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Work Wife

Page 4

by Lexi Archer

  “That was really hot.”

  “You’re not going to hear any disagreement from me,” I said.

  “Like it was hot enough that it makes me wonder…”

  She had my full attention. I wondered if this was about to get very interesting.

  “What does it make you wonder?” I asked.

  “What it would be like to try something like that for real,” she said.



  My cock twitched again.

  I wasn’t even going to say that I couldn’t believe we were having this conversation. Clearly this was a conversation she wanted to have, and considering how hot that blowjob had just been, we’re talking it was hotter than some of the times we’d fucked, I didn’t mind having the conversation either.

  I wondered at the circumstances that brought us to this point where I was having a conversation with my wife about her flirting with another guy, but that didn’t stop me from wanting to have the conversation.

  “Is that something you’d be into?” I asked, trying not to sound too much like that was exactly what I wanted her to be into.

  “I don’t know,” she said.

  I barked out a laugh. I couldn’t help it. I knew this wasn’t exactly a funny moment, but there was something about the way she acted, like she was suddenly unsure about this fantasy when she’d been all about it just a moment ago, that was funny.

  “Do you want to tell me what’s so amusing?” she asked.

  “You,” I said.

  “What about me?” she asked.

  “You keep testing the waters here. Acting like you’re into it, and then pulling back.”

  I leaned in and kissed her. I wanted her to know I was totally on board with this. That it was something that turned me on and I couldn’t think of anything else. That I loved the idea of her fucking another man, for all that she still seemed to be struggling with the feeling.

  “So what if I am?” she asked.

  “I want you to know that I love you no matter what,” I said. “And that includes loving you if you decide you want to pursue this.”

  Her eyes searched mine. She looked like she was having trouble believing I was giving her a pass. Though I wasn’t sure if that’s what this was.

  It was just permission for her to flirt a little bit. It’s not like I was telling her she could go all the way. I comforted myself with knowing that no matter how much flirting she did, she’d be coming back to me when all was said and done.

  Though there was also the worry that maybe she wouldn’t come back. It was enough to make me wonder…

  I pushed those thoughts away. I needed to think with my big head, not the little one, but it was difficult considering how the little one seemed to be calling all the shots here.

  “This could be dangerous,” Cassie said.

  “Isn’t everything dangerous?” I said. “I mean you risk dying every morning when you hop into your car to go for a drive!”

  I chuckled to try and take some of the sting out of the words, but I also knew I was acting like an idiot.

  “That’s not what’s going on here, and you know it,” Cassie said. “We’re playing with fire here. This could be dangerous. It could get me in trouble at work, and it could get us in trouble.”

  From the way she said it I couldn’t be sure whether she was more worried about getting in trouble at work or getting in trouble within our marriage. Though I knew from the way my cock was throbbing that I didn’t care about her getting in trouble in our marriage.

  Because I was totally on board with this. Maybe it would take some convincing to make her appreciate how on board I was, but that didn’t change the fact that I loved the idea of this happening.

  “I don’t think you have to worry about anything happening between us,” I said.

  “But how do you know that?” she asked.

  “So you give Peter a little thrill,” I said. “You’re doing that every day. How would this be any different?”

  “It’s different and you know it,” she said.

  I sighed. It was different, and I did know it, but there was still that obsession. My cock was already hard again, and that didn’t happen all that often. Usually after we got done fucking that that was all she wrote. We hadn’t had a second go since we were in college.

  Which was only a few years ago, to be fair, but it felt like it might as well be an eternity.

  “So here’s how I see it,” I said.

  I searched for something that would reassure her about this. Though it’s not like there was anything that could prepare me for something like this. After all, it’s not like trying to convince your girl to fuck another man was something that was covered in any relationship advice.

  “Do tell,” she said.

  “The way I see it, I’m totally on board if you want to show off and tease a little bit at work. Again, I figure it’s not all that different from what’s already happened.”

  “Sure,” she said, though she didn’t sound like she believed me.

  “And I know that I’m totally on board with you doing whatever you want to do, for that matter,” I said. “I know it’s kind of fucked up that this is turning me on, but it is. And I can’t get the thought of you being a naughty little minx at work out of my head. So I figure if you want to go ahead and do this, have a little bit of innocent fun, then it’s not a problem as far as I’m concerned.

  “You can say that now when we’re sitting here and you’re horny,” she said. “But what happens when it actually happens? Are you going to feel the same?”

  I sat back and thought about that. Really gave it the consideration it deserved. After all, we were talking about a situation where I was throwing my wife at some strange man. That wasn’t exactly the kind of situation a guy should take lightly.

  “I know this has been intriguing me ever since you brought it up,” I said. “And I think on some level I’ve always been turned on by the thought of guys getting turned on looking at you.”

  “And I’ve been convinced all this time that you’re crazy. It’s not like that many men could be checking me out.”

