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Gansett Island Boxed Set Books 1-16 (Gansett Island Series)

Page 318

by Marie Force

  She ducked into the room with him in tow and then turned to shut the door behind them. Since she was still overseeing the marina restaurant while she ran the Bistro in town, the manager’s room was not in use this summer.

  “What’re you up to, my love?” Grant asked with an amused glimmer in his gorgeous eyes. She never, ever got tired of looking at him.

  “A little trip down memory lane.”

  “Ahh, yes.” He put his arms around her and drew her in tight against him. “As I recall, we had some good times in here under the watchful eye of Winnie the Pooh.”

  “Poor Pooh was traumatized by our behavior.”

  “And yet he still sits on our bed watching everything we do.”

  “I can’t be without Pooh. I’ve had him since I was three.”

  “Did you bring me in here to talk about Pooh, or did you plan to ravish me?”

  “The plan was to ravish.”

  “Don’t let me stop you.”

  “I just want you to know…”

  “What, baby?” He kissed her neck and made her shiver. “What do you want me to know?”

  “Sitting out there now, surrounded by our family and friends… I feel so incredibly grateful for our life. You’ll never know how much it means to me to have Charlie here with me, and you and your family to call my own. You’ll just never know…” Her voice broke, and he kissed her softly.

  “I do know. And as grateful as you are to have us, we’re equally grateful to have you. I mean, who would’ve cooked Shane’s tuna if you weren’t around?”

  Stephanie laughed and brushed away tears as he kissed her again.

  “In two weeks, I get to marry you and keep you forever,” he said between kisses. “How cool is that?”

  “It’s the coolest thing ever.”

  “Now, about that ravishing…”

  He reached around her to lock the door and then worked quickly to remove all their clothes. They fell onto the twin-size bed in a tangle of arms and legs, kissing and touching and moaning in response to each other.

  “God, Steph… What you do to me.”

  “I feel the same way.” She arched into him, her legs entangled with his. She took him in hand, trying to direct him to where she wanted him most. “We have to hurry before someone notices we’re gone.”

  Grant groaned and surged into her in one swift stroke. “You want fast, baby? I can do fast.”

  “Mmm. Just like that only faster.”

  His laughter caused him to falter, but only for a second. He took hold of her hands, raised them over her head and gave her exactly what she’d asked for.

  Stephanie loved him like this—a little wild and a whole lot out of control. She loved that she could do that to him—that they did it to each other, every time.

  “Babe,” he said, “I can’t wait.”

  “Right there with you.”

  He thrust into her one more time, which was all it took for both of them.

  She pulled her hands free and wrapped her arms around him as they clung to each other.

  “I love you,” he whispered after a long moment of contented silence.

  “I love you, too.”

  “I can’t wait to marry you.”

  For a long time, Stephanie had doubted whether she could be everything he wanted in a wife, but those doubts were long gone now. “I can’t wait either.”

  “Looks like it’s going to rain,” Shane said as they walked barefoot along the water’s edge. He’d taken hold of her hand to help her down the stairs and had never bothered to let go, which was fine with Katie. Her first official date had been better than anything she could’ve hoped for, all because of him.

  He was easy to be with, caring but not suffocating. He was affectionate without being overwhelming. In short, he was everything she’d never expected to find in a man, and he made her feel hopeful about what might be possible for them.

  “I hope it’s not a thunderstorm,” she said.

  “How come?”

  “They scare me. I remember so many of them when we came here for the summer and the way the lightning would light up the room. I used to run into my grandparents’ room and sleep with them. I wasn’t allowed to do that at home.” She hadn’t meant to say that last part. That she’d said it indicated how comfortable she was with him.

  “How come?”

  “My father didn’t believe in sharing his bed with his children—for any reason.”

  “Even when you were scared?”

  “Especially then. He would tell us to toughen up and stop acting like a bunch of babies. I’d crawl in bed with Julia, and we’d hide under the pillows until it was over.”

  “How old were you then?”

  “I don’t know. Four, maybe?”

  “You were just a baby.” He dropped her hand and put his arm around her.

  Katie’s heart skipped an erratic beat at the feel of his arm around her, drawing her in close to the heat of his body. Did he expect her to put her arm around him, too? She wished she knew what people did at moments like these. “The Lawry kids were never babies. We were expected to be tough as soldiers from the second we were born.”

  “I’m glad you’re not tough. I like you the way you are, afraid of thunderstorms and everything.”

  “I’m afraid of the water now, too.” She eyed the waves that rolled gently to the shore. “And I hate being afraid of that.”

  “You’ll have to ease your way back in gradually.”

  “I don’t know if I can do that after what happened.”

  “If it’s something you enjoy, you have to try.”

  “I suppose you’re right.”

  “I’ll help you.”

  “You will?”

  “Of course I will. It sort of scared me, too, so you’d be helping me.”

  “Right,” she said with a laugh. “You’re just saying that so I’ll feel better about being scared.”

