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Work Wife

Page 7

by Lexi Archer

  It was a different way of looking at the world. She was a hot woman, after all. Which meant she’d probably had guys throwing themselves at her her entire life. The one failure she’d told me about was a friend she’d had the hots for back in high school, and it turned out he was gay so she didn’t consider it a personal failing that he hadn’t been interested in her when she’d thrown herself at him.

  Like we’re talking the story she told was straight out of that old Clueless movie, minus watching Spartacus while she was trying to get it on with him.

  “But things ended up going well after all?” I asked.

  There was that button to consider, after all. She was telling me a story of failure, but that button told a story of a guy who got with my wife.

  She sighed again as she stared at her drink. She seemed to be doing a lot of considering as she stared into what was left of that whiskey. Her eyes darted to the counter as though she was thinking about whether or not she wanted to get a little more of the stuff, then she sighed again.

  “He came back to my cubicle after hours. After everyone else had left.”

  “Really?” I said.

  I tried not to sound too eager. I didn’t want to sound like I was trying to pull a story out of her. I figured she’d tell me everything in good time, but my cock was throbbing. I could feel pre-come leaking out of the tip. My brain might be trying to play it cool to get the whole story out of her, but my cock was ready to go. It was roaring, and my whole body was on fire. It was the most intense sexual response I’d had to something in a good logo while, and it was all from my wife telling me a story.

  “I think my boss suspected something,” she said.

  Not what I wanted to hear. Both because I didn’t want her boss to figure out that she was being naughty in the workplace, and because I didn’t want to hear about her fucking boss suspecting something. I wanted to hear about what she did with Peter, dammit!

  “What would give you that idea?” I asked.

  “Just…” she shook her head. “He came by my cubicle and he was so cocky and arrogant. Looking down at me like he always did. Being all flirty and everything, and it made me so hot. So wet.”

  I blinked in surprise. “Your boss did that to you?”

  She looked at me and blinked a couple of times in obvious surprise.

  “No, not my boss you doofus! Peter.”

  Right. Peter. Of course she’d be talking about Peter. Of course he’d work late after she threw herself at him earlier in the day.

  “What happened?” I asked.

  That devilish smile was back on her face. The kind of smile that said she knew just how turned on I was getting from this story. The kind of smile that said she was enjoying driving me wild.

  “Well this is where I might’ve been a little naughty,” she said.

  “Go on,” I said, my voice raspy.

  “At first I just showed off a little. I spread my legs and showed off my tits.”

  “And then?”

  She stared down at her drink again. Her eyes darted to the full bottle of whiskey on the counter. Like she needed some more liquid courage before she went ahead with this.

  “And then I really fucked up,” she said.

  My cock lurched and it was all I could do to keep from coming in my pants. I had to concentrate on thinking of a mountain meadow, baseball, or Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day, to keep from blowing a load in my pants.

  “Are you angry?” she asked.

  “No,” I said, perhaps a little too fast.

  Because the honest truth was I was just a little angry thinking about what she might’ve done. Thinking about her crossing the line. The fucked up thing was it was the combination of her crossing a line she shouldn’t have coupled with the thought of her being naughty that had me so turned on all day long. I’d been hoping for exactly something like this, and I was getting exactly what I wished for.

  Even if it drove me wild and made me feel sick to my stomach in equal measure. Well, I suppose it was driving me wild a little more than it was making me feel sick to my stomach considering how turned on I was.

  “You swear you’re not going to be mad if I keep going?” she asked.

  I wasn’t sure if that was a promise I could make, but I knew it was a promise I was going to make. I needed to hear the rest, and I wasn’t going to hear that story if she thought I was angry, now was I?

  “I won’t be mad,” I lied.

  I knew that even if I was angry I was going to keep that shit to myself. Unless she told me something that was so over-the-top that I’d have to get pissed off.

  Though I couldn’t imagine what that would be. My mind had been filled with visions of him pumping his come inside her, coming on her tits, blowing a load on her face, and doing all sorts of other terrible unspeakable things to my wife all day long. Next to some of the fantasies that’d been running through my head I was having trouble thinking of something that would actually upset me.

  “I might have kissed him,” she said.

  “You might have kissed him,” I said, my voice flat.

  She bit her lip and looked down. She looked so ashamed of what she’d done. I wasn’t sure why she’d look ashamed. After all, I was the one who pressed her to do whatever it was she’d done.

  Hell, there was a big part of me that was hoping she’d done way more than just kiss him. The thought of what she might’ve gotten up to at work today was delicious. It had my cock throbbing.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said. “It’s just that it was such a hot situation, and…”

  I went over and wrapped my arms around her. Pulled her against me. And I think pulling her against me gave her an idea of just how turned on I was by what she was telling me. Because it was pretty obvious just how hot I was getting from the way my cock was jutting out from between my legs.

  She looked up at me and her mouth fell open. Her eyes went wide.