  “You’d be surprised,” I said, thinking back to all the times I’d caught men checking Cassie out over the years.

  “So I guess what I’m trying to say is it’s fine if you want to have a little bit of fun. It’s just a little innocent teasing at the office, right?”

  “I don’t know honey,” she said. “This seems like the kind of thing that really isn’t a good idea.”

  I reached out and gave her hand a squeeze.

  “Come on,” I said. “It’s not like it’s going to actually go anywhere or anything, right?”

  It was surprising, but I was just a touch disappointed at the thought that it might not go anywhere. Because there was a part of me that very much wanted my wife to go too far with this guy. That very much wanted to see it become something more than just a bit of innocent flirting.

  It turns out that most people’s idea of their wife cheating on them, what anyone in their rational mind would consider to be a problem, was turning me on more than I’d ever been turned on before in my life.

  “Sure,” she said, though she didn’t sound nearly as certain of herself as she should’ve considering what we were discussing here.

  If I were an intelligent and rational man that was the kind of thing I would’ve interrogated further. I would’ve wanted to make sure my wife wasn’t going to go and do something stupid.

  But I wasn’t an intelligent and rational man. Not now. Not sitting next to my wife contemplating her doing things with another man.

  No, I was a man firmly in the thrall of an obsession. I was a man who desperately wanted to see his wife make some mistakes. I was a man who wanted to make those mistakes with her.

  I’m not sure why I was so eager to see her make those kinds of mistakes, or why I was so eager to go along with her, but here we were.

  Fucked up? Definitely. Something I could co
ntrol? Most definitely not.

  “You really are sure about this?” she asked, looking at me and her eyes darting back and forth as she searched my own.

  Was I sure about this? Fuck no. I had warning bells going off in my head constantly.

  Was I going to tell her about those worries? Also fuck no. Because maybe I was worried about what might happen here, but that didn’t mean I was going to stop her. No, this was something dangerous, this was something insanely hot, and it was going to happen. I couldn’t turn back now that I was so close.

  So I lied.

  “It’s totally fine,” I said.

  She took a deep breath. Let it out in a sigh.

  “If you say so…”

  There was something about the warning tone that only served to turn me on even more than I’d already been turned on. I threw myself at my wife again.

  The thought of her actually going through with this, actually flirting with Peter, drove me wild. The thought of her doing that tomorrow was enough to make me want to fuck her right now.

  I couldn’t resist her. She was my perfect woman, willing to do this crazy thing for me, and I couldn’t get enough of her!

  I also couldn’t wait to hear all about her adventures when she got back from work tomorrow.



  I spun back and forth in my chair. It was a nervous thing I did when I was idle for a little while.

  Someone walked past my cubicle. I jumped and looked up, but it wasn’t Peter.

  I thought about last night. I was still a little weak in the knees when I thought about all the things we’d done. Clint had been like a man possessed. It was like discovering that another man had been flirting with me was enough to turn him into a cave man defending his territory or something.

  His idea of defending his territory had been fucking me senseless three times that night, talking the entire time about how hot it would be if I flirted with Peter.

  And the crazy thing about it was I couldn’t stop thinking about flirting with Peter either. I knew it was wrong. I knew it wasn’t the kind of thing a good married woman was supposed to do.

  Then again I suppose there were a lot of things good married women weren’t supposed to do once upon a time that were becoming a little more normal. Standards changed. What was weird once upon a time was normal now.

  I wasn’t sure that me flirting with another man was something that would ever be a normal thing for relationships, but my husband seemed to be really into the idea so I figured why not give him what he wanted?

  It didn’t hurt that I couldn’t get the idea out of my mind. I couldn’t stop thinking about how hot it was. About how much I wanted to do this.

  I felt guilty thinking about it. It was wrong. The idea of stepping out of my marriage shouldn’t have been so intriguing. I shouldn’t have even brought it up with Clint yesterday. I should’ve taken these thoughts, the thrill I got from being checked out in my cubicle, and buried them as deep as they would go.

  And yet.

  Here we were. I was on a hair trigger. It was weird how getting permission from my husband to do something like this could have me so turned on. Every time someone walked past my cubicle I looked up, hoping it was Peter. But so far no dice.

  I was on fire. I felt like all I had to do was squeeze my legs shut to provide a little bit of pressure, I was so fucking wet and turned on, and I’d be coming right here in my cubicle.

  I’m sure there were more than a few cocks that would be rock hard if they knew the office hottie was on the verge of coming thinking about fucking someone from work. Even if there was only one person I was actually thinking about fucking at work.

  I decided to squeeze my legs just a little. Just enough to give myself that little bit of a thrill my body craved. It was enough to send an electric jolt running through me.

  I shivered and bit my lip. Both because it felt so good, and because if I didn’t bite my lip then I ran the risk of making noises that were workplace inappropriate.