  “That’s not true. I’ve heard about rip currents all my life, but I’ve never seen one do what yours did to you. It scared me. Don’t think it didn’t.”

  “If you say so.”

  “I say so.” He smiled down at her, and the sweetness of his words along with that adorable smile did funny things to her insides. She felt like she was on a zero-gravity ride, like the ones they had at the big amusement parks in Texas, only she was nowhere near an amusement park.

  They walked for a long time with only a half moon to light their way. She was about to thank him for the lovely evening when a sharp pain sliced through her foot, stealing the breath from her lungs.

  “What?” he asked, stopping to face her.

  “I think I cut my foot.”

  “Oh shit.” He withdrew his cell phone from his pocket and turned on the flashlight. “Let me see.”

  Katie placed her hand on his shoulder for balance and raised her right foot, which was already covered in blood. As a nurse, the sight of blood never bothered her—except, apparently, when it was hers. She felt immediately queasy when she realized the cut was deep and would probably require stitches.

  “Don’t put it down in the sand,” Shane said as he used the flashlight to identify a broken bottle sticking up out of the sand. “There’s your culprit.” He pulled the piece of glass free and tucked the neck into his back pocket. “I’ll throw it away when we get back.” He lifted Katie into his arms.

  “You can’t carry me all the way back!”

  “You don’t think so?”

  “I’m too heavy.”

  “You’re light as a feather.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Hey,” he said, compelling her to look at him. “You’re not heavy, and I’ve got you, unless me carrying you makes you uncomfortable. If it does, I’ll put you down and call the rescue.”

  “I don’t want to cause trouble for anyone.”

  “You’re no trouble.” He started walking back the way they’d come. “Should you keep it elevated?”

  “Yeah, probably.”
  He adjusted the way he held her to make it easier for her to extend her injured foot.

  “I’ve got to be too heavy for you, especially with your arms worn out from battling tuna.”

  “I already told you you’re not too heavy, and I’m fine. I promise. Try to relax and let me enjoy holding you.”

  “You really are shameless, aren’t you?”

  “What can I say? I’m a McCarthy. Shamelessness runs through my genes.”

  Katie smiled as she rested her head on his shoulder, the sharp pain in her foot the only thing keeping her from being as happy as she could ever recall being.

  He got them back to the hotel faster than she would’ve thought possible and headed up the stairs effortlessly, as if carrying her was no big deal. His obvious strength was another thing to like about him.

  “I’ve already been carried more by you than by anyone else ever, and I’ve only known you for three days.”

  “I like carrying you.”

  “I’m not usually such a damsel in distress. I hope you know that.”

  “I do know. I bet in your real life as a nurse practitioner, you’re endlessly capable and always solving problems for other people. Am I close?”

  “Pretty darned close,” Katie said, astounded by his insight.

  “Thought so.”

  He deposited her gently in a chair on the hotel’s porch. “I’ll be right back with something to clean that up. After we get a better look, we can decide if we need to call Doctor David.”

  Katie hated the idea of calling in the doctor to see to her silly injury. She hoped it was something they could tend to at home.

  Shane returned with a first aid kit and turned on the porch light so he could see the sole of her foot. He was gentle as he cleaned the wound and wrapped it in gauze. “It’s pretty deep.”

  “I was afraid you were going to say that.”

  “I’m going to call David, okay?”

  Katie bit her lip and nodded, trying not to cry over something so silly. So she’d cut her foot. Big deal. It was just that the cut foot had ruined her first date, and she’d been having a marvelous time.

  Still in a squat before her, he leaned forward to kiss her forehead. “It’s going to be fine, so don’t worry. I’ll be right back.”

  Chapter 12

  Shane went inside to look up David’s number, leaving Katie to gaze out over the moonbeams on the water and wish she hadn’t managed to find the one piece of broken glass on the beach. Shane was back a minute later. “He’s meeting us at the clinic.”

  “How are we getting there?”

  “I’ve got the keys to Owen’s van.” Once again, Shane lifted her as if she weighed next to nothing and carried her to the parking lot, where he loaded her into the front seat of Owen’s vintage yellow Volkswagen Vanagon.

  “My brother’s pride and joy.”

  “I know. He loves it, but I think he’s going to get rid of it when the twins arrive. They’ll need something a little more family friendly.”

  “I can’t believe he’s going to have three children before the end of the year.”

  “I don’t think he can believe it either.” He glanced over at her. “You okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine and sorry for ruining our evening.”

  Shane took hold of her hand. “You didn’t. We’ll get you stitched up, and we’ll pick up where we left off, minus the sharp thing.”

  “You’re a good sport. Thank you.”

  “Spending time with you has been my pleasure.” He only let go of her hand to shift gears and then took hold of it again.

  David was waiting for them when Shane carried her into the clinic. The doctor shook Katie’s hand and re-introduced her to his girlfriend, Daisy. “We were still at the marina when Shane called,” he said, “so it was quicker to come here than to take Daisy home.”

