Work Wife

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Work Wife Page 6

by Lexi Archer

  I sighed. His cock felt so good. I had to feel it. I knew it was wrong. I knew this was pushing a boundary. I knew I was doing something that went way beyond anything I’d cleared with my husband, but its not like I was going to ruin the moment by getting my phone out and calling my husband and asking if he was okay with me feeling Peter’s cock.

  No, that might end with him saying no. Easier to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission and all that.

  “Your cock feels so good,” I whined.

  “I thought you might like that,” he said.

  “This is wrong, but…”

  I pulled him towards me. His eyes went wide as I fumbled with his belt and zipper.

  “I just need to feel it,” I said. “Just a little bit. You’re okay with that, right?”

  “Fuck yes,” he said.

  I pressed my lips against him lightly. I stuck my tongue out and flicked it against his lips, and that had him gasping.

  That gasp was nothing compared to what he did as I fished his cock out. I had to stand on my tiptoes for this to work, but I was able to slide his cock against my pussy lips. Through my panties, to be sure, but that didn’t last long.

  His eyes went even wider as I pulled my panties down just enough to really give him access. Again his cock pressed against me.

  Not inside me. We weren’t at a good angle for that. For all that part of me desperately wanted to feel his cock sliding deep inside me. I desperately needed to feel him…

  I squeezed my eyes shut. Fuck that was so good even just feeling his shaft rubbing along my pussy lips without sliding inside me. I was so close. I’d already been on the edge, and this was enough to make me come.

  It was a combination of all of the torture of sitting here thinking about what I might be doing with him later combined with the sheer joy of feeling his hard pulsing cock pressed against my pussy lips.

  He kept pressing forward. My slick wetness ran along the top of his cock. He grunted as he pushed forward and back. Forward and back.

  It actually felt really weird doing something like this. Sure there’d been times when I’d done a little bit of the old dry hump with guys I’d dated. Back before I was comfortable with the idea of fucking them.

  It was also the kind of thing I’d never done since. What was the point in pulling something straight out of the fumbling fourteen-year-old kids sneaking off to have a little bit of fun while their parents weren’t paying attention playbook when you could just fuck somebody when you were a grown adult?

  Only I was doing it now. Because there was something about this that felt like it wasn’t quite the same as fucking him. Sure his cock was making contact with my pussy, but it wasn’t going all the way.

  I knew I was splitting hairs like those stupid girls at my school who thought they were somehow preserving their virginity when they let their boyfriends pound them in the ass rather than in the pussy, but whatever.

  I might be splitting hairs, but holy fuck did splitting those hairs feel good. I was riding one orgasm after another, and he wasn’t even fucking me. He was just pressing his cock against my pussy lips and sliding back and forth.

  His breath was starting to come in quick ragged gasps. He grunted as he held his hands on either side of me. I was completely trapped, completely at his mercy.

  He could’ve pulled me up and shoved his cock inside me if he wanted to. He was that strong.

  Sure there was always the risk the cubicle wall might not hold out against the power of us fucking against it, but I didn’t care. I let him fuck me against the cubicle wall, and I’d let him fuck me against the floor after it fell down under the force of our fucking.

  Only he seemed to be enjoying what he was doing right now. He grunted a few more times and then held his cockhead right against my pussy. I realized what he was doing as I felt the first spurt of his warm sticky come rocketing out and bathing my pussy lips.

  My eyes went wide, and then I hit him with a naughty little smile.

  God that felt good. It also felt weird having his come splashing against my pussy and then down into my panties.

  It felt weird, but it also felt good. It was like when Clint came on my tits or something, but way more intense.

  And he’d positioned it like that on purpose. His cock head was right against my pussy lips, right against my entrance, and his come was splashing against that entrance.

  Maybe he wasn’t going to come inside me, but he sure as fuck was going to come as close as he could to coming inside me without going over that line!

  Maybe he thought I wouldn’t be into that. Though as I stood there pressed up against my cubicle wall with his come splashing against my pussy and down along the inside of my panties I couldn’t think of anything more hot than the thought of him blowing a load inside me.

  Finally his cock stopped spurting, and he leaned in and kissed me again. Only this time it was a far more intense kiss. He explored my mouth, and I lost myself in making out with another man.

  I lost track of time as we made out, his cock still pressing against my pussy lips down below as the last few drips of his come dribbled out into my panties.

  But finally, frustratingly, blessedly, he pulled away from me. I let out a whimper of disappointment. The last thing I wanted was for him to pull away from me, but I suppose all good things had to come to an end. I jutted my lip out in a pout, and he grinned as he put his cock back in his pants.

  But not before I got a glimpse of come dribbling out of the head. God that was such a perfect cock. I’d love nothing more than to feel him inside me, but I also felt like I’d already done enough for one night.

  Hell, I’d already done way too much. I couldn’t believe I’d gotten so carried away that I almost let him fuck me!

