Work Wife

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Work Wife Page 5

by Lexi Archer

  I smiled as he turned and left. I also glanced down, because as he turned to leave it gave me a good glimpse of his cock tenting out in his pants. Oh yeah. He was really turned on.

  Which was exactly what I’d been going for.

  Though as he left I couldn’t help but feel another touch of guilt. After all, I was flirting with another man. No matter how turned on Clint had been last night, no matter how many times I thought about feeling his cock twitching as he came inside me over and over again thinking about me doing exactly this, I couldn’t get over the feeling that this was wrong.

  And yet…

  I also had to admit that the thought that this was so wrong was also a big part of the reason why it was turning me on so much. It was the spice added to this whole fantasy, and I loved it.

  Yeah, it might be so very wrong, but I loved it. And I told myself that things were still innocent enough. It was still just some innocent flirting. There was no chance it was going to turn into something more.

  I could tell myself that, but as I shivered and thought about working late tonight, waiting until everyone had finally left the office, I couldn’t help but wonder how far this was going to go.



  I jumped every time I heard someone moving through the office. There were still a few people working late, but not many.

  It was odd being here this late. Sure I’d worked late before, but it was usually when there was a purpose to working late.

  My boss hit me with an odd look as he left. He knew I hardly ever stayed after. And I felt guilty as he stopped by and was clearly fishing for whatever reason I was staying late.

  I couldn’t shake the feeling that he knew exactly what was going on. Or at the very least that he suspected something.

  But if he suspected anything he didn’t say anything. And the more I thought about it, the more I thought how ridiculous it was.

  Why would he suspect anything? It’s not like I’d given him any reason to think I was sticking around so I could tease one of our coworkers. So I could make his cock hard. So I could…

  I jumped again at another noise from outside my cubicle. I turned to have a look, but it wasn’t him. It was just someone leaving for the night. Gladys. My eyes narrowed.

  She was one of those old bitches who was past her prime and always got pissed off when I showed up at work wearing something she couldn’t pull off because one of her ass cheeks wouldn’t be able to fit inside the skirt I was wearing today, let alone both of them.

  She turned and looked at me, and there was definitely some hostility there as she looked my outfit up and down. I glared daggers right back at her.

  There’d been a time when I might’ve tried to make nice in the interest of keeping things peaceful at the office, but not anymore. She’d been a bitch to me often enough that I figured I could be a bitch right back at her.

  She was gone soon enough, though, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I really didn’t want her hanging around the office tonight of all nights. I didn’t want her to see a confirmation of everything she suspected of me. I’d heard some of the whisperings. One of her favorite rumors to spread about me was that I was a shameless slut because of how I dressed.

  And now here I was dressing like this on purpose because I wanted to get another man’s attention. Because I wanted to tease him.

  Sure I could try to explain that it was all happening within the bounds of my marriage, but something told me that would just confuse the old bitch. Not that I gave a damn what she thought of me.

  I took a deep breath. Let it out. Forced myself to get my breathing under control. Which helped get my racing pulse under control too.

  I was so turned on. I’d been turned on all day long. I wasn’t sure if it was my imagination or not, but it felt like there were more men moving past my cubicle today.

  I mean I was in a high traffic area, so it could’ve been that they were moving past my cubicle because they were trying to get somewhere, but it felt like the traffic was a little higher than normal. It felt like…

  Well it felt like word had gotten around about what I was wearing. That the male whisper network on our office level had figured out there was something going on, and so they were swinging by my cube to get a look at the hotness.

  I sighed. Now if only I could get the one guy’s attention I was trying to get. Only I hadn’t seen him at all today past that one moment earlier. Like he was avoiding me or something.

  Which was worrying. What if he was chickening out now that he finally had the prize in sight? What if he was all about the chase, but now that I was actually throwing myself at him he wasn’t interested?

  I pulled out my phone and shot off a quick text to my husband. I knew he’d be waiting at home. Wondering what was happening to me at work. Usually I was home by now.

  “Well hello there,” a voice said from my cubicle entrance.

  I jumped. I looked down at the text I’d been about to send. I wondered if he was sitting at home with his phone in his hand. Would he see the three dots that let him know I’d been about to send him a message?

  Only I didn’t dare ignore that voice. He was finally here, and the last thing I wanted was to ruin the moment. Not when I’d been so sure the moment wasn’t even going to happen.

  I turned and tried to keep my breathing under control. Not that I was doing a very good job of it. No, my pulse was racing and my breath was coming in quick gasps.

  “Peter,” I said, nodding to him.

  “That seems awfully formal,” he said, moving his chin down as he stared at me.

  “Peter,” he said, his voice mocking what I’d just said.

  I sighed and shivered. I was acting like a silly schoolgirl with a crush, and yet I couldn’t help myself. I was a silly schoolgirl with a crush. I hadn’t felt like this about a man since…

  Well not since my husband.

