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Chasing Quinn

Page 10

by M. E. Clayton

  She was right. But I hated that she didn’t sound disappointed at all. “How about tomorrow night?”

  “I can’t. I have plans.”

  “You have plans on a Wednesday night?” I called bullshit. No one makes plans for Wednesday nights.

  “Yes, I do.” I could hear someone trying to get her attention in the background. “Look, why don’t we just not worry about it? Maybe we can get together this weekend or something.”

  “You’re plans tomorrow night are that important?” I mean…seriously? A Wednesday night?

  “They are to me.” Before I could respond, she rushed off the phone. “I gotta go. Angela’s calling for me,” and then she hung up.

  She fucking hung up on me.

  And she did it before I could badger her about her plans.

  Chapter 8

  Envy: Because who wouldn’t want him?


  Max’s had the best steak and shrimp in the world. It was my most favorite place to eat when I was treating myself or felt like getting fancy. And I was sitting across from my most favorite person in the world, so I should have been having a great time.

  But I wasn’t.

  My hormones were pissed as fuck at me for keeping my dinner date with Audrey instead of getting naked with Chase.

  Screw my hormones, though. They never did make the best decisions anyways.

  I hadn’t heard from Chase since he cancelled on me yesterday and I hadn’t seen him at all today at work. But from what Avery told me about the client they went to dinner with last night, she was a real piece of work and the guys were going to have their hands full with her.

  My feelings hadn’t actually been hurt when he cancelled, so much as I felt disappointed. It’s been awhile since I’ve gotten laid and I had been looking forward to whatever Chase had planned for me.

  And now I was sitting here, questioning how bad of a sister would I be if I cut this dinner short and showed up at Chase’s naked. I mean, come on…I’ve done worse things to Aud during our lifetimes. Like how I used to tell Aunt Shellie that it was always Aud who drank the last of her Pepsi’s.

  She was enjoying her Chicken Alfredo when I hit her with my suspicions. “How long have you been doing the dirty deed with Avery’s brother?”

  I smiled when she started choking on her noodles. It took a couple of minutes for her to compose herself before she finally squeaked out, “Uh, what? Huh?”

  I put my fork and knife down and peer over my glass of wine at her as I took a drink. “How long have you been sleeping with Michael, Aud?”

  “What makes you think I have anything going on with Michael Ellis?” She looked like a kid whose parents just found their porn stash.

  I decide to quit teasing her. “I was going to stop by your place and surprise you a couple of weeks ago, but I kept driving when I saw Michael leaving at all hours of the morning, Audrey.”

  She closed her eyes and let out a groan. “It was an accident…”

  My brows lifted to my hairline. “An accident?”

  “Okay, okay, okay…maybe not that much of an accident.” She let out a long, suffering sigh. “We ran into each other the last time he was coming from Avery’s and a ‘hey, how you been’ turned into a ‘wanna get a drink’ that turned into a ‘my place or yours’ that ended up being a few more ‘my place or yours’.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything?” I asked, wanting to know why she had kept it all hush-hush.

  “Because, it’s just a casual hook up right now,” she replied, casually. “No need to alert the media if it doesn’t amount to anything,”

  I could see her point, but I couldn’t help but get a little excited. It would be awesome if this thing between them turned serious. Michael was a great guy and Audrey deserved a good guy after her fuck all of an ex. “Well, I’ll hold off ordering my bride’s maid dress until you tell me to.”

  She laughed. “Thanks, I appreciated it.”

  We at in silence for a few minutes before Audrey spoke again. “So, what about you?” she asked.

  “I’m pretty sure I’m going to start screwing Chase Alexander, but I’m not sure,” I started, but then amended, “Actually, I’m fairly sure, it just hasn’t happened yet. You know, busy schedules and all that.”

  “Uh, no I don’t know,” Audrey sputtered. “You’re usually very certain about what you want and you very rarely hesitate about going after it. What makes this decision so hard for you?”

  “It’s not really. It’s just life keeps interrupting…”

  She eyed me. “I’m sorry, I must have forgotten to introduce myself, but I’m pretty sure I’ve known you all my life.” The whore actually stuck her hand out to shake mine.

  “I wonder if there’s a foreign exchange sister program. I could so trade you in for a nice quiet Swedish sister who would love me unconditionally,” I mused out loud.

  Audrey snorted. “Not possible. You come with too many conditions for that to happen.”

  I gasped! “I’ll have you know Chase wanted to get together tonight after work, but I declined so I could have dinner with your ungrateful ass.” I started stabbing my steak with my fork. “I could be on my back getting pounded by the sexiest man I’ve ever seen right now, but nooooooooo…I try to be a good sister and this is what I get.”

  “See, it’s that kind of attitude that would run off your new Swedish foreign exchange sister. You’re better off sticking with me, Q,” she quipped back, shaking her head.

  “So, you’re suggesting that had I called you, and told you I needed to cancel because I was going to get my bell rung by Chase, you would have been okay with that?”

  “More than okay, I would have dropped off a box of condoms at your place,” she said, supportively.