  I brushed a strand of hair away from her face. I tried to look at her tenderly, though it was a little difficult. Because, after all, we were talking about her kissing another man. I mean that’s the kind of thing that’s pretty hard to deal with, even if it was something I’d thrown her into. I’d tossed her to the wolves, and I couldn’t be upset when she’d been devoured.

  “Why would I be upset with you for doing that?” I asked.

  “Because I was only supposed to flirt,” she said. “It was supposed to be a little bit of innocent fun, and…”

  “It was something I encouraged you to do,” I said. “I wouldn’t be a very good husband if I got pissed off at you for doing something I told you to do, now would I?”

  “But it was just supposed to be flirting,” she said. “Only it got so hot. I lost control and…”

  My cock twitched. She must’ve felt my cock twitching, because she looked up at me and cocked an eyebrow.

  “This is turning you on, isn’t it?”

  “More than you could ever imagine,” I whispered, my voice soft and husky as I said it.

  Her hand snaked down between us. She grabbed my cock. I let out an involuntary shiver.

  “Are you really that turned on thinking about me kissing him?” she asked.

  “More than you could ever imagine,” I gasped.

  She bit her lip. She seemed unsure of whatever it was she was about to say, and I loved that she was unsure about whatever it was she was about to say.

  Because if she was unsure about whatever it was she was about to say, well I had a pretty good feeling that meant she’d gone and done something above and beyond what we’d discussed.

  “There’s more, isn’t there?” I asked.

  “Maybe there is,” she said, staring up at me with those “fuck me” eyes that were so incredible. “Would that be bad if there was more?”

  “It would be the most incredible thing ever,” I said.

  “Then why don’t we head back to the bedroom where I can tell you more?” she asked, hitting me with a devilish grin. />
  “That sounds amazing,” I said.

  And so, hardly believing what I was doing, I allowed my wife to lead me back to our bedroom where she was going to tell me all about the naughty things she’d done with another man tonight.

  I could scarcely believe this was happening, it’s not the kind of thing I would’ve ever thought would happen, but here we were and I was loving it!



  As soon as we were in the bedroom Cassie turned me around and pushed me down. It was pretty obvious just how turned on I was thinking about everything she’d done. My cock was tenting up in my pants. She looked down and licked her lips, the hunger obvious in her eyes.

  “You really are getting turned on by all this, aren’t you?”

  “I don’t know how many times I have to tell you I am before you’ll believe me,” I said, a touch of irritation hitting my voice.

  “Oh I know,” she said. “I just wanted to be sure.”

  She climbed over me. Worked at my belt. Then my zipper. A moment later my pants were undone, and she pulled them down just enough for my cock to pop out.

  Then she was hovering over me. She moved down, and I realized with a start that she was rubbing her panties against me. And they felt a wet. Wetter than they should be, that is.

  “Do you have any idea what that is you’re feeling?” she asked.

  I licked my lips. I had a pretty good idea of exactly what was I was feeling, but I could scarcely believe that what I thought I was feeling was what I was actually feeling.

  “Is that…”

  I paused. I couldn’t bring myself to say it. I was pretty sure I was feeling another man’s come rubbing up against my cock mixed together with my wife’s arousal.

  And yet I still couldn’t bring myself to say it. It was so wrong, and I was loving every moment of it!

  “That’s right,” she said. “He came all over me.”

  I was dizzy with lust as she continued grinding against me. God it was so sexy hearing her talking like that, but then the reality of what she’d just said came home.

  “He came all over you?”

  She grinned.

  “Do you like that idea?” she asked.

  There was a part of her that seemed unsure as she asked it, for all that she was acting like some forbidden temptress as she said it. Clearly she was enjoying playing this role, but clearly she was also having trouble adjusting to the idea of playing that role. Like there was a part of her that was still convinced I was going to be really pissed off at her for what she’d done.

  “I love it!” I said.

  I couldn’t believe it. Another man had come on her. I still wasn’t sure exactly what that meant, but I loved it.

  “So do you want to hear all about it?” she asked.

  “I do,” I said, licking my lips.

  She reached down between her legs. I felt her moving something around, and then I was rubbing against her, but there was nothing between us. She’d pulled her panties aside, and she was rubbing her pussy up and down the length of my cock.

  I shivered. I was dizzy with lust. I was loving every minute of this, and I wanted more!

  She leaned down and kissed me, then pulled back up, never stopping with that grinding.

  “I wasn’t so naughty,” she said. “But I got overcome. I know that’s what you really wanted, isn’t it?”

  She looked down at me, and again there was a touch of uncertainty there despite her clearly relishing playing the role of the temptress.

  “Baby I love whatever you decide to do with him,” I said.

  “You’re going to love this then,” she said. “He held me up against my cubicle wall.“

  “I need to know more,” I said, thrusting up against her.

  She let out a delightful little moan. She closed her eyes and just enjoyed riding me for a little while.

  Normally I wouldn’t complain about her doing that, but there was obviously more story here. So I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her up just enough that she wasn’t getting the contact she so clearly desired.