  This went way beyond anything I’d talked about with Clint, and I suddenly felt like a dirty little slut for doing this.

  Even if I knew, on some level, that Clint would probably get off at the thought of his wife being a dirty little slut doing what I’d done.

  “So are you going to be working late any other nights this week?” Peter asked, hitting me with a wink.

  “Maybe…” I said, biting my lip.

  I’d love to do this again. I’d love to fuck him, but at the same time I couldn’t do something like that. Not when I hadn’t cleared any of this with my husband. Not when I had no idea if that would spell the end of my marriage.

  So it was something that I desperately wanted to happen, but it was also something I couldn’t promise.

  “Maybe I’ll see you around after hours then,” he said with a link.

  And then, just like that, he was gone. He disappeared out of my cubicle, and I was left staring and wondering if that’d actually happened.

  My cubicle was there, of course. I spent a good chunk of my life in this place, and yet there was something about it that felt so real now. Like I really couldn’t believe I’d just done that. Like it was impossible. Crazy.

  And there was his come against my pussy and in my underwear. I looked down and saw it pooled there, and I blinked as I realized exactly how much there was.

  I could hardly believe it. I also did something naughty. I pulled my panties up, his come in there and everything, and felt it pressing against me. It was still hot and warm.

  I shivered. I had to get the fuck home now. Because I had one hell of a surprise for my husband, and I couldn’t wait for him to see what it was!



  I sat at the kitchen table trying to do some work on my laptop, but it was impossible to concentrate. I probably should’ve given up and tried to play a videogame or something, but even that would be too difficult.

  No, all I could think about was that Cassie hadn’t come home from work at her usual time. Which meant there had to be something going on. She wasn’t busy at work at this time of year, and she never stayed late if she could avoid it.

  This was different. Something was going on. My mind was filled with th
oughts of what she might be doing in her cubicle as I sat at the table pretending to work. I was pushing around the same numbers in a spreadsheet, and I knew I was going to have to go over everything again tomorrow when I got to work because I wasn’t concentrating.

  Then I heard it. The distinct sound of our garage door opening. A thrill ran through me. I turned and looked at the door.

  I briefly thought about trying to act casual. Like I hadn’t been sitting here in the kitchen pretending to work for hours thinking about what she was maybe doing at work, but I figured there was no point in trying to lie like that.

  No, my wife knew exactly what she was doing staying late at work tonight, and I had a feeling she knew exactly what I’d be doing obsessing about her working late tonight.

  Finally the door opened and she walked in. I looked her up and down for any sign that something might’ve happened. Was her hair out of place? Was there a button undone on her cardigan?

  I realized with a start that there was a button undone. I licked my lips. I wondered if that was something she’d done to tease me, or if it was something that’d happened because she’d let Peter feel her up.

  And as I looked her up and down it became pretty clear she knew I suspected something. She hit me with the kind of smile that had my cock throbbing. God I loved it when she looked at me like that.

  I loved it even more when she was looking at me like that and I knew there was a very real possibility she’d just let another man fuck her tonight.

  I knew that went way beyond anything we’d discussed. This was supposed to be just a fantasy where she teased the guy a little. Had a little fun before she came home to me and I fucked her brains out.


  I couldn’t get the thought out of my head. The thought of him bending her over her desk. Sliding his cock inside her after he pulled up that dress. Pulling her panties aside and shoving his cock in my wife’s sweet wet tight pussy because he couldn’t wait.

  No, there wouldn’t be time for that. He’d take her while he could. Claim what he’d been fantasizing about for so long.

  I shook my head. My wife was staring at me, after all.

  “Penny for your thoughts,” she said, still hitting me with that wicked grin. The kind of grin that said she’d been a naughty little girl tonight.

  I licked my lips. I wondered how to proceed. After all, this seemed like one of those conversations that might make or break our marriage.

  Then again we seemed to be having a lot of conversations lately that might make or break our marriage.

  “So what did you do tonight at work?”

  That grin got even broader.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “I would like to know,” I said, my voice raspy. “And I think we both know that’s some bullshit that you’re actually thinking about not telling me what happened tonight.”

  That smile turned down just a little. It didn’t quite reach the level of a frown, but she didn’t seem happy that I was talking to her like that.

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “It’s just that I’ve been on edge all night tonight, and…”

  She was there in an instant pressing her body against me. And as I felt her pressing against me, something that had happened so many times in the past, I wondered if another man had known this pleasure earlier. I wondered if she’d pressed herself against him. Let him feel the delicious contours of her body.

  “I totally understand,” she said. “I’ve been on edge all day too.”

  I let out a laugh that didn’t hold much in the way of humor.

  “You’ve been on edge all day?” I asked. “You weren’t the one who spent the whole day thinking about your wife doing…”

  Again her lips turned down ever so slightly. It wasn’t quite a frown, but it was close enough that I knew I was treading on dangerous ground here.

  “I’ll remind you that you’re the one who had this fantasy in the first place,” she hissed back at me.