  At least they would’ve been inappropriate when everybody was still at the office.

  I’d heard stories of the kinds of things that happened after hours at this place, of course. They were the kinds of stories you heard about any office ever.

  People hooking up on the copy machine. People going into the supply closet and having a little bit of fun. Supposedly the CEO and his secretary were doing something other than work when they were working late at night a few floors up.

  I’d never thought I’d be the kind of person to actually consider doing something like that at the office.

  Then again I’d also never thought I’d be the kind of person to consider cheating on my husband, and yet I was getting a thrill thinking about being naughty with Peter.

  I let out another shiver. I squeezed my legs shut again. I felt another thrill, and this time I did let out a little gasp.

  “Sounds like we’re having a good time in here,” a voice said from the edge of my cubicle.

  I looked up and blushed. For a moment I was terrified my boss had come along, and he’d realized what I was doing. He was a recently divorced man, a silver fox if there ever was one, and I’d seen the way he looked at me.

  It’s not like it was completely inappropriate. There were just occasional glances that said he recognized I was in attractive woman, and under different circumstances where we weren’t working together, or I wasn’t married, he might have shot his shot.

  Only it wasn’t my boss standing there. No, it was Peter, and the way he was looking me up and down left no doubt in my imagination exactly what was on his mind.

  “Sorry,” I said. “I was thinking of something.”

  “You look like you were thinking of something,” he said, again giving me an up and down look.

  Of course he had a lot to look at right now. I’d made sure to dress myself to the nines today. I was in the kind of outfit that was just on the edge of the corporate dress code without going over the line.

  Down below I had on a pencil skirt that went down to just above my knees. Which was pushing it, but so far I hadn’t gotten any complaints.

  There were a couple of salty old frigid bitches in this office who got upset when I wore anything that was even the least bit attractive. Probably because they were jealous it’d been decades since they’d been able to fit more than one of their ass cheeks in a skirt like this, but they could cause trouble.

  Above I wore a low-cut tank top. I had on a cardigan that made it more modest, but only if I actually had the thing buttoned. I turned back to my computer, undid a couple of buttons, then turned back around.

  As soon as I turned around it was painfully obvious he was staring right at my chest. Which caused me to blush. Which meant that my tits were turning bright red right along with my cheeks.

  “So what brings you over here?” I asked.

  I’d deliberately phrased it like that. It was pretty obvious from the way he was looking me up and down exactly what it was that brought him over here. He stared, then licked his lips.

  I glanced down between his legs, thinking of the role-playing I’d enjoyed with Clint last night, and I got a good look at the monster hanging out between Peter’s legs that I’d been fantasizing about while I was fucking my husband.

  Oh yeah. Peter was definitely excited. And I had a pretty good idea exactly what that something was.

  I was having trouble shaking some of the residual guilt as I leaned forward. This felt like the kind of thing I shouldn’t be doing. I was a married woman. I shouldn’t be trying to tempt another man. And yet as I leaned forward and my tank top fell open that’s exactly what I was doing.

  “Just stopping by to see how you’re doing,” he finally said, seemingly finding his voice.

  “Oh I’m doing great,” I said. “Better than ever.”

  “I can see,” he said, licking his lips again.

  I definitely had his attention now. He leaned forward, and his mouth fell open.
/>   Meanwhile all I could think about was the naughty role-playing session I’d had with my husband the night before. How I’d been imagining doing something with Peter. How I’d been fantasizing that it was his cock I was sucking on the entire time my husband was face fucking me.

  Which, again, wasn’t the kind of thing a married woman was supposed to think of. Then again I’d thrown out all the rules about things a married woman wasn’t supposed to be thinking of. Because as I looked at him all I could think about was how much I wanted him.

  I’d tried to tell Clint how dangerous this was. How it could be trouble. I don’t think he’d realized exactly what I was trying to tell him.

  He seemed to think I was telling him flirting could be dangerous, but that wasn’t the problem at all. The real problem was that I might enjoy this too much. That I might decide I liked it to the point that I went a little too far.

  I wasn’t sure what taking things too far looked like, but I was pretty sure it ended with me doing a hell of a lot more than what we’d covered in our naughty role-playing the night before.

  “So do you have any big plans for tonight?” he asked.

  “Oh not a lot,” I said, taking a deep breath and figuring I should go with this. I had my husband’s permission, after all, for all that it still felt wrong. “I was going to work late. I have a lot of stuff I have to get done.”

  I gave him a significant look as I said that. I wanted to make sure my meaning was absolutely clear. From the way he suddenly stopped, then stared at me, that meaning was getting through loud and clear.

  He licked his lips. He looked me up and down again. He was doing that a lot today.

  Which sent another thrill running through me. I liked that he was looking at me and liking what he saw.

  “Maybe I’ll see you later tonight?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” he said, his voice gravelly. “Maybe I will see you later tonight.”


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