  I couldn’t contain my smile. I knew what she was doing and I loved her for it.

  Audrey and I took our sisterly quality time very seriously. Even though we had our Aunt Shellie, the loss of our parents created a bond between us that most siblings didn’t have. Once Aunt Shellie passes, it will literally just be me and her.

  So, the fact that she’d let me cancel to make me happy, meant a lot. Of course…I gave her my famous stink-eye, when something occurred to me. “Are you trying to get rid of me so you can meet up with Michael?”

  She had the nerve to look offended at my accusation and gasped. “How dare you? I would never ditch you for dick.”

  I pointed a finger at her. “You’re lying!”

  She dropped her utensils and confessed. “Ugh, fine! Michael may have called me earlier today.”

  I bit my bottom lip. “I won’t judge if you won’t.”

  She threw her arm up in the air so fast I’m surprised it stayed attached. “Excuse me, Waitress? Check please!”

  Like the floozies we were, Aud and I got out of there as soon as was humanly possible. We hugged at the entrance and practically ran in opposite directions to our cars.

  I thought about texting Chase, but I wanted to surprise him. I wanted to show up on his doorstep and have his clothes off before the door shut behind me.

  If I’m being completely honest here, thoughts of his anaconda kept assaulting my mind randomly throughout the day since Monday. I’ve had my share of impressively sized penises, but Chase had a package worth writing home about.

  I just prayed that he knew how to use it. What a waste of male magnificence if he didn’t.

  I parked on the street when I made it to his condo. I really, really wanted to surprise him, so I opted for trying to sneak up to his door all stealthy ninja-like. I’m not sure how successful I was going to be, but I should get credit for trying. I’m sure he had to have had one of those state of the art security systems with outside visual cameras. I mean, he probably had millions of dollars’ worth of art hanging on his walls. I’ve never been in his home, but I’ve come by a time of two with Avery or Isabella to pick up the guys.

  I used the walkways situated between the carports and actual condos, hoping I c
ould stay half assed camouflaged. I finally made my way to his unit when I stopped dead in my tracks.

  I stood there, opened mouth, and feeling like a complete idiot, as a beautifully dress redhead came walking out of his front door. I looked on in shock as she turned around to face back inside. I couldn’t see anything past the threshold, but I could tell she had her hand pressed against something…or someone…as she tilted her head back and laughed. I couldn’t actually hear the laugh, but her body language said it all.

  I bet her laugh sounded like lilies and tulips singing to Mother Nature.

  She appeared to look that lovely.

  I guess the question of us being exclusive has been answered.

  After a few seconds of gawking, I finally snapped out of it and took off back the way I came. I was not going to be that pathetic woman waiting for him to explain, making everyone in this little ménage uncomfortable.

  Once I found myself back inside the safety of my car, I was able to breathe again. I hurried and turned the ignition and sped the fuck out of there. Thank God there weren’t any small animals or children in my line of drive, I might have mowed them over.

  I made it back to my apartment in record time and I ran inside, locking the door like that was going to save me from all the thoughts ready to assail me.

  I threw myself on the couch, and in the complete silence of my apartment; I tried to understand what exactly I was feeling.

  We weren’t in any kind of committed relationship. So, we had gotten each other off…big deal. We hadn’t even had sex yet, so if he needed to call someone else because I said I was busy, he had every right.


  Now that I thought about it, when he cancelled on me yesterday, I could have called someone else too. We hadn’t set any stipulations to what we were doing, so technically we were both still very single. Hell, he hadn’t even bothered to ask me what I was doing tonight, so he obviously wasn’t too concerned with what I did with my personal time. I had to respect his bid for privacy, like he did mine.

  My stomach still felt a little hollow, but I had this amazing gift of being able to let logic override emotion. Well…most of the time. So, I called upon that gift now. No matter what happened or didn’t happen between me and Chase, until it’s established that we were exclusive, we still had the freedom to date other people.

  My phone pinged alerting me to a text message. I grabbed it and I had to grit my teeth when I saw that it was from Chase. I knew he was a player, but seriously, what kind of dickhead texts one girl while out with another?

  What about tomorrow night?

  I didn’t reply right away. I felt like a fool and I didn’t want to respond when I was feeling all kinds of idiotic. Just like his date was probably thinking she was the only woman on his mind tonight while he was texting me, he was probably trying to make me feel like I was the only woman on his mind while he was with her.

  And that right there is some fucking bullshit.

  I scrolled through my phone until I found what I was looking for and fired off a text.

  Long time no see 

  My screen immediately lit up with a reply.

  The beautiful Quinn…thought u wr dun with me?

  I had been.

  Busy tomorrow night?

  Text me when and where, Sexy.

  So I did.

  And then I responded to Chase’s text.

  Sorry. Busy.

  Chase Alexander wasn’t the only person with a Plan B.


  If I didn’t know better, I would think that Quinn was avoiding me.

  I didn’t try to panic too much at not seeing her at work. I wasn’t expected to run into her often, if at all. I think maybe my male ego was just taking a severe hit these last couple of days.