  “Sorry to mess up your evening,” Katie said.

  “You didn’t,” Daisy said. “Happens all the time. I’m used to it by now.”

  David kissed Daisy. “I’ll see you in a few, honey.” To Katie, he said, “She waits for me in my office.”

  “I’ve even got my own stash of magazines in there now.”

  “I’ll try not to be too injured so he can get out of here.”

  Daisy squeezed Katie’s arm before she left them. “Take your time.”

  David gestured for Shane to take Katie into a room where he deposited her on the exam table. “Let’s take a look, Katie.” He unwrapped the gauze Shane had applied, which had soaked through during the short ride to the clinic. David examined the wound while Shane kept an arm around her shoulders, holding her tighter when she winced from the pain of David’s exam.

  “We’re definitely looking at some stitches here. Do you know what you stepped on?”

  “A broken bottle.”

  “What’s the status of your tetanus shot?”

  “I’m due for one this fall.”

  “I’d recommend we do it now.” He moved around the exam room, gathering the items he needed to stitch her foot. “I’m going to have you lie back on the table.” David produced a pillow and helped her to get comfortable. “Shane, here’s a stool for you so you can sit with Katie.”


  “So, you’re Owen’s sister,” David said.

  “Yes, one of his three sisters.”

  “The wedding was incredible. They got such a perfect night for it.”

  “They really did.”

  “Just a couple of pinches while we numb you up,” David said.

  She turned her head, looking for reassurance from Shane.

  He gripped her hand and held her gaze as the needle burned the sole of her foot, taking her breath away. Damn, that hurt!

  “You doing okay?” David asked.


  “Two more and we should be good.”

  The second one hurt as much as the first one had, bringing tears to her eyes. By the third one, the first two had begun to take effect and the pain was greatly diminished. She blew out a couple of breaths, trying to calm her racing heart.

  David moved quickly and efficiently to clean and suture the wound. “So, what do you do back in Texas?”

  “I’m a nurse practitioner, although you’d never know it from how much of a baby I’m being right now.”

  “Are you kidding?” David said. “I was just thinking you’re a stud. Three shots to the bottom of your foot and not so much as a whimper.”

  Shane smiled and made her feel better with the reassuring way he looked at her.

  Fifteen minutes later, she’d received ten stitches that were now covered with gauze and tape, as well as a tetanus shot that had stung like hell, a prescription for an antibiotic and a stiff orthopedic shoe.

  “You know the drill—keep it dry and clean for the next week and in the morning make an appointment to have the stitches removed.”

  “Thank you so much for coming in when you were off duty,” Katie said.

  “I’m never off duty,” David said with a laugh. “But I love my job, and I’m happy to do it. Give me one second, and I’ll find a pair of crutches for you.”

  When they were alone, Shane put his arm around her. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Next time we’ll wear shoes on the beach.”

  She smiled up at him. “What fun will that be?” Before she had a second to gauge his intentions, he was kissing her—just the soft press of his lips against hers, but a kiss nonetheless. And then he pulled back, seeming stunned by what he’d done.

  “I’m sorry to just do that, but you were so adorable and sweet, and I couldn’t resist.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t resist.”

  He stared at her, but the moment was interrupted when David returned with the crutches.

  “Could she deal with them tomorrow?” Shane asked.

  “Of course,” David said. “I’ll carry them out for you.”

  “Ready?” Shane ask
ed Katie.

  “You’re going to be in here tomorrow with your back thrown out.”


  When he lifted her off the table, she put her arms around his neck. He carried her to the van, where they said good-bye and thank you again to David. Back at the hotel, Shane carried her inside, up to her room on the third floor, and set her on the bed. Then he went back for her crutches and returned with them and some pain pills, too.

  “Is there anything else I can get for you?” Shane asked.

  “I think I’m good, but…”

  He sat on the edge of her bed, propping his arm over her legs. “But what?”

  “You said our date wouldn’t be over when we got back. And if you don’t mind staying for a while…”

  He smiled. “I don’t mind.”

  She patted the other side of the bed, which was the only other place in the small room to sit.

  He got up and went around the bed. “I didn’t see our first date ending in bed,” he said with a teasing grin.

  “Neither did I.”

  “And yet here we are.”

  “Here we are.”

  A rumble of thunder and a flash of lightning drew a gasp from her. “Now you really can’t leave.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of leaving when you’re scared.”

  “Other than the needle portion of the program, I had a really fun time tonight.”

  “Me too. Best time I’ve had in years, in fact.”



  Katie looked at him for a long time, trying to find the courage to ask for what she wanted. “What you did before, at the clinic… Would you do it again?”

  “Hold your hand?”

  She shook her head, amused by his teasing.

  “Put my arm around you?”

  “Not that either, but I did like when you did that.”

  “Oh, wait, I know.” He scooted closer to her, cupped her face in his work-roughened hand and leaned in to brush his lips over hers. “That?”

  “Yes,” she said breathlessly. “That.”


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