  That was why what we were doing here was so dangerous. I didn’t dare push things too far, and yet here I was pushing them. I’d tried to warn Clint we were playing with fire here. That we were doing something potentially dangerous, but he didn’t seem to care.

  No, all he cared about was that his wife was having a good time. And he seemed to be having a good time, too, but still.

  This was wrong. Seeing Peter standing there was causing every fiber of my being to scream out how wrong this was, and yet I was a moth being drawn to a flame. I couldn’t help myself.

  Shit, I didn’t want to help myself.

  “So what exactly is it you’re working on tonight that’s so important?” he asked, looking around.

  “Oh just a few things here and there,” I said.

  He stepped into my cubicle. I looked down, and realized I was getting a repeat of the fantasy I’d been acting out with my husband last night. His cock was tenting out in his pants, and it was bigger than my husband’s. He also wasn’t doing anything to hide it.

  I’d never been a size queen, not exactly, but as I stared at that bulge pressing out of his pants I couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to taste that thing. Maybe even have it down between my legs.


  “Because I talked to your boss today,” he said. “Asked him what big project you guys were working on. He said he didn’t have anything going on. That you guys were the opposite of swamped right now. I think he was worried I was going to try and assign something to him, but I just laughed and told him to enjoy himself.”

  “You did,” I said, my voice flat.

  This guy was devious.

  “So I ask you again, Cassie,” he said, smiling as he looked down at me.

  There was a predatory gleam in his eye as he stared at me. He wasn’t just a friend at work any longer. No, he was looking at me like he very much enjoyed what he was seeing.

  “What is it that has you working late tonight?”

  As he said it he leaned in even closer. I could smell his cologne wafting off of him. I could see his muscl
es moving under his tight shirt. He always wore them so impossibly tight.

  Hell, when I looked down between his legs there was no doubt exactly what he was packing. He had one hell of a massive cock, and it seemed to be reaching out for me.

  It wasn’t supposed to be like this. I was supposed to be the aggressor in this situation. Not the prey. I was supposed to tease him, drive him wild. I was supposed to be calling the shots. I wasn’t supposed to be leaning back suddenly worried that something might happen here.

  Because something happening here was exactly what me and Clint had been hoping for. So I sat a little straighter. I felt some of the power returning to me.

  It’d never left me. Not really. It’s just that I’d been hesitant because this whole thing was so far outside of my normal life that it was throwing me for a loop.

  “I think you know exactly why I decided to stay late tonight,” I said, reaching up and undoing one of the buttons on my cardigan.

  As I stared up at him and undid that button I pressed my tits up so he could clearly see the red bra I had on underneath the cardigan and tank top. All lacy and sexy. The kind of thing I wore for my husband, and not for some random guy at work. Yet here I was giving him one hell of a show.

  “So the question is, what are you going to do?” I asked.

  He licked his lips, and seemed suddenly unsure of himself. It was actually pretty funny watching him going from being so calm and confident to being so unsure of himself the next. Like me casually reaching up and undoing my top had been enough to take some of my mojo back.

  “See anything you like?” I asked, leaning forward and spreading my legs so there was no doubt what I was offering.

  Peter look me up and down again, and the way he stared left no doubt in my mind that he saw something he liked. The question was whether or not he was going to take what was being offered.

  I suppose it was possible he still might decide against taking what was on offer. After all, he knew I was a married woman. Maybe he’d be hesitant to do something with a married woman.

  Though I got the feeling from the way he was looking me up and down that there wasn’t a chance he was going to pass up on this opportunity.

  He licked his lips. He took in a breath and let it out.

  “Shit Cassie,” he said, and I knew the power was all in my hands. There was no way he was coming back from this. “You’re married!”

  “Maybe I am,” I said, my mind racing. “But we’re in a brave new world now. Someone being married doesn’t mean they can’t have a little bit of fun, right?”

  He licked his lips again. He seemed to consider that.

  We lived in the city, and so I figured there were probably more people who were okay with this sort of thing than not, but I figured it was still a crapshoot.

  If I’d suggest something like this back home, well people would’ve been scandalized.

  It didn’t matter that everyone did it behind closed doors, or that everyone was a bunch of flaming hypocrites. The only thing that mattered was that there was nothing better in a small town than a good scandal.

  I’d figured things would be a hell of a lot more open-minded in the city, though. And as he looked me up and down, as his cock tented, I had no doubt that he was going to be really open-minded considering how turned on he was!

  “You’re serious?” he said, glancing around.

  “That depends?” I said, enjoying playing with him.

  “It depends?” he asked.

  “On whether or not you can actually back up some of the trash you’ve been talking,” I said, looking him up and down.



  I undid another button on my cardigan. I was enjoying this moment of being the temptress. The seductress.

  I suppose it might’ve also been hot to play the role of the sweet innocent housewife who was being seduced. It certainly seemed like my husband got off on me playing that role, but I was taking control here.

  This was my fantasy as much as it was my husband’s, and I was going to enjoy this moment!