  “And you were the one who was flirting with a guy at work that caused this whole thing to start,” I shot right back at her.

  We were starting to get angry. Angry wasn’t good. Angry could mean trouble. The last thing we needed was to get angry because of everything that’d happened tonight. This was supposed to be fun and flirty. This was supposed to be the two of us having a good time, and yet here we were at each other’s throats.

  “Maybe we should take a breather,” I said.

  “A breather,” she said. “Right.”

  She sat at the kitchen table and I went over and got into the liquor cabinet. Which wasn’t much. It’s not like we were huge drinkers, but it was good to have a little bit of something around for when friends came over.

  It was a far cry from college when I’d stocked a full bar of the lowest shelf stuff money could buy, but it was something. The stuff was a hell of a lot better quality these days.

  “Drink?” I asked.

  “Sure,” she said. “Just give me something straight in a shot glass.”

  My eyebrows shot up at that. Normally we didn’t drink stuff like that, but I guess this was that kind of night.

  “You say so,” I said, pouring us both a shot of whiskey. The nice smooth stuff that went down easy. It’d always been good for taking the edge off.

  I handed it to her and she threw it back like we were back in college all over again. Though there was none of the coughing and spluttering I’d seen from girls back in college when they tried whiskey.

  We sat in silence for a long moment. Long enough that I was starting to worry things had really and truly been ruined. That we’d maybe gone too far. That…

  “I think I went too far tonight,” Cassie said.

  My stomach lurched. She thought she’d gone too far tonight. I needed to be very careful about my next words. This was the kind of conversation that could be a make or break for our relationship. I kept reminding myself of that, even though I wanted to ask her exactly what the hell had happened tonight.

  “What would you call going too far?” I asked.

  She fixed her eyes on mine. “That depends. What would you consider going to far?”

  I thought about that long and hard. I’d been thinking about the conversation we had last night. How she’d tried to warn me about the dangers involved in this. I sighed.

  “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about you going a little too far today,” I said, holding her gaze. “In fact that’s the one thing I’ve been thinking about. Do you have any idea how hard it was not to go to the bathroom at the office and jerk off? I kept thinking about you, what you might be doing, all day long.”

  She laughed. Then she shook her head and walked over to pour herself another drink. She downed it right there at the counter, then poured herself another and came back to sit next to me. Though she sipped on this one rather than downing it.

  “It turns out my day was a hell of a lot less interesting than you were probably thinking.”

  “Oh really?” I asked, arching an eyebrow and encouraging her to continue.

  She stared at the drink in her hands. Took in a deep breath and let it out.

  “Yeah, it turns out the day was a whole lot of nothing. He only stopped by my cubicle once,” she said.

  “Only one time?” I asked, my eyebrows shooting up. “I thought you said he was always stopping by your cube to chat?

  “Yeah, he is,” she said. “Which is why I thought something must be seriously wrong today. I figured he maybe sensed that something was up, that maybe I came on a little too strong when he first came over to chat with me in the morning, and so…”

  She let the thought trail off. The meaning was clear enough. She was worried she’d pushed things too far, too fast.

  I could see that. It probably was a hell of a surprise for him, walking over to my wife’s cubicle thinking they were going to do the usual flirting back and forth they always did. Him saying something that was slightly inappropriate for the workplac
e, and her shooting back with something that was almost too far, but not quite.

  It was the ancient tale of the dog not knowing what to do when they finally caught the car. He finally had my wife showing interest, and he had no idea what the fuck to do with that.

  “So what happened?” I asked.

  “I told him I might be staying late tonight,” she said.

  “Go on,” I said, my cock twitching in my pants as I thought about them having that conversation.

  “Are you sure you want to hear all of this?” she asked.

  “Positive,” I said, leaning forward in anticipation.

  Maybe I wouldn’t like what she was about to say, but there was no doubt I needed to hear this!



  Cassie paused for a long moment as she stared at me. Like she wasn’t sure she wanted to keep going with this.

  “Well I figured he got the message. He suddenly looked a little flustered. He didn’t do any of the usual flirting. He just…”

  She sighed and downed her drink. She wobbled as she put the shot glass back down on the table. I figured that meant she was starting to feel the effects. After three shots I’d be surprised if she wasn’t starting to feel the effects.

  It’s not like she was a lightweight, but she also didn’t weigh all that much so it’s not like it took much booze to really get her going.

  “Then he didn’t come back to my cube,” she said, looking up at me with an intense stare. “Do you have any idea what it’s like to flirt with a guy that hard-core, make it clear he’s in, and then he suddenly doesn’t want anything to do with you for the rest of the day?”

  My mouth went dry as I thought back to some of my experiences with dating in middle school and high school. Awkward experiences that were probably the same as the experiences a lot of people had, but still.

  “I actually have some idea,” I said.

  “Well I don’t,” she said, and she sounded genuinely pissed off that she’d been throwing herself at this guy and he decided he wasn’t going to take the bait.


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