Many people and institutions have helped make this book possible.
Olivier Blanchard has been my teacher, mentor, and friend for the past twenty years. He has taught me to respect facts and theories equally, to keep an open mind and a healthy skepticism of fads and fashions, and to challenge the common wisdom when it appears to be wrong.
New York University has been a wonderful place to learn about economics and finance, and the Stern School has provided the support and flexibility that I needed to complete this project.
Many friends and colleagues have helped me develop the ideas presented in these pages. I would not have been able to write this book without the talent and energy of Germán Gutiérrez. Janice Eberly and Chad Syverson have discussed my papers on several occasions and provided the most helpful critical comments one can hope for. Bo Cutter was one of the first to suggest the idea of a book and has a special talent for asking the right questions.
I owe a great deal to Gerard Anderson, Matilde Bombardini, Nicolas Crouzet, Thomas D’Aunno, Francesco Franco, John Kwoka, Irene Papanicolas, Lasse Pedersen, and Francesco Trebbi, who read and commented on early drafts of various chapters.
I have had the chance to learn from my wonderful co-authors Maryam Farboodi, Callum Jones, Virgiliu Midrigan, Roxana Mihet, and Laura Veldkamp.
I have also benefited greatly from the insights of Ariel Burnstein, Luis Cabral, Gilbert Cette, Emmanuel Combe, Chiara Criscuolo, Jan De Loecker, Robin Döttling, Tomaso Duso, Rana Foroohar, Xavier Gabaix, Bob Hall, Erik Hurst, Seema Jayachandran, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan, Thomas Piketty, Howard Rosenthal, Tano Santos, Fiona Scott Morton, Dina Srinivasan, Johannes Stroebel, Jonathan Tepper, Jean Tirole, Nicolas Véron, David Wessel, Luigi Zingales, and Gabriel Zucman.
I am grateful to Ian Malcolm and Mark Steinmeyer, who saw promise in my early ideas, to Rob Garver and Katherine Brick, who edited my dry and technical prose, to the team at Harvard University Press for their professionalism, and to the Smith Richardson Foundation for its support. Abhishek Bhardwaj and Matias Covarrubias provided invaluable assistance and feedback.
Acemoglu, Daron, 58
adaptation, 287
Adelson, Sheldon, 174
Adelstein, Jonathan, 200
Adenauer, Konrad, 131, 132, 142
age, of successful entrepreneurs, 82
Air France, 139
Airline Deregulation Act (1978), 2, 137
air transport and airline industry: deregulation of, 2–3, 30–31, 137–140; costs in US versus Europe, 7; HHI in, 35–37, 39; and concentration of health care, 231
Alesina, Alberto, 125
Alpert, Abby, 235–236
Al-Ubaydli, O., 95
aluminum tariffs, 160–161
Amazon: growth of, 39–44; profit margin of, 43; state aid for, 135; business model of, 244, 285; MV / Emp ratio of, 255; lobbying by, 260, 261. See also internet giants
Anderson, Gerard, 228
Andrews, Dan, 256
Ansolabehere, Stephen, 189, 202
antisteering, 233
antitrust: and merger reviews, 86–92; European fight against, 131–134; and deregulation in Europe, 135–141; and theory of Europe’s free markets, 145–147; and future of Europe’s free markets, 147–149; and transition from McKinley to Roosevelt, 159–160; and state campaign contributions, 196–197; and Microsoft, 259–260; and internet giants, 273–276; purpose of, 294. See also competition; monopoly power
Aparicio-Castillo, Francisco J., 195
Apple: Irish state aid for, 134–135; business model of, 242–243, 277; market value of, 245; profit margin of, 249; lobbying by, 260; taxes paid by, 264. See also internet giants
Arayavechkit, Tanida, 163
Ashenfelter, Orley, 91, 282
AT&T, 3, 4, 30
Auerbach, Alan J., 262
Autor, David, 48, 50
Azar, José, 280
Baker, Meredith, 200
Baker, Richard, 159
Balassa-Samuelson effect, 112–113, 226
banking. See finance and financial intermediation
bankruptcy, 295
Barnett, Thomas O., 92
Barroso, José Manuel, 201
Baumgartner, Frank R., 157, 163
The Great Reversal Page 35