  That got her attention. She looked down at me and hit me with a sexy little pout.

  “Oh no,” I said. “You don’t get that until you tell me the rest of the story.”

  “That’s when he started kissing me,” she said, rolling her eyes as though she could hardly believe it. “We were making out in my fucking cubicle like a couple of teenagers! Do you have any idea how crazy that is?”

  “So crazy,” I said,

  She tried to grind against me, tried to get some friction going, but I wasn’t having that. No, I was going to make her work for it.

  “Not until I get the whole story,” I said.

  She stuck her tongue out. Clearly she didn’t like me teasing her, but clearly there also wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it.

  “I need to know how that come got in your panties,” I said.

  She let out another sexy little whimper, I loved it when she did that, and then she shook her head.

  “I could just not tell you,” she said.

  “And I could just not give you what you want either,” I shot back.

  She stared at me like she was trying to decide whether or not I was serious. I was totally serious. She wasn’t going to get anything from me if she didn’t tell me the whole story.

  “You know the deal,” I said. “You get to do what you want with Peter, and I get to hear all about it when you’re done. Otherwise no dice.”

  “You don’t play fair,” she said.

  “Considering what I just let you do, I don’t think you have much room to complain.”

  She seemed to consider that for a moment, then finally shrugged.

  “He put his dick up against my pussy,” she said. “Like he was rubbing against it, and then he came against my pussy and in my panties, but he didn’t actually fuck me. I guess when I was in the middle of it all I thought that would somehow be better. That it wasn’t quite cheating if he slid his cock along my pussy without actually fucking me. That it wouldn’t be as bad.”

  I let out another groan. I could hardly believe this had happened. Another guy had his cock up against my wife, and he’d blown a load against her pussy.

  Sure it wasn’t quite the same as blowing a load inside her, but it was still one hell of a thought! It definitely went way beyond anything we’d discussed!

  “I can’t believe you did that,” I said.

  I meant it in a positive way, but from the way she suddenly looked like I’d smacked her it clearly wasn’t coming through in the way I’d intended. It was something that had just popped out of my mouth, without really thinking about it, and she looked like I’d slapped her.

  “Seriously?” she said, emotion raw in her voice. “You don’t…”

  I put a finger against her lips before she could continue. And I used my other hand to position my cock at her entrance and slide inside her.

  Whatever protest she might’ve made disappeared as she felt my cock sliding inside her. Her eyes closed and she let out a satisfied sigh that said she was enjoying this. I quickly bottomed out inside her.

  It was exhilarating fucking her like this. Another man had been so close to getting this earlier, and yet he hadn’t come close. He’d tempted her to the point of getting his cock against her, and still my wife had the presence of mind not to go all the way.

  I was the only one who got to fuck my wife.

  For now, at least. Considering how everything had gone, considering everything that had happened, I couldn’t shake the feeling that it wasn’t going to be all that long before someone else got to enjoy these treasures.

  The thought twisted my gut even as it made me rock hard.

  “Did you like it?” I asked.

  She let out a moan as her hips started to churn. As she started to work my cock in that wonderful way that only my wife could.

  “It was so good,” she gasped.

  “Him, or me?” I asked.r />

  I licked my lips. Her eyes closed so she couldn’t see the conflict on my face as I thought about what she’d done. As I thought about what I was about to say.

  “Do you want to fuck him?” I asked.

  Her eyes flew open. She looked down at me, her eyes darting back and forth searching my face for the truth. And in that moment I knew she absolutely did want to fuck him. That she loved the idea of a fucking him. That the only thing that held her back from fucking him tonight was that she was worried about what might happen to our marriage if she went that far without talking to me about it first.

  “We’re married,” she said, as though that settled the matter. “I’m not supposed to…”

  “I didn’t ask you whether or not you were supposed to do it,” I said. “I asked you whether or not you wanted to fuck him. That seems like a pretty simple question.”

  She smiled. It was a delicious little smile. The kind of mischievous smile that said she was enjoying this line of conversation.

  “I think you know the answer,” she said, doing a little turn with her hips and squeezing my cock with her pussy.

  “Maybe I do know the answer,” I said. “But I need you to tell me.”

  And I did need to hear it from her. It was the sexiest thing she could’ve said, and I needed to hear it from her in the worst possible way. Though she seemed to realize she had a little bit of leverage again. A way to tease me. And if I knew my wife she was going to make the most of it.

  Then she surprised me by leaning down over me so her lips were maybe half an inch away from my ear.

  “You know I want to,” she said.

  And that was it for me. I was gone. Over the edge. I felt an impossible heat running through my body as I thrust up into her one final time. As I exploded and filled her with come.

  It was weird, but in a way I felt like I was in competition with this guy, and that competition had turned me on more than anything had in a good long while.

  I roared as I emptied myself into my wife. The entire time I was emptying myself into her I was also thinking about how hot it would be if it was another man emptying himself in her. Filling her with his come.


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