  I was dying to get my dick inside her after the quick glimpses of how explosive she could be, and she kept dodging me like she could take it or leave it. Take me or leave me.

  After harassing and threatening Nick endlessly, I had finally managed to get it out of him that her plans last night had been dinner with her sister. Apparently they’re very close and the only family the each of them had besides an aunt, so their quality time was very important to them.

  I replayed our conversation yesterday when I asked if her plans were important and she said to her they were.

  I had to admit; I felt a little better about her casual dismissal of us getting together when I found out why, but what about tonight?

  I had wrestled with calling or texting her all day. I had wanted to so badly, but with Quinn, I had to be careful. She was as independent as they came and she had already made it clear that she wasn’t available tonight. If I texted her again, there was a good chance, she could start feeling smothered or irritated enough to put a stop to us before we even began.

  I was going crazy with doubt when Julian handed me back my peace and sanity with one little phone call. “I’ve been told we’re expected to be at Nick’s tonight. I’m passing on the message to you as I’ve been instructed by a certain raven-haired employee of ours.”

  No ‘Hi’, ‘Hello’…nothing, that’s Julian. “What’s going on at Nick’s?”

  “I don’t know, Chase. I didn’t ask. As long as Avery has that scar on her face and the memory of that night still plays in my head…I don’t ask. I just smile at her and tell her ‘okay’.”

  I didn’t blame him. While Julian and I loved Avery like the sister we never had, I’m glad it was us and not Nick who found her with Eric. When the memories of that night creep up on me every now and again; it’s like acid eating at my insides. If Nick had to live with those images, I’m positive they would have already driven him crazy. The scar on her face already made him nuts, seeing her being beaten would have definitely sent him over the edge.

  “Then I’ll be there, too. What time?”


  “Okay, see you then.” I hung up, let out a sigh and almost praised Jesus. She was legit busy, but she was going to be busy with us, so it’s all good.

  At least, it had been until I got to Nick’s that night.

  I walked into Nick and Avery’s to see everyone except a brown/purple-haired spitfire. But before I lost my shit, I figured maybe she was running late. “Where’s Quinn?”

  The instant silence in the room stole my breath.

  I scanned the faces of my closest friends and the loves of their lives and it wasn’t until Izzy averted her eyes from mine that I knew this was bad.

  Bad for me.

  I looked over at Avery as she shared a tentative look with Iz. Nick and Julian looked stoic and I was starting to get pissed. “Where the fuck’s Quinn?”

  “She’s…uh, she’s had other plans and couldn’t make it,” Avery finally revealed.

  I curled my hands into fists at my side. “What kind of plans? Where is she?”

  Isabella lifted a dainty shoulder. “She’s out on a date,” she said so softly, I was certain I had misunderstood her.

  “I’m sorry, what?”

  She spoked louder this time, “She’s out on a date, Chase.”

  Something in my face, in my demeanor must have given me away because Julian jumped up and stood in front of me with his hand on my chest. “Relax, man.”

  I didn’t even spare him a glance. “What do you mean she’s on a fucking date?”

  Isabella lifted a perfectly arched brow at me. “Be careful, Chase, you’re acting like The Pot.”

  I knew what she meant, but I didn’t know what the fuck she was talking about. “I’m not sure what you mean, Iz, but I haven’t been out on a date with another woman since the night we ran into you girls at Xavier’s. I’ve been nursing blue balls for weeks waiting for Quinn to come around.”

  She looked over at Avery where she took the baton hand off. “Chase, there’s no need to get worked up. You guys are both technically single no matter…uh, what’s happened so far. Q’s not judging you for the redhead you were with last night. You shou
ldn’t judge her for the date she’s on tonight.” She shook her head at me a little. “Hypocrisy isn’t a good look, Chase.”

  I could feel my grip on reality slipping a bit. I shook of Julian’s hand and took a couple of steps closer to the couch where the girls were sitting. “What redhead?”

  Nick let out a sigh and finally joined in. “She stopped by your condo last night after she had dinner with her sister and she saw a redhead walking out through your front door, man.”

  I shot a look behind me at Julian and he just nodded in confirmation. I turned back to Nick, Iz and Ace. “So what? She sees a woman at my house and instead of asking me about it, she decides to get even?”

  Izzy’s rare temper came out in defense of her friend. “No. That’s not what happened at all. She saw a woman coming out of your condo and realized that you guys hadn’t place a label on what you guys were doing. So, that made it perfectly acceptable for you to see other women if she wasn’t available and made her realized she had the same option.”

  Avery took the baton again. “She called an old friend so she could maintain perspective.”

  I was seeing red and that didn’t happen often. “An old friend?”

  “The point, Chase, is that you guys are not in a committed relationship and you are both free to see other people.” She shrugged. “Quinn has no problem with it as longs as everyone involved is dating responsibly.”

  My voice was ice, but my blood was volcanic. “You mean as long as everyone is using condoms?”

  Julian finally spoke up, “Come on, Chase. This is Quinn we’re talking about. You didn’t seriously think you could still see other women and she’d stay sitting by the phone waiting for her turn, did you?”


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