  “Fuck Cassie,” Peter breathed.

  “That’s the idea,” I said.

  It was his turn to let out a shiver. I shivered right along with him. I couldn’t believe I was being this forward. I couldn’t believe I was acting like this, and yet…

  I also didn’t want to stop. No, I wanted to follow this through to the very end. I felt powerful. I felt in control. I was loving this. More than anything I was loving how he’d gone from being so cocky and confident to shivering like he wasn’t sure what to make of any of this.

  “So what do you say?” I asked.

  “What about your husband?” he asked again, his voice ringing hollow as he asked it.

  After all, the way he was looking at me, the way his cock was tenting out in his pants, made it clear he didn’t give a fuck about my husband. No, I knew the only thing he cared about was getting in my pants.

  “Do you care?” I asked.

  I’d thought about telling him that me and my husband had an arrangement. That we were trying out something new. Only it wasn’t all that important.

  All he needed to know was I was available for the taking if he wanted me. It was just a question of whether or not he wanted me enough to go through with it.

  He licked his lips again. Then stepped forward and reached down. His hand moved inside my tank top, feeling my breast over one of those lacy red cups.

  He shuddered as he felt my tit for the first time. And I felt an incredible power that was unlike anything I’d ever felt before with a man.

  I’d known men were attracted to me, sure. This was different, though. This was a man staring at me like he wanted me more than he’d ever wanted any woman.

  Basically I felt like the sexiest woman in the world, and I wanted nothing more than to feel his hands all over me. I wanted to grab his cock. I wanted to feel him sliding inside me. I wanted another cock to be in me for the first time since I’d been married and said those vows about forsaking all others.

  “Fuck this is so good,” he said.

  I want him to keep massaging my tit, there was something about getting felt up in my cubicle that was so good, but I also needed to have a look around. I needed to make sure we weren’t going to get in any kind of trouble here. So I stood.

  Which caused an awkward situation where he was still holding onto my breast as I stood. I idly pulled my tank top straps down as I looked around and tried to figure out if anyone else was still here.

  “The coast is clear,” he said.

  I glanced at him and held his gaze. This was very important. The last thing I wanted was for someone to walk in on us.

  “You’re sure?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” he said, grinning as his hand moved inside my bra cup. “I did a walk around before I headed over here.”

  “Really?” I said, hitting him with a look. “Making sure there wasn’t anyone around to see us?”

  “Actually I do that most nights,” he said. “I like to listen to my music and relax and enjoy myself when nobody else is in the office. It’s my own private play place after hours, but I have to make sure there’s no one else around to be bothered first.”

  “I see,” I said. “And I’m sure you checking on everything had nothing to do with coming over here and seeing me, right?”

  “I’d be lying if I said it didn’t,” he said. “But you can rest assured there’s no one else coming in here. The custodial staff doesn’t come around for a few more hours. We’ve got plenty of time.”

  “Well I’m not sure we’re going to need a few hours, but…”

  I whirled around and leaned up against the wall of my cubicle. I worried it wouldn’t hold, but it seemed to work.

  I pulled my cardigan to the side and my tank top down, revealing my bra clad tits to him. He didn’t waste any time unclasping my bra. My tits sprang free and I had to look like a hot mess half dressed leaning against my cubicle wall.

; He stared down at my tits in wide-eyed amazement.

  “Pure poetry,” he breathed.

  “Well thanks,” I said, reaching down to grab his cock and run my thumb around the tip through his pants. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  “Thanks,” he said, hitting me with a lopsided grin.

  I moved my hand up and down the length of his cock through his pants. Which was a little awkward since those pants were keeping me from exploring it fully, so I started working at his belt buckle and then the snap.

  Meanwhile he started really feeling my tits. He was going at them with all the excitement of a man who’d been dreaming about seeing my breasts for a long time, and now that he was getting the chance he was loving it.

  “Fuck your tits are amazing,” he said. “Your husband’s a lucky man!”

  He stopped as he seemed to realize how awkward that particular choice of phrasing was. He looked worried that I was going to get pissed off because he’d mentioned my husband. Like maybe that wasn’t the kind of thing I wanted mentioned when I was technically cheating on my husband.

  But I grinned and wagged a finger at him. I hoped that communicated that I was cool with it, even if he was being naughty mentioning my hubby.

  He hit me with a sheepish grin, but not so sheepish that he seemed to regret bringing up my husband.

  Maybe there was something about the fact that I was married that was turning him on. I know it was turning me on knowing I was forsaking my vows. That another man was feeling up my tits when I had a wedding ring on my finger.

  I kept exploring his cock, and it felt so wrong!

  After all, this was taking things way farther than I think Clint had imagined when we started this whole thing. He’d talked about a little innocent flirting, okay so we’d fantasized about a lot more than a little bit of innocent flirting when we were doing our role-playing scenario, but I think this went way beyond anything Clint was thinking when he told me he wanted me to go out and flirt with